r.2556 THE LONDON GAZETTE, MAY 35, 1883: west the road leading from the turnpike-road to W. Naylor's farmhouse aforesaid on the north ; Burton Overy. including the intersecting and the Holbeach- (6.) So much of the parish of Husbands Hurn-roads but excluding the Holbeach Marsh Bosworth, in the county of Leicester, as lies and Sots-Hole roads. within the following boundaries, that is to say, (4.) At Whaplode Fen, in the parish of on the north the road leading from Welford Whaplode, in the Parts of Holland, Lincoln- Station to Husbands Bosworth, on the east the shire, comprised within the following bounda- road leading from Husbands Bosworth to Wel- - ries, that is to say, Jerkins Bank from Henry ford, on the south the boundary of the parish of White's (the Shepherd's) house to the Drove Husbands Bosworth, and on the west the Lon- against William Hilliam's farm-house on the don and North-Western Railway. north, thence such Drove to the South Holland (7.) At Earls Shilton, in the county of drain on the east, thence the South Holland 'Leicester, comprised within the following boun- drain up to Flag-lane on the south, and thence darieSj that is to say, Mill-lane on the north Flag-lane to Jerkins Bank near Henry White's and east, the Railway from Elmesthorpe to house aforesaid on the west; inclusive of all Leicester on the south, and the bridle-road intersecting-roads and Flag-lane but exclusive leading from the Hall to Mill-lane on the west. of all other boundary -roads! (8.) At Ashby Magna. in the county of (5.) At Wyberton, in the Parts of Holland, Leicester, comprised within the following boun- Lincolnshire, comprised within the following daries, that is to say, on the north the road boundaries, that is to say, the gravel-road from leading from Willoughby Waterless to Gilmor Wyberton School passing Wyberton Church to ton, on the south the road leading from Ashby its junction with the highway against John Magna to Little Peatling, on the east the Cooke's (junior) farm-house on the north and road leading from Gilmorton to Willoughby east, thence such highway passing John Short's Waterless, and on the west the road leading farm-house to Odd-forth's-road on the south, from Ashby Magna to Willoughby Waterless. and thence Odd-forth's-road to Wyberton Lincolnshire (Holland).—(1.) So much of the School aforesaid, on the west; inclusive of all parishes of Moulton, Spalding, 'and Weston, intersecting and boundary-roads except Odd- -in the Parts of Holland, Lincolnshire, as forth's-road. lies within the following boundaries, that is (6.) So much of the parish of Kirton, in the to say, the Spalding and Holbeach main-road Parts of Holland, Lincolnshire, as lies within from the Bridge over Moulton Mere drain the following boundaries, that is to say," the to Park House, Home Park, on the south, highway from Kirton Church to the Wind-Mill . thence the Sea's End-road down to Moulton Public-house in Kirton End on the east, thence . river next John H. Diggle's farm-house and the highway to Kirton Mears and passing Dean- . .along-such river up to a bridle-road on the cote Plall up to the Boston and Spalding high- • bank near Thomas Markham's farm-house on way on the north and west, and thence the .the east, thence along such bridle-road on the Boston and Spalding highway to Kirton Church • bank to the Lord's drain near Clayton Flint's on the south ; including all intersecting-roads , farm-house in Spalding Marsh on the north, and the boundary-roads on the north and west and thence along such Lord's drain to St. Lam- but excluding the boundary-roads on the south, bert's farm-house, and thence the Moulton Mere and east. drain to the Bridge aforesaid on the Spalding (7.) At Whaplode St. Catherines, in the . • arid Holbeach mainroad on the w.est; exclusive parish of Whaplode, in the Parts of Holland, . of all boundary-roads but inclusive of all inter- Lincolnshire, comprised within the following secting-roads. boundaries, that is to say, Little South Holland . (2.) At Crowland Common, in the parish of drain from St. Catherines Bridge to Four Turns i.- Crowland, in the Parts of Holland, Lincoln- Bridge on the south, thence Whaplode Bank to shire, comprised within the following boun- Hurdle Tree Bank on the west, thence Hurdle • daries, that is to say, Crowland Common-road Tree Bank to Mill Gate-road on the north, and . from South Drove drain to Renowe's Drove on thence Mill Gate-road to St. Catherines Bridge ' -the west, thence Renowe's Drove to its end aforesaid on the east; including all intersecting- . and the division line between- Mr. William roads and the boundary-roads on the north and i-':.Law's farm, Mr. Cook's, Mr. Byworth's, and east but excluding all other boundary-roads. L.Mr. Smith's farms up to and including Mr. Lincolnshire (Kesttveri).—(1.) So much of the . "William Law's Gearing farmstead on the south, parishes of Heckington, and Great Hale, in the thence the Dyke dividing Mr. William Law's Parts of Kesteven, Lincolnshire, as lies within the ,. and Mr. Robert Smith's farms up to the South following boundaries, that is to say, on the south \ Drove drain on the east and thence the South from Henry Thompson's farm buildings Great " Drove drain to Crowland CommoiiTroad afore- HaleFenbytheBeckson Bridge drain to Becksou J/said on'the.north; Crowland Common-road and Bridge, thence on the west by the highway lead- * .Renowe's Drove being included in the Area. ing from Little Hale to Heckington to the Great (3.) At Holbeach Marsh, in the parish of Northern Railway Station Heckington, thence '. .Holbeach, in the Parts of Holland, Lincolnshire, on the norih by the Great Northern Railway . comprised within the following boundaries, that to opposite George Wood's Cottage Great Hale « /is to say, Fleet Haven from Sots-hole-road near Fen, thence on the east by a direct line across : .,W. Naylor's farmhouse in Holbeach Marsh to its certain fields in the occupation of F. G. Mastin t junction with a sewer in B. Rowland's Para- and Henry Thompson to Henry Thompson's dise field on the east, thence such sewer passing •farm buildings aforesaid. , John Pickworth's "farmhouse to his labourer's (2.) At East Allington, in the Parts-of . cottages in the Holbeach-Hurn-road on the south, Kesteven, Lincolnshire, comprised within the . thence. the Holbeach-Hurn-road up to Joseph following boundaries, that is to say, the roads , Caudwell's Twenty-Seven Acres field and by an leading from Allington to Sedgebrook, Mar- .,imaginary direct line across such field and his ston-lane, and Great Gonerly-lane or highway. f Round Marsh field to and along the Holbeach ^M'arsh-road up to . Sots-hole-road on the west, Lincolnshire (Lindsey).—(1.) AtSanton, Appleby, 0,and thence .Sots-hole-road to Fleet Haven near in th'e Parts of Lindsey, Lincolnshire, com-.
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