UNDER EMBARGO UNTIL OCTOBER 7, 2020, 12:01 AM ET Research Brief How Online Grocery Stores Support Consumer Nutrition Information Needs Kelly Olzenak, MPH, RD1; Simone French, PhD1; Nancy Sherwood, PhD1; Joseph P. Redden, PhD2; Lisa Harnack, DrPH, RD1 ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the availability of nutrition-related information and features on leading online gro- cery store Web sites. Methods: Twelve US grocery Web sites were assessed to determine (1) if Nutrition Facts panel or ingredi- ent statements were available for 26 food items; and (2) if options to filter or sort search results by nutrition- related food attributes were available. Results: Nutrition Facts panel and ingredient statement information were available for most foods for which this information is required on product packaging (85% of foods). Most stores offered the ability to filter food search results by a nutrition-related food attribute. The ability to sort search results by a nutrition attribute was not an option at any of the stores. Conclusions and Implications: Online grocery stores include a variety of nutrition-related features. However, the Nutrition Facts panel and ingredient statement information are not universally available for foods for which this information is required on product packaging. Key Words: Internet, food, consumer behavior, Internet shopping, nutrition labeling (J Nutr Educ Behav. 2020; 52:952−957.) Accepted July 18, 2020. INTRODUCTION Another factor that may spur The shift toward online grocery growth in online grocery shopping is shopping has potential nutrition im- According to a 2017 Gallup poll, close acceptance of Supplemental Nutrition plications because this shopping for- to 10% of US adults reported shop- Assistance Program (SNAP) Electronic mat may include or lack information ping for groceries online,1 with steady Benefits Transfer by online retailers. In and features that support shoppers’ growth in online grocery shopping April of 2019, the US Department of efforts to make healthful food pur- projected according to grocery indus- Agriculture Food and Nutrition Ser- chase decisions. When shopping for trymarketresearch.2 However, ac- vice announced the launch of the groceries in a physical store, some cording to grocery industry market SNAP Online Purchasing Pilot pro- nutrition information is available to reports online grocery shopping gram in several states to ensure online support healthy food purchase deci- surged in early 2020 as a result of the transactions may be carried out safely sions. For example, in the US, Nutri- coronavirus disease pandemic,3 and and securely before rolling out nation- tion Facts panel and ingredient some industry experts speculate that ally.5 In response to the coronavirus statement information is available even greater growth than previously disease, the US Department of Agricul- on most prepackaged foods because predicted may occur because the ture announced that the pilot had of regulatory mandates.7 In addition, habit of shopping for groceries online been rapidly expanded in 2020 to the physical store layout of products is apt to become ingrained for some.4 cover 90% of SNAP households.6 may be designed to assist shoppers in locating foods with certain nutrition attributes.8 Similar information and design features may or may not be included in virtual supermarkets. In 1 addition, online grocery stores could Division of Epidemiology and Community Health, School of Public Health, University of include features to support healthy Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 2 food choices not available or viable Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN in a physical store. For instance, the Conflict of Interest Disclosure: The authors have not stated any conflicts of interest. option to filter food search results by Address for correspondence: Kelly Olzenak, MPH, RD, Division of Epidemiology and Com- nutritional attributes (eg, limits foods munity Health, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, 1300 2nd St, Minneapolis, displayed to those that are low MN 55454; E-mail: [email protected] sodium) could be included to assist Ó 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Society for Nutrition Education shoppers in identifying food products and Behavior. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license. (http:// that align with their nutrition goals. creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) In addition, the option to sort food https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2020.07.009 952 Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior Volume 52, Number 10, 2020 Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior Volume 52, Number 10, 2020 Olzenak et al 953 search results by a nutrition attribute computer. Information was systemat- data collection spreadsheet included (eg, list foods in rank order by milli- ically collected and recorded in a an entry field for recording all of the grams of sodium per serving) could be spreadsheet as follows. First, the fol- nutrients for which a sorting option included as a feature. lowing general store information was was available. There is burgeoning research on recorded: the store’s home/landing Information collected and re- various aspects of online grocery page and URL, date and time of infor- corded for each food item located on shopping.9 For example, studies have mation collection and entry, postal a grocer’s Web site included the avail- been carried out to gauge interest in code entered to reach home/landing ability of Nutrition Facts panel and online grocery shopping,10 to evalu- page, availability of store pick up ingredient statement information. If ate uptake and satisfaction with option, and the availability of home available, the legibility of the infor- online grocery shopping,9,11 to delivery. mation was classified as good or understand how shoppers navigate Next, searches were carried out to poor. Factors that resulted in label online grocery shopping Web sites12 locate 26 food items identified a pri- and ingredient information being and what information is used while ori. The food items were selected to classified as having poor legibility − shopping for food online,12 14 and ensure that at least 2 foods were rep- included the occurrence of 1 or more to evaluate design features that may resented from each of 8 major food of the following: (1) information pre- influence food choices made while product categories (produce, meat, sented upside down or sideways, (2) a shopping for groceries online.15 dairy, grains, canned goods, snack blurry image, or (3) font size too However, to the authors’ knowledge, foods, sweets, and beverages). The small for the coder to read. The loca- the availability of nutrition-related food product categories were selected tions of the Nutrition Facts panel and information and features within to correspond with some of the ingredient statement information online grocery stores has not previ- major departments found in many were coded as being viewed from the ously been evaluated. Thus, the cur- grocery stores. Expert judgment main product information page (1) rent research was undertaken to based on research team members’ with no scrolling required, (2) with describe nutrition-related informa- knowledge of the food marketplace scrolling required to view on the tion and features available within was used to choose food items con- same page, (3) within 1 click, or (4) leading online grocery shopping sidered more popular/common within 2 or more clicks from the Web sites in the US. within each category. A combination product information page. of store and non-store brands were All of the analyses were conducted METHODS included. using Excel (version 15.28, Microsoft A standard protocol was used to Corporation, Redmond, WA, 2016). Twelve online grocery shopping Web search for each of the 26 food items Means, frequencies, and percentages sites from online grocers in the US to ensure consistency in data collec- were calculated. Two sample 2 tailed were included in this cross-sectional, tion. First, the food item name was t tests were conducted to compare observational study. The 12 retailers entered into the food search bar. the availability of Nutrition Facts were selected for inclusion based on Search results were then reviewed to panel and ingredient statement the following criteria: (1) a leading locate the matching food item. If a information for foods that require food retailer or online food retailer in matching food item was not found, this information on product packag- the US or Minnesota; and (2) have at the food category the food belongs to ing vs foods that do not require this least 1 online grocery-ordering Web was selected and scrolled through to information. Findings with a P value site. Market reports were relied on to locate the food item. If the item was < 0.05 were considered statistically identify leading retailers.16,17 Local not available on the online store significant. Per the US Food and Drug retailers selected included Coborns, Web site, an attempt was made to Administration, most prepared foods Hy-Vee, and Cub Foods, and leading locate a close substitution item. such as breads, cereals, canned and countrywide retailers included Wal- On locating a match or close frozen foods, snacks, desserts, and mart, Amazon Prime Now, Amazon matching food product, the ability to drinks require this labeling. Foods Fresh, Whole Foods, Whole Foods via filter (limit) search results by 7 spe- that do not require nutrition labeling Amazon Prime Now, Kroger, Albert- cific health/nutrition-related attrib- include raw produce (fruits and vege- son, H-E-B Grocery Co, and Meijer. utes (gluten-free, fat content, sodium tables) and fish.7 Because this study Data collection was carried out by content, calorie content, trans fat was not considered human subjects 1 of the authors (K.O.) between content, cholesterol content, and research as per US Department of August and September 2018. As a American Heart Association certifica- Health and Human Services guide- quality control measure, another tion18) were evaluated.
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