3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFHProudly Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988FREE FREE Vol 27,ORWOOD No 23Q • PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION COR P ORATION • NEWSOVQ . 27-DE C . 10, 2014 NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER: Meet Norwood’S WILL COUNCIL BILLS HURT NYPD? | PG. 4 Barman | pg. 3 SHELTER MIX COMING Torres Empowers TO CB7 BORDERS Young People | pg 2 Affordable Housing/Shelter Hybrid in Univ. Hts. Conflicts With Vision Be Healthy: World Diabetes Day at NCBH | pg 6 Out&About pg 10 Photo by Adi Talwar COMMUNITY BOARD 7’S Land Use/Housing Committee hear from Muzzy Rosenblatt (gesturimg, right) of Bowery Residents Committee, outlining plans for a rare affordable housing/homeless shelter in University Heights. By DAVID CRUZ tions of the people who live Residents Committee (BRC), Road, near the Fordham Hill When Jean Hill heard a in [the developer’s] backyard. a 43-year-old homeless shel- senior housing complex. The developer’s plan to build its ‘Have you had any problems ter and social service pro- committee heard from BRC latest shelter proposal, the with them? Is everything ko- vider. The Manhattan-based on Nov. 18. idea of a fact-finding visit to sher?’” said Hill, serving as group outlined its plan to “We’re not proposing to Business Beat: the developer’s other sites Community Board 7’s Land build a 150,000-square-foot, do anything that we haven’t quickly surfaced. After all, Use/Housing committee $62 million affordable hous- already done,” said Muzzy Diaz Jr. Lobbies she’s poked around other chairwoman. ing/shelter building at 233 Rosenblatt, BRC’s executive Beauty Biz sites before. In this case, the latest site Landing Rd. in University director. Though its flagship | pg 11 “We do go out, ask ques- under review is the Bowery Heights, off West Fordham (continued on page 11) 2 • Nov. 27-Dec. 10, 2014 • Norwood News IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Vol. 27, No. 23 Torres Empowers Young People to Get Involved Vol. 27, 27, No. No. 10 10 Norwood News is published By CATHARINA THUEMLING can only result in a positive outcome,” ing firsthand the varied political pro- bi-weeklyNorwoodNorwood News Newson Thursdays is publishedis published by To get a more engaged citizenry, said Kiara. cesses by using issues they are con- bi-weekly on Thursdays by Mosholubi-weekly Preservation on Thursdays Corporation by After successfully lobbying for a cerned about. Mosholu Preservation Corporation Councilman Ritchie Torres wants Mosholu3400 PreservationReservoir Oval Corporation East Bronx,3400 Reservoir New York Oval East10467 people to start early. It’s a reason he’s change in state law that allows resi- “Generation Citizen believes that 3400Bronx, Reservoir New York 10467Oval East targeting students to take an interest dents as young as age 16 to join their lo- young people need to be taught the Bronx,Phone: New 718 York324 499810467 in their community. cal Community Board, Torres teamed skills and the habits and the tools and Fax:Phone: 718 324 718 3242917 4998 E-mail: [email protected]: 718 324 2917 On Nov. 14 at the front steps of The- up with Generation Citizen to in- knowledge of effective civic participa- Phone: 718 324 4998 E-mail:Web: [email protected] www.norwoodnews.org odore Roosevelt Educational Campus crease youth civic engagement and an- tion in order for them to be active and Fax: 718 324 2917 Web: www.norwoodnews.org in Fordham, Torres announced new nounced the $10,000 earmarked for the engaged citizens,” said Sarah Andes, PublisherE-mail: [email protected] MosholuWeb: Preservation www.norwoodnews.org Corporation funding for a program that pushes program. Generation Citizen collabo- New York Site Director of Generation CEO,Publisher Mosholu PreservationCEO, Mosholu young people to take a more active role rates with several schools throughout Citizen. CorporationMosholu Preservation 3UHVHUYDWLRQ in their community. the city and serves 2,500 students with For Torres, young people can of- Corporation Corporation Roberto S. Garcia Flanked by students, members of civic classes this year. fer a different perspective to issues. PublisherEditor-in-Chief RobertoCEO, S. Mosholu Garcia Editor-in-Chief Community Board 6, school admin- In the core model, college stu- “There’s so many challenges affecting MosholuDavidDavid Cruz Cruz Preservation 3UHVHUYDWLRQ Corporation Corporation istrators, and Generation Citizen, a dents, dubbed democracy coaches, our city that none of us – especially our Classifi ed Advertising Editor-in-ChiefDawn&ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ McEvoy Roberto S. Garcia grassroots nonprofit that encourages partner with teachers to hold lessons youth – can afford to be absent from Dawn McEvoy DavidAccounts Cruz Receivable student civic engagement, Torres ex- in the “action civics program,” learn- those conversations,” he said. Dawn$FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH McEvoy plained that “we have a crisis of civic Dawn McEvoy . &ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJProofreader engagement in the Bronx.” JudyProofreader Noy DawnJudy McEvoy Noy “We no longer teach civics. A lack of Enrolling in Affordable Care Regular Contributors teaching around civics is a real void in $FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOHDavid3URGXFWLRQ Greene, Adi Talwar Neil deMause public education,” said Torres, whose DawnInterns McEvoy 5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV Janaki Chadha, Anton K. Nilsson, Kasia 15th Council District covers Central ProofreaderDavid Greene, Adi Talwar Romanowska, Catharina Thuemling, and East Bronx neighborhoods. “We JudyInterns Noy Shadia Nasrin have the lowest rates of voter partici- 3URGXFWLRQShayla Love, Paolo Mossetti, Justin McCallum, and Chelsea George pation and it’s no accident that the Neil deMauseFor display advertising, Bronx has more challenges than the For displaycall advertising, (718) call324-4998. (718) 324-4998. 5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV rest of the city.” David Greene, Adi Talwar SupportSupport Your Torres, currently the city’s young- InternsCommunityCommunity Newspaper!Newspaper! est council member and familiar with ShaylaTheThe Norwood Norwood Love, PaoloNewsNewsLVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE isMossetti, a not-for-profi Justin McCallum,- t civic responsibility at an early age, has andlication Chelsea and relies George upon the support of its publication and relies upon the support of led a campaign for an increase of civic its advertisersadvertisers and andreaders readers to produce to producea quality a community newspaper. To support your paper, and political participation from young Forquality display community advertising, newspaper. call (718) To324-4998. support become a member and receive a subscription people. “I see politics as the vehicle for yourfor onepaper, year. become a member and receive Supporta subscription Your for one year. affecting the change that we want to Simply mail check or money order for $40 see in the world,” Torres said. Communityto: Norwood News, Newspaper! 3400 Reservoir Oval East, Simply mail check or money order for $40 The power of civics received sup- Theto:Bronx, Norwood Norwood NY 10467. News,News LVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE 3400 Reservoir Oval- Photo courtesy Offi ce of Councilman Andy King port from many students, including Ki- licationEast, Bronx, and relies NY 10467.upon the support of its COUNCIL MEMBER ANDY KING (standing, right) sponsored a health fair Nov. advertisersNorwood News and isreaders not responsible to produce for typo a- quality ara, who spoke before classmates. “We graphical errors. Opinions expressed in signed 19 just in time for open enrollment for health insurance. Residents stopped by communityNorwoodletters and News newspaper.bylined is not columns responsible To represent support thefor your sole paper, are all standing here today because we King’s offi ce during the daylong event, brushing up on the benefi ts of insur- becometypographicalopinion aof member the author errors. andand Opinions arereceive not necessarily aexpressed subscription are united in our understanding that ance plans, including coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Others took forin signedthose one ofyear. Mosholuletters andPreservation bylined Corporations columns young people engaged in their com- advantage of mammography screenings courtesy of St. Barnabas Hospital. representRU0RQWHÀRUH0HGLFDO&HQWHU(GLWRULDOVUHS the sole opinion of the author- resent the views of the editor and/or publisher munities through the political process Simplyand are mail not checknecessarily or money those order of Mosholu for $40 Preservationonly. The newspaper Corporation reserves or the Montefi right to limit ore to: orNorwood refuse advertising News, 3400it deems Reservoir objectionable. Oval East, Bronx,MedicalAdvertisements NY Center. 10467. appearing Editorials in thisrepresent paper cannot the viewsbe used of the without editor the writtenonly. Thepermission newspaper of Nor- reserves the right to limit or refuse Public and Community Meetings Norwoodwood News. News Letters is not to theresponsible editor are subject for typo - advertisingto condensation it deems and editing. objectionable. Writers should graphical errors. Opinions expressed in signed The Bedford Mosholu Community Association meets Wednesday, Dec. 3 at 8 p.m. at 400 E. Mosholu AdvertisementsLQFOXGHWKHLUDIÀOLDWLRQRUVSHFLDOLQWHUHVWLIDQ\ appearing in this paper letterscannotAnonymous and be usedbylined letters without arecolumns not publishedthe represent written but your the sole Pkwy. So., apt. B1 (lobby floor). name can be withheld if requested. opinionpermission of the of authorNorwood and News are .not Letters
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