M a l a y s i a n A s s o c i a t i o n i n F r a n c e Persatuan Rakyat Malaysia di peranchis www.maf.online.fr Jan-Feb-Mar 2005. Vol/05 message from thePresident New year, new ambassador, new MAF upcoming committee, new editorial board, new chief Selamat events editor, new Kampong Echo ... semua baru ! That about sums up this issue of Kampong Datang May 7 & 8 Malaysian Games 2005 Echo. MAF would like to extend a warm wel- Venue: Paris It’s an honour to be elected president and the come to Dr Sharifah Maimunah Syed Zin, May 30 Pesta Menuai Potluck year ahead will be full of challenges but I know Permanent Delegate of Malaysia to the we’ll do our best because UNESCO; YM Tengku Azamiyah Tengku June 4 Agong’s Birthday we have a good commit- Majid, Counsellor of the Malaysian Em- tee. This year’s all man bassy; Mrs AureenJean Nonis, MATRADE August 31 National Day team will lack the feminine Trade Commissioner and Mr. Logi Dhasan, touch as compared to the Assistant Director Tourism Malaysia and November 3/4 Hari Raya Aidilfitri dynamic and generous their respective families. We hope that December MAF Annual Dinner leadership of Wan Hua for they will all enjoy their term in Paris and the last 2 years but luckily look forward to their active participation in MAF All events dates are subject to change . Please check for us we’ve been able to the website [ www.maf.online.fr ] regularly or with a get Zatashah Idris to lead SK tye. MAF president. commitee member of the committee for confirmation. Kampong Echo with her professional eye and MAF experience. Welcome on board. 2005 New Year President sk tye celebration Tye Soon Kwai Chinese MAF President Ex-Officio Capt. Musa Omar Vice-president MAF Mohd. Yusoff Kamarudin Annual Secretary Dinner Wiliam Khor Treasurer H.E. Ambassador Dato’ Hamidah Mohd Azam Shah Othman Basha Yusoff as Patron of MAF attended MAF Committee Members annual dinner at the Grand Intercontinen- Woo Wai Fong tal Hotel on 8 January 2005 accompanied by Logi Dashan Yee Sang ! her spouse, Tuan Haji Abdul Rahman Zabidin Sylvian Coudel 2005 Year of the Rooster – About 100 MAF mem- and their son, Tun Mussawir. About 100 people Henri Chapouthier bers opted for a warm and cosy CNY celebration at consisting of MAF members, corporate mem- Khairul Hisham the Lyon Village restaurant on 20 February 2005. bers and Friends of Malaysia attended the The Year of the Rooster started with an unusual dinner. cold weather in France. Members were seen rush- editorial ing again for the Yee Sang, the grand highlight of board the celebration. Again if you were not at the event, Zatashah Idris Editor in Chief you missed an autograph from Dato Shake, the Halida Nauleau Bakhtiar Talhah Johorean-born Malaysian singer who once made to Lawrence Tye the top in France. Mohd. Yusoff Kamaruddin contact : e-mail : [email protected] [email protected] www.maf.online.fr H.E. Ambassador, in her speech, made com- and the other Malaysian agencies in Paris pliments of the efforts made by Malaysians have raised 1,666.00 Euros for the fund. The abroad in contributing to the Tabung Bantuan dinner ended with a lucky draw with the 1st Bencana Negara to help the tsunami victims in prize being a return Malaysian Airlines ticket Malaysia. MAF together with the Embassy graciously donated by Astropa, Paris. Dato Shake with fans. MAF • AMBASSADE DE MALAISIE • 2BIS RUE DE BENOUVILLE • 75116 PARIS www.maf.online.fr Persatuan Rakyat Malaysia di peranchis MALAYSIAN ASSOCIATION IN FRANCE newinsbrief AGM 2005 M e e t i n g MAF held its AGM at the Malaysian Em- the Prime Minister bassy on 5 March 2005. Besides some old familiar faces, there were new ones seen at the meeting. MERCI BEAUCOUP to the out- going committee 2004 for all their efforts and contributions and TAHNIAH to the new elected committee members for 2005. Ladies, National Day blame yourself if you were not at the AGM, as C e r e m o n y the committee was forced for a 100 percent In conjunction with the 47th anniversary of men’s team this year. Good luck guys! Malaysia’s National Day, a flag raising ceremony was held at Rumah Malaysia on Souvenir Hand shake with the PM. 31 August 2005. The ceremony commenced with the singing of the National Anthem, Negara Ku During the visit of the Hon. Prime Minister, and Malaysian Patriotic songs namely “Kerana Dato’ Seri Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi Mu Malaysia, Jalur Gemilang, Tanggal 31 and to France, a meeting with the Malaysian Malaysia Berjaya”. community was held at Hotel Ritz Paris on 21 July 2004. More than 200 Malaysians including students and officials from the The Commitee Members 2005. Syabas! Royal Malaysian Navy based in Cherbourg attended the reception. In his address to Malaysians, the Hon. Prime Minister kampong advised Malaysians in France to play their role to market Malaysia as a tourist des- talk tination among the French. In addition, ESSOR DES NOUVELLES TECHNOLOGIES Malaysians should also embrace a culture ET STABILITES ECONOMIQUE Two Malaysian engineers were awarded the FA- based on the philosophies of “Excellence, par Frédéric Costilhes SIA 2004 award (French Aeronautics and Space Glory and Distinctions”. Industry Award) by the French Aerospace Industry Nous parlons souvent des nouvelles technologies Association (GIFAS) on 23 September 2004. Ma- au superlatif en raison de l’importance qu’elles ont jor Ilime Ibrahim of the Royal Malaysian Air Force prise au niveau du développement mondial. Les (RMAF) AND Mr Aman Mohd Ihsan bin Mamat transports, les télécommunications, l’audio visuels from the MARA University of Technology (UITM) Penchak Silat qui couvrent le monde entier sont les secteurs les were conferred with the award at a prize giving OPEN de PARIS plus représentatifs de l’évolution de ces dernières ceremony held at Toulouse on the campus of the années. Est-ce une nouvelle révolution similaire à la Aeronautics and Space Institute. Created in 1998, révolution industrielle un siècle plus tôt ? En tout the FASIA is an international and prestigious état de cause beaucoup de start-up ont souffert d’un award for the world aerospace sector. SYABAS to essor fulgurant une fois le marché saturé. the two of them! Aujourd’hui les gouvernements doivent montrer une lentement en raison d’un changement des méthodes certaine sagesse en alliant stabilité et développe- et des ressources moins rapide en raison de leur taille ment économiques car les récentes crises prouvent et de leur complexité. Chaque génération apporte à à quel point il faut être rigoureux dans les décisions la chaîne du développement un nouveau maillon. à prendre. Il ne suffit pas de choisir une solution de Un changement radical n’est pas souhaitable. La modernité pour qu’elle soit applicable pour tout ou conduite du changement au travers de formation, applicable par tous. Une synergie doit être créée en- d’information et de conférence permet de réduire les The French Association of Pencak Silat tre les responsables et les experts afin de désigner différences de niveau culturel dans une entreprise. (AFPS) organised the 1st Open Internation- la solution rentable à court, moyen et long terme. al tournament of Pencak Silat, which was Il existe des solutions informatiques qui permettent Aussi est-il important d’établir une certaine conti- held from 25th to 27th March, 2005 at the de faire des profits rapidement par des techniques nuité dans la prise de décision afin d’éviter d’arrêter National Judo Institute in Paris. Among the Les premiers à en profiter sont toujours les secteurs les projets sur le point d’aboutir. Il est bon parfois countries that took part in this first inter- de pointe, de temps réel. On peut voir en grand prix de reprendre les choses en cours de route afin de de Formule 1 que les capteurs et l’ordinateur des reprendre une meilleure direction plutôt que de tout national open tournament were Malaysia, bolides sont reliés aux stands qui retransmettent gaspiller pour recommencer. Ceci demande souvent France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, eux-mêmes aux laboratoires des constructeurs afin la tolérance et l’écoute des autres dans le monde Netherlands, Russia, Philippines, Singapore, d’optimiser l’analyse et les corrections. du travail où les objectifs financiers semblaient plus Indonesia and Japan. importants que la santé morale de l’entreprise. Mais A ten-person delegation from Malaysia, Aussi tous les secteurs économiques utilisent les nou- les risques importants sur un marché aussi porteur sponsored by the Malaysian National Sports velles technologies, que ce soit pour l’optimisation obligent les sociétés à plus de prudence. Council in collaboration with the Malaysian des processus industriels, organisationnels ou finan- Pencak Silat Federation (PESAKA), partici- ciers. Mais le retour sur investissement est plus ou Ainsi sont créés à des partenariats entre acteur pated in the French tournament. moins important suivant l’entreprise ou la société économique afin de partager les avancées tech- concernée. Certaines administrations progressent nologiques pour obtenir des résultats durables. www.maf.online.fr MAF • AMBASSADE DE MALAISIE • 2BIS RUE DE BENOUVILLE • 75116 PARIS Persatuan Rakyat Malaysia di peranchis newinsbrief MALAYSIAN ASSOCIATION IN FRANCE Promotion of Malaysia in France alaysia with 600 other French and Malaysia, France YAB PM Mforeign exhibitors, comprising of travel To Cooperate In Technology at Paris Biodiversity Conference agencies and tourism offices, took part at the Mahana Tourism Fair in Lyon from 11 to 13 alaysia and France have agreed to March and at the World Tourism Fair (SMT) Mwork together in the field of technol- in Paris from 17 to 20 March.
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