Boston College Law School Digital Commons @ Boston College Law School Boston College Law School Magazine 10-1-1993 Boston College Law School Magazine Fall 1993 Boston College Law School Follow this and additional works at: http://lawdigitalcommons.bc.edu/bclsm Part of the Legal Education Commons Recommended Citation Boston College Law School, "Boston College Law School Magazine Fall 1993" (1993). Boston College Law School Magazine. Book 3. http://lawdigitalcommons.bc.edu/bclsm/3 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ Boston College Law School. It has been accepted for inclusion in Boston College Law School Magazine by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Boston College Law School. For more information, please contact [email protected]. P UBLJCATION NOTE EDITOR IN CHIEF/PUBLICATION DIRECTOR Amy S. DerBedrosian SENIOR EDITOR Brian P. Lutch Associate D can, Administration P HOTOGRAP HERS Tom Ferentz, Sarah Hood, John Kennard, Bob Kramer, John Miliscnda, Sue Owrutsky, David Oxton, William Short, Steven Vedder I LL USTRATO R Christopher Bing For additio nal information or questio ns about Boston College Law School Magazine, please concan Amy S. D erBedrosian, Boston College Law School 885 CCrHre Street, Newton, MA 02159 (61 7) 552-3935 Copyright 1993, Boston College Law Sc hool. All publication rights reserved. O pinions expressed in Boston Coliege Law School Magazine do not necessarily refl ect the views of Boston College Law School or Boston Coll ege. On the Cover: Arbitration, mediation, and litigation are only a few of the dispute resolution options available to lawyers today. FALL I993 VOLUME 2 NUMBER FEATURES Face to Face With Dean Aviam Soifer BOSTON Boston College Law School's new Dean brings enthusiasm, ideas 6 COLLEGE to his position LAW SCHOOL Guilt By Association MAGAZINE 9 In an essay adapted from his upcoming book, Dean Aviam Soiftr examines the ways society repeatedly has violated the principle that prohibits guilt by association Learning the Skills to Resolve Disputes I2 From their very first year, Boston College Law School students are developing the skills they will need to succeed in practice The Legal World in Close-Up Clinical programs give students a real-lift education in dispute resolution A Tradition of Advocacy 22 The success ofBoston College Law School's advocacy teams attests to the program's ability to develop students' skills On Top of the World 25 Boston College Law School's 1986 Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court team became the best ofall The Way of the Future Alternative Dispute Resolution expands the range ofoptions available to lawyers Lives of Litigators 2 Whether referred to as litigators or as trial attorneys, their work on behalf 3 ofclients transcends all ofthe criticisms oflawyers DEPART MENTS IN BRIEF 2 ALUMNI NEWS AND NOTES 39 FACULTY NEWS AND NOTES 38 ANNUAL GIVING REPORT 43 Planning Underway for Major Law School Construction Ipl lanning is currently underway for a ten­ student organization offices, and dining areas, are l!J year, multi-phased construction project being developed by the Boston architectural firm that will transform Boston College Law of Ear! R. Flansburgh &Associates. The structures School's physical plant. T he first phase of the are being designed to accommodate both the project will provide a completely new law short- and long-term needs of the Law School; a library with twice the area of the existing Special Pl anning Committee chaired by Kenny-Cottle Library. Ground-breaking for Associate Dean Brian P. Lutch and Law Library the library construction is scheduled for the Direcror Sharon Hamby O'Connor has helped spring of 1994, with occupancy expected in to assure that the requirements of all members of January 1996. the Law School community are considered in the brief The new law library will feature increased planning process. In addition, Lutch and seating in a variety of configurations; advanced O 'Connor have visited newly co nstructed law audio-visual and communications technology school facilities throughout the country to learn on every floor; three computer learning from others' experiences. facilities; and ample square footage to permit "We anticipate that the planned facilities will continued growth in the library's collection, meet the needs of the modern law school of the both in the number of print volumes and in 21 st century," Lutch says. "We look forward to computer-based information. having a physical plant that reflects the high The library and other new facilities, which quality of our academic program as well as of our ultimately will include classrooms, faculty and faculty, students, staff, and alumni." _ Irene Francesconi Becomes Director of Law School Fund IJl rene M. Francesconi has been named responsible for planning and implementing a L!J Director of the Law School Fund with comprehensive fund raising program targeting responsibility for planning and executing a individuals, corporations, and foundations. fundraising program involving annual gifts of "We are pleased to have Irene Francesconi up to $5,000. H er specific ass ignments in­ join the Law School community. I am certain clude recruiting and training volunteers, de­ that she will do an excellent job in assuring the signing a direct mail program, conducting fall ongoing success of the Law School Fund and that and spring telethons, and organizing donor our alumni will enjoy working with her, " says recognition events in Boston and other areas D ean Aviam Soifer. _ of the country. Francesconi succeeds former director D eborah L. M acFail, who left the Law School after seven years to ass ume a d evelopment position with Harvard University's School of Public Health. Francesconi, a 1987 Boston College grad­ uate, has several years offundraising experience with both educational institutions and other non-profit organiza tions. She served as a Regional Director responsible for obtaining gifts toward a $17 million capital campaign for Governor Dummer Academy, a private preparatory school in Byfield, Massachusetts. In addition, Franscesconi was a D evelopment Officer for Boston University, where she created and managed special projects to support the School of Management's $80 million capital campaign. Most recently, she worked for the National Spinal Cord Injury Association and, as Director of Development, was Irene M. Francesconi, Director of the Law School Fund 2 BOSTON COLLEGE LAW SC HOO L MAGAZ INE One Permanent, Four Visiting Faculty Join Law School for 1993-1994 [B] oston College Law School welcomed theology, philosophy, and jurisprudence, government grant, had been an attorney one full-time and four visiring fac­ and his books include Natural Law and with rhe Committee for Public Counsel ulty for rhe 1993-1994 academic year. Natural Rights as well as Moral Absolutes: Services for six years. She earned a B.A. Joining the permanent faculty as an Tradition, Revision and Truth. from Oberlin College and a J.D . from Assistanr Professor after a year as a visiting Ray Madoff, formerly an associate wi rh Boston University School of Law. _ faculty member isAnrhony P. Farley, who the Boston law firm of Hill & Barlow, teaches courses in constitutional law as joins the Law School as a VisiringAssistant well as Law of Slavery. Before coming ro Professor reaching Trusrs and Esrares Quarter Century of Survey and Esrare Planning. She holds Community Service J.D. and LL.M. in Taxarion degrees from New York Universiry School of Law. Boston College Law School's legal Assistance Judith Bernstein Tracy, who in the pasr has taught rhe first-year course Bureau (LAB) dinital program marked 2S Introduction to Lawyering and Profes­ years of service in 1993, a milestone that sional Responsibility, is reaching Legal was celebrated with an October 28 reception Research and W ri ri ng during 1993-1994. held on the law School campus. Members of Anthony P. Farley Ray Madoff Tracy also serves as counsel to the the Law School community and program gathered to Massachusetts Board of Registrarion in alumni recognize lAB's unchanged mission of offering legal services to low­ rhe Law School, Farley was an Assistant Medicine. In addition, she has been income dients and providing practical United Stares Attorney for the Disrrict of Executive Director of the Lawyers' lawyering experience that enhances students' Columbia. He holds a B.A. from the Committee for Civil Rights Under Law traditional dassroom education. University of Virginia and a J.D. from of the Boston Bar Association and a lAB began in 1968, an outgrowth of the Harvard Law Schoo!. lecturer ar Northeastern U niversiry student activism of the decade, and became Thisyear'svisiringfaculty include John School of Law. She holds a B.A. from rhe M. Finnis, a nored Professor of Law and Universiry of Michigan and a J.D . from the cornerstone of the Law Schoors dinical education programs. From its very first Legal Philosophy ar Oxford Universiry in the University of Chicago. semester, LAB has helped to fulfill the unmet England. Finnis is reaching courses tided Finally, Josephine Ross is supervising legal needs of the poor in Waltham, Problems in Contemporary Anglo­ students wi rhin the Law School's Crim inal Watertown, and Newton. lAB has been American Jurisprudence; The Social, Process clinical program and assisring rhe located in Waltham throughout its existence, Political, and Legal Theory of Thomas program's full-time faculty in adapting to but other aspects of the program have Aquinas; and Decisive Debates in rhe change from a de novo rrial system in evolved over time. At first, students simply Wesrern Legal and Political Thought. He Massachusetts. Ross, whose year-long volunteered their services, but by the early has published exrensively on the topics of presence is made possible rhrough a 1970s, LAB became a full-fledged academic course known as Lawyering Process.
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