Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1954-1955 Student Newspapers 4-27-1955 Connecticut College News Vol. 40 No. 20 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1954_1955 Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "Connecticut College News Vol. 40 No. 20" (1955). 1954-1955. 20. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1954_1955/20 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1954-1955 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. ONNECTICUT OLLEGE EWS 86 lOe per copy Vol. 4O-No. 20 New London, Connecticnt, Wednesday, April 27, 1955 Selden Lecture Launches Five Arts Weekend Susanne K. Langer Amalgo Professor Price's There will be an Amalgo on r""':""''''''''''~:~:=~:;'';=;'';~::''~';:'';::~:=~'''''''''''''''''''''''@ Tuesday evening May 3. Focuses Memorial Paper Highlights This will be the final student , Friday, April 29 government all 'college meet- i Joseph Henry Selden Memorial Lecture on Arts ing for the present year. I Lecture .....__._..._......... ..._.._....__ 8:30 p.m., Palmer Auditorium Panel Discussion "The Cultural Importance of the Arts" by Susanne ,K. Susanne K. Langer will open Langer. An informal reception to meet Mrs. Langer the Five Arts weekend program Panel Also Features will be held in the Green Room immediately follow- at Connecticut College on Friday ing the lecture. evening, April ~, in Palmer Au- Connecticut Artist, Pres. Park Visits ditorium at 8:30, with a lecture Thomas Hughes Ingle Saturday, April 30 entitled, The Cultural Importance N. England Cities Round Table Discussion ..._ 10:30 a.m, Williams Room, W.M.I. of the Arts. Professor Kingsley Price of "What Is Meant 'by a Work of Art." Guest Speaker, Mrs. Langer is prominent in the Johns Hopkins University is Professor Kingsley Price, Johns Hopkins University. i field of American philosophy, pri- slated to give the paper which On Extensive Tour Art, Poetry, and Music .._..._ 3:00 p.m., Lyman Allyn Museum i marily the philosophy of art. She will be discussed at the Round President Rosemary Park re- Program of student art, poetry and music written in i IS the chairman of the Depart- Table Discussion on Saturday, cently returned from an exten- the past two years. Tea served immediately "following ; ment of Philosophy at Connecti- April 30, at 10:30 a.m., as a fea- sive tour to several New England the program. ~.~cut College. Mrs. Langer is also ture of Five Arts Weekend. His and Midwestern cities. The pur- Dance and Drama ..,.._ _ 8 :30 p.m., Palmer Auditorium = the author of several books in the paper will -be entitled, What Is pose of this tour was to talk with field of aesthetics. She received Meant by a Work of Art? Mr. some of the Connecticut Alum- Program of contemporary dance presented by Dance "","'_~ Group and the dance classes. "The Well of Fether- ~ her B.A., M.A., and Ph. D. from Price is a graduate of the Univer- nae and to discuss with several Radcliffe, and has since taught in sity of California at Berkeley Foundations the problem of fi- ham Hill," a lyric narrative written by Joyce Adams '55 with music by Janet Clissold '55, will be presented many colleges throughout the where he received his B.A., M.A., nancing the Student Alumnae with incidental dances by Dance Group. country. and Ph. D. He is now teaching in Center. the cpmbmed philosophy and ed- The Alumnae Fund Drive is - : Anthority Speaks ucation department at Johns now underway, and, as President m'.'.'.",., ..,.,.,.".,..,.,.",." .........,.,.,.,.,.,..·,·,,·,.,.,.,..,.,••".,.,.,.......,.,...,.,......,...." ..,.,...,.",,,,,,....,,·..13 The occasion of Mrs. Langer's Hopkins. He has done some writ- Park said, as far as the plans go, appearance is the annual Joseph mg chiefly in the field of aesthet- the Alumnae Building COUld be D. I Pi kh --------------IHenry Selden Memorial Lecture, ics and some articles on David started tomorrow, but the need to anw In am which is part of the Five Arts Hume. He has also taught at Sar- May Day Chapel Weekend program. This lecture- ah Lawrence College, the Univer- ~~::,e~i~i11 urgent. Plays Harpsichord Assembly Monday, May 1, ship was established in 1925 by sity of Washington, and the The cities to which President Mr. Daniel Pinkham will give a will be held on the steps of Florence .Bill "Selden in memory University of California, Berke- Park went, concerning the Foun- the Library. It is the tradi- of her husband, the Reverend Jo- ley. dations, were New York, Pitts. harpsichord recital, Sunday, May tional May Day Assembly at seph T. Selden, D.D., father of Professor Price will also speak burgh, Detroit, Baltimore, Wash- 1, at 4:00 p.m. in the museum. which the -Sophomores award Henry Bill Selden who was pro- on Friday afternoon to Mr. ington, Albany, and New Bruns- Tickets will be sold at the door their Senior sisters bouquets. fessor af art at Connecticut Col- Mack's class in Fanning Hall, wick. She found that there Were for $1.00. The Choir will sing, and Pro- lege from 1915 until his death in room 301, at 2':20. Students and tWQ main problems in the flnanc- fessor Laubenstein will con- 1934. faculty members are invited to at- ing from these Foundations, In Mr. Pinkham has been here duct the proceedings. Through this endowment an tend this lecture. the first place, some cities, such twice before. He is one of the two authority is invited each year to Another guest on the same as Detroit and Baltimore, like to most famous harpsichordists in -------------- speak to the college on some panel will be Thomas Hughes In- concentrate on their own schools the country and teaches at the phase of religion, history, politics, gle, a resident of Old Lyme. Mr. and the building up of their own Boston Conservatory. He is the Author, Educator, government, philosophy or the educational facilities. Also, many regular harpsichordist of the Bos- Ingle was born in 1920, in Evans- fine arts. Selden Memorial .jec- Foundations prefer to finance a ton Symphony and also has a reg- ville, Indiana. He graduated from Minister to Speak tures of the past have included completely new project, such as ular Sunday morning radio pro- Princeton University in 1941 with Frank Lloyd Wright and Walter High Honors. His first one-man the Connecticut Dance School for gram. , At Sunday Vespers Gropius, architects; Ananda Coop- show was at the Carlebach Cal- which the Rockefeller Foundation Mn Pinkham has made several Speaking at the vesper service maraswamy and Edgar Wind, art lery in New York. He has since gave a grant. records. He toured Germany on Sunday be Dr. Bernard W. critics; William Butler Yeats and had shows at Clinton Artists, Ly- Connecticut belongs to the twice under the auspices of the will Anderson, dean of Drew Theolcg- Archibald MacLeish, poets; and man Allyn Museum, Norwich Foundation Service in New Eng- State Department, and last sum- ical Seminary, Madison, N. J. A the dancers, Doris Humphrey and Art School, Design Associates, land. There used to be only a few mer he played at the Devon Festi- native of MiSSOUrI,Dr. Anderson Jose Limon. See "Pt-lee't-e-Page 6 See "Park"-Page 5 val In England. received his education in the Col- Informal Reception lege of the Pacific, the Pacific In order that all those who are School of Religion, and as reel- interested may meet this year's pient of the Two Brothers Fel- lecturer, an informal reception Loos' Gigi Captivates Receptive Audience; lowship did his work for the will be held in the Green Room Ph.D. in Yale University. An or- of the auditorium after the lee- dained Methodist minister, he has ture. Cast and Crew Gives Charming Production held pastorates in California, - _ by Charlotte von Wymetal New York and Connecticut. Gigi, as dramatized by Anita As educator, he has taught in CCHome&.Group- Loos from the short story by Co- the department of Philosophy lette, was given a captivating per- and religion in Colgate Univer- formance by the Wig and Candle sity, in the 'University of North Confers at u. Conn. players on April 22 and 23. Under Carolina, and in the Colgate- A delegation of four students the expert direction of Margaret Rochester Divinity School, being and two faculty members attend- Hazlewood, this breezy little com- called to his present post in 1954. ed the spring meeting of (he In- edy attained all of the French He is on the editorial board of drawing-room elegance' necessary The Christian Scholar, is active tercollegiate State Home Econom- to raise it above the banal. It was as a leader of youth, participating ics Club at the University of Con- a well-paced, highly integrated in conferences sponsored by the necticut, Saturday, April 16. Oth- productiqn, with generally disci- YMCA, YWCA an dthe Christian er colleges represented vvere the plined acting by a competent Youth Movement. University of Connecticut lplp. St. cast. He is the author of Rediscover- ing the Bible, The Unfolding Dra- Joseph's College. As Gigi, the sixteen-year old se-, lected for a career in the demi- rna of the Bible, and contributed Nancy Sandin '56, Barbara the introduction to the Book of monde by an ambitious aunt and Humble '57, Nora Richman '57, Esther in the Interpreter's Bible. grandmother, Joan Freudberg The service will be held in and Beverly Vahlteich '57· were displayed ease and assurance the Harkness Chapel at 7 p.m.
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