JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SINCE 1932 The lockdown to contain the coronavirus outbreak has disrupted supply chains. One crucial chain is delivery of information and insight — news and analysis that is fair and accurate and reliably reported from across a nation in quarantine. A voice you can trust amid the clanging of alarm bells. Vajiram & Ravi and The Indian Express are proud to deliver the electronic version of this morning’s edition of The Indian Express to your Inbox. You may follow The Indian Express’s news and analysis through the day on indianexpress.com DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE MONDAY, JUNE 22, 2020, NEW DELHI, LATE CITY, 14 PAGES SINCE 1932 `6.00 (`8 PATNA &RAIPUR, `12 SRINAGAR) WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM REVIEW MEETING WITH CDS, SERVICE CHIEFS Report every Covid Don’twantescalationbutifChinaacts, death to us, realign containment zones: givebefittingreply:Rajnathtotopbrass Centre to Delhi govt Preparednessofforcesalready high, DefenceMinistertold DEEPTIMANTIWARY Russia hosts India, China ministers NEWDELHI,JUNE21 cuss the situation in eastern KRISHNKAUSHIK Ladakh and along the entire INAsignificantrejigofCovidcon- NEWDELHI,JUNE21 Defence 3,488-km boundarywithChina. tomorrow, Rajnath to attend parade tainment measuresinthe na- Minister Sourcessaidthetopbrasswere tionalcapital,theCentrehasasked FOLLOWINGTHE violentborder Rajnath toldthatthegovernmenthasfaith UnlikeUS, Russiaresponse to Chinahas been calibrated theDelhigovernmentto delineate face-off with China on June 15 Singh intheircompetenceto handleany allcontainmentzonesafresh,enu- that left20Indian soldiers dead, situation,and that militarycom- of recent proximity,while New merateall households even out- Defence Minister RajnathSingh manders on the ground “arethe SHUBHAJITROY THE IDEAS PAGE Delhi has had ahistory of robust side containment zones, conduct told the militarytop brass during from China, theforces have been best judgeofthe situation”. NEWDELHI,JUNE21 bilateral ties with Moscow. aserological survey among Home MinisterAmit Shah areviewmeetingSundaythatthe giventhe freedom to give abe- While Singh wasinformed PLAYINGINTO During the Doklamcrisisin2017, 20,000 Delhiites, and associate with DelhiChief Minister government has giventhe forces fitting reply,”sources said about that the “preparedness of all AS RUSSIAN Foreign Minister CHINA’SHANDS Russian diplomats in Beijing everydistrictwithabig hospital. Arvind Kejriwal. PTI file freedomto“give abefittingreply” the discussions. forces is already high”, sources SergeiLavrovhosts the Russia- BY SPSINHA were among the fewbriefed by In ameeting held at North if thereisfurther escalation from This wasthe key takeaway said thegovernment conveyed India-China trilateral foreign PAGE 9 the Chinese government. BlockonSundaywithChief the other side, sources said. from the meeting between thatthe infrastructure build-up ministers’ meeting on June 23 In fact,the phonecall be- MinisterArvind Kejriwal, Deputy “The Home Ministerin- The meeting, theysaid, also Singh and Chief of Defence Staff in eastern Ladakh,whichChina and Defence MinisterRajnath tweenIndian Ambassador to CM Manish Sisodia and L-GAnil structed that the Delhi govern- discussedthe existing protocol General Bipin Rawat, ArmyChief hasreportedlyobjected to,will Singh heads to Russia Monday Over thelastfew weeks, Russia, DBala Venkatesh Varma, Baijal, among others, Home ment mustassess everyCovid around the use of firearms and General MMNaravane, Navy continue. The forces have also to attend the VictoryDay parade Moscowhas been moreengaged and Deputy Foreign MinisterIgor MinisterAmitShahalsoinstructed death as to when the patient ways to respondinchangedsit- Chief Admiral Karambir Singh been asked to “bevigilant” on on June 24,Moscowisemerging withNew Delhi. This flows from Morgulovtookplacejusttwo the Delhi government to senda reachedthe hospital and from uations. “India doesnot want es- and Chief of Air ForceAir Chief land, at sea and in air. akey playeramid the tension the understanding thatRussia days afterthe border clash detailedreport to theCentreon where. If the deceasedwas ear- calation, but if thereisany action Marshal RKSBhadauria to dis- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 between New Delhiand Beijing. has leverage over Beijing because CONTINUEDONPAGE2 everyCovid deathinthe city.This lier in home isolation, whether mustinclude when the patient he/she wasbrought to the hos- wasbrought to thehospital and pital in time mustbeakey en- from where, among other details. quiry. Everydeathmustbere- Situation very tough, The MinistryofHome Affairs portedtothe Centre," an MHA (MHA) on Sunday saidthesein- statement said. structions had been givenbased It addedthat the Home talking to India and on areport submittedbyacom- Ministerhas instructed that all mittee ledbyNITIAayog mem- positive casesmustfirst go to berDrVKPaul. The report was Covidcentres andonlythose China, says Trump presented duringthe meeting who have proper arrangements held at NorthBlock. CONTINUEDONPAGE2 SHUBHAJITROY NEWDELHI,JUNE21 TRACKING INDIA’S COVID CURVE IN HIS firstcomments since the LOCKDOWN clash between Indian and DAY CASES: RECOVERED:2,27,755 |DEATHS:13,254 Chinese troops on the night of TESTS:68,07,226 | DOUBLINGRATE:20.12** June 15-16, US President Donald 89 4,10,460 Trumpdescribed the tension be- tween the twocountries as “very PM NarendraModi, Chinese tough”,and saidhis administra- President Xi Jinping. AP file tion wastalkingtobothtohelp them resolve matters. “We’retalkingtoIndia. We’re that some phone calls are talking to China.They’ve gotabig plannedsoon between top problemthere,theyhavecometo Trumpadministrationofficials KEYSTATES TOTAL SURGEIN 7-DAYAVG. DOUBLING * blows,and we’ll see whathap- and the Indian side. TOWATCH CASES 24HRS GROWTH RATE** pens.We’lltryandhelpthemout,” Lastmonthtoo,Trumphad ■ Maharashtra 1,28,205 3,827 2.95% 24.37 TrumptoldreportersattheWhite offeredto“mediateorarbitrate” ■ Gujarat 26,737 538 2.12% 33.89 Houseearly SundayIndiatime,on in the border disputebetween YOGA DAY,LADAKH the waytohis firstpost-Covid-19 Indiaand China, saying he was ■ Delhi 56,746 3,137 5.52% 13.04 electionrallyinOklahoma. “ready,willing and able” to ease Indo-TibetanBorder Police (ITBP) personnelmarkInternationalDay of Yoga near KhardungLainLadakh on Sunday. PTI ■ Tamil Nadu 56,845 2,115 4.18% 17.24 The IndianExpress has learnt CONTINUEDONPAGE2 ■ Bihar 7,503 250 2.55% 28.20 ■ West Bengal 13,531 355 3.41% 21.10 *Compounded Daily Growth Rate over last 7days**Calculatedover7-daygrowth THE EDITORIAL PAGE ‘Soldiers killed in Galwan Valley had injuries BUSINESSASUSUAL CONCERN CAUTION AGLIMMER ATIMEFOR DELHI: More ANDHRA: Growth MADHYA PRADESH: BY UNNY than 3,600new has picked up in Growth down to MATURITY caused by sharp weapons, multiple fractures’ casesSaturday. last one week. 1.39%,lowest BY YOGENDRA YADAV Fastest growth in Over 2,500 new growth among all PAGE 8 The Indian soldiers fought drowning/cold, apparentlyafter weapons, and several of them topten states cases in this period states VARINDERBHATIA backvaliantly, and inflicted sev- theywerethrownorfell into the also had multiple limb fractures,” Based on daily data by Centre, ICMR, stategovernments LEH,JUNE21 eral casualties on the Chinese. river during the clash, it is learnt. an official at Leh's SonamNurboo INSIDE Prime MinisterNarendraModi “Fromthe conditionofthe Memorial (SNM) Hospital, who THE 20 Indian soldiers who were had said on June 17 that“Desh ko bodies of the martyredsoldiers, it had seen the bodies, said on con- killedinthe clashwith Chinese iss baat ka garv hogakihamaare appeared that theyhad fought a dition of anonymity. BJP,OPPOSITION troops in Galwan valleyonthe sainikmaarte-maartemareyhain.” fierce battle. It appearedthat they SourcestoldTheIndianExpress Model village scheme PARTIESSPAROVER night on June 15-16sufferedse- The hand-to-hand combat [Indian soldiers]killedmany that from the conversation with LADAKHSITUATION rious injuries apparentlyinflicted on steep and jagged terrain con- [Chinese]. The injuries looked the woundedsoldiers who were PAGE 7 by sharp-edged weapons,and tinuedfor severalhours. Anum- likemultiple stab wounds in- brought to the hospital in Leh, it hit by lack of interest, multiple fractures, sources said. berofIndian soldiers dieddue to flicted with sharp-edged CONTINUEDONPAGE2 funds: ministry study various programmes and WORLD HARIKISHANSHARMA schemes of the Rural High rates, low demand: Stressed Delhi riots:Bail to school NEWDELHI,JUNE21 Development Ministry, waspre- pared by a31-memberCRM owner,courtsays no ALMOSTSIX yearsafter Prime team ledbyRajeevKapoor, re- MSMEs can’t tap into Govt relief Minister NarendraModian- tired IAS and StateInformation nouncedthe Saansad Adarsh Commissioner,Uttar Pradesh. Viable companies, with good evidence of PFI link Gram Yojana (SAGY), urging MPs The team, with retired bu- SUNNYVERMA ED Whytheir credit history,are able to raise to adoptone or morevillages in reaucrats, academics and re- NEWDELHI,JUNE21 hands funds, but the mostneedy and Muslim clerics”. their constituency and turn them search organisations as mem- PLAIN E amongthe MSMEs arefacing a THREE STABBED TO ANANDMOHANJ The courtalso said“it is into'modelvillages',astudy bers, visited 120villages, ● aretied BANKSHAVEstarted disbursing EX double whammy: slump in de- NEWDELHI,JUNE21 prima facie notestablishedthat commissionedbythe Ministryof including about adozen SAGY funds to Micro, Small and mand and lackoffinance.
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