![Library Bulletin [International Planned Parenthood Federation, November 1972]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
ED 071 gad ts015 452 TITLE Bulletin (International'Manned Parenthood Federation, November 1972]. INSTITUTION International Planned Parenthood Federation, London (England). PUB DATE Nov 72 NOTE 70p. EDRS PRTC2 MF-$0.65 HC-S3.29 DESCRIPTORS Bibliographies; *Books; Classification;Demography; *Family planning; Indexes (I,ocateil);*Library _Collections; *Population Trends; Publications; . *Reference Materials . ABSTRACT Resources located in the International Planned Parenthood Federation (/PPF) HeadquartersLibrary are inventoried in this_quarterly library bulletin. Entries_follow.theIPPF classification scheme. and are arranged by topics:(1) .general office. managenent_and administration; (2)_ contraceptive methods;(3) family. _planning (general); (4) United Nations, conferencess_etc.; (5) Population -- Africa, America, Asia,.Europe, Oceania, U.S.S.R.; (6) religious, moral,. ethical, and politicaa.attitudes.to family planning; (7) medical; (8) education, includingsex and population education ;. and _(9) .communication,publicity, history, etc. The name of the publisher/supplier andBritish_currency price of the book are _supplied for.eacknOtation withan. alphabetical list of .publisher/isuppliersand their addresses appended. An alphabetical list of authors.is also included together . with classification numbers . .for cross-references. (BL) 1 International Planned Parenthood U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Federation EDUCATION & WELFARE 18 20 Lower Regent Street, OFFICE OF EDUCATION London SW1Y 4PW THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEENREPRO DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIG INATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN Telephone : 01.839-2911/6 IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OFEOU CATION POSITION OR POLICY Library Bulletin ISSUED NOVEMBER1972 i INTRODUCTION The IPPF Library Bulletin is a quarterly accessions list of books received and catalogued in the library of the IPPFCentral Office in London. Arrangement Books only are included in the list, and are arranged in classified order according to the classification scheme at present inuse in the IPPF Central Office library. The main outline of the schedules inas follows:- 1. General Office Management and Administration 2. Contraceptive Methods 3. Family Planning (General) 4. United Nations; Conferences etc. 5. Population . 5.3Africa 5.4America 5.5 Asia 5.6 Europe 5.7Oceania 5.8USSR 6. Religious, Moral, Ethical and Political Attitudesto Family Planning 7. Medical 8. Education, including Sex and Population Education 9. Communication, Publicity, History,etc. The Bulletin is divided into sections by subject headingsas a rough guide to the contents of the books noted. An alphabetical list of authors appears at the end of each issue, with classification marks usedas cross references. Purchase of Books An alphabetical list of relevant publishers and theiraddresses will be found at the end of this issue, and in the interestof speed and efficiency those wishing to obtain copies are'advised to order directfrom the publisher or their local bookseller. It is not possible for the IPPF Central Officeto deal with orders for material, other than IPPF publications. 1. L Prices The price for all books is given as the publishers'list price, which is not necessarily the price that the IPPF paid. Where the price is indicatedas 'not known', in many cases the bookmay be free of charge, but this should NOT be assumed when ordering. It is sometimes possible toarraps- a small discount on large orders with a local bookseller. Loans of Books It is not feasible for IPPF to levd books fromthe Central Office Library, overseas, because of the great riskof loss, damage and delays, and high postal costs involved.Readers of the Library Bulletinmay be able to borrow certain books from IPPF libraries situated inthe following Regional offices:- IPPF Regional Office for Africa, IPPF South-east Asia & Oceania P.O. Box 30234, 246 Jalan Ampang, Region, Nairobi, Kuala Lumpur, Kenya. Malaysia. IPPF Europe Region, IPPF Western Hemisphere Region Inc., 64 Sloane Street, 111 Fourth Avenue, 8th Floor, London, S.W.1., New York, N.Y. 10003, England. U.S.A. IPPF Indian Ocean Region, IPPF Western Pacific Region, c/o FPA of Sri Lanka, Hoken Kaikan 1-2, 23-5 Horton Place, Ichigaya Sadohara-cho, Colombo 7, Shinjuku-ku, Sri Lanka. Tokyo. IPPF Middle East & North Africa Region. P.O. Box 1567, Beirut, Lebanon. IPPF Publications List An updated list of IPPF publications isappended to each issue of the Library Bulletin. 2. Issued November1972 CONTRACEPTIVE METHODS MIER, Richard ROLLINS, Donald 2.0 BLUSH, Thomas Elephants andbutterflies and 3rd edition. contraceptives. Chapel Hill,ECOS, 1971. 24 pages.Illus. Bibliog. Price: U.S.$ 1.00 RHODES, Philip Birth Control. 2.0 London, O.U.P.,1971. 16 pages. Illus.Bibliog. Oxford BiologyReaders no. 4. Price: not known ARTHUR, D. LittleInc. Population Council. 2.02 The commercial distribution of in Colombia, contraceptives Iran, and thePhilippines. Massachusetts, Arthur D. Little Inc.1971. 60 pages.Tables. Report to the Population Council c-73244. Sept. 1971, Price: not known GHANA, NATIONALFAMILY PLANNING Marketing plan: PROGRAMME. a backgroundto the 2.02 commercialdistribution of contraceptives. non-prescription 1971. 47 pages.Tables. Prepared for circulationto: Development Planning Secretariat, National Family Planning Council and ExecutiveCommittee. Price: not known INTERNATIONAL PLANNED PARENTHOOD FEDERATION. Kleinman, R.L,editor. 2.4 Comments on steroidal contraception: a report of the meetingof the I.P.P.F. Central MedicalCommittee and held in New its advisors, York, 11-12 April,1970 to discuss theknown and of steroidal postulated side-effects contraception. London, I.P.P.F.,1970. 54 pages.Tables. Bibliog. Price: £0.40 3. SWEENY, Hale C. 2.5.01 Research Triangle Institute. Report on topical investigation and analysis of rehabilitating the IUD in SouthAsia. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Research Triangle Institute, 1970. 58 pages. Figs. Tables. Bibliog. Population Planning and Statistics. For Near East-South Asia/Office ofPopulation Programs under U.S. A.I.D. ContractNESA/460. Oct. 1970. Price: not known ABORTION GARDNER, R.F.R. 2.7 Abortion, the personal dilemma: a Christian gynaecologist examines the medical,social and spiritual issues. Exeter, Paternoster Press, 1972. 288 pages. Bibliog. Price: £1.25 GREAT BRITAIN. OFFICE OF POPULATION CENSUSES 2.7 AND SURVEYS. The Registrar General's StatisticalReview of England and Wales for theyear 1970 supplement on Abortion. London, H.M.S.O., 1972. 33 pages. Tables. Price: £0.42 WILLIAMS, Jean Morton 2.7 HINDELL, Keith Abortion and :ontraception: a study of patients' attitudes. London, P.E.P., 1972. 62 pages. Tables. Bibliog. PEP Broadsheet 536. Price: £0.80 KARIM, Sultan M.M. editor. 2.73.05 The prostaglandins: progress in research. Oxford, M.T.P., 1972. 327 pages. Figs. Diags. Bibliog. Price: £4.75 HORDERN, Anthony 2.75 Legal abortion: the English experience, Oxford, Pergamon, 1971. 322 pages. Bibliog. Price: £3.75 4. BILLINGS, John J. 2.8 The ovulation method: achievement or avoidance of pregnancy bya technique which is safe, reliable andmorally acceptable. 3rd edition. Melbourne, Advocate Press,1971. 95 pages. Diags. Tables. Bibliog. Price: not known FAMILY PLANNING AND SOCIALWELFARE EAST-WEST CENTER. 3.0 Family planning approachesin Indonesia: derived from the Indonesianperiodical press. Honolulu, East-WestCenter, 1969. 43 pages. Price: not known HASELKORN, Florence, editor. 3.0 Family planning: a source book and case material for social workeducation. New York, Councilon Social Work Education, 1971. 355 pages. Bibliog. Price: not known CHOUDHURY, Moqbul 3.1 The Comilla family planningproject: seventh progress report. Katbari, (Bangladesh) PakistanAcademy for Rural Development, 1970. 44 pages. Tables. Bibliog. Price: Rs. 3 JOSIAH MACY JR.FOUNDATION LIPPARD, VernonW. 3.1 Macy conferenceon family planning, demography, andhuman sexuality in medical education. New York, Josiah MacyJr. Found., 1971. 149 pages. Tables. Bibliog. Price: not known SCHULTZ, T. Paul 3.1 The effectiveness of familyplanning in Taiwan: a proposal for a new evaluation methodology. Santa Monica (Calif) RANDCorp., 1969., 67 pages. Diags. Tables. Bibliog. Price: £1.00 DAJANY, Said 3.11 New concepts in publichealth. (Beirut, Said Dajany,School of Public Health, American University, 1971). 375 pages. Figs. Tables. Price: not known 5. GREAT BRITAIN. DEPARTMENI OF HEALTH AND 3.11 SOCIAL SECURITY. Cohabitation: the administration of the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Social Security Act 1966. Report by the Supplementary Benefits Commission to the Secretary of State for Social Services. London, H.M.S.O., 1971. 11 pages. Price: £0.121 HATCHER, Robert A. 3.11 Public health's challenge: the voluntary delivery of family planning services. Atlanta, 1970. 115 pages. Tables. Draft copy of work. Price: not known INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON SOCIAL WELFARE. 3.11 Social policy in Europe: its formulation and practical applicatio n. London, National Council of Social Service, 1971. 167 pages. Figs. Diags. 6th European symposium of I.C.S.W. held at Edinburgh, 23 - 31 July 1971. Text in English and French. Price: not known INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON SOCIAL WELFARE. 3.11 Social welfare and human rights. Proceedings of the XIVth International Conferenceon Social Welfare, Helsinki, Finland, Aug. 18-24, 1968. New York, Columbia University Press, 1969. 398 pages. Price: £2.70 INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. 3.11 The cost of social security: seventh international inquiry, 1964-1966,
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