
GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITY! Rain will remain with us most of the day with strong winds Qnd cooler. Tomorrow will be generally fair owal1 and warmer. Iowa City, Iowa, friday. May, 24--Five Cenls t ~, * j( * Kriig, Lewis Editors of. SUI Student ~~~g::!:~s~IA~:~~ry Virl~ally All of U;S. Rail System at Standstill; Discuss I~~es Publications Announced On Pear~ Harbor Ends Strike Affeds 250,000 En~ineers,. Trainmen Repubhcans Protest By WlLLlAl\l R. PEAR Of (oal .Strike • • • * * * Record of How War \V.\'"llJ~U 'rO~ (l"riulIY ) ( )\£')-.\ l-ttrike gripp('u Anwl"i ca 's I"llilroucl, ill It rit·tuully 'Olli- t U 't d St t plcte ticlljl today-slowiul{ the country 's intlustJ'y, tht-cutonilll' it: laJ'drl's and confl'outing mil- eame 0 nl e a es lions with u probl IJI in g 'lting to work. Secretary of Interior Gene Goodwin WASHINGTON (AP) _ The 'file wulkout from thcir key job ' of just 250.000 t'ng-incel'~ und truinm(' n who ,'cjected u pr·si- dentinl :,cttlement accepteu by oth r I'ailt'ond rs and till' cnrrier brought this situation by mid­ Refuses to Comment congressional investJgation of night : On Details of Meeting Pearl Harbor formally closed yes~ Occasional train ' mor 'u here unu there with Illllk 'shift CI'C\\,: but the l.I~socilllion of Americau terday amid protests lrom Re~ Heads Iowan ruilrouus repol'!.cU the tieu» "PI'CUy close to 100 perc 'Ill. " n(' of t111";(' trains \\'a~ nearly wA 'IIINGTON (AP)~ee. publicans that its re,cord ot how wl'cekE'd by a spike 011 the truck at Bribtol, Tenn., which till! Yllrdlll!l ler said was pm'po ely set. retal'Y- of . tire IntcI:iol' J. A. war came to the United States is ... t . ~ . '1'he army and navy mustercd pilots and pllln(.'H to help out. Priori tie. goo,' rned the 1110yement Ktug yesterpay present d to Bettye Neal Named "full of gaps." ' of pa.<;sengcl'b and freight bail'. rond and water. Po. tma. tcr in many eitic ' banned all but fil'St JoulI ·L.·Lcwis tlui govet' nIT1ent 's Hawkeye Editor; Frivol This contention was. an,rUy clas~ muil und tllUt ~tarted moving by pJane and truck. positio;l 0 11 'tI;e pl:i ncipal points Selection Postponed voiced by · Senllltor Brewster ome steel mill ' bank 'd th eir furnace '. 'oal mint' fa' I a complete shutdown for lack of eIIl at i ss~te ' in th~UiJjte£1 'Mille (R., Maine) after Dem.ocraUc Spokesmen for tile fJ'rilShublc food indllstril's expresst'u gl'un' ' alarlll. The train!! on which mil­ Gene GoodwIn, A4 of NashUa, members of tbe Joint M/nate­ li ons of 'OIULUutc rs d pend w ro Workers' ciontract·demands. bllSpl'l]()ed. Kruz, Who Is ru'nnin4' . the na­ wa~ announced as new editor of house committee batted, down his demand that slale depart- * * * * * * Gove~nment officIals called fur­ Iton's soft ,coai mines under' feil­ The Daily Iowan at the traditional ment flies be searched for some 3 Rock Island Trains Serving Iowa City ther negotiating conrerences for eral selzure/ wo~d not disclose Matrix Table last night. of the 1.200 to '1,500 messa«es later in the morning to try again tile details of what be told the Bettye Neal. A3 of Pierre, S. D., for a bettlement, The senate he said the late president Ro~e- As Railroad Strike Ties Up Mail, Freight union leader. was named Hawkeye editor for stayed in session past midnigM ven and Prime Minister Chur. 'l'hc enginccl' on Hock bland train No. 10, ,which left Towa 'ity , A hint, however, that he may 1946~47; Charlotte Penning roth, working labor legislation. A3 of Cedar Rapids, Hawkeye chill of BrUaln exchaUifed be­ ul3:42 p. m. ycsterday, wu,n't fooling wh('n he said, '''I'h i!'! tl'llin No eUlemellt have'. come Close to an actual business manager, and Yvonne fore the war. will 'hole up' at Hock I iol land until til Hlr'ike is seWed." Hours of negotiations ul the counler-proposition came from' a Livingston, A3 oC Iowa City, It was eChoeJ, too, by Senator With the except ion or onc ca~t - bounu and on west·bound WlJ.ite House yesterday and last spollesm<jn for Krug who ,said the Frivol business manager. night had Ioiled to bring u settle­ secretary "feels tbat as long as Ferguson (R, Mich.) but dehied Rocket and u sp cial passcng' r lrain bing manned by ompany Naming of the Frivol editor will (D., ment and President Truman wenl are in negotiation stage" by Chairman Barkley Ky.). official~, all other Rock Island pus, cng-N' and freight sel',ri cc fol' th~)' ~he be postponed subject to a campus­ to bed wi hOlll Issuing any state. he should not discuslI those details Barkley declared the c6mmi~tee Towa 'ily halt (1 yestel'day aftcl'noon at 4 0 'clock. wide competition to be announced of five senators and five house ment. publicly. '['he iowa ity and 'CUliI' Rapids interurban railway is coil· The AAR reported the Illinois before the close of the semester, members had made an "exh aus ~ . " Talking With Lewis tinuing it usual , chctlulc, Central open over Its entire sys­ according to Prof. F'red M. tive, meticulOUS and careful" in­ The Iowa City postofflce will . The Krug spokesman said the Pownall. director of publications. quiry. tem . It has long been under gov­ conlinue to handle first cia s let­ * * * ernment control and the trainmen late afternoon conference In Krug's Professor Pownall announced the Hull advised that he had no ter mall and air mail not ex­ knowledge of ony agreement in ond engineers exempted It from office lasting mote than three new publicatiO]ls heads, chosen by ceedlnr 16 ounces but a lempo­ ho\!rs had been used up "talking the board of trustees, Student the summer of 1941 lor "parallel Senate Rejects their strike, But the other lines, rary embargo was placed on over with Lewis and O'Leary Publica lions, Inc. action" by the United Slales and seized by the government last Fri~ second. third and fourth class day, were seriously affected. Some <lohn J . O'Leary) his pOSition on Brewer Key Award Britain In warning Japan agatnst a move into southeast Asia, Re­ matter destincd for raU shJp­ trains were operating with com­ The Brewer Key awarded an­ ment outside of thJs Immediate pany omclals in the posts oC ab­ :~::':'i ncipal points' and defining Nationalists Retake Capital; nually by the Torch Press for the publicans had raised the question Green's Plan earlier Whether such an agree­ area, Postmaster Walter J. Bar­ sent creWmen. A meelinr will be held. today; $enior in journalism most likely to row stated, The embara'o does Reject Proposal succeed, was presented to Dick ment was made at the Roosevelt­ WASHINGTON (AP) - The Churchill Atlantic Charter meet. not apply Lo mail for local de­ Leaders of the engineers' and Yoakam. G of Pittsburgh, Pa. A livery, he said. senate rejected last night a pro­ trainmen's brotherhoods rejected '~:~~I~~w!~:na:~e::o:~::: ' ~~ds Put Up Weak Resistance special journalism prize for out­ ing in August. posal by Senator Green (D., R. I.) HuB also branded as (alse No railroad freighl is btJlng ac­ a selllement proposed by Pres­ standing achievement was an­ to legalize industrial health and ident Truman and their men qui I Lewis left . the session without Tokyo's contention that a note he cepted by the Rock Island, com­ welfare funds operated under comment or ,my hint as to his re­ nounced by Prof. W i I bur pany officials said. their Jobs, leaving on ly makeshift Schramm, director of the school gave Japan's "peace negotiators" rules laid down by the federal a ~ iion to Krug's proposition. The MUKDEN, Manculiria (A P ) ~A C hill c~e government COlli­ WJth eight or its ten I egu!arly crews [or faltering and uncertain of journalism and awarded to on Nov. 26, 1941. was an "ulti- security administrator. UMW chief, however, was in good UlunitlUC Ullllolillced yeHtcrday the r ~caplu r e of ChangchuH, Mall· matum." scheduled passengel' trains stl'ike­ operatlon of the vital rail net. Impatient to get ij test vote on spjrits. chul'iuu capi tal. Defending C0ll1111 11uist 1'0 1'<:C8 \yithdrew eastward Tony F'onlellio~Nan ton , graduate bound, the Rock Island is opera t­ works. , assistant in journalism. Stimson expressed the opinion pending proposals to curb unions, that Pl'esident Roosevelt "was un­ ing Rocky Mountain Rockets No, Government otricials tried all He joked with reporters about after putLing up only woak and The Iowa Press Women annual the senate brushed Green's plan afternoon and into the evening to conuniling himseH on any subject scattered I'csistunce witlJin the mander there had urgently asked doubtedly consIdering" at the lime 7 and NO.8. aside by a 45 to 32 vote after 12 prize to lhc outstanding senior of Peal'l Harbor an attack on A SPecial we t-bound passen­ work out a seltiement beforc tbe and in leaving, offered a cheery city. reinforcements. hours of debate. strike should be felt In food shor­ woman in journalism was pre­ Japanese forces threatening soutb rer ran throU&'h Iowa City at "good"night you-alL" . '1'110 CO mll1lLnj ~ts took Chang· Government reports also said During this tJme, Senator Pep­ tages, mail disruptions, power senled to Mary Osborne.
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