IAEA-TECDOC-453 ASSESSING AND MANAGING HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS FROM ENERGY AND OTHER COMPLEX INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS PROCEEDINGS OF A WORKSHOP JOINTLY ORGANIZED BY INTERNATIONAE TH L ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, THE UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME AND THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION AND HEL PARISDN I , 13-17 OCTOBER 1986 A TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ISSUEE TH Y DB INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, VIENNA, 1988 ASSESSING AND MANAGING HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS FROM ENERG OTHED YAN R COMPLEX INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS IAEA, VIENNA, 1988 IAEA-TECDOC-453 Printed by the IAEA in Austria March 1988 PLEAS AWARE EB E THAT MISSINE TH AL F LO G PAGE THIN SI S DOCUMENT WERE ORIGINALLY BLANK IAEe Th A doe t normallsno y maintain stock f reportsso thin i s series. However, microfiche copies of these reports can be obtained from INIS Clearinghouse International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramerstrasse 5 P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria Orders should be accompanied by prepayment of Austrian Schillings 100,- fore for e chequa th th mf IAEmf o n i o n i r eAo microfiche service coupons orderee whicb y hdma separately fro INIe mth S Clearinghouse. FOREWORD There is a growing awareness that it is necessary to identify, assess, and manag e riskth e f energo s d othean y r complex industrial activitien i s orde minimizo t r e their potentia o hart l m publi ce environment healtth d an h . Therefore, quantitative risk analysis with emphasis on risk management has becom n importana e t aspec hign i t h level decision makin r regulatiofo g n i n develope d developinan d g countries. Recognizing these needs, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United Nations Environment Programme Worle (UNEPth dd )an Healt h Organization (WHO) have initiated a project to promote the use of risk assessment and risk management in environmental health and safety decision making throughout the world. The project will involve a series of case studies in both developing and developed countries which will serve as a framewor r demonstratinfo k w risho g k assessment methodologieo t t pu e b n ca s use in risk management decisions. In orde o ensurt r e Inter-Agence thae scopth th tf o e y project encompass the most relevant technical problems of risk decision making, a meeting was hel Parisn i d , Franc n Octobeo e r 13-17, 1986 e meetinTh . g brought together those in international, regional, and national organizations working in the risk management field to exchange information on risk assessment and risk management e purpos: meetine Th to th . s f o ewa g a) Discuss the state of the art of national and international experience in conducting case studies in the field of assessing and managing industrial risks from energ d othean y r complex industrial systems either at the plant level or in highly industrialized areas within a country; b) Presen d discusan t s planned regional risk management case studies withi a countrn r internationao y l research project n riso s k management to be implemented in the future; and c) Review the Project Document on "Assessing, Controlling, and Managing Health and Environmental Risks from Energy and Other Complex Industrial Systems" e fulTh l texts, together with abstracts e paperth f o ,se giveth t a n meetin e presentedar g e summarTh . y reviews briefl majoe y th som rf o epoint s that e ensuinarosth papern n i ei g r o discussionss . Wher a econsensu s view resulted, conclusions were drawn. Major difference f opinioo s e alsar no noted. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS e InternationaTh l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) e Uniteth , d Nations Environment Program Worle (UNEP)th dd Healt,an h Organization (WHO) wiso t h express their e Frencthankth o ht s Commissaria a tl'Energi e Atomique (CEAr )fo hosting this meeting and assisting the participants in finding local accommodations. LocharJ . f CEPDr o d d N an Specia CouloA . R CE . f lo nDr thanko t o g s for managing the logistics of the conferences. e succeswis e meetine d efficienTh th th an e o s mainlf t o s gwa e du ty chairmanship of the various session chairmen and particular appreciation is given to Dr. M. Brown (U.K.) and Dr. A. Cristofaro (U.S.A.) for their support in preparing this report. EDITORIAL NOTE In preparing this material for the press, staff of the International Atomic Energy Agency have mounted paginatedand originalthe manuscripts submittedas authorsthe givenby and some attention presentation.the to The views expressed in the papers, the statements made and the general style adopted are the responsibility of the named authors. The views do not necessarily reflect those of the govern- ments Member ofthe States organizationsor under whose auspices manuscriptsthe were produced. thisin The bookuse of particular designations countriesof territoriesor does implynot any judgement by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries. The mention specificof companies theirof or products brandor names does implynot any endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining the necessary permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources. CONTENTS Summary .......................................................................................................9 . SESSION l Integrated approac r rishfo k assessmen managemend an t highln i t y industrialized regions in a country ...................................................................... 29 A. Novegno, F. Niehaus A regional approach to risk assessment and management: Experience gained from the 'Grand Delta' project ................................................................................3 4 . Coulon,R. Aigueperse,J. AnguenotF. Case studie e fiel th f assessin o dn i s managind gan g risks from energy systems— CSSR experienc futurd ean e trends ....................................................................7 5 . KadlecJ. International experience in the assessment of risks due to oil and gas production and chemicals manufacture ...................................................................................3 7 . M.A. Seaman SESSION 2 Radioactive discharge decision-makind an s radiologican go l protectio publie e th th f n no ci United Kingdom and France ............................................................................. 97 HartD. Assessing, comparing and managing risks from energy supply strategies on a regional basis — A case stud r Baden-Württemberfo y g .................................................................7 10 . U. Kallenbach, Friedrich,R. Unger,H. VossA. SESSION3 Risk management in the Netherlands — A quantitative approach ................................... 149 C.J. van Kuijen Risk analysis as an aid in the planning of energy and other complex industrial systems ....... 163 J. Curkovic, VardidinecZ. e AustraliaTh n risk analysis review project .............................................................9 17 . R.M. Pilblado, D.H. Slater SESSION4 The development of computer methods in risk analysis ............................................... 195 R.J. Whitehouse, M.A. Seaman Assessing the environmental risks of fossil fuel energy systems: The ENEA 'VESE Project' (Summary) ................................................................................................... 205 G. C. Pinchera Practical approac r incorporatinhfo g environmental risks into energy plannind gan decision making ............................................................................................ 209 Y. El-Mahgary Risk analysis and policy in transport of dangerous materials ......................................... 227 Und N.C. Transfer of technology: An attempt at developing an approach to risk management at a Philippine power casplanA e— t study ..............................................................9 23 . R.A. Savellano, G.S. Puga, G.C. de Leon, T.P. Artißdo, E.M. Aianon, A.D. Doloiras Preliminary framewor e developmenth r fo kBraziliae th f o t n case study withi e contexnth t e Inter-Agencoth f y risk management project .......................................................1 25 . L.F. Seixas de Oliveira, C. Costa Ribeiro SESSION5 EPA's integrated environmental management project: Results from the Philadelphia and Santa Clara studies ................................................................................... 267 Cristofaro,A. JonesA. Identification of hazards from energy and other complex systems for the Zagreb area populatio environmend nan t .............................................................................1 29 . MalbasaN. Cost-effectiveness approac comparisoo ht f nucleano r waste management alternatives; a review ...................................................................................................... 309 S. Vuori, T. Vieno Risks and environmental impacts of hydro-electricity in Brazil ...................................... 317 PinguelliL. Rosa, SchaefferR. Heavy metal pollution at mine sites: Rehabilitation of Rum Jungle ................................. 331 J.M. Costello SESSION 6 Preventing major hazard accidents: Implications for plant managements and regulatory authorities from a World Bank perspective ........................................................... 349 R.J. Bat stone SESSION 7 Effective analyses of the risks and benefits for energy alternatives ................................. 369 W.D. Rowe, VinckW. Risk assessment base casn do e studie r referencfo s e plante Hungariath f o
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