www.nmrs.org.uk November 2015 www.nmrs.org.uk Presidents jottings The last newsletter of the year and I would like to new attendees to one of our meetings quoted the start with a big “thank you” – to all our committee words they were impressed with that keep cropping members, to all our meet leaders, to all who help to up “ financially secure, progressive, informative and spread the word and help to sell our publications, to all the most important of all to a newcomer FRIEND- who donate books and maps to us, and to all our mem- LY.” I would like to thank Aurthur Baldwin and bers. We all play an important part in the success of our Keith Turner for providing us with some more Society and long may it continue. We have had a busy books to sell on behalf of our Society. We were year with interesting field trips, two informative meet- fortunate to have four interesting presentations. ings which have been well attended and given us a One of committee members, Len Morris, chance to catch up with each other. Some members talked about Dr Josiah Court and the disease nystag- make long journeys to attend our indoor meetings – mus which resulted in headaches, dizziness and perhaps it is the lure of tray bakes that attract them! The possible loss of vision. Josiah`s work looked at the committee have spent a considerable time discussing disease prevalent in miners and found it to be caused our proposed website and we must thank Malcolm for by defective illumination from flame safety lamps. all his efforts with this. Once up and running his life In the absence of Graham Topping, his brother should be made easier as others will be able to help. Gary, showed a “Down to Earth” early Granada Our recent Autumn meeting at Gisburn was another programme about farming in the Cliviger area and success. As usual the Committee members provided the Cliviger Coal Company. Mike Gill gave a very reports which Malcolm will be placing on the member`s interesting presentation on “Dales Mining – a differ- area on our website. If you have forgotten your pass- ent View” showing aerial photos of various mining word please ask for another. Malcolm was able to dem- sites on Grassington Moor, Threshfield Colliery, onstrate and compare the present website with the Wharfedale Mines, and West Grooves to name just proposed one as it is at the moment and appealed for a few. At the end were a few photos from the very more photos. It is lovely to hear from people after the early days of NMRS to celebrate our British Mining event and one email the following day on behalf of three 100. David Kitching informed us about a recent visit Editor Contents Rob Needham Pike House, George Lane, Littledean, Glos. Presidents Jottings …………………………..1 GL14 3LL BM99 Erratum ………………………………2 tel.:- 01594 823487 Library News ………………….………….…3 email:- [email protected] Visit Reports ……………………………..…4 Forthcoming Events …………….…………..7 Would you please note that the deadline for inclu- Book Reviews ………………………..……..8 sion with the February 2016 Newsletter is the 31st New Publications ..………………….………8 January 2016. Round and about ………………………..…..9 Submissions are welcome that would be of interest The Magical Thinking ………………….….11 to members of the NMRS. These can be forwarded A brief memoir on the Scottish Crown …....12 to me as text/disc by post or you can email or Sent in by………………………………..…13 telephone. If you require anything returning please Hemingfield Colliery .………………….….14 ask. Photographs, plans and drawings are accepta- BBC News …………………………….…..15 ble as long as they can be reproduced in black and Oaks Colliery Disaster ………………….…16 white. Ray Wright ……………………….…….….16 UK News items ………………….………...17 Whoops! …………………………….……..20 Page 1 NMRS - Newsletter November 2015 to Pretoria Mine, Bakewell with some interesting Also enclosed is a Committee Nomination Form photos and finally David Lewis gave a presentation for 2016. If you have any nominations they need to on “The Coal Mines of Winter Hill”. All in all a very be sent to the Honorary Secretary at least 28 days enjoyable day. before the actual AGM. The present Officers are Enclosed is our latest 2015 Memoir BM 100. We President Barbara Sutcliffe are very proud to have reached another milestone in Vice President Malcolm Street our history. The authors, members, and readers are Junior Vice-President vacant far too many to list and thank as without them we Secretary Mick Cooke would not have reached this stage. However I Treasurer Tim Cook thought this would be an ideal time to thank all our Publications editor Richard Smith editors who have played such an important part. Of Librarian & meets leader Sallie Bassham course publications started much earlier, when we Newsletter Editor Rob Needham were NC&MRS so I will list those as well. NAMHO Representative Sallie Bassham Membership Secretary Malcolm Street NC&MRS –Transactions, Memoirs and Mono- Website Adminstrator Malcolm Street graphs Committee Member Peter Pearson Robert T Clough 1960-1961 Committee Members Len Morris Douglas T Richardson 1961-1969 J. Michael Dickinson 1970 We would like to welcome the following new mem- NMRS – British Mining ber Michael Gill 1975 (BM 1) John Hewitt Stoke on Trent Richard Bird 1976-1992 Hazel M. Martell 1993-2001 We were sorry to hear of the death of John Lawson John Hunter 2002-2005 from Tyne and Wear who many of you would have Richard Smith 2006 – met on meets. A card was sent to his family. Thanks to Mike Gill who compiled the list for me. Many of you will be aware of Heritage days Interestingly he has had an article in both BM1 and usually held in September. The dates for your diary now BM100, as well as many in between. As a for 2016 are September 8th -11th. On those days special offer to mark our BM100 we are offering many heritage establishments open their doors for free postage on all British Mining publications to free. The website makes it easy (nearer the time) to the UK received during the month of November. type in counties or localities to find what is availa- Please quote congrats100 to receive free postage. ble, giving details such as time. This year I was in Now we look forward to 2016. The membership Cornwall when the three day event was on and was renewal form for 2016 should be included with able to visit Geevor Mine, East Pool, and Godolphin this. It is of great help to Malcolm if these can be House and gardens all free of charge. Please put the returned as soon as possible. You will notice we dates in your diaries. Sallie has tried to avoid that have again been able to maintain our membership weekend when arranging meets. fees at the same level for several years giving you excellent value for money. Thank you to those who On behalf of the Committee members I would gift aid their membership. If you still do not but pay like to wish you all Season`s Greetings for Christ- income tax please consider filling in this part of the mas and the New Year, thank you again for your form. If you have a friend who you feel could support in 2015 and remind you that the 2016 AGM benefit from being a NMRS member please tell will again be held at Mealbank Hall, Ingleton on them about us. A membership form can be found on Saturday 16th April. Please make a note of that in our website. Thank you to those of you who have your diary and I look forward to seeing those who joined after seeing us on Facebook. Looking at our can make it there. “likes” we have followers from not only Great Brit- ain but Norway, Mongolia, South Africa, USA, Pakistan, Iran, and Australia. I must say I was very Barbara Sutcliffe surprised at this. BM99 ERRATUM In the text below, second last line on the page, it should read “six years, for which the figures are A minor correction is needed for memoir 99, “The conflicting for four of those years.” Not seven and Lead Mines of Tyndrum”. On page 47, in table 2, five. Please amend your copies accordingly. the year 1785 is missing, and data for the years 1786 & 1787 are missing. The figures for those latter two Stephen Moreton years are £1210 6 10 and £1002 16 5 respectively. Page 2 NMRS - Newsletter November 2015 LIBRARY NEWS ber from previous visits. In another engine hall, the Bever Dorling winders are in place and connected to Thank you to Steve Grudgings for a copy of his book the headgear: at the moment these are a static dis- “The History & Industrial Archaeology of the Steam play. New museum areas are spacious and well-laid Engines of the Coalpit Heath Colliery Company”. out with original artefacts, models, explanation pan- This book was reviewed on pages 9 and 10 of the els and special exhibitions. Inevitably, much is August 2015 Newsletter. It is 152 pages of meticu- aimed at children; but there is plenty for others. A lously researched material with scores of photo- free museums’ newspaper headline states “Commu- graphs and maps. Thank you to David Allen of the nity spirit brought to life in new Cumbrian museum” Kelly Mine Preservation Society for a copy of their and it was the community feel of the visitors, those recently published “Kelly Mine”. This is an A4 working in the museum and some of the displays guide to the site and its equipment with lots of colour which made the deepest impression.
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