lions which U of m-re, greater profit to thoM in Paaeengere Balled. Important fleeting American Republi¬ Wi!liam*Pairn*r Thonui M Bru^i stitutlona than the whole circulation of the book* .-kiVEarooL.Picket ship (wrick.Wm M Bliss and lady. can* in Ihvor of the Election of Polk and Butler Daniel feniwy AMUSEMENTS. BY THE SOUTHERN MAIL. in this State. eastern MiiiOiirlotti Cituhmdii and servant, Ofo Gih»on, P Paulson, WilliamM*(Jfjfy irebaur W Penney Many banks olten loan money Os N*w York: Samuel A C Dalian, \Vright and Gardiner.and Peniter Kueak», Puubur*. Pa; T S|«laiaii. to the of Texas to Oreat opposed Thorny M'Clintock Louis pakk tiikathk. to houses in this city upon condition that the> Louisville; Win K Biicoe, Savannah; H K Butlersworth, and annrxlnf Britain, John Bo^ert Th »mss Penney of the Philadelphia. Kockdal*. Knic; R H Lone, Geo 1. (Joodbaiuft aud Man- permitting the British Government to Grrru James D VDi Mr. Plaeida.Mr. Maywood.ill* Right* Woman, (for will keep it out of the bank for a certain time cheater; lady,. L take first tiin* in America,) and London A»suranee. [Correapondaaca of the Herald.] Henry V Lanay, Jamaica; H Roodauback, 8i*»n; poMeMlon of Oregon, .t? Jones. Sulon^n Romv«I( br uiraMibNi. the comedy by distributing the circulation as much ss Sm it, France. James Htr ou THIS KVt.NINU, Met. ». will Oct. 1S44. possible, A .\'rE^T.INP OP THE DELEGATES from the several rr*d Parker A , i.. J*in«a of LONDON AS9URAME-Hir Haicourt Courtly. Mr Philadelphia, 28, whereas the circulation of our and Statu banks re Ward* in the of New tfeow Mr. I.hJv IHv Min ' * The city tion city York, of the Democratic por¬ Samuel Korstar hacid", Dasle, Crisp; Hjyuikff, v* democrats have made considerable political irem oHI* original American Republican Party. assembled ,u 1 heodorei"®'1® Duraud To Conclude with tlx RlJlHTS OK WOMAN, or the Ro*e turns day to day in large amounts. The circula¬ J. 1.. Slodeall i Hnunpson William tin- .tapital out ot an written MARITIME HERALD. Hoirl Saturday, Oct JKth, IWt. for llie pui- Jatnnt Carter &uoch JLawrencs and Tln*i|e.*ir A. Hurley, Bart , Mr. intercepted tetter, by Wm. tion of our State be more ext. if the oose nl la> nig before the thnr view! in relatiou to the Aumimion . U'unjii IV' rf> cents.Second and 1 hird Tier* money would nded, public John Miller Edward Jubw B. Red, E»q , an for io be IHovemcnU of ttkm "rItV C0I"**V u<lvv trending before the People. Smith W cents.hlju cents.Gallery IS cent*. enclosing order 8100, redemption at different was at This Slt»uuhlp«. Richard William ~ points par. plan Vitamer* Leave Liv'l. Duei \Jlmt'». l*avt Jlme'v jm!" "I*""' "" '"Kim""! by appointing T. H. MATTE- William (Jark«Uuluick Jante^ Benjamine applied in canva«aing, an<t conveying voters to the would beasflt more "On, . liairinau and L.'W ou mo¬ UPKRA HOU-*K the banks than it ... Not. 1 N(wt<M,fbcirtiry, wheu, J' ( True Ulu in country Acadia, Harriaou... tion, (lie was art*f rfur^r 1'HIS EVENING. Oct ..oil Lehigh county The letter has been printed vi. Weatern, Mmthewa.. N'>* * accompanying address pad r<>*lei V itu Hue r>.Adinist'on Uc«ot».IMMENSh would thoae located in the city, and do more to¬ TO » ffv llcfij ATTRACTION :-vA Oraiid Moving PANORAMA of thr iii German and in Kiiglish, in the thape ol a band- I .. THE Hibernia. Kyrie Oct. 1» ...No». DEMOCRAT!'* PORTION OK THE AMER1- Vredeubergh Cornelius Ainion CITY OK BOSTON, Covkhino Suriai Fist of and circulated wards drivlag out of the State the issues of foreign banks, (CAN REPUBLICAN PARTY : "*yW4^ JDK Put man J,0W bill, by thi'iinam!* throughout the I lie for which ft11 l»lnif* William K the Ciintu! and thr ETHIOPIAN SKRe.N ADERS. Mesin interior of the Stnt»* The thau a dozen laws similar to those now in our statute and undersigned Democrats, who, object! they iff"1* .. 8my Orrmou. Stan wood II W whig* treated ihe Sblp nmun Agent*. deemed essential to the interests of the city, in U»r«dward Caufteld J Austin irri'gton, Prlliaui and irrru.ALL matter at W» . rial I eateem it a favor if of VeaaeU will ah Joined securing KOR THIS NIOHT. first, but finding that it mude books. Eastern Jersey and New Yoik State money are Captaina gjv> American Republican triumph at the last Charter election, Wm -tabb, Beuj Moorehead r' I 111* lightly Painting, esrcu'sd J. at 10 ll.timr Sii.vkv, Captain of our News Boats, a report o! deem it proiier to make this to those their Democratic c Jonathan Smith by R. Smith. Esq from i deeper iinpretj-ion on the minds of the (it-ofile no w on a discount on one the same as on the 'hr at the whaoM appeal of ? ii IV Origins! tak-u nu tlw <|H>t liiin in and finished par,the being shipping left port they sailed, tile vesarl. brethren who acted with them ou that and to state Hiram Noil l)ra»iii|t by IH19, 'han have ca'kd au in¬ ou their ixwaajre, a lift of their cargo, lud any occasion, iu IMI, will br Exhibited iu Cn of feet null they anticipated, they other, and they both obtain about the same apoken foreigi their position in the present contest Thomes at Sections, thirty to circulation, uewapapera, or newa thev may have. He will board thein im uf n f» if Ephraim Allowing time racli section for explanation dignation meeting to-uiKht, eiprew their opin¬ When, not xn*ny years the charter election was held at BaiUar Dmiel (ial« ' - no ou ago, For full particulars uf kc , s. there being choice in the reception. So long as this id mediately their arrival. Agents and Correspondents at humi the »»inc tune with the )J»n pL R eves Macombe oacrrt, programme. Door* ion on the subject. The democrats absert that or will also coufer a favor election for State officers, the reasonable Tim >rhy open it T.< oucnt and Exhibition at a before ¦ the so will the abroad, by aeudiug to thia office al injection was Md that the one was oilier to the J/'or. 1 umber-son < oru«*liu« quitter o'clock it will increase their vote cent, case, long laws be transgressed, and circu the Marin# Intelligence they can obtain. Nautical Inform* merged ill llie Day o» twenty-five per lion of any kind will he ^reat detriment both of Stale and City interests. Candidates, JoteithW Johnson Benj Pate, son throughout the State. The Jettercame out through lstion of foreign bills continuo. Destroy this equality thankfully received it was w-l* not own Daniel Stuart N IBM by ur|<e<l, allowed to Hand upon tlieir merits, Laurence W1M191 VtT n * miHiiirection. It was addressed to a Mr. advancing the value of our own issues throughout the there was a confusion of general and local |Militics, fruitful of Adam Blow Edwin Velaor Mr. Brougham will aa O'Call.tghau.Second night of Selpidge, coalitions and arrangement* to secure objects, aud end¬ Jo. I'll Anderaon James N Brown Cupid, (not a burlesque bur!etu, but i hurlrtta Prothonotary, Allentown, Lehigh county Mr. and the difference will >oon drire out all others but POUT OF NKW YORK, OCTOUKII 30. hi jierional burlesqued State, ing results astonishing and perplexing to all |>arties concern¬ ( -nirlea M Brown John Vaudu/.er written by Hayuea Biyley, Esq).Mr. John Duun a* Cupid SHpidge whh Prothonotary ol thiscourty, ed. It Mas likewise while it was Oraham 11 ..iinclt and formerly those legally entitled to the benefits and advantages of urged that, vitally necessary, .11, Joseph Bigaroon ?»ut the oreaent incumbent is a Mr. Sel- .UK HIIKt 6 j'i MOON that on all ouestious connected with State or National legisla¬ Henry Frederick Devoe THIS EVENING. Octolirr 29. will br the burlet'a democrat. HliKI. 7 7 Lyainder presented hhh an i < ur- our own trade and comtherce. SUN SKT(. ... J U HI'iH WATKB 10 44 tion, our doctrinei and principles should be rigidly enforced, Jun*« Devoe Aimer Penney burlesqued, entitled CUPID.Master Smith, alias Cupid, Mr indge, thinking the letier (filial one, there wan not the same strong necessity, of either applying Robert Peni»y Abraham Penney J"hn Dunn; Mn. Vulcw Smith, Vtjss R Striw. ii»*d it to the Prothonotary, who opened it, t»nd Old Stock Eichange. .trict party tests, or being governed by strict party rules, in mat¬ Imc Mocuin Win H Slncuin After which, KAIR STAR, or the Mi Atiideand Cleared. ters -ging Dancing finding that it meant mitw hiei, published it It has $10600 Ohio #'», ?G0 MO 101 IIS ilia* Morru Canal 8 Jane connected with the aduiini trillion of city affair*. Many W-HIf1'- H Mason Water.< herry, Mr* Tiuim; Kiir Star, Mint Mfltou. do V 55 5Vdo Ship Hou, Crabtree, Savannah, I B Oairer..Brigs C H who, upon questions of general b-gislati ill, would have aban¬ Joseph Marsh Wilton To couclud<- with HIS LAST Mr. been spread far Had wide. 8000 102 Appleton, Bridford Henry< LtUD.O'l/tllifhu, 10WK) <lo *70 102*4 125 S'ado Hve. Barbaaoea, Neamith St Walah: I)ijiluin.i, doned rheir political principles only with tlieir lives, did not Kami Sinvth ieor*** Sioiimou Brougham; Charles. Mr. Korrster. The Brandywine Light Boat will leave Wilminjr- 21'tKi Illinois Bk bond* 38 2HU do, do; Uraula.
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