Council Upset by Outburst . Mn- B.S PARTAN DAILY Over Request for Speaker bus. notice of allo- minutes continues!, "You've denied sting. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE By PHIL STONE quires a two-week Spartan Dally Staff Writer cation. us so much already that I'm not A shouting outburst by members Alvarez said he just received going to pussyfoot around any- atory of the Mexican-American Con- word that Tijerina would come to more." He then continued his 95114, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1968 No, 79 S. in Vol. 55 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA federation, including several ob- campus, and that it could only he presentation, interjecting several scenities, shook Student Council on March 4. Council then voted obscenities along the way. ajoi yesterday afternoon. 10-2-1 to commit itself to pay the If council denied the allocation At issue was whether council money when the allocation comes then Hernandez said he would would allocate $1,000 to Reies under review in two weeks. have the whole Mexican-American rket- Edwards Lopez Tijerina, leader of recent CHARGES COUNCIL community "on its back as well as Mexican-American land conflicts in However, Don Hernandez, mem- me personally." New Mexico, to speak on campus ber of the Mexican-American Con- Jules Lowenthal, graduate repre- Monday, March 4, in Morris Dailey federation, charged council will sentative, asked for the orders of Planning Auditorium at 8 p.m. back out of the allocation. the day and was told the alloca- Jose Alvarez, senior representa- Hernandez, opening his presen- tion had passed and council should tive, proposed the allocation but tation with an obscenity, was im- now be discussing the student George Watts, ASB treasurer, mediately told by Bob Gottschalk, rights bill. noted that the allocation would be council vice chaitman, that such To Leave LEAVES CHAMBERS in violation of Act 21 which re- language was not in order. Her- Harry Edwards will not be back Apparently convinced that there next year. was no way for council to back The instructor in sociology plans out on its word, Hernandez abrupt- to complete his Ph.D. at Cornell ly left council chambers. University in New York "if I live Extension In prior action, council: Clark Gives of . 445/ through the summer." - Approved appointments as Edwards said the political at- Sandy Jefferies and Mike Rutz 11th at ives. mosphere at SJS is not conducive graduate represent as to his receiving tenure, but that is --Appointed Lewis Solitske id 2 On Bill to Legislators chief justice of the judiciary, and I 0th only one of several reasons for -appointed Larry Lundberg to leaving. "If I were fired tomorrow, re evalu- in one meeting." judiciary. bdrm, it wouldn't make any difference. The deadline for student ant document the ass to quiet. ation of President Clark's student Robertson told them, "You're not Appointed Steve Lieurance, . $901 Here, I am supposed to be I don't have the job, the job has rights and responsibilities state- doing justice to the students. We junior representative; Larry Mc- will have to suffer the conse- Cloud, sophomore representative; D ment has been extended. Royal quences." and Bill Langan, council laison to He has been offered positions in The document, which will be- other California state colleges and Following Robertson's comments, the College Union Board of Gov- come the final governing policy at informed sha ri in the university, hut he says he ASB President Vic Lee ernors. .5357. doesn't want to teach at a pre- SJS, will be considered Monday at the group that Or, Clark had .Appointed Carol Becirlo, execu- dominantly White school. 2:30 p.m. at a special meeting of granted an extension until March tive director of the Experimental if necessary. chairman -The more I teach here, the 15 or later College; Diane Sowder, Student Council. The place has yet more I discover there is an in- A motion by Lowenthal to hold of the Art Planning Committee, , to be named. transigency in the White psyche the public meeting on the proposal and Warren Benjamin and Loana Dr. Clark yesterday authorized next Monday was later adopted Prather to the Personnel Selec- y with which is insurmountable. My place - -to by Way, the extension at the request of is not to concern myself with unanimously. tion Committee. HONORED IN Tuesday's ROTC ceremonies for lated by Col. Edgar B. Collady, Jr. and MSG Graduate Representative Jules teaching Whites the history of the Lowenthal. Both Lowenthal and Black problem, but to prepare Distinguished Military Students are (L. to R.): George W. Lemmons, were selected on the Craig C. Cook, George S. DeSoto, Lawrence R. basis of grade index and military leadership. Associate Justice Grady Robert- Speak To Reagan Blacks for the future they have son sought the stay to "give stu- to face,- he said. Jackson, Daniel J. Miller, Edward G. Pozas, and One of the six will be selected for a regular Dallas M. Vibbert. The cadets, being congratu- commission in the Army. dents a chance to he heard." Although he thinks most pre- Student Council has had the pro- diminantly Black colleges are run posal for six weeks but until yes- by "Uncle Toms," he isn't con- Parking Problems terday had taken no action on it. ASB Presidents Meet 111 SJS cerned with choosing a Black or Instead, the group has been con- 3che'T.. White college to teach in. "If I go at-act. ducting special sessions to con- back, I will just choose a college. sider amendments to the ASB of teaching or Elec- It is more a choice Const itution. In Capital Tomorrow .toarts. working in the Black community Feelings Displayed Mixed In an attempt to speed up stu- with people or that is, working dent legislators, Robertson charged Student presidents of the 18 lor of the state colleges, for a working in a constricted system the council with "neglecting its question and answer period. where any headway that is made state college campuses meet in responsibilities." Sacramento tomorrow for a three- During the morning a discussion is of dubious relevance." By San Jose Officials Robertson urged the group to regarding the operations of cam- day conference on problems with Edwards expressed regret at all "not push through such an import- pus bookstores will be held. A com- the good teachers who are leaving Mixed reactions were received would like to know "what corn- minds were Immediate traffic the state colleges, parison will be made of the vary- RhOrtiti education because of the system, from the San Jose Streets and pensat ion the college is planning problems as posed by Hansen. Highlight of the conference will ing operations of student operated with the "sedimentary concretion Traffic Committee on SJS parking to give the city." Much interest and sympathy be a two-hour briefing by Gov. (Chico State) and foundation op- of Neanderthals" staying behind. problems during a visit here by "The State College system was given to these by Councilmen Trustee Endorses Ronald Reagan Friday morning. erated (San Fernando Valley) Edwards, a part-time instructor committee members yesterday. doesn't have the right of eminent Robert I. Welch and Norman Gov. Reagan will discuss the con- bookstores. at SJS since the fall of 1966, would Paramount of the items was domain when it comes to city Mineta as well as Mrs. Shaffer. dition of the colleges and his plans not qualify for tenure because of traffic that will someday surround streets," she commented. TWO-HOUR LIMIT Bargaining, Raps for higher education. his part-time status. State College the proposed northside parking Mrs. Shaffer stated further she Hansen proposed a two-hour On meeting with the governor, CSCC Readies policy forbids extension of tenure garage at Ninth and San Fernando believes that the college is "mov- time limit be adopted for parking Budget ASB President Vic Lee says, "I for part-time personnel. Streets. ing a little too fast," and she spaces around the school. He also Procedure plan to bring up a comparison of Edward's announcement appar- For 'Bargaining' Following a tour of the problem intends to take a good look at the asked for permission to have four Collective bargaining between the state colleges today as op- ently took the college administra- areas, led by SJS student Earl plans and proposal. motorcycles parked in a single the Board of Trustees and faculty posed to the philosophy for higher California State College Coun- tion by surpise. The only official Hansen, of the Committee Organ- Also on the committee members' car spot and suggested vehicles be members was endorsed by Trustee education of the previous admin- cil (CSCC) has scheduled a March comment, released late yesterday ized for More Parking Spaces, the allowed diagonal parking. Edward Lee here this week during ist ration. 9 meeting at San Francisco Inter- afternoon by Academic Vice Presi- San Jose City Council members Mrs. Shaffer agreed with him on a talk to local American Federa- "I also want to discuss tuition, national Airport to kick-off this dent Hobert W. Burns read: "We discussed many issues with various the time limit issue but stated tion of Teachers members. our name change (from college to spring's drive for collective bar- have no statement, at this time be- student and administration repre- that it would be doubtful if di- Bargaining could consider teach- university), student unrest, budget gaining at the state college level. cause we have not received of- LSD Use sentatives. agonal parking could be approved ing loads and salary and many of cuts, and the administration's Contracts for college instructors, ficial notification from Mr.
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