HUanp 36d.07 PSIS City of Portsmouth iqa,-87 ANNUAL REPORT, 1985-1986 / 1986-1987 aniveftliS Ol New HffltfBshiire ^ /^ City Manager's Message Calvin A. Canney City Manager Deborah L Brewer Secrclan To the Honorable Mayor Eileen D. Foley, Members of the City Council and the Citizens of the City of Portsmouth: It is my pleasure to present to you the Annual Reports ofthe City ofPortsmouth for the fiscal years of1985- 86 and 1986-87. 1 hope you will find it helpfijl as a comprehensive guide to the accomplishments during the past two fiscal years. During the past two years many exciting events have taken place which will change the fijture of Portsmouth. The City has acquired the old hospital complex and plans to in the next two years move all municipal functions together under one roof The Sheraton Harborside Hotel has been under construc- tion for many months and will open in the spring of 1988. The Harborplace office complex opened in the old Daniel Street Generating Station and is a very attractive area of the City. Other events which will change the future include the creation of a Fire Commission and the mandatory financial disclosure ordinance which affects all city employees and officials. Included are accounts of the various Portsmouth activities as well as the concise records ofthe municipal functions. Reading the report will be time well spent in that it provides you, the taxpayer, with information essential to understanding the distribution of tax revenues and how they meet the needs of our com- munity. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those individuals who devoted time and energy to the service of their City. These interested citizens and employees have improved the quality of life in Portsmouth through committee appointments, volunteer efforts to beautify the City and other services too numerous to mention though equally deserving of credit. I continue to look forward as I have for the past seventeen years to a continued association with those interested in the future of Portsmouth and I encourage individuals to take part in the affairs and development of the City ofPortsmouth. Sincerely, Calvin A. Canney City Manager Annual Report, 1985-1986, 1986-1987 "CITY OF THE OPEN DOOR" COQRSQ^pXDRTS/VDCJTti City of Portsmouth City of Portsmouth Annual Report 1985-1986/1986-1987 Table of Contents MANAGER'S REPORT CITY ^ COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY ^^ CLERK CITY 43 POLICE 5^ FIRE eg COURT DISTRICT ^^ HEALTH gj WELFARE g2 PUBLIC EDUCATION ^^ LIBRARY °°f-c, PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC WORKS 77 RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY HIGH/HANOVER PARKING GARAGE ANNEX ^^ CITY HALL ^g CONSERVATION COMMISSION CONTROL ^^ ANIMAL g^ RECREATION g4 ASSESSOR g5 TAX COLLECTOR g^ PURCHASING gy STATEMENTS FINANCL\L ^^ COMMISSIONS BOARDS AND ^^^ DIRECTORY Department Compiled and edited by: The Ponsmouth Planning Graphic Design and Layout by: Regina Lammers Herald, The Portsmouth L.brary Sographic Credns: Regina Lammers, The Portsmouth Recreation Dept., Jeeves Studio The Portsmouth Fire Department, The Portsmouth Cover Illustration: Eric SoUer Poster, by Joseph St. Pierre Inside cover page "Doors of Portsmouth" Annual Report, 1985-1986, 1986-1987 Portsmouth City Council City Council seated trom leli to right- Councilman Evelyn Marconi, Councilman William St. Laurent, Councilman John McMaster, Assistant Mayor Mary Keenan, City Attorney Robert Sullivan, City Manager Calvin Canney, Mayor Eileen Foley, City Clerk Evelyn Hanscom, Councilman Jeffrey Ott, Councilman Charles Eldredge, Councilman Richard Newman, Councilman Jay Foley. City Council Actions July 1985 Held a public hearing on Ordinance amending Sec. Voted to extend the Shelter Group Option from July 15 7.110, Speed Limit, 25 MPH, Omne Road and voted to when the present option expires to August 15 to cover pass. any possible delays from HUD. Held a public hearing on amendment to Sec. 3.16a of Voted to accept and file a lener fi-om Dennis E. Smith the City Charter re: Firemen's Parity. Voted (1) to re: parking ticket situation and send a copy to the Police request petitioners to have an anomey that is admitted to Chief the NH Bar Association file a written opinion with the City Clerk within seven (7) days to the effect that the Motion to table the water shortage problem in Free- petition as presented is not in conflict with the general man's Point area to the first meeting in August until laws of the Constitution of the state; (2) a final draft of Attorney John McEachem, representing New England the petition be filed with the City Clerk within seven(7) Homes, contacts other parties that may be interested in days; (3) order that this question be placed on the ballot sharing the cost of improvements to water system in for the next municipal election. that area lost on a roll call vote4-3 with Assistant Mayor Keenan abstaining. Held public hearings on two ordinances relative to demolition - ( 1) Ordinance amending Chapter 10, Sec. Voted to refer Freeman's Point area water system im- 10-402A(5) re: Demolition and (2) Ordinance amending provements to the City Manager and City Attorney to Chapter 14, Housing Code, Sec. 14.201, 202, 203 and meet with Attorney John McEachem to work out con- 204 re: Demolition. Voted to table second reading of tractual agreement for City Council review and that a both ordinances until Demolition Committee, Assistant cost estimate breakdown on running 10" line down City Attorney, and Building Inspector report back with Mangrove and up Kearsarge be obtained from Whitman recommendations. & Howard and report back first meeting in August. Held a public hearing on abandonment of portion of Voted to refer to the Planning Board for report back a Vaughan Street lying between Deer Street and Old letter from Harold and Pauline Stanley concerning land Russell Street, now Raynes Avenue and voted that the transfer on Falkland and Saratoga Way and include in City Council go on record in favor of abandonment of their report what was done with other corner belonging portion of Vaughan Street. to Kingsbury. City of Ponsmouih Motion for reconsideration of Grecian Festival Liquor Held Public Hearing on 1984-85 & 1985-86 Salary License request lost on a roll call vote 4-4. Ordinances for Supervisory Alliance and passed second reading of same. Third readings will be held Sept. 9. Voted to have the City Attorney bring in a report at the next meeting for a resolution to the problem ofthe city Held Public Hearing on Acceptance ofWest Road in the being the applicant for a liquor license for any group. Lafayette Road subdivision and passed same. Voted to table report from the Recreation Board re: all Held Public Hearing on Ordinance amending Sec. 10 - terrain vehicles. Zoning Ordinance and passed same. Motion to table the Computer Parking Ticket Contract Held Public Hearing on Ordinance repealing Chapter to the first meeting in August lost on a roll call vote 12 - BOCA Basic Building Code 1984 with 1985 Sup- 4-4. plements with additions, amendments & deletions & passed same. Motion to sign the Computer Parking Ticket Contract presented to the City Council at the last meeting and Held Public Hearing on Tipping Fees to Commercial have Mr. Dahl work with the computer company to see Haulers to Portsmouth's Refiise to Energy Plant and if a better system can be worked out lost on a roll call voted to table this to the September Council meeting vote 4-4. and have the City Manager report back on how other communities handle this. Voted to extend the present Computer Parking Ticket Contract to August 5, 1985. Voted to accept and place on file a thank you letter from Phihp Weeks of Portsmouth/Kittery Armed Services Public Utilities Commission "Orders" (under Infor- Committee and from Bow St. Fair Committee. mational Items) were read by Mayor Foley re: Boston and Maine rail traffic/Greenland Road Bridge. C. St. Voted to accept and file a letter from N.H. State His- Laurent asked that a copy be sent to Traffic Safety toric Preservation Office informing the Council that Committee and the City Engineer. Voted to refer it to the Haven/White house has been put on the National the Planning Dept. for possible Community Develop- Register. ment money that can be utilized for city involvement in a pedestrian bridge or sidewalk if Boston and Maine is A letter from Louise Tallman suggesting a committee going to upgrade the bridge. be formed to evaluate gravestone conditions in old ceme- teries was considered. It was voted to accept the Manager's recommendation and have Mrs. Tallman work with a member of the Public Works Dept. to ascertain this information. August 1985 Voted to refer a letter from Marie and Arthur Patch offering a donation of land to the City on Fairview Held Public Hearing on Ordinance amending Sec. 7.329 Avenue to the Planning Board for report back. by deleting # 56 - No Parking - Parrott Avenue and passed same. Voted to authorize the City Manager to renew the Lease for a room in the Comfort Station to N.H. Parents Held Public Hearing on Ordinance amending Sec. 7.327 Anonymous for another year at the current rent. Limited Parking - Two Hours - Marcy St. and passed same. A motion to authorize an agreement with N.E. Homes Held Public Hearing on Ordinance amending Sec. 7.329 re: proposed waterline and fill in blank "Not to exceed No Parking- Hancock Sl, southerly side between Wash- $18,000" for city's share lost on a 4-3 roll call vote with ington & Marcy St. and passed same. A.M. Keenan abstaining. Held Public Hearing on Ordinance amending Sec 7. 1001, A motion to reject the above agreement passed on a 6-1 Tow Zone- Hancock St.
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