Past Performance of the Nominated Horses 2016 Sunday April 10th post time 15:40 Race 11 THE OKA SHO (JAPANESE 1000 GUINEAS) G1 HANSHIN Racecourse 1600m Turf (right handed), 3 Year Olds Fillies 55kg, Southern Hemisphere Bred Horses born in 2013 allowed 2kg Total Value JPY 199,120,000 *exclusive of Stakes Money, inclusive of Participation Incentive Money *Information as of March 31st Please note: *1 Track conditions are described according to Japanese standard which consists of four levels and description may differ from that of the country where the race was run. Four levels: Turf - firm, good, yielding, soft Dirt - standard, good, muddy, sloppy *2 The colomn "Breeder" used to indicate "breeding farm" until Dec 2006, however, from Jan 2007 it indicates "broodmare's owner". Due to this modification in the database, NOT all of the Breeder data are available. *3 Margin is described in terms of time difference (seconds) for Japanese races. For most of the foreign races it is in terms of length, but in some cases the fractions may be adjusted (eg. 9 3/4 Lg ---> 10 Lg). *4 "Total Money Earned in JRA races" includes Stakes Money but does not include Participation Incentive Money. Admire Lead(JPN) Brown F3 55 kg Stay Gold-() Belle Allure Numerous past performance (starts-1st-2nd-3rd-unplaced): 5 - 2 - 0 - 0 - 3 Total Money Earned in JRA races : JPY 17,224,000 Owner Trainer Breeder Riichi Kondo Naosuke Sugai Northern Farm Track Cond. of final strech Weight Position order Status Official Finish time Win Win Horse Winner Margin First three finishers and finishing time of winner Date Racecourse Race Distance Jockey Runners Condition in Jump races * (Kg) 1c 2c 3c 4c at WP to note Placing (1/10s) Odds Fav. Weight <2nd place> (seconds) < > margin between winner and 2nd, 2nd and 3rd respectively 2016/3/5 HANSHIN THE TULIP SHO OPN (G3) T1600 Firm - Yuji Hishida 54 8 7 (16) 16th 01:33.9 59.7 (11) 16 412kg Sinhalite(JPN) 1.1 Sinhalite 01:32.8 <NS> Jeweler <1 1/2> Lavender Valley 2015/12/13 HANSHIN THE HANSHIN JUVENILE FILLIES OPN (G1) T1600 Firm - Yuji Hishida 54 12 12 (9) 9th 01:35.5 16 (6) 18 398kg Major Emblem(JPN) 1.0 Major Emblem 01:34.5 <2> Win Fabulous <1 1/4> Blanc Bonheur 2015/11/29 KYOTO SHIRAGIKU SHO ALW-5M T1600 Firm - Yuji Hishida 54 7 8 (1) 1st 01:34.7 12.3 (5) 10 404kg <Kaiserball(JPN)> -0.2 Admire Lead 01:34.7 <1 1/4> Kaiserball <1/2> Supple Mind 2015/11/7 KYOTO THE KBS KYOTO SHO FANTASY STAKES OPN (G3) T1400 Firm - Yuga Kawada 54 6 5 (8) 8th 01:22.3 4.9 (3) 12 404kg Candy Barows(JPN) 0.4 Candy Barows 01:21.9 <HD> Medjerda <NK> Blanc Bonheur 2015/7/11 CHUKYO NWC T1600 Good - Yuga Kawada 54 6 4 4 (1) 1st 01:39.9 3.5 (3) 10 398kg <Silver State(JPN)> 0.0 Admire Lead 01:39.9 <HD> Silver State <2 1/2> Overcome *for Jump races running on Dirt in final strech Past performance ..(*JRA Turf races only) 1. In distance between starts 1st 2nd 3rd unplcd 1401 m - 1600 m 4 - 2 - 0 - 0 - 2 2. at Hanshin RC 2 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 2 3. on wet* surface 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 *yielding or soft Alla Salute(JPN) Chestnut F3 55 kg Daiwa Major-() Ratafia Cozzene past performance (starts-1st-2nd-3rd-unplaced): 7 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 Total Money Earned in JRA races : JPY 18,412,000 Owner Trainer Breeder Katsumi Yoshida Takahisa Tezuka Northern Farm Track Cond. of final strech Weight Positionorder Status Official Finish time Win Win Horse Winner Margin First three finishers and finishing time of winner Date Racecourse Race Distance Jockey Runners Condition in Jump races * (Kg) 1c 2c 3c 4c at WP to note Placing (1/10s) Odds Fav. Weight <2nd place> (seconds) < > margin between winner and 2nd, 2nd and 3rd respectively 2016/3/12 NAKAYAMA ANEMONE STAKES OPN T1600 Firm - Syu Ishibashi 54 1 1 1 (2) 2nd 01:35.7 124 (14) 16 466kg Cecchino(JPN) 0.2 Cecchino 01:35.5 <1 1/4> Alla Salute <HD> Peptide Supple 2016/2/20 KYOTO ALW-5M T1400 Good- Keita Tosaki54 2 2 (4) 4th 01:24.119.1 (7) 13 470kg Meisho Bird's(JPN) 0.2 Meisho Bird's 01:23.9 <1/2> Natalie Barows <NK> Tagano Viale 2015/12/19 CHUKYO TSUWABUKI SHO ALW-5M T1400 Firm - Kota Fujioka 54 4 5 (7) 7th 01:23.3 5 (2) 18 460kg Estitato(JPN) 0.6 Estitato 01:22.7 <3/4> Once in a Moon <1 1/4> Ume Matsu Sakura 2015/11/22 TOKYO KARAMATSU SHO ALW-5M T1400 Firm- Hiroyuki Uchida 54 3 3 (4) 4th 01:21.94.5 (3) 10 466kg Tosho Drafter(JPN) 0.3 Tosho Drafter 01:21.6 <1 1/2> Le Grand Frisson <NK> French Ideal 2015/10/11 TOKYO MDN T1400 Good - Christophe Lemaire 54 3 3 (1) 1st 01:22.4 3.3 (2) 18 466kg <Nishino Kate(JPN)> -0.1 Alla Salute 01:22.4 <1/2> Nishino Kate <NK> King Dragon Past performance ..(*JRA Turf races only) 1. In distance between starts 1st 2nd 3rd unplcd 1401 m - 1600 m 1 - 0 - 1 - 0 - 0 2. at Hanshin RC 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 3. on wet* surface 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 *yielding or soft At the Seaside(JPN) Bay F3 55 kg King Kamehameha-() Luminous Harbor Agnes Tachyon past performance (starts-1st-2nd-3rd-unplaced): 4 - 2 - 1 - 0 - 1 Total Money Earned in JRA races : JPY 45,150,000 Owner Trainer Breeder Teruya Yoshida Hidekazu Asami Shadai Farm Track Cond. of final strech Weight Position order Status Official Finish time Win Win Horse Winner Margin First three finishers and finishing time of winner Date Racecourse Race Distance Jockey Runners Condition in Jump races * (Kg) 1c 2c 3c 4c at WP to notePlacing (1/10s) Odds Fav. Weight <2nd place> (seconds) < > margin between winner and 2nd, 2nd and 3rd respectively 2016/3/13 HANSHIN THE HOCHI HAI FILLIES' REVUE OPN (G2) T1400 Firm- Yuichi Fukunaga 54 10 10 (2) 2nd 01:22.3 3.3 (1) 18 440kg Solveig(JPN) 0.2 Solveig 01:22.1 <1 1/4> At the Seaside <NS> Candy Barows 2015/12/13 HANSHIN THE HANSHIN JUVENILE FILLIES OPN (G1)T1600 Firm - Kosei Miura54 12 12 (5) 5th 01:35.1 8.5 (4) 18 434kg Major Emblem(JPN) 0.6 Major Emblem 01:34.5 <2> Win Fabulous <1 1/4> Blanc Bonheur 2015/11/23 KYOTO SHUMEIGIKU SHO ALW-5M T1400 Firm - Christophe Lemaire 54 9 9 (1) 1st 01:22.6 1.7 (1) 12 438kg <Win Oscar(JPN)> -0.3 At the Seaside 01:22.6 <2> Win Oscar <1> Madidi 2015/10/25 KYOTO NWC T1400 Firm- Yuichi Fukunaga 54 7 7 (1) 1st 01:22.05 (1) 18 448kg <Satono Maihime(JPN)> -0.2 At the Seaside 01:22.0 <1 1/4> Satono Maihime <1 1/4> Homan Bijou - - Past performance ..(*JRA Turf races only) 1. In distance between starts 1st 2nd 3rd unplcd 1401 m - 1600 m 1 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 1 2. at Hanshin RC 2 - 0 - 1 - 0 - 1 3. on wet* surface 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 *yielding or soft B B Barrel(JPN) Chestnut F3 55 kg Pyro -()Fine Dimple Silver Hawk past performance (starts-1st-2nd-3rd-unplaced): 7 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 2 Total Money Earned in JRA races : JPY 47,924,000 Owner Trainer Breeder Katsuhiko Bando Eiji Nakadate Efue Bokujo Track Cond. of final strech Weight Positionorder Status Official Finish time Win Win Horse Winner Margin First three finishers and finishing time of winner Date Racecourse Race Distance Jockey Runners Condition in Jump races * (Kg) 1c 2c 3c 4c at WP to note Placing (1/10s) Odds Fav. Weight <2nd place> (seconds) < > margin between winner and 2nd, 2nd and 3rd respectively 2016/2/13 TOKYO THE DAILY HAI QUEEN CUP OPN (G3) T1600 Firm- Syu Ishibashi 55 3 2 (9) 9th 01:34.1 16.3 (4) 16 478kg Major Emblem(JPN) 1.6 Major Emblem 01:32.5 <5> Frontier Queen <1/2> Rottenmeier 2016/1/11 NAKAYAMA THE FAIRY STAKES OPN (G3) T1600 Firm- Syu Ishibashi54 1 1 1 (1) 1st 01:34.3 6.8 (3) 16 480kg <Daiwa Dresser(JPN)> -0.3 B B Barrel 01:34.3 <1 3/4> Daiwa Dresser <3/4> Daiwa Duchess 2015/11/21 TOKYO AKAMATSU SHO ALW-5M T1600 Firm- Syu Ishibashi 54 3 3 (3) 3rd 01:36.4 10.3 (4) 15 478kg Crocosmia(JPN) 0.3 Crocosmia 01:36.1 <1> Aoi Princess <3/4> B B Barrel 2015/10/31 TOKYO THE ARTEMIS STAKES OPN (G3) T1600 Firm- Keita Tosaki 54 5 5 (13) 13th 01:35.6 7.8 (3) 15 480kg Denko Ange(JPN) 1.5 Denko Ange 01:34.1 <NK> Major Emblem <1 1/2> Crocosmia 2015/8/22 NIIGATA MDN T1600 Firm- Mirco Demuro54 1 1 (1) 1st 01:34.2 2.9 (1) 18 470kg <Minette(JPN)> -0.7 B B Barrel 01:34.2 <4> Minette <3> Aoi Sunshine Past performance ..(*JRA Turf races only) 1. In distance between starts 1st 2nd 3rd unplcd 1401 m - 1600 m 6 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 2. at Hanshin RC 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 3. on wet* surface 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 *yielding or soft Blanc Bonheur(JPN) Gray F3 55 kg Deep Impact-() Le Sucre Sakura Bakushin O past performance (starts-1st-2nd-3rd-unplaced): 5 - 2 - 0 - 2 - 1 Total Money Earned in JRA races : JPY 60,818,000 Owner Trainer Breeder Yoko Maeda Kazuya Nakatake North Hills Co .
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