ACia Chir S(anJ 141: 557-56.1.1975 I , Illl'l', .1 11.' I I' FIVE CASES AND FIVE UNUSUAL INDICATIONS FOR AUTOGENIC RENAL TRANSPLANTATION I' , B . S. Husberg. K. BakshanJeh. J. Lilly. R . Pfister. D. p, Stables anJ T. E. Starzl ,! 1\,,\ Frol/l Ihl' Dt'pUrtllIl'lIl,' oIS/lrgen 01/(/ RCldi"/ogv, Ullil'er,fitv oIC%","o ,\It'diclll Cl'lIler, {/l/(llhl' DI'IlI'C'r Vell''''''.\' AdlllillislfUlioll Hospilol, D I'III '", , C%ra do 802l0, USA (Submitted for publication July 27,1974) ~ L I Five cases of renal autotransplantation repres· interrupted, it was occluded with a sponge-rubber-shod fl ,' difTerent indications for the procedure are pre· clamp duri ng the perfusion to prevent blood from the discussed. ureteral vessels from entering the perfusate. Postopera­ tively he became and remained normotensive (140/80 mmHg), Postoperative arteriography and urography show nt to the development of techniques for satisfactory arterial and ureteral anatomy (Fig. 2), The kidney function is normal and unchanged. , \I I .. ~ kidney transplantation and ex vil'o kid ney . indica tions have arisen for autogenic Case 2 transplantation with or without ill I'ilro re­ A 52-year-old female had the left kidney removed in 1951 because of renal stones. In December, 1973, a renal cell ~ .. surgery, Several cases have been de­ earlier (Belzer et al.. 1970; Gelin et al .. carcinoma was diagnosed after she had noticed a lower right quadrant mass. No metastases were detectable . Her et al.. 1973; Caine. 1973; Corman et kidney function was normal with a creatinine clearance of II l ' ,lll,d 80 cc/min. Renal arteriography demonstrated a double 1/.1 j " renal artery blood supply with apparent blood supply to III ,:! \ ,~~ . the tumor in the mid-region from both arteries (Figs . 3 and III:.: .J ' 4). In January. 1974. the kidney was approached through a right para media n extraperitoneal incision. There were no palpable retroperitoneal lymph nodes. The kidney was CASE REPORTS removed with a maximal length of renal vessels, The ureter was left uninterrupted. The kidney was perfused male had a history of severe hypertension with Perfadex® solution and was then connected to a (210/130 mmHg). He had markedly elevated Waters perfusion machine using long extension tubes to renin in peripheral venous blood. A proximal the operating field . A soft. foam-rubber-coated clamp was stenosis in the left renal artery was diagnosed. placed on the ureter. hospital. he received a saphenous vein by-pass The lower artery and the branches from the upper the aorta to the left renal artery in February, artery supplying the tumor with blood were identified. tied blood pressure improved postoperatively but off and injected with methylene blue solution distal to the ensuing months it again rose to approximately ligatures. The area of the kidney thus demarcated was and excretory urography showed a de­ then resected . Thae was no extension of tumor beyond . ,hrol11r"nhic phase of the left kidney. Repeat the lines of resection, as determined by frozen section. demonstrated a severely stenosed by-pass Approximately one-third of the kidney was left after the resection. With the perfusion machine working intermit­ . 1973. he was referred to Colorado Gen­ tently, numerous small blood vessels on the cut surface of and underwent an autotransplantation of the the kidney were suture ligated. The calyceal openings to the left iliac fossa. After completion of the were closed with fine chromic catgut (Fig. 5), the kidney was connected to a Waters perfusion The kidney remnant was then autotransplanted to the approximately one hour. using long extension right iliac fossa. The vessel and ureter clamps were re­ . the operating field. Since the ureter was not moved after 4 hours and 25 min cold ischemic time. A Acta Chir Scand 141 558 B. S. HusberR ef al. \ Fig. I . Case I: Aortography shows stenoses of both ends . ';p- of the by-pass graft, particularly at the proximal ana stomosis. FiR · J. Case 2: Double renal artery supply to right with branches from both vessels supplying a tumor mid-region of the kidney . cyanotic portion of the ureter and kidney pelvis, . the area of narrowest margin to tumor tissue, was and a[1 ureteropyelostomy was performed using 7-0 rupted silk sutures. A nephrostomy catheter pl aced. The resected portion of the kidney weighed The tumor, a clear cell adenocarcinoma, measured in maximal diameter. The first postoperative day. urine was leaking the drain site and urography showed the leak to be At re-exploration on the second postoperative day, was issuing from an open calyx at the cut surface kidney. The leak was closed with fine chromic ca reinforced with a flap of renal capsule and nephrostomy cathete~ was placed. Following this dure, there was a continued urine leak. The BUN 96 mg % , requiring two dialyses before the portion of the kidney had recovered sufficiently BUN and serum creatinine. Eight day s postn""p"'I"~''' I' antegrade pyelography showed the drainage system kidney remnant to be intact. Gradually, over a 3- period, the drainage declined and finally stopped. BUN was then 30 mg %. Four months after surgery Fig. 2. Case 1: Arteriography 3 months postoperatively. IVP shows a satisfactory graft and the kid ney fu The end-to-side anastomosis of the renal artery to the left likewise is satisfactory (Bun 25-30 mg % ; serum creati J I,' .I , Case external i~ac artery is patent. 1.6 mg %) (Fig. 6). ',IJ r, n durin!, ACla Chir Scand J4J 559 Fig . 6. Case 2: Excretory urography 4 months postopera­ tively. The ureteropyelostomy (ARROW) is patent with­ out residual urine leak. Case J A 6-year-old boy had a history of uninary tract infections since birth. Posterior urethral valves with bilateral dilated ureters and ureteral reflux were diagnosed at the age of 5 months. The valves were resected and he had bilat­ eral nephrostomies. Later. bilateral cutaneous loop ureterostomies were done. Closure of the cutaneous ureterostomies and bilateral ureter neo-implantations , ', were performed at 4 years of age. Repeated infection coupled with the kidneys already damaged at binh had left the patient with an almost nonfunctioning right kidney and n.d a compromised and hydronephrotic left kidney (Fig. 7). There was still reflux of urine into dilated ureters bilateral­ ly . Creatinine clearance was 55-60 ml/min. An autotrans­ plantation of the left kidney was performed in February. 1974. The dilated ureter was tailored before it was reim­ planted with the creation of a submucosal tunnel by the technique of Politano-Leadbetter. End-to-side anastomo­ ses to the aona and common iliac vein were used. Post· operatively the patient did well . with unchanged kidney function. The bladder urine was noninfected. However. postoperative IVP showed a relative ureter obstruction and persistence of renal pelvic dilatation. A pyelostomy catheter was placed under fluoroscopy 4 months post­ operatively and after another 4 weeks ureteroneocystosto­ my was again performed by a modified Paquin-Marshall technique (Starzl. 1964) . The patient is now in satisfactory condition early postoperatively (Fig. 8). Acla Chi, Scafld 141 560 B. S. Husberg et al. lllSI' 5 A 25·year-uld "oman had bilaleral medi:.tl fibroplasia the renal arteries with a hislury of severe hypertension. 1972. renin was 45 .0 and 20 .6 nanugrams of angiole per ml plasma per huur in the right and the left venuus blood. respeclively. In 1972 . the most U("east'!l.' right kidney was aututransplanted to the left iliac using bench surgery technique and end-t anastomosis of the internal iliac arterial branches to anerial branches frum the main renal artery . This phase the case was described earlier (Corman el al. 1973). operalivel) the blood pressure fell but during the ens months rose again to 170/120 in spite of treatment propranolol 80 mg/day. On repeat arteriograms, branches 10 the transplanted kidney were patent but lefl renal arterial stenosis was seen tu be more ex than had been appreciated in 1972 (Fig. I I) . In April, I the left kidney was aUlOtransplanted 10 the right iliac sa, again using bench surgery and intraoperative ex C' (.. f ~\ rliac foss . " '.', '" ,..... : ~:, J: ' I;"n,,1 an Fig. 7. Case 3; Preoperative urography sbows that nearly ' ·ray we all of the patient's renal function is derived from the left .,.,' , In per kidney. rIches . POS I antih P'Tiphera Case 4 '(f1criogr; ,h"wed I A 30-year-old male had a 6-year history of chronic ';'Ic film , glomerulonephritis. He was on dialysis for 3 years before 1he kidn- he was transplanted with a D-matched kidney from his brother in April , 1973. His own kidneys were removed. He had initial good kidney function but 2 months post­ operatively he was readmitted because of a suspected lymph collection around the kidney (Fig. 9). At surgery, a normal kidney was found but there was a Iymphocele ofl pocket with 100 cc of Ouid behind the kidney. It was decided to turn the kidney medially and during the mobili· I,· , hniql' zatiun for this the kidney turned blue and after this had no l ' {c: rd : palpable arterial pulse. The patient was heparinized and Itl~cnou • the kidney was rapidly removed. Blood clots could be 'tlntinuit removed from the transplant artery with a Fogany cathe­ ,,' te(;hni ter and the kidney was then cooled and rinsed with hepa­ rin containing Ringer's lactate solution by retrograde perfusion through the renal vein . When the kidney had a . trale satisfaclOry pale color and coolness, it was preserved at , Sh l +4°C and refrigerated without funher perfusion. The he; kidney was then transplanted to the other iliac fossa and ,I~ .
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