THE ANALYSIS OF PERFORMATIVE UTTERANCES IN THE MOVIE SCRIPT CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR AND ITS APPLICATION TO TEACH SPEAKING AT THE TENTH GRADE FOR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL S1 Thesis Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement to obtain Sarjana Pendidikan degree at English Education Program of Purworejo Muhammadiyah University By RIYA ARBIYANTI 132120206 ENGLISH EDUCATION PROGRAM TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY PURWOREJO MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY 2017 THE ANALYSIS OF PERFORMATIVE UTTERANCES IN THE MOVIE SCRIPT CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR AND ITS APPLICATION TO TEACH SPEAKING AT THE TENTH GRADE FOR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL S1 Thesis Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement to obtain Sarjana Pendidikan degree at English Education Program of Purworejo Muhammadiyah University By RIYA ARBIYANTI 132120206 ENGLISH EDUCATION PROGRAM TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY PURWOREJO MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY 2017 i ii iii iv MOTTOS Really shared hardship and relief. Because it when you have finished (do something else). And to ALLAH SWT, hopefully. (Q.S Al Insyirah:6-8) Try not to be a people of success, but rather to become a people value (Einstein) “Ajining dhiri iku dumunung ana ing anggone pribadhi netepi kewajiban” (Mbah Maridjan) Fall down seven time, get up eight !! Whatever I receive today is the best of ALLAH SWT, because ALLAH SWT will always give the best for me and have wonderful planning. Riya Arbiyanti v DEDICATION This work is lovingly dedicated to: My one and only Mamak, alm. Bapak, and my beloved Mas and Mba vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ﺑِﺴْﻢِ ﷲﱠ ِ اﻟﺮﱠﺣْ ﻤَﻦِ اﻟﺮﱠﺣِﻲ Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin. All praises to Allah, the Almighty, who has always been giving me blessing, grace, and mercy, without which I would never be able to finish this thesis. Sholawat and salam are devoted to the Prophet Muhammad SAW., who has provided a spiritual oasis for all people. In accomplishing this thesis, I feel indebted to a lot of people for their guidance, assistance, and help. Therefore, I would like to express my special gratitude to: 1. Drs. H. Supriyono, M.Pd as the rector of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo; 2. Yuli Widiyono, M.Pd as the dean of the teacher training and Educational Science and Faculty of Muhammadiyah Universitas of Purworejo; 3. Sri Widodo, S.S., M.Hum, as the Head of Study Program of English Educational department and as her second consultant, for his valuable guidance, help, ideas, suggestion and encouragement, motivation and valuable time in correcting every part of this thesis with all his patience; 4. Juita Triana, M.Pd as her first consultant, who has given suggestions and guidance and also sacrificed her mind, time, and energy for the sake of the researcher’s thesis; vii viii ABSTRACT Arbiyanti, Riya. 2017. The Analysis of Performative Utterances in the Movie Script Captain America: Civil War and Its Application to Teach Speaking at the Tenth Grade for Senior High School. A Thesis. Teacher Training and Education Faculty of. Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. 2017. Consultants: JuitaTriana, M.Pd Language is very important in interaction among people around the world. Language is a system for expressing meaning through communication. The utterances between characters can be used as one of linguistics studies is Pragmatics. In daily communication, every speech that is produced or uttered by the characters called as speech act. Performative utterance is one of them kinds of speech act. Performative are used to help us to understand meaning which uttered by the speaker. This study used descriptive qualitative because the researcher would like to describe about. The objective of this study is to identify types of performative utterances found in movie script Captain America: Civil War and applying the types in teaching speaking. The data analysis is from the movie script Captain America: Civil War. The researcher used documentation method to collect the data and uses takes some steps. First, watching the movie. Second, searching and downloading from the internet. Third, reading the movie script to observe performative utterance. Fourth, selecting the data which containing performative utterance. In analyzing data, the researcher takes some steps such identification, codes the data, categorizing, describe and examine, and then draw the result. Based on the analysis, the result of this study shows that there are five types of performative utterances found in movie script Captain America: Civil War. There 3 verdictives, 27 exercitives, 10 commissives, 10 behabitives, and 10 expositives. Verdictives is 5 %, exercitives is 45%, commissives is 17%, behabitives is 17%, and expositives is 16%. The last is the applications of performative utterances in movie script Captain America: Civil War in teaching speaking. The researcher hopes that this thesis will be useful for the students, the teachers, and the readers to understanding performative utterance and to increase speaking skill. Key words: Performative Utterance, Movie Script, Teaching Speaking ix TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE .......................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL SHEET .................................................................................................. ii RATIFICATION SHEET ........................................................................................... iii STATEMENT ............................................................................................................. iv MOTTOS .................................................................................................................... v DEDICATION ............................................................................................................ vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................... vii ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ x LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................... xii LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................................xiii LIST OF DIAGRAM ..................................................................................................xiv LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................................. xv CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 1 A. Background of the Study............................................................ 1 B. Identification of the Problem .................................................... 4 C. Limitation of the Study .............................................................. 5 D. Statement of the Problem........................................................... 6 E. Objective of the Study................................................................ 6 F. Significance of the Study .......................................................... 7 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .................................. 8 A. Theoretical Review ................................................................... 8 1. Pragmatics ............................................................................. 8 a. Definition of Pragmatics ................................................... 8 b. Scope of Pragmatics ......................................................... 10 2. Speech Act ............................................................................. 15 a. Definition of Speech Act .................................................. 15 b. Function of Speech Act .................................................... 16 3. Performative Utterance ......................................................... 19 a. Definition of Performative Utterance ............................... 19 b. Types of Performative Utterance ...................................... 22 4. Movie .................................................................................... 25 a. Definition of Movie .......................................................... 25 b. Definition of Movie Script ............................................... 26 c. Genres of Movie ............................................................... 26 d. Captain America: Civil War ............................................. 34 5. Teaching Speaking ................................................................ 36 a. Teaching ........................................................................... 36 b. Speaking ........................................................................... 36 B. Previous Study .......................................................................... 39 x CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS ............................................................. 42 A. Research Design......................................................................... 42 B. Data and Data Source ................................................................ 43 C. Unit of Analysis ........................................................................ 44 D. Instrument of The Research ....................................................... 44 E. Technique of Data Collection .................................................... 45 F. Technique of Coding Data ........................................................
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