European residency programme for cultural journalists LONDON RESIDENCY LONDON INTERNATIONAL MIME FESTIVAL 9–11 JANUARY 2014 p. 3 ALEN BISKUPOVIĆ Contemporary Circus – A View from the Outside / Suvremeni cirkus – impresije jednog outsidera p. 15 ANNA HAKANSSON Freak / Freak p. 22 ANNA KRÓLICA Double Worlds: From the Faun to the Tiny People Made From Plastic Bags / Podwójne światy: od Fauna do foliowych ludzików z reklamówek p. 31 AMÈLIA BAUTISTA BATLLORI Processes of Creation in the Contemporary Circus / Processos de creació en el circ contemporani p. 38 BAUKE LIEVENS The Body as Battlefield – (tentatively) connecting Artistic Research and Dramaturgy in Circus / Het lichaam als slagveld: een (voorzichtig) verbinden van artistiek onderzoek en dramaturgie in circus p. 47 JOOST GOUTZIERS The Circus of Tomorrow Disregards the Future / Circus van morgen vergeet de toekomst p. 55 NATASHA HASSIOTIS Compagnie Non Nova: L’après-midi d’un Foehn and Vortex p. 59 ÖRJAN ABRAHAMSSON Some Reflections on the Show Fuerzabruta at the Roundhouse in London / Vissa reflektioner kring föreställningen ”Fuerzabruta” på The Roundhouse i London. Fuerzabruta p. 68 ROBERT ALAGJOZOVSKI The Uncanny in Space / Нелагодноста во просторот – p. 76 VERONIKA ŠTEFANOVÁ Transformation Fuerzabruta as an Impetus / Transformace jako hnací síla Presentation Circus arts are an art form like theatre or dance, of twelve major festivals programming but have not yet a profound level of intellectual, contemporary circus. The goal of the project is cultural and institutional recognition it deserves, to facilitate the circulation of knowledge and in Europe as well as at national and local level. experience, to develop the critical discourses Thereby political and financial support to this of its participants, and to further the role of the sector is quite low and there are structural media within the circus arts and contemporary weaknesses. There are strong imbalances in society. comparison to other creative areas, even when comparing the realities between regions or 12 Residencies – 120 Articles countries. Unpack the Arts consists of 12 residencies in 8 countries, spread over 2 years (August 2012 Despite the growing success of circus by the – February 2014). Each residency is set within audience and programmers, circus arts are the framework of a festival and follows the same not covered by abundant literature, academic format: over the course of 4 days, the participants research, in-depth articles, reviews,... and artists contribute to a series of moderated thematic themselves often experience difficulties in discussions, attend lectures by key circus experts, producing theoretical writing that communicates see 3-5 shows, and meet with and interview their practice, their creative processes and their programmed artists along with a representative productions. They rarely have the chance to of the host festival. After the residencies, each exchange with critics and experts from the participating journalist delivers one article. These performing arts on theoretical or conceptual texts are collected, translated and turned into terms. an online, multilingual publication. Also, many art writers are clueless about This 11th publication collects the texts of contemporary circus. Cultural journalists don’t 10 European journalists who attended the know the disciplines and techniques and overall residency at London International Mime Festival, they lack the contextual understanding to tackle London, UK, 9 to 11 January 2014. a piece’s dramaturgical choices, to reference other productions, or to interview artists creating We wish to thank all participants and all non text-based works. collaborators who made this residency a success. That’s why Circuscentrum and 9 important circus festivals all over Europe conceived Unpack the KOEN ALLARY Arts. Unpack the Arts is a European project – Director, Circuscentrum (project leader) granted by Europe Culture – that provides YOHANN FLOCH residencies for cultural journalists in the context Adviser 2 Contemporary Suvremeni cirkus Circus – A View – impresije jednog from the Outside outsidera ALEN BISKUPOVIĆ ALEN BISKUPOVIĆ Circus. For me, the first association is always the Cirkus. Prva asocijacija za mene uvijek je rado happy mental image of a huge tent surrounded viđena mentalna slika velikih šatora okruženih by wagons, spectacular acrobats swinging on kolima, vrhunskih akrobata na trapezima, the trapeze, hilarious clowns, jugglers, knife urnebesnih klaunova, žonglera, bacača noževa, throwers, skilful riders, and the general feeling vještih jahača i općenito osjećaj euforije i of euphoria and emotional exultation. Now, emocionalne ushićenosti. Međutim, suvremeni contemporary circus is something completely cirkus je nešto sasvim drugačije. Pitate se što? different. What is it, then, you may ask. This is Upravo to sam se i ja pitao prilikom what I asked myself when I took part in the sudjelovanja na londonskoj rezidenciji u London residency organised by Unpack The Arts organizaciji Unpack The Artsa i Crying Out and Crying Out Loud for cultural journalists. It Louda za novinare iz kulture koja se održala u was a privilege for me to be able to take part. siječnju 2014. godine i na kojoj sam imao Motivated by a lack of intellectual, institutional, privilegiju sudjelovati. Potaknuti nedostatkom general recognition of contemporary circus as intelektualnog, institucionalnog i općenitog a phenomenon, Unpack the Arts is a two-year prepoznavanja pojave suvremenog cirkusa, project1 designed to bring together cultural organizatori su osmislili dvogodišnji projekt1 s journalists and critics through a series of ciljem okupljanje novinara iz kulture i kritičara residencies, creating meetings where they can kako bi ostvarili cirkulaciju znanja i iskustva, exchange knowledge and experience, develop razvijanje kritičkog diskursa i povećavanje uloge critical discourse and bolster the role of the medija u suvremenom cirkusu. Kroz diskusije i media in contemporary circus. By presenting razgovore koje sam vodio s gostima i the discussions we had, as well as the talks with sudionicima te predstave koje sam vidio guests and the participants in the performances (London International Mime Festival), pokušati I saw at the London International Mime Festival, ću ukratko dati pregled cirkuske umjetnosti te I will try to give a brief overview of circus art and vlastitih promišljanja i zaključaka iz perspektive the thoughts and conclusions I have formed kazališnog kritičara koji do sada nije imao from my perspective as a theatre critic who had nikakvog doticaja sa suvremenim cirkusom. not had any previous contact with contemporary circus. 1 Unpack the Arts (http://unpackthearts.eu/) is a European 1 Unpack the Arts (http://unpackthearts.eu/) je europski projekt project organising residencies for cultural journalists and theatre koji organizira rezidencije za novinare iz kulture i kazališne critics in the context of ten major European festivals (twelve kritičare u kontekstu 10 velikih europskih festivala koji se bave residencies in eight countries as part of ten festivals: Ny Cirkus suvremenim umjetnostima (12 rezidencija u 8 zemalja u sklopu festival in Copenhagen, Denmark; CIRCa festival in Auch, France; 10 festivala – Ny Cirkus festival Copenhagen, Denmark; CIRCa Festival novog cirkusa in Zagreb, Croatia; Subcase in Stockholm, festival Auch, France; Festival novog cirkusa Zagreb, Croatia; Sweden; Hors Pistes Biennale and La Piste aux Espoirs Biennale Subcase Stockholm, Sweden; Hors Pistes Biennale and La in Brussels and Tournai, Belgium; Cirko Festival in Helsinki, Piste aux Espoirs Biennale Brussels and Tournai, Belgium; Finland; Circusstad Festival in Rotterdam, Netherlands; Cirko Festival Helsinki, Finland; Circusstad Festival Rotterdam, Humorologie, Festival of Emotions in Kortrijk-Marke, Belgium; Netherlands, Humorologie, Festival of Emotions Kortrijk- Edinburgh Festival Fringe in Edinburgh, UK; CIRCa festival in Marke, Belgium; Edinburgh Festival Fringe Edinburgh, UK; Auch, France; London International Mime Festival in London, UK; CIRCa festival Auch, France; London International Mime Subcase in Stockholm, Sweden). Festival London, UK; Subcase Stockholm, Sweden. ALEN BISKUPOVIĆ 3 History of contemporary circus, Povijest suvremenog cirkusa ili tko or who are we? smo mi The term ‘traditional circus’ is generally taken to Pod terminom tradicionalni cirkus generalno se mean a family-run affair originating in the late podrazumijeva oblik obiteljskog posla koji je 18th Century,2 for the most part based on nastao krajem 18. stoljeća2 i pretežno se demonstrations of equestrian skills, supplemented temeljio na demonstraciji jahačkih vještina koje as years went by with other acts such as rope- su zatim tijekom razvoja u sljedećih pedesetak walking, juggling, trained animals… and the godina nadopunjavane različitim vještinama introduction of the ringmaster who ran the poput hodanja po užetu, žongliranja, dresurom evening’s entertainment, announcing various životinja… te pojavom ringmastera (cirkuskog choreographed acts which all followed the same direktora) koji je upravljao cjelovečernjim dramatic arc: presentation, mounting tension, spektaklom najavljujući različite koreografirane the successfully performed feat… točke temeljene na jednakoj dramaturgiji (predstavljanje, rast napetosti, podvig…). The first circus performances took place in the open air, but as their popularity grew it became Prvotne cirkuske predstave odvijale su se na apparent that performing in the open presented
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