September 11, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 17 24193 8/4/2003, Republican National Committee; National Committee; $2,000.00, 5/28/2003, Committee on Commerce, Science, and $2,000.00, 5/28/2003, Bush-Cheney ’04; $2,000.00, Bush-Cheney ’04. Transportation. 5/22//2003, Friends of Mark Foley; $500.00, 4/25/ 3. Children: Joshua M. Siegel: 2007— By Mr. HATCH (for himself and Mr. 2003, Cantor for Congress. $2,300.00, 3/23/2007, John McCain 2008. BENNETT): 2. Spouse: STEPHANIE M. SIEGEL: 2007— 2004—$1,000.00, 10/22/2004, Friends of Kath- S. 2039. A bill to require an assessment of $2,300.00, 4/12/2007, Friends of John Thune; erine Harris; $2,000.00, 10/6/2004, Friends of the plans for the modernization and $4,600.00, 4/3/2007, McConnell Senate Com- Clay Shaw; $2,000.00, 8/27/2004, Friends of sustainment of the land-based, Minuteman mittee; $2,300.00, 3/14/2007, ORRINPAC; Sherwood Boehlert. III intercontinental ballistic missile stra- $2,300.00, 3/1/2007, Citizens for Arlen Specter; 2003—$2,000.00, 9/30/2003, Bush-Cheney ’04 tegic deterrent force, and for other purposes; $200.00, 2/27/2007, John McCain 2008; $2,300.00, Compliance Committee; $2,000.00, 6/25/2003, to the Committee on Armed Services. 2/13/2007, Coleman for Senate; $2,100.00, 1/15/ Bush-Cheney ’04, Inc. By Mr. BINGAMAN (for himself, Mr. 2007, John McCain 2008. Justin M. Siegel: 2007—$2,300.00, 3/23/2007, OBAMA, Mr. BROWN, Mr. KERRY, Mr. 2006—$2,000.00, 9/14/2006, Santorum 2006; John McCain 2008. BYRD, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. NELSON of $2,100.00, 9/7/2006, Friends of Mark Foley; 2004—$1,000.00, 10/22/2004, Friends of Kath- Florida, Mr. FEINGOLD, Mrs. MURRAY, ($2,100.00), 10/23/2006, Friends of Mark Foley; erine Harris; $2,000.00, 10/6/2004, Friends of Mr. BAYH, Mrs. LINCOLN, Mr. PRYOR, $100.00, 5/1/2006, Friends of Clay Shaw; Clay Shaw. Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. SANDERS, Ms. $2,100.00, 5/1/2006, Friends of Clay Shaw; Jullian L. Siegel: 2007—$2,300.00, 3/23/2007, CANTWELL, Mr. TESTER, Mrs. CLIN- $5,000.00, 4/10/2006, Straight Talk America; John McCain 2008. TON, Ms. LANDRIEU, Mr. ROCKE- $4,200.00, 3/29/2006, Martinez for Senate; 2004—$1,000.00, 10/22/2004, Friends of Kath- FELLER, and Mr. SALAZAR): $2,500.00, 3/23/2006, Mark Kennedy ’06; erine Harris; $2,000.00, 10/6/2004, Friends of S.J. Res. 18. A joint resolution providing $5,000.00, 3/17/2006, IRLPAC. Clay Shaw. for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 2005—$25,000.00, 12/28/2005, Republican Na- 4. Parents: Esther Siegel: 2007—$2,300.00, 2/ of title 5, United States Code, of the rule tional Committee; $4,200.00, 8/11/2005, Friends 27/2007, John McCain 2008. submitted by the Centers for Medicare & of Katherine Harris; $4,200.00, 6/30/2005, 2006—$500.00, 10/6/2006, Friends of Joe Medicaid Services within the Department of Friends of George Allen; $1,000.00, 6/4/2005, Lieberman; $1,000.00, 9/20/2006, Santorum 2006; Health and Human Services relating to a Friends of Clay Shaw. $2,000.00, 5/2/2006, Robert Wexler for Congress cost limit for providers operated by units of 2004—$25,000.00, 9/23/2004, Republican Na- Committee. government and other provisions under the tional Committee; $2,000.00, 8/26/2004, John 2005—$4,000.00, 12/21/2005, Bill Nelson for Medicaid program; to the Committee on Fi- Thune for U.S. Senate; $25,000.00, 8/11/2004, Senate. nance. 2003—$2,000.00, 6/24/2003, Bush-Cheney ’04. 2004 Joint Candidate Committee. f Per federal election law, contributions to a Howard Siegel, Father, Deceased 11/16/2004. joint fundraising committee are attributed 2004—$2,000, 6/18/2004, Martinez for Senate. SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND among the ultimate recipients of the com- 2003—$2,000, 6/24/2003, Bush-Cheney ’04; $500, SENATE RESOLUTIONS mittee’s proceeds based on a pre-existing al- 4/23/2003, Robert Wexler for Congress Com- location formula. Based upon available infor- mittee. The following concurrent resolutions mation, Stephanie Siegel’s contribution was 6. Brothers and spouses: Daniel R. Siegel, and Senate resolutions were read, and attributed as follows: Richard Burr Com- $1,000, Senator Robert Menendez. Diane referred (or acted upon), as indicated: mittee (Richard Burr), $2,000.00, Senate, GA; Siegel, 2006—$1,000, Senator Robert Menen- By Mr. CORNYN (for himself, Mr. ROB- Cathy McMorris for Congress (Cathy Ann dez; 2005—$250, 10/18/2005, Democratic Con- ERTS, and Mr. MARTINEZ): McMorris) (via WA–05 Congressional Victory gressional Campaign Committee; $250, 7/21/ S. Res. 315. A resolution to express the Committee), $812.50, House, WA–5; John 2005, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com- sense of the Senate that General David H. Thune for US Senate, $2,000.00, Senate, SD; mittee. Petraeus, Commanding General, Multi-Na- David Vitter for US Senate, $2,000.00, Senate, Marc J. Siegel, 2007—$2,300, 2/27/2007, John tional Force-Iraq, deserves the full support LA; Northup for Congress (Anne M. McCain 2008. of the Senate and strongly condemn personal Northup), $812.50, House, KY–3; Bob Beauprez 2006—$500, 10/6/2006, Friends of Joe attacks on the honor and integrity of Gen- for Congress (Robert Louis Beauprez), Lieberman; $1,000, 9/20/2006, Santorum 2006; eral Petraeus and all the members of the $812.50, House, CO–7; Friends of Dave $5,000, 4/25/2006, Straight Talk America; United States Armed Forces; to the Com- Reichert (Dave Reichert) (via WA–08 Con- $1,000, 3/31/2006, Martinez for Senate; $1,000, 3/ mittee on Armed Services. gressional Victory Committee), $812.50, 28/2006, Mark Kennedy ’06; $2,000, 1/27/2006, By Mr. REED (for himself, Ms. COL- House, WA–8; Pete Sessions for Congress Friends of George Allen. LINS, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. (Pete Sessions), $812.50, House, TX–32; 2004—$15,000, 10/22/2004, Republican Na- BIDEN, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. OBAMA, Walcher for Congress (Gregory Edward tional Committee; $10,000, 10/4/2004, Repub- Mrs. CLINTON, Mr. SANDERS, Ms. Walcher) (via CO–08 Congressional Victory lican Party of Florida—Federal; $2,000, 4/30/ STABENOW, Mrs. BOXER, Mr. LEVIN, Committee), $812.50, House, CO–3; 2004, Martinez for Senate. Mr. LAUTENBERG, Mr. CASEY, Mr. Neugebauer Congressional Committee 2003—$1,000, 9/16/2003, Bush-Cheney ’04; BROWN, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. FEIN- (Randy Neugebauer), $812.50, House, TX–19; $1,000, 6/17/2003, Bush-Cheney ’04. GOLD, Ms. SNOWE, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. Porter for Congress (Jon C. Porter, Sr.), Gail Siegel, None. LEAHY, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Mr. KERRY, $812.50, House, NV–3; Simmons for Congress (*Nomination was reported with rec- Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. NELSON of Ne- (Rob Simmons), $812.50, House, CT–2; Friends ommendation that it be confirmed sub- braska, Mr. INOUYE, and Mr. DODD): of Martinez, $2,000.00, Senate, FL; Heather ject to the nominee’s commitment to S. Res. 316. A resolution designating the Wilson for Congress (Heather Wilson), respond to requests to appear and tes- weeks of October 21 through October 27, 2007 $812.50, House, NM–1; Nethercutt for Senate as ‘‘National Childhood Lead Poisoning Pre- (George Nethercutt), $2,000.00, Senate, WA; tify before any duly constituted com- vention Week’’; considered and agreed to. Charles Boustany Jr. MD for Congress mittee of the Senate.) By Mr. MCCONNELL: (Charles Bustany) (via LA–07 Congressional f S. Res. 317. A resolution to constitute the Victory Committee), $812.50, House, LA–7; minority party’s membership on the Com- Bush-Cheney ’04 Compliance Committee, INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND mittee on Veterans’ Affairs for the remain- $2,000.00, Presidential; Tauzin for Congress JOINT RESOLUTIONS der of the 110th Congress or until their suc- (Wilbert Tauzin III) (via LA–03 Congressional The following bills and joint resolu- cessors are chosen; considered and agreed to. Victory Committee), $812.50, House, LA–3; tions were introduced, read the first Max Burns for Congress (Maxie Burns), f and second times by unanimous con- $812.50, House, GA–12; Geoff Davis for Con- ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS gress (Geoffiey C. Davis) (via KY–04 Congres- sent, and referred as indicated: sional Victory Committee), $812.50, House, By Ms. KLOBUCHAR: S. 22 KY–4; Rick Renzi for Congress (Richard S. 2037. A bill to amend the Consumer At the request of Mr. WEBB, the Renzi), $812.50, House, AZ–1; PA–15 Congres- Product Safety Act to make it unlawful to name of the Senator from Hawaii (Mr. sional Victory Committee, $812.50, House, sell a recalled product, and for other pur- INOUYE) was added as a cosponsor of S. PA–15. poses; to the Committee on Commerce, 22, a bill to amend title 38, United 2004 (Continued)—$7,000.00, 7/2/2004, Na- Science, and Transportation. States Code, to establish a program of tional Republican Senatorial Committee; By Ms. KLOBUCHAR: $4,000.00, 5/21/2004, Martinez for Senate. S. 2038. A bill to prohibit the introduction educational assistance for members of 2003—$500.00, 11/14/2003, Northstar Leader- or delivery for introduction into interstate the Armed Forces who serve in the ship PAC; $2,000.00, 11/3/2003, Robert Wexler commerce of children’s products that con- Armed Forces after September 11, 2001, for Congress; $25,000.00, 8/4/2003, Republican tain lead, and for other purposes; to the and for other purposes.
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