September 21-23, 2021 Women in Security and Cryptography Workshop Our WISC- Speakers Invited WISC-Speakers Adrienne Porter Porter Felt Felt,, Google BIO. Adrienne is a Director of Engineering at Google, where she leads Chrome’s Data Science, content ecosystem, and iOS teams. Previously, Adrienne founded and led BIO.Chrome’s Adrienne usable is security a Director team. of She Engineering is best known at externallyGoogle, where for her she work leads on moving Chrome’s Datathe web Science, to HT TPS,content earning ecosystem, her recognition and iOS asteams. one ofPreviously, MIT Technology Adrienne Review’s founded andInnovators led Chrome’s Under 35.usable Adrienne security holds team. a PhD She from is best UC knownBerkeley, externally and most for of her her work onacademic moving publications the web to are HTTPS, on usable earning security her recognition for browsers as and one mobile of MIT operating Technology Review’ssystems. Innovators Under 35. Adrienne holds a PhD from UC Berkeley, and most of her academic publications are on usable security for browsers and mobile operating systems. Copyright: Adrienne Porter Felt CarmelaCarmela TroncosoTroncoso,, ÉcoleÉcole polytechnique fédérale fédérale de de Lausanne Lausanne BIO. Carmela Troncoso is an assistant professor at EPFL, Switzerland, where she BIO.heads Carmela the SPRING Troncoso Lab. isHer an work assistant focuses professor on analyzing, at EPFL, building, Switzerland, and deploying where she headssecure theand SPRINGprivacy- preservingLab. Her work systems. focuses Carmela on analyzing,holds a PhD building, in Engineering and deploying from secureKULeuven. and Herprivacy-preserving thesis, Design andsystems. Analysis Carmela Methods holds for a PrivacyPhD in EngineeringTechnologies, from KULeuven.received the Her European thesis, ResearchDesign and Consortium Analysis forMethods Informatics for Privacy and Mathematics Technologies, receivedSecurity andthe TrustEuropean Management Research Best Consortium PhD Thesis Award,for Informatics and her work and onMathematics Privacy SecurityEngineering and received Trust Management the CNIL-INRIA Best Privacy PhD ProtectionThesis Award, Award and in 2017. her Shework has on been Privacy named 40 under 40 in technology by Fortune in 2020. Engineering received the CNIL-INRIA Privacy Protection Award in 2017. She has been named 40 under 40 in technology by Fortune in 2020. Copyright: Carmela Troncoso Elette Boyle, Boyle, IDC HerzliyaHerzliya BIO. Elette Boyle is an Associate Professor, and Director of the FACT (Foundations & Applications of Cryptographic Theory) Research Center, at IDC Herzliya, Israel. She receivedBIO. Elette her Boyle PhD isfrom an AssociateMIT, and served Professor, as a andpostdoctoral Director ofresearcher the FACT at(Foundations Cornell University& Applications and at of th Cryptographice Technion Isr ael.Theory) Elette's Research research Center, focuses at oIDCn secure Herzliya, multi Israel.- partyShe received computation, her PhD secret from sharing, MIT, and and served distributed as a postdoctoral algorithm design. researcher Her awards at Cornell includeUniversity an andERC atStarting the Technion Grant, Google Israel. Research Elette’s researchScholar Award, focuses and on Best secure Paper multi- CRYPTOparty computation, 2016. secret sharing, and distributed algorithm design. Her awards include an ERC Starting Grant, Google Research Scholar Award, and Best Paper CRYPTO 2016. Copyright: Elette Boyle Gefördert durch September 21-23, 2021 Women in Security and Cryptography Workshop Invited WISC-Speakers Kenza Ait Ait Si Si Abbou Abbou,, AI ExpertExpert and and Author Author BIO. Kenza is a multi-award-winning AI expert, bestselling author and one of the top BIO. Kenza Ait Si Abbou was born in Morocco and, even as a little girl, solved math problems40 under 40faster talents than in her Germany mother (awarded could create by Capital new ones. Magazine). Today, Sheshe worksis a senior as Senior managerManager forfor roboticsRobotics and and artificial Artificial intelligence Intelligence. at Telekom. She was She born is alsoin Morocco, in demand studied worldwideTelecommunications as a speaker, Engineering juror and moderator.in Spain. A SheMaster speaks in Project seven Managementlanguages fluently followed andin Germany, has won severalthen Chinese awards. as In 2020,a foreign the magazine language "Capital" in China. selected She has her a astrack one recordof Germany'smanaging "youngbig projects, elite" (top in Hardware40 under 40). and Also Software in 2020, development,her first book "KeineICT outsourcing Panik, isttenders nur Technik" or agile (Gräfe transformations. und Unzer Verlag In August) was published. 2020 Kenza The published author lives her with first her Book family„Keine in Panik, Berlin. ist nur Technik“ (in German for now), where she explains artificial intelligence to the public and pleads for more diversity in AI development. Copyright: Hendrik Gergen MichelleMichelle Mazurek Mazurek,, UniversityUniversity of of Maryland Maryland BIO. Michelle Mazurek is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science DepartmentBIO. Michelle and Mazurek the Institute is an Associate for Advanced Professor Computer in the Studies Computer at the Science University Department of Maryland,and the InstituteCollege Park, for Advancedwhere she Computerdirects the Studies Maryland at Cybersecuritythe University Center. of Maryland, Her researchCollege Park, aims where to understand she directs and the improve Maryland the Cybersecurity human elements Center. of Hersecurity research- and aims privacyto understand-related decisionand improve making. the Recent human projects elements include of security- examining and how privacy-related and why developers make security and privacy mistakes; investigating the vulnerability- decision making. Recent projects include examining how and why developers make discovery process; evaluating the use of threat-modeling in large-scale security and privacy mistakes; investigating the vulnerability-discovery process; organizations; and analyzing how users learn about and decide whether to adopt evaluating the use of threat-modeling in large-scale organizations; and analyzing security advice. how users learn about and decide whether to adopt security advice. Copyright: Michelle Mazurek TalTal RabinRabin,, UniversityUniversity of of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania BIO. Tal Rabin is a Professor of Computer Science at University of Pennsylvania and BIO. Tal Rabin is a Professor of Computer Science at University of Pennsylvania and a a consultant to Algorand Foundation. Prior to joining UPenn she has been the head consultant to Algorand Foundation. Prior to joining UPenn she has been the head of of research at Algorand Foundation, prior to that she was at IBM Research for 23 yearsresearch as ata AlgorandDistinguished Foundation, Research prior Staff to thatMember she was and at theIBM Researchmanager forof 23the years Cryptographicas a Distinguished Research Research Group. StaffShe received Member her and PhD the from manager the Hebrew of the University Cryptographic in 1995.Research Tal’s Group. research She focusesreceived onher securePhD from multiparty the Hebrew computation, University thresholdin 1995. Tal’s cryptography,research focuses and proactiveon secure security multiparty and reccomputation,ently adapting threshold these technologies cryptography, to and theproactive blockchain security environment. and recently adapting these technologies to the blockchain environment. Copyright: Tal Rabin Gefördert durch SEITE 2 | 2 .
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