lrttnbtlt Smith, Re-elected Mayor, Leads Council in Appeal for Unity by Al 1Sk.olnik Re-elected Mayor Edgar L. Smith made a strong appeal fot' unity and support of the new council at the organizational meeting ltews lleuitw of the council on Monday, October 4. Acknowledging that there were many voters who were disappointed by the election outcome; AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Smith urged all voters to rally behind the council for the good of Volume 29, Number 47 GREENBELT, MARYLAND Thursday, October 7, 1965 the community. "We have learned through experi­ ence, particularly during the ,past years: (1) An adequate road system to WHAT GOES ON two years, that if the small voice Preferred Site for New Greenbelt meet traffic needs. The council, of Greenbelt is to .be heard beyond Friday, Oct. 8, 8 p.m. - Debate Smith said, has already scheduled our city limits, we must Jlave the on Vietnam. Community a meeting with the State Roads High .School Jeopardized by Delay Church. support of the entire community,'' Comm,ission. by Elalne Skolnik 8:30 p.!ID. - Duplicate Bridge. Smith said. (2) A new ll·brary for Greenbelt. An exchange of letters between the Steering Committee of Hospitality Room, Co-op. Speaking on behatf of the entire (3-) Adequate schools, including a Tuesday, Oct. 12, 8 p.m. Toast­ council, Smith set out the goals of tho Citizens for a Planned Greenbelt and the Prince Georges County senior high school, and an expan­ masters Humorous Speech the new council for the next two Board of Education reveals that the property site for the Green­ Contest - Municipal !Bullding. sion of elementary and junior high belt senior high school ( east of the Beltway between Greenbelt Thursday, Oct. 14, 7:415 p.m. - school ifacilities to meet needs. fload and the lake) is in jeopardy. GIHI 'Board Meeting. Hamilton (4) Continuation of the philoso­ In reply to an appeal from CFPG, -------------­ Place. Fire Prevention Week phy of a low-density residential 7:30 p.il'll. - North End PTA which urged the Board of. Educa- Community Church By ~idential Proclamation, the planned community with good Open House. week of October 3-9 .is National tion to expedite the construction of · 8:15 p.m. - Center Scllool PI'A balance In development. Fire Prevention Week. The Green­ the senior high, Superintendent of. Special Meeting Open House. (5) Keeping the electorate fully belt Volunteer Fire Department has Schools Willia.m. S. Schmidt pointed This Sunday at 6 ;p.m. following informed on all city matters. out that "unless we secure this site a pot-luck supper the members of staged fire driHs in the \;hree ele­ within the next t to 6 weeks, I the Greenbelt Community Church October Hearing on Three men tary schools this week and (6) Encouragement of maximum will be com.plelled to transfer the will hold a speclal membership lectured to the students on the sub­ citizen participation through serv­ money to a new location in order meeting to consider a bold new Local Zoning Petitions ject of fire prevention. Junior Fire ice on advisory boards. to avoid losing this appropriation p r o g r a m appropriately called Marshall badges were issued along (7) Immediate action to acquire (Federal). It has 'been available BREAK'l'!EffiOUGH. 'l'wo zoning <petitions within the with instructions <pertaining to the ,parkland in accordance with since last fall and we have been The Church will look at several city limits of Greenbelt will be the looking for and eliminating fire the mandate of the voters in the delayed for a long time in the ac­ areas of critical need not now being subject of a public hearing by the hazards. referendum. Smith said that the quisition of the land." Other funds met from -present giving. The county commissioners on Friday, A Fire Prevention Poster contest city manager has been instructed would then have to be used for a chureh will continue its ministry of October 15, at 10 a.m. at the coun­ has ,been held and winners will be to commence working out the site in Greenbelt. worship education and pastoral ty service building in Hyattsville. · announced soon. The winners of mechanics for obtaining Federal Early this year the Board of Edu­ care. But it proposes to go where In addition, one petition on Cipri­ the Greenbelt contest will have a matching funds. cation instituted condemnation pro­ the action is - to provide 'help for ano Road will be heard. chance to compete with youngsters (8) Review of existing municipal the victims of world famine, e.id ceedings against the awner of the Lakeside North Corporation is from other parts of the County and services to assure expansion of for one million refugees, new min­ site, Consolidated Syndicates, Inc. petitioning for 19.t acres to be re­ the County winners will receive sueh services as new playground istries in uriban industrial areas, (Charles Bresler-Ted Lerner). Orig­ zoned from R-30 to R-18 apart­ their awards at a meeting of the areas, renovation of old play­ help laymen in the movement to­ inally scheduled for May 6, the case ments. Both the Area 13 plan and Ladies Auxiliary to the Pr.ince grounds, -and beautification of park ward church union and put the was postponed because Bresler, a the city's master .plan call for this Georges County Firemen's Associa­ areas to meet the needs of this church solidly behin-d the elimina• delega te from Montgomery County, area to be retained R-30. The coun­ tion at the Tuxedo-Cheverly fire­ growing community. tion of poverty. was in the legislature. The suit dl has recommended denial. The house on November 4. Smith was elected unanimously was .reassigned to July 22, only to Lakeside North properties were A film on fire prevention has been for another 2-year term ·as Mayor, be :po$tponed by all the attorneys Local Pianist Featured originally approved by council with presented by the Greenbelt firemen aifter being ,put into nomination by beca use the case wa.s in the process a covenant restricting density to 12 to the two theaters in Greenbelt Francis White. White extolled the of being settled. Once again the Martin Berkofsky; concert pian­ ist, who lives at· 58-J Crescent Rd., units per acre. The R-1'8 zoning and will be shown throughout Fire mayor's previous service, quoting s uit was re-scheduled, this time to will appear in a recital at Johns would permit 21 apartment· ·units Prevention week. from last week's News Review edj• Septemb~ 8, but on September 1 per acre. Fire Prevention Week began torial. The oath of office was ad• the court was informed that the Hopkins University in Baltimore. His program will consist of around the turn of the century after ministered by Circuit Court Clerk case was passed for settlement as The other petition deals with the selections by Scarlatti, Mozart. De­ the famous Mrs. O'Leary's cow W. Waverly Webb. negotiations among the parties con­ 2½ acres between Edmonston Road knocked over a lantern and started Upon David Champion's nomina­ cem cd were b eing finalized. The bussy, and Liszt. and Kenilworth Road south ·of th,e: the &reat '\.'l-d disastrous Chicago tion, White was elected unanimous­ case will be returned to the active e pe o~e tu be give Beltway interchange. W. A. and fire. ly Mayor ,pro tem. trial list If no settlement is reached. at the Sh.river Ha ll Auditorium of J ane Martin, the owners, are seek­ the Uilliversity, on Sunday, October Remember, for fire or an run­ In this instance, it is possible the ing C-2 general commercial zoning. Upon taking office, Smith ob• 10, p.m. bulance, the thing to do is .to call case might not be caHed before at 8:30 On previous occasions, the owners served that the city was fortunate Admission is free and interested Union 4-1122. April, 1966. have .indicated that this and ad­ in that for the first time ln its When questioned as to the cause Greenbelters ·are invited to attend. joining land were ,being considered history, it had a new council whose of the delay, a Board of Education for a Stidham retail tire outlet. : Materna Classes members have all had previous spokesman indicated that the The area 13 plan recommends com­ Materna presents a new series council experience. The present owner was seeking a settlement Recreation Review · mercial-office for this.land, and the· of classes for e,q,ectant ,parents, members, in terms <1! service, rep• that might Involve a compromise on by Richard Ste\·enson cltys master plan recommends beginning In October. Classes will resent approximately 15 years on the city's master ~Ian adopted by Director or Recreation R-30. be taught by a Registered Nur:se. the city council council last March. Among the Arts a nd Crafbi The 'J)Ctition on Cipriano road For information, call jnstructor '],'he order of seating on the coun• items involved would be the zoning Mrs. Boggs, with the a.8Bistance south of Glenn Dale R d. askB for Kathy Paddock at 474-2004. F or ell, from left to right, is Dick P llski, of the Bresler-owned parcels 1 a.nd of Miss L. Alexander, will begin rezoning from rura.l-resldentlal to ~gistration, call Eva McClain at Champion, Smith, William Hoff, 2 <bebween G!HI and the Baltimore­ the afternoon children's Arts and C-2, an 0.8-acre parcel. 273-7744.
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