DIRECTORY.] LINCOLNSHIRE. FALDING\\ ORTH. 1~3 wife Anne and 13 children; and there is a brass shield Countess of Winchilsea, and held since :tS74 by thB 'With the arm~r -of Hardeby impaling another coat: there Rev. Maynard Edwa1 d J en our B. A. of Christ's College, :is also a mural monnment to Sir Peregrine Bertie K.B. Cambridge. Editl•, Countess of Winchilsea, of Haver­ son of Bobert, xst Earl of Lindsey, and Anne (Harde­ holme Priory. is lady of the manor and sole landowner~ by) his wife, and a memorial window to the Rev. Edward The soil is. chiefly heavy; subsoil, clay. The chief crop~r Pollard, 37 years rector here : the church WBS restored iB a.re ·wheat, barley, oats, beans, turnipr and seeds. The 18g8, chiefly at the cost of the Earl of Winchilsea and Mrs. area is 'I,646 acres of land, in threa farms ond 5 of water~ Hatton Wood1 when it was refioored, pew roofed and re­ rateable value, £1,450; population in 1901, Bo. ieated with oak benches, and the west window, which had Parish Clerk. John Wilson. been partly built in, was reopened and restored: in 1908 a new organ chamber was built at the expense of Mrs. Letters through Sleaford arrive at 7 s.m. Ewerby,. ~~ Oswell, -m London, daughter of a former rector, and miles di11tlmt, ia the nearest money order & teleg\'aph. a new organ was presented anonymously: the church office has now 70 sittings : in the churchyard lies a medireval Wall Lette:.: Box, near :Rectory, cleared 4-3Q p.m. weeli stone coffin. The register dates from the year 1562. days only The living is a rectory, net yearly value £r82, including 'l'he children of this place attend the schools at Ewerby 56 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Edith, & Kirkby la Thorpe Jenour Rev. Maynard Edward B.A. Parkin William Stephenson, farmer 3ellars John Chambers, farmer, Manor (rector), Rectory & grazier, Ivy house farm .Fulforth William, farmer 3harman George, grazier• EWERBY, formerly a market town called "Ywarby '' lamp standards for the sanctuary: a recumbent effigy­ and "lwardby," is now a village and parish, 3 miles from of the late Sir Murray Eqward Gordon P'inch-Hatton.,. Heckington station on the Grantham. Sleaford and Boston late Earl of Winchilsea and Nottingham, who died 7 branch of the Great Northern railway and 4 east-by- Sept. tBgB, was plact~d in the church in lgot, and a north from Sleaford, in the North Kesteven division of new pulpit of oak, made in part from the wood of the­ the county, parts of Kesteven, hundred of Ashwardhurn, old o11e, was erected in 1904 by the subscriptions of the Sleaford union, petty sessional division and county court parishioners: there are 250 sittings. Th~ register dates­ district, rural deanery of La:fford No. 1, and archdeaconry from the year 1562. The living is a discharged vicarage. and diocese of Lincoln. The church of St Andrew is a net yearly value £143, including 5 acres of glebe, with. building entirely of the Geometrical Decorated period, con- residence, in the gift of Edith, Countess of Wirn:hilsea and sisting of chancel and nave under single roof, aisles, Nottingham, and held since 1871 by the Rev. William.. vestry, south porch and a loftr western tower, with a Grayson B.A. of St. Catharine'B College, Cambridge. broach spire 172 feet in height, relieved by two tiers of Here is o. Primitive Methodist chapel, built- in 1879· •pire lights, and containing ro bells, four of w:tJ,ich date There is a parish library of 300 volumes, with a reading· from 16r6 to 1783, the remaining six being added in room. Rothwell's charity of £14 is for coal. The late 18g6, the spire was struck by lightning and repaired in Thomas Plump ton Tindale esq. of Ewerby, left in 11875 l~Io, and again struck in rgo8, but ha11 been restored: 11. sum of £ 'il.,ooo, the interest of which is given in me~t in the south wall of the chancel are three canopied and coal annually to the deserving poor of the parish; &edilia and a piscina, and in the east wall is an aumbry: Mrs. Ann Burcham and W. iBurcham esq. of Ewerby the communion table of fen oak was presented by the late 'l'horpe, each left [.rao, but this charity is now in Sir J. W. Gordon hart. : there is no chancel arch, nor abeyance: Henry Pell, of this parish, left in 1667 the­ any other separation between the nave and chancel than a sum of £10 yearly, of which £g is assigned towards the­ noble screen of the same date and character as that in maintenance of a schoolmaster to teach the poor children Sleaford church: the chantry chapel a5 the east end of of Ewerby, Evli.>don, Howell and .Asgarby. and, the re­ the north· aisle is inclosed by Early screen work, and re- mninder towards the purchase of grey gowns for the­ tains an altar slab and piscina, but its chief feature is a widows of the parish. Edith, Countess of Winchilsea fine arched tomb, with the recumbent effigy of a knight and Nottingham, who is lady of the, manor, F. W. in chain mail. said to represent Sir Alexander Annsell: Bonrdillon esq. Messrs. Samuel Barnes and J. T. Field the east window displays tw~ shields, with the Threking- and Mrs. .Newton are the principal landowners_ '!'he ham and other coats: in the chancel is a fragment of an soil is strong clay- and hea>y loam; subsoil,... clay. The in1..-ised flag stone, date 1420: the bowl of the old Norman chief crops are wheat, beans, barley, turnips and seeds. font reversed now forms the base for another of the The area is 2,917 acres of land and 6 of water; rateable Decorated period: in the chantry chapel is a mural value, £2,731; the population in 1901: was 358 in the tahlet inscribed to Henry Pell, ob. Nov. 1 667, and in the civil and 38<; in the ecclesiastical parish. Part of chancel is a fragment of a slab bearing a chalice and Haverholrne Priory Park is in this parish. label With illegible inscription, and floor stones to Roger Smith;. vicar, ob. 1677, and Matthew Alexander, rector, EW'EHBY THORPE is a hamlet in this varish, a mile ob, I73.11i : the base of a churchyard cross made at the east. col't of JDhn Hauburgh, a former rector, and bearing ·the Sexton; Richard Hall. arma o[ England, Lucy and Umfmville, remsins under Post, M. 0., •r . .& Telephone Call Office.-FJ:ank H. K. the tower: a new vestry has been built and in r8go-.S thP Fisher, sub-postmaster. Letters through Sleaford chnreh was thoroughly restored, and the 'I'Oofs entirely arrive at g.2o a.m.; dispakhed at 4 p.m renewed, nndPF the direction -of Mr. C. Hodgson Fowler. arrhitect, of Durham. at the cost of Murrav, 12th Earl Public Elementary School (mixed), built by subscription o{ Winchilsea, and Edith (Harcourt), his wife, who also in 184r, for 140 children; average attendance, 55 ; provided a new oak reredos, brass eagle lectern, a full Frank H. K. Fisher, master 11et of altar frontals and hangings with dossal and brass Carrier to Sleaford.-Thomas Joseph Gadd, mon PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Barnes Francis Cecil, farmer, The Nixon Annie Elizabeth (Mrs.), Finch- Winchilsea & Notting-ham, Edith, Limes, Ewerby Thorpe Hatton Arms P.H. & farmer Countess of, Dower house Barnes Samuel, farmer, Parkhouse Parish Library & Reading Room (Miss llames P'rancis Ct:cil, The Limes, Claydon Charles William, farmer: Florence Mitchell, librarian) E\\'erby Thorpe Claydon John, farmer Pocklington C. (exors. of), farmers • Evison Jabez Sidnev, jun. Austhorpe Coddington John, grocer Priestley Amos William, wheelwright house, Ewerby Thorpe Orawley Strickson, farmr. Waithe frm Samborook William C. editor of the Grayson Rev. William B.A. Vicarage Evison Jabez Sidney, jun. farmer, '~Agricultural World/' The Cottage Sambrook Wm. Charles, The Cottage Austhorpe house, Ewerby Thorpe Skinner Septimus Cornelius, blacksmth Gadd Thos. J oseph,car.rier & shopkpr Thorpe Thomas, assistant overseer, & Hardstaff Henry. farmer clerk to Parish Council COMllEBCIAL. Lacey Thomas Rhodes, farmer Wilson Ann (Mrs.), grazier & farmer Andrews William, fa1mer, Manor ho Money William, farmer, The Elms Wilson John, beer retailer PALDINGWORTH js a parish and village, :'l miles tower in x814• and again rebuilt with the exception of norlh-west from Wickenby station on the Lincoln and the tower in 18go-gr at a cost of £2,490. is a building of Cleethorpes branch of tha Great Centra.! (late 1\1. S. and stone, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south L.) ni.hray, 5 110nth-we.st from 1Market Rasen and II porch and a western tower containing 4 bells~ the east narth-east from Lincoln, in the East Lindsey division window was filled with stained glass in r895. in m.emory of the county, parts of Lindsey, wapentake of Lawres, of the late patoon: there are 150 sittings. The yegistel.' J.incoln union, :Market Rasen petty sessional division . datea from the year I54<J-- The living is a rectory, with aod oo~ty oourt district, ruml deanery of. Lawres that of BuslingthOTpe annexed, joint net yearly value No. I, archdeaconry of Stow and diocese of I.incoln._. The {.265, including 105 acres of glebe, with J"esidence, in ehurcb of .All Saints. rebuilt with the exception of the the gift of .Miss Cust and Mrs. P. Cust, who have three .
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