H1712 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE April 21, 1997 2. Charles F. Bass 17. James A. Traficant, Jr. 22. Tom DeLay NEW JERSEY 18. Robert W. Ney 23. Henry Bonilla 19. Steven C. LaTourette 24. Martin Frost 1. Robert E. Andrews 25. Ken Bentsen 2. Frank A. LoBiondo OKLAHOMA 26. Richard K. Armey 3. Jim Saxton 1. Steve Largent 27. Solomon P. Ortiz 4. Christopher H. Smith 2. Tom A. Coburn 28. Frank Tejeda 5. Marge Roukema 3. Wes Watkins 29. Gene Green 6. Frank Pallone, Jr. 4. J. C. Watts, Jr. 30. Eddie Bernice Johnson 7. Bob Franks 5. Ernest J. Istook, Jr. 8. Bill Pascrell, Jr. 6. Frank D. Lucas UTAH 9. Steven R. Rothman OREGON 1. James V. Hansen 10. Donald M. Payne 2. Merrill Cook 1. Elizabeth Furse 11. Rodney P. Frelinghuysen 3. Chris Cannon 2. Robert F. Smith 12. Michael Pappas 3. Earl Blumenauer VERMONT 13. Robert Menendez 4. Peter A. DeFazio At Large NEW MEXICO 5. Darlene Hooley Bernard Sanders 1. Steven Schiff PENNSYLVANIA VIRGINIA 2. Joe Skeen 1. Thomas M. Foglietta 1. Herbert H. Bateman 3. Bill Richardson 2. Chaka Fattah 2. Owen B. Pickett NEW YORK 3. Robert A. Borski 3. Robert C. Scott 1. Michael P. Forbes 4. Ron Klink 4. Norman Sisisky 2. Rick Lazio 5. John E. Peterson 5. Virgil H. Goode, Jr. 3. Peter T. King 6. Tim Holden 6. Bob Goodlatte 4. Carolyn McCarthy 7. Curt Weldon 7. Tom Bliley 5. Gary L. Ackerman 8. James C. Greenwood 8. James P. Moran 6. Floyd H. Flake 9. Bud Shuster 9. Rick Boucher 7. Thomas J. Manton 10. Joseph M. McDade 10. Frank R. Wolf 8. Jerrold Nadler 11. Paul E. Kanjorski 11. Thomas M. Davis 9. Charles E. Schumer 12. John P. Murtha WASHINGTON 10. Edolphus Towns 13. Jon D. Fox 1. Rick White 11. Major R. Owens 14. William J. Coyne 2. Jack Metcalf  12. Nydia M. Velazquez 15. Paul McHale 3. Linda Smith 13. Susan Molinari 16. Joseph R. Pitts 4. Doc Hastings 14. Carolyn B. Maloney 17. George W. Gekas 5. George R. Nethercutt, Jr. 15. Charles B. Rangel 18. Michael F. Doyle 6. Norman D. Dicks 16. Jose E. Serrano 19. William F. Goodling 7. Jim McDermott 17. Eliot L. Engel 20. Frank Mascara 8. Jennifer Dunn 18. Nita M. Lowey 21. Phil English 9. Adam Smith 19. Sue W. Kelly RHODE ISLAND 20. Benjamin A. Gilman WEST VIRGINIA 1. Patrick J. Kennedy 21. Michael R. McNulty 1. Alan B. Mollohan 2. Robert A. Weygand 22. Gerald B. H. Solomon 2. Robert E. Wise, Jr. 23. Sherwood L. Boehlert SOUTH CAROLINA 3. Nick J. Rahall II 24. John M. McHugh 1. Marshall ``Mark'' Sanford WISCONSIN 25. James T. Walsh 2. Floyd Spence 1. Mark W. Neumann 26. Maurice D. Hinchey 3. Lindsey O. Graham 2. Scott L. Klug 27. Bill Paxon 4. Bob Inglis 3. Ron Kind 28. Louise McIntosh Slaughter 5. John M. Spratt, Jr. 4. Gerald D. Kleczka 29. John J. LaFalce 6. James E. Clyburn 5. Thomas M. Barrett 30. Jack Quinn SOUTH DAKOTA 6. Thomas E. Petri 31. Amo Houghton At Large 7. David R. Obey NORTH CAROLINA 8. Jay W. Johnson John R. Thune 1. Eva M. Clayton 9. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. TENNESSEE 2. Bob Etheridge WYOMING 1. William L. Jenkins 3. Walter B. Jones, Jr. At Large 4. David E. Price 2. John J. Duncan, Jr. Barbara Cubin 5. Richard Burr 3. Zach Wamp 6. Howard Coble 4. Van Hilleary PUERTO RICO 7. Mike McIntyre 5. Bob Clement At Large 6. Bart Gordon 8. W. G. (Bill) Hefner Carlos A. Romero-Barcelo 9. Sue Myrick 7. Ed Bryant 10. Cass Ballenger 8. John S. Tanner AMERICAN SAMOA 11. Charles H. Taylor 9. Harold E. Ford, Jr. At Large 12. Melvin L. Watt TEXAS Eni F. H. Faleomavaega NORTH DAKOTA 1. Max Sandlin DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA At Large 2. Jim Turner At Large 3. Sam Johnson Earl Pomeroy Eleanor Holmes Norton 4. Ralph M. Hall OHIO 5. Pete Sessions GUAM 1. Steve Chabot 6. Joe Barton At Large 2. Rob Portman 7. Bill Archer Robert A. Underwood 3. Tony P. Hall 8. Kevin Brady 4. Michael G. Oxley 9. Nick Lampson VIRGIN ISLANDS 5. Paul E. Gillmor 10. Lloyd Doggett At Large 6. Ted Strickland 11. Chet Edwards Donna M. Christian-Green 7. David L. Hobson 12. Kay Granger f 8. John A. Boehner 13. William M. ``Mac'' Thornberry 9. Marcy Kaptur 14. Ron Paul OATH OF OFFICE, MEMBERS, RESI- 10. Dennis J. Kucinich 15. RubeÂn Hinojosa DENT COMMISSIONER, AND DEL- 11. Louis Stokes 16. Silvestre Reyes EGATES 12. John R. Kasich 17. Charles W. Stenholm 13. Sherrod Brown 18. Sheila Jackson Lee The oath of office required by the 14. Thomas C. Sawyer 19. Larry Combest sixth article of the Constitution of the 15. Deborah Pryce 20. Henry B. Gonzalez United States, and as provided by sec- 16. Ralph Regula 21. Lamar S. Smith tion 2 of the act of May 13, 1884 (23 April 21, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H1713 Stat. 22), to be administered to Mem- transmitting a report on the application of lotments, FM Broadcast Stations (Cam- bers, Resident Commissioner, and Dele- the Electronic Fund Transfer Act to elec- bridge and St. Michaels, Maryland) [MM gates of House of Representatives, the tronic stored-value products, pursuant to Docket No. 95±291, RM±8133] received April text of which is carried in 5 U.S.C. 3331: Public Law 104±208, section 2601(b) (110 Stat. 16, 1997, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to 3009±469); to the Committee on Banking and the Committee on Commerce. ``I, AB, do solemnly swear (or af- Financial Services. 2896. A letter from the Manager Director, firm) that I will support and defend 2886. A letter from the President and Federal Communications Commission, trans- the Constitution of the United Chairman, Export-Import Bank of the United mitting the Commission's final ruleÐ States against all enemies, foreign States, transmitting a report involving Unit- Amendment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Al- and domestic; that I will bear true ed States exports to Poland, pursuant to 12 lotments, FM Broadcast Stations (Battle faith and allegiance to the same; U.S.C. 635(b)(3)(i); to the Committee on Mountain, Nevada) [MM Docket No. 95±145, that I take this obligation freely, Banking and Financial Services. RM±8831] received April 16, 1997, pursuant to 2887. A letter from the Chairman, National 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on without any mental reservation or Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities, Commerce. purpose of evasion; and that I will transmitting the Federal Council on the Arts 2897. A letter from the Manager Director, well and faithfully discharge the and Humanities' 21st annual report on the Federal Communications Commission, trans- duties of the office on which I am Arts and Artifacts Indemnity Program for mitting the Commission's final ruleÐ about to enter. So help me God.'' fiscal year 1996, pursuant to 20 U.S.C. 959(c); Amendment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Al- has been subscribed to in person and to the Committee on Education and the lotments, FM Broadcast Stations (Alexan- Workforce. dria and Ball, Louisiana) [MM Docket No. 95± filed in duplicate with the Clerk of the 2888. A letter from the Director, Office of 143, RM±8826, RM±8890] received April 16, 1997, House of Representatives by the follow- Regulatory Management and Information, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- ing Member of the 105th Congress, pur- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- mittee on Commerce. suant to the provisions of 2 U.S.C. 25: ting the Agency's final ruleÐApproval and 2898. A letter from the Managing Director, Honorable CIRO D. RODRIGUEZ, 28th Promulgation of Air Quality Implementa- Federal Communications Commission, trans- District Texas. tion Plans; District of Columbia and State of mitting the Commission's final ruleÐ f MarylandÐ1990 Base Year Emission Inven- Amendment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Al- tory for the Metropolitan Washington DC lotments, FM Broadcast Stations (Zapata, EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, Area [DC010±5914a; MD033±7157a; FRL±5814±1] Texas) [MM Docket No. 95±142, RM±8685] re- ETC received April 17, 1997, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. ceived April 16, 1997, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Commerce. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Commerce. Under clause 2 of rule XXIV, execu- 2889. A letter from the Managing Director, 2899. A letter from the AMDÐPerformance tive communications were taken from Federal Communications Commission, trans- Evaluation and Records Management, Fed- the Speaker's table and referred as fol- mitting the Commission's final ruleÐ eral Communications Commission, transmit- lows: Amendment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Al- ting the Commission's final ruleÐAmend- 2878. A letter from the Congressional Re- lotments, FM Broadcast Stations (Eufaula, ment of 47 CFR Part 1.1200 et seq. Concerning view Coordinator, Animal and Plant Health Wagoner, Warner, and Sand Springs, Okla- Ex Parte Presentations in Commission Pro- Inspection Service, transmitting the Serv- homa) [MM Docket No. 96±94, RM±8790) re- ceedings [GC Docket No. 95±21] received ice's final ruleÐViruses, Serums, Toxins, and ceived April 16, 1997, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. April 21, 1997, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Analogous Products; In Vitro Tests for Se- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Commerce. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Commerce.
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