Public Notices PAGES 25-128 PAGE 25 MARCH 8, 2013 -MARCH 14, 2013 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY LEGAL NOTICES FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE UNDER NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS Public Notice is hereby given that Na- NAME LAW PURSUANT TO U-Stor Tampa East and United Mini FICTITIOUS NAME LAW NAME LAW PURSUANT TO tional Auto Service Centers Inc. will SECTION 865.09, Self Storage sales will be held on or The following vehicle will be sold ACCORDING TO FLORIDA SECTION 865.09, sell at PUBLIC AUCTION free of all FLORIDA STATUTES thereafter the dates in 2012 and at public sale to satisfy a lien, per STATUTE NUMBER 865.09 FLORIDA STATUTES prior liens the follow vehicle(s) that NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that times indicated below, at the loca- Fl Stat 713.585, at 10:00 AM on NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that remain unclaimed in storage with the undersigned, desiring to engage in tions listed below, to satisfy the self March 26, 2013 at Master Collision the undersigned, desiring to engage in the undersigned, desiring to engage in charges unpaid pursuant to Florida business under the fictitious name of storage lien. Units contain general Repair Inc dba Gerber Collision & business under the Fictitious Name of business under fictitious name of OUR statutes, Sec. 713.78 to the highest Slide B located at 1221 East Hamilton household goods. All sales are final. Glass, 9816 US Hwy 301 N, Tampa EMERALD GREENS CONDO HO- LADY of LIFE DISTRICT located at, bidder at 2309 N 55th St, Tampa, Avenue, in the County of Hillsborough, Management reserves the right to FL 33619, phone 813-988-4332. No TEL AT CARROLLWOOD COUN- in the County of HILLSBOROUGH Florida on 03/22/2013 at 11:00 A.M. in the City of Tampa, Florida 33604in- withdraw any unit from the sale or titles, as is, cash only. 2007 Isuzu TRY CLUB located at 13941 Club- in the City of TAMPA, Florida 33637 2005 SATURN tends to register the said name with refuse any offer of bid. Payment by Truck, VIN JALE5B16277902591. house Dr., Suite 110, Tampa, FL 33618 intends to register the said name with 5GZCZ53455S822902 the Division of Corporations of the CASH ONLY, unless otherwise ar- Cash sum to redeem vehicle intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations of the 1999 YAMAHA Florida Department of State, Tallahas- ranged! $1359.00. Notice to owner or lien- the Division of Corporations of the Florida Department of State, Tallahas- JYAVP11Y0XA000155 see, Florida. holder as to right to a hearing prior Department of State, Tallahassee, see, Florida. Terms of the sale are CASH. NO RE- United- Tampa, 5002 W. Linebaugh to sale date by filing with clerk of Florida. Dated at HILLSBOROUGH, Florida, FUNDS! Vehicle(s) are sold“AS IS”. Dated at Tampa, Florida, this day of Ave., STE “D”, Tampa, FL 33624 on court and to recover vehicle by post- this 28th day of FEBRUARY, 2013. National Auto Service Centers, Inc. March 6th, 2013,. Wednesday, MAR 27, @ 2:00PM ing bond in accordance with Fl Stat Dated at Tampa, Florida, this 6th day of reserves the right to accept or reject [none] 559.917. Proceeds of sale exceeding March, 2013. ST. PETERSBURG any and/or all bids. Martel Mendez lien amount will be deposited with DIOCESAN COUNCIL of NATIONAL AUTO SERVICE CEN- March 8, 2013 13-02425H U-Stor, (Tampa East) 4810 North 56th the clerk of court. Interested par- EMERALD GREEN VILLAS CATHOLIC WOMEN, INC. TERS, INC. St. Tampa, FL 33610 on ties, contact State Filing Service MANAGEMENT COMPANY, INC. 2309 N 55th St Tampa, FL 33619 Tuesday, MAR 26, @ 1:00pm. 772-595-9555. By: Frank R. Hayden, President March 8, 2013 13-02344H Public Notice is hereby given that Na- William Johnson C7 tional Auto Service Centers Inc. will Marcus Harden F23 March 8, 2013 13-02431H March 8, 2013 13-02430H sell at PUBLIC AUCTION free of all FIRST INSERTION Millie P. Singletary I17 prior liens the follow vehicle(s) that H.E.A.D.S. Felisa Thompson K4 FIRST INSERTION remain unclaimed in storage with TRADE NAME LAW NOTICE Donna Grey Passmore N24 charges unpaid pursuant to Florida NOTICE OF PUBLICATION UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME LAW statutes, Sec. 713.78 to the highest OF FICTITIOUS NAME Notice is hereby given that the un- March 8, 15, 2013 13-02426H bidder at 4122 Gunn Hwy, Tampa, NOTICE is hereby given that the un- dersigned pursuant to the “Fictitious NOTICE OF SALE Florida on 03/22/2013 at 11:00 A.M. dersigned Jamie Michael Knoop of 421 Name Statute” as defined in Section Rainbow Title & Lien, Inc. will sell at Public Sale at Auction the following ve- 2003 DODGE Arch Ridge Loop, Seffner, FL 33584, 865.09 Florida Statutes, intends to hicles to satisfy lien pursuant to Chapter 713.78 of the Florida Statutes on March 1D4HS38N73F596632 pursuant to the requirements of the register with the Secretary of State of 28, 2013 at 10 A.M. *AUCTION WILL OCCUR WHERE EACH VEHICLE IS Terms of the sale are CASH. NO RE- Florida Department of State Division of Florida, Division of Corporations, the LOCATED* 1997 PONTIAC, VIN# 2G2FV22P7V2220666; 1995 DODGE, FUNDS! Vehicle(s) are sold“AS IS”. FIRST INSERTION Corporations is hereby advertising the fictitious name, to-wit: VIN# 1B3ES27C5SD634798; 1992 BUICK, VIN#2G4WD54L1N1454295; National Auto Service Centers, Inc. following fictitious name: East Coast NOTICE OF INTENTION TO 1993 TOYOTA, VIN# 4T1SK12E4PU184651; 1989 CHEVROLET, VIN# reserves the right to accept or reject Skydiving Instruction & Photography. BUSINESS NAME: REGISTER FICTITIOUS NAME 2GBEG25K9K4129002; 1996 DODGE, VIN# 1B7HC16Z2TJ166105; 1990 any and/or all bids. It is the intent of the undersigned to H.E.A.D.S. SJA Nutrition, LLC, 2515 West Azeele HONDA, VIN#1HGED3542LL001775; 1998 MITSUBISHI, VIN# 4A3AK34Y- register East Coast Skydiving Instruc- BUSINESS MAILING ADDRESS: Street, Tampa, Florida 33609, desiring 8WE049035; 2005 TOYOTA, VIN# JTDBR32E852058555; 1992 OLDSMO- NATIONAL AUTO SERVICE CEN- tion & Photography with the Florida 701 S. Howard Ave., Ste 106336 and intending to engage in business un- BILE, VIN# 1GHDT13W8N2710980 Located at: 401 S 50TH ST, TAMPA, FL TERS, INC. Department of State Division of Corpo- Tampa, FL 33606 der the name “Total Nutrition Tampa”, 33619 Hillsboro Any person(s) claiming any interest(s) in the above vehicles con- rations. Dated: February 28, 2013 OWNER: intends to register the said fictitious tact: Rainbow Title & Lien, Inc., (954) 920-6020 *ALL AUCTIONS ARE HELD 4122 Gunn Hwy Tampa, FL 33618 March 8, 2013 13-02335H HEALING EDUCATIONAL name with the Secretary of State pur- WITH RESERVE* Some of the vehicles may have been released prior to auction March 8, 2013 13-02343H ALTERNATIVES FOR DESCERVING suant to the provisions of Sec. 865.09, LIC # AB-0001256 STUDENTS, LLC Florida Statutes. ADDRESS OF OWNER: March 8, 2013 13-02253H March 8, 2013 13-02427H 701 S. Howard Ave., Ste 106336 FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION Tampa, FL 33606 FEDERAL EMPLOYEE NOTICE OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF PUBLICATION IDENTIFICATION # OF FICTITIOUS NAME OF FICTITIOUS NAME 454924934 NOTICE is hereby given that the un- NOTICE is hereby given that the un- CORPORATE DOCUMENT FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION dersigned Julie Noyas of 3432 Colwell dersigned MUNOZ & COMPANY, Avenue Tampa, FL 33614, pursuant to CPA, PLLC of 3705 N Himes Ave., NUMBER: NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS L12000025921 the requirements of the Florida Depart- Tampa, FL 33607, pursuant to the re- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ment of State Division of Corporations quirements of the Florida Department HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, March 8, 2013 13-02333H is hereby advertising the following fic- of State Division of Corporations is FLORIDA - PROBATE DIVISION IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH FLORIDA titious name: Julie Noyas Enterprises. hereby advertising the following ficti- File No: 13-CP-000307 COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION It is the intent of the undersigned to tious name: Munoz & Company, CPA. IN RE: ESTATE OF PROBATE DIVISION File No. register Julie Noyas Enterprises with It is the intent of the undersigned to RUFUS HURLEY REITZEL, JR., File No. 13-CP-33 12 CP 3111 the Florida Department of State Divi- register Munoz & Company, CPA with a/k/a RUFUS H. REITZEL, JR., IN RE: ESTATE OF IN RE: ESTATE OF FIRST INSERTION sion of Corporations. Dated: February the Florida Department of State Divi- Deceased. EMILY FAUNT CLARKSON THOMAS RICHARD BUBB 28, 2013 sion of Corporations. Dated: March 1, NOTICE TO CREDITORS The name of the Decedent, the designa- Deceased. Deceased. 2013 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR tion of the Court in which the adminis- The administration of the Estate of The administration of the estate March 8, 2013 13-02334H March 8, 2013 13-02336H HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, tration of this estate is pending, and the Emily Faunt Clarkson, deceased, file of THOMAS RICHARD BUBB, FLORIDA file number are indicated above. The No. 13-CP-33 is pending in the Circuit deceased, whose date of death was PROBATE DIVISION address of the Court is: Clerk of the Cir- Court for Hillsborough County, Florida, December 7, 2009, is pending in File No. 13-CP-532 cuit Court, Hillsborough County Court- Probate Division, the address of which the Circuit Court for HILLSBOR- Division PROBATE house, Probate Division, Post Office is 800 Twigg Street, Room 206, Tampa OUGH County, Florida, Probate IN RE: ESTATE OF Box 1110, Tampa, Florida 33601-1110. FL 33602.
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