E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 149 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2003 No. 156 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2003, at 12:30 p.m. Senate FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2003 The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY on a fair credit reporting bill. I expect called to order by the President pro LEADER the Senate would turn to that measure tempore [Mr. STEVENS]. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The on Tuesday. majority leader is recognized. I mentioned a few moments ago the Internet tax moratorium bill. What we PRAYER f agreed to last night was that we would The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- SCHEDULE address that bill next week, and as part fered the following prayer: Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, this morn- of that agreement, that we would not Let us pray. ing we will be in a period of morning address it prior to Thursday. With the O God, our strength and refuge, who business to allow Senators to speak for current extension expiring, it was my shows us unfailing love, we see Your up to 10 minutes each. As I announced hope that the Senate could have fin- majesty in the beauty of the Earth and last night, there will be no rollcall ished that bill last night or today, the glory of the skies. Your voice votes during today’s session. prior to that deadline, but a few Mem- speaks in the thunder and You form Last evening, after a lengthy session bers have raised concerns and desire the mighty oak. You reign as King for- with 14 rollcall votes, we were able to amendments. Thus, it will be our in- ever, blessing Your people with peace. finish work on a number of items. We tent to finish that bill at the end of Lord, protect us from destructive were able to pass the Healthy Forests next week, rather than this week. The forces and rescue us from setbacks that bill as well as complete action last agreement, again, will lead us to turn ambush our dreams. Rise and help us, night on the Foreign Operations appro- to that on Thursday, and I expect, after and we will sing about Your power. Let priations bill. We were also able to giving Senators the opportunity to the world come to know Your faithful- reach agreements on a number of other offer, hopefully, relevant amendments, ness, which is as enduring as the heav- important matters, including the Iraq- that we would move that bill toward ens. Afghanistan supplemental, the Interior passage on either Thursday or Friday. Teach our Senators to walk in Your appropriations conference report, the Another item that will demand the ways and to trust Your promises, continuing resolution, as well as the Senate’s attention next week is the which cannot fail. Bless the members Internet tax moratorium legislation. Syria accountability bill. Senator of their families, who share the chal- Earlier in the day, the Senate consid- SANTORUM has been working on getting lenges of their work. We wait upon You ered the climate change bill and failed that measure cleared, and we hope to to supply our needs and to quench our to invoke cloture on the nomination of schedule that vote very early next thirst for purpose. Blessed be Your Charles Pickering. week. name forever and ever. Amen. As a reminder, the next vote will Finally, I add we will continue to occur on Monday at some point, most consider the available appropriations f likely between 5:30 and 6 o’clock. That conference reports as they become vote will be on the adoption of the con- available. ference report to accompany the Inte- Having said all that, you can see that PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE rior appropriations. Also on Monday, next week is shaping up to be another The PRESIDENT pro tempore led the the Senate will consider the Iraq sup- very active week of floor action. With Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: plemental conference report; however, Members’ continued cooperation, we I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the that conference report will be com- can finish our business and still ad- United States of America, and to the Repub- pleted without a rollcall vote. journ at the earliest opportunity this lic for which it stands, one nation under God, I also remind my colleagues that ear- year. I do thank Members for their co- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. lier in the week we reached a consent operation and participation in allowing ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S13699 . VerDate jul 14 2003 00:48 Nov 01, 2003 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.000 S31PT1 S13700 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2003 us to proceed with the business of the It is important for our colleagues to rorism from Secretary of Defense Senate. understand because about this time of Rumsfeld to his top subordinates was f the year everybody is sort of sitting leaked to the press. In that memo, Sec- and waiting to see who is going to retary Rumsfeld asked a number of RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING make the next move. At this point, we questions, including the following: Is MINORITY LEADER are trying to wrap everything up for our current situation such that ‘‘the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The the session. It means everybody needs harder we work, the behinder we get?’’ deputy Democratic leader. to recognize decisions have to be made, Then he asked: ‘‘What else should we Mr. REID. Mr. President, one ques- very tough decisions. I am speaking in be considering?’’ tion I have gotten over here several part to the conferees who are address- Well, I am dismayed that Secretary times, and I have raised this issue on ing issues right now. There are one or Rumsfeld says publicly something so the floor, Senator MCCONNELL has said two outstanding issues in these con- differently than what he has said pri- on two separate occasions that a week ferences. Now is the time to make vately. I am glad he is looking for new from this Monday, we will be working. those decisions. If not, we will be here direction since our post-Saddam policy People are changing schedules and all. all the way up to Thanksgiving, and is not working well, given the sus- My personal feeling is we should be after Thanksgiving, and up to the De- tained and increasing attacks on our working. I hope the leader, whatever cember holidays. That is really unac- forces. the final decision—I understand the ceptable to me. But now is the time to Secretary Rumsfeld asked—again— preliminary decision is we would be wrap things up, over these next several ‘‘What else should we be considering?’’ working a week from Monday, more so weeks. Well, the President of the Iraqi Gov- than just 5 o’clock at night. erning Council has made a specific rec- If we are to have any hope of getting Mr. REID. Mr. President, I have said ommendation for us to consider: that out of here in time for important on the floor previously that the vet- the regular Iraqi Army units be called events such as people’s birthdays and erans of America recognize how impor- up to assist our troops in providing se- events of that nature, we have to really tant our work is here. So much that we curity for the reconstruction of their move forward. I say that actually rec- do reflects on these different programs. country. ognizing the Presiding Officer has a I also think if things are as difficult as Surely it is worthy of our consider- very important date coming up—it is they appear, we may have to do some- ation, when Iyad Alawi, this month’s the 18th or 20th, or something like thing on that Tuesday. That will cer- serving President of the Iraqi Gov- that. tainly be up to the leader. But I also Seriously, if we can have a signoff on recognize that other than Senator erning Council—the 25-member body what you are going to do that day, it FRIST and Senator DASCHLE, no one has selected by the United States to rep- would be important to everybody. had a more difficult job these last few resent the Iraqi people—is making a Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, in re- weeks than the Presiding Officer and suggestion to change course. sponse, through the Chair, the inten- Senator BYRD. Trying to marshal He wrote an important opinion piece tion right now is to work Monday, through these appropriations bills is entitled ‘‘America Must Let Iraq Re- make that a full working day. As we extremely difficult. build Itself,’’ which was published by finished last night at about midnight, a But we have made really good the New York Times on October 19. The lot of people were saying we can’t work progress. To think we have been able in main premise of the article is that ‘‘ul- any harder than what we are doing just the last few weeks to do as much timately, only Iraqis themselves can right now in terms of taking these bills as we have here on the Senate floor restore security, rebuild national insti- one by one, and that is the way we are with the appropriations bills is signifi- tutions, enact a constitution and elect going to have to work, unfortunately— cant.
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