Acts win place on Showboat Playing before an audience of close to a thousand people, contestants of the Lowell Show- boat's Talent Search discover- f ed the thrill of rightfully earn- ed applause on Saturday night. For several weeks prior to the finals, there has been a steady flow of applications to y»e Lowell Showboat headquar- ters requesting the opportunity of an audition. In due course, all entries were processed, in- dividuals and groups notified and the auditions held three nights of the last week. Then on Saturday. July 17, the final contest was held on stage, in front of the Showboat in Low- ell. The 28 acts, which had a to- tal of 99 performers, included Vol. 72—No. 15 LOWELL, MICH., THURSDAY, JULY 22. 1965 singers, dancers, musicians, pan- tomine and marionette special- ities. From this group, the pro- fessional entertainment judges Oris C. Smith had to select six winning ails. MM Fishing derby attracts 120 This was a very difficult assign- One hundred and twenty chil- passes July 17 ment due to the tremendous Bud & Jack" 'The Gramers" • The Marionette'' dren took several pounds of Oris C. Smith, 820 North Wash capabilities of all the entertain- fish from McEwen Lake Satur- inglon Street, Lowell, passed ers. day in the annual fishing derby away at the age of 85 on Sat- All Talent Search winners will sponsored by the Moose Civic urday. July 17, at Butterworth appear one night on the Show- Affairs Committee. Hospital in Grand Rapids. boat. with the exception of one group who will be scheduled But the size of their catch Funeral services were held to take part on two evenings. was insignificant compared to Tuesday afternoon at the Roth The schedule of appearance the food they consumed during Funeral Home with the Rev. of the winners was comoleted the picnic—50 pounds of ham- Russell Spray of the Lowell on Monday afternoon bv Show- burgers. 200 hot dogs, potato Nazarene Church officiating. boat's Entertainment Director, salad, and more than 300 bot- Mr. Smith was a retired em- William Jones, to conform to tles of soft drinks. ployee with the Pere Marquette- Pennsylvania Railroad. He was the other professional entertain- Two big buses donated by the ment. Then Mondav evening, the YMCA and the American Le- married to Anice Goldner on October 16. 1906; they celebra- winners were called and the gion, left the lodge at 8:30 night of their appearance was a. m. Saturday and within an ted their 58th wedding anniver- sary last year. The Smiths confirmed. hour more than 30 boatloads of Mondav. Julv 26. "Farmer eager youngsters were seeking moved to Lowell in 1922. Besides his wife, Anice, Mr. Bud and Jack's Country Pick- not only fish but the prizes in' " (Bud Drew and Jack Tay- that went with the catch. Smith is survived by two sons, Kenneth and Albert, both of lor) a banjo and guitar special- Enjoying the fourth annual ty act from the Holland-Zeeland Lowell; one daughter, Mrs. Ida "The Shilos" The Madrigal Singers' outing as well as the kids were Quinn of Grand Rapids; three area. Also, the Madrigal Sing- the judges C. H. Runciman, grandchildren; 3 great-grand- ers of Grand Rapids will take Herb Reynolds, Steve Nisbet last Saturday, the audience let children; several nieces and part in the show. * and Myron Henry. Earl Stark- nephews; and a host of friends. Oc Tuesday. July 27. "The the judges, as well as the Gra- weather was bustling around mers. know that this was one Following the memorial ser- Marionetteer." Marvin Heilman taking pictures and Faith Mar- of the acts that should be on vices, interment was made in of Saranac will "pull the strings" shall was dipping in the lake. the Showboat. The Gramers Oakwood Cemetery. to make his dancing, skating, Working the chow line were merry-mystery marionettes per- will appear on Saturday, July members of the Women of the form. 31. Moose who met the hungry Prowten reported in Wednesday, July 28. "The "The Talent Search winners, piscators as they came from northwest section of city Shervlettes. an attractive chorus even though they will be putting the lake. girl line from the Detroit Sub- their best entertainment foot First prize for the most fish Lowell Police have had sev- urb. Southfield, will depict and forward." pointed out Lowell went to Dorothy Burton. Elaine eral complaints in the last dance to an Artists and Models Showboat president William S. Stromzand and Albert Kline week on prowlers and window routine that pleased the audi- Doyle, "will be one act of the caught the smallest fish. Den- peepers in the northwest sec- tion and finalist judges, as well star-studded cast of the Show- nis Finkler caught the largest tion of the city. as the audience on Saturday. boat every evening. July 26-31." fish. About midnight Sunday, neigh- It is expected that the Wed- Heading the array of talent Typical Vil Abner & Daisy Mae win In the LIT Abner and Daisy bors called the police, when they nesday night audience of the will be George Gobel well known Debbie and Bemle Condon, Jr., walked away with the prizes Mae costume contest. Debbie heard voices outside the I. O. Showboat will also indicate their comedian of television, radio, in the L'U Abner and Daisy Mae contests at the annual Moose and Bernie Condon, jr., walked Altenberger home at 964 River- approval of this eye-appealing movies, and stage. Also Betty Civic Affairs Fishing Derby on Saturday, Jaiy 17, at McEwen off with lop honors, according side Drive. number. Johnson, attractive singer on Lake. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs'. Bernie Condon, to Mel Lewis Chairman of the Police arrived just in time to Thursday night. July 29. the the Don McNeill's Breakfast Segwnn Avenue. Route i, Lowell. event. see two youths run from be- "Madrigals" of Grand Rapids Club. Jack Paar. Perry Como Monday, Lewis expressed his tween the houses. A ladder was .again will be featured as one and many other television and sincercst appreciation on behalf found against the side of the • of the Talent Search winners. radio network programs. of the Moose Civic Affairs Com- building. This group of young adults, who "Although we have sent news mittee to the YMCA and Ameri- Other families in the area for most part will be starting releases to all of the media in can Legion for the use of the have seen prowlers in their their freshman year in college Western Michigan about the en- buses, to the residents who do- yards, but only a few cases this fall, have been singing to- tire line up of stars for this nated life jackets and boats, were reported to the authorities. gether for the oast eleven mon- year's Showboat, we do want members who worked in the ths under the direction of Rich- to be certain that everyone is boats and on the chow line, the CLOSED IN AUGUST ard Calkins. Choral Music Di- reminded that the 1965 Show- judges, photographer, and to all rector of Creston High School. boat's presentation contains 99 others who contributed their Bemie's Barbershop will be The "Madrigals" have been on- percent professional entertain- time and efforts to make this closed for vacation August 9- their-own since graduation time ers of national fame." Doyle a very successful event. 21. C15-17 singing for their friends, them- emphasized. selves and for the entertain- "Besides Gobel and Johnson, ment of audiences at evdnts there's 250 pounds of fun in such as the Showboat. Mike Caldwell's performance .. Council calls hearing on new Friday. July 30. the "Shilos" plenty of glamous and dance-a- of Lowell will oresent a medley bility provided by the Cassidy of cheerful folk songs, accom- TV-Dancers, cheoregraphed by zoning ordinance for August 23 panying themselves with two Perry Como's show dance The City Council Monday Foreman SL Project guitars and a bass fiddle. The director ... and the Sheffields night were given the final The Kent County Road Com- three young men. Jerry Adams. band that will play the tunes draft of a new city zoning or- mission wiH start installing new Mike Powers and Jim Powers preferred by the young folks. dinance by the City Planning drainage structures on Foreman are not only talented musicians, The Sheffields will appear on "The Shervlette Dancers' Commission, that has been un- Street, between the C & O Rail- but their voices blend nicely to- Monday. Tuesday and Wednes- der study for the past several road tracks and Gee Drive in gether in a happy, melodius day nights only. months. the next few weeks. sound. In addition to the profession- The council ordered a public The city will take over the The Talent Search Judges se- als and Talent Search winners, Services held Wednesday Firemen moke three Catch biggest, smallest, mostest lected the "Song'n-Dance-Gram- the experienced Showboat In- hearing on the zoning ordinance b of grading, widening and for Nora Baird, aged 75 trips to barn fire Dorothy Burton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Burton, for Monday, August 23. lacktopping the road, after the ers" of Flint as another one terlocutor. Endmen. Showboat S Chorus and Band can be de- Conrt Drive, Uwefl, left, won the award for catching the most The 52-page ordinance pre- drainage structures are install- of the top six winners. Gary Funeral Mass was held on Lowell firemen made three fhh at the annual fishing derby for area kids Saturday.
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