AGENDA FOR THE REMOTE MEETING OF RUDBY PARISH BURIAL BOARD TO BE HELD ON MONDAY 12 October 2020 AT 7.15PM 1. Apologies for absence 2. Drainage of Burial Ground 3. Application for a memorial 4. Review of burial fees 2020/21 AGENDA FOR THE REMOTE MEETING OF RUDBY PARISH COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON MONDAY 12 OCTOBER 2020 FOLLOWING THE ABOVE MEETING 1. Apologies for absence. 2. Minutes of the meetings held on 2,7 July 2020 and 10, 14 September 2020. 3. Police Report and Neighbourhood Watch. Meeting open to the public. Zoom meeting ID is Meeting ID: 833 5442 3842, Passcode: 895591 4. Matters arising. a. Neighbourhood Plan – responses from residents regarding the recent Paddocks End/Embleton Farm leaflet. b. Footpaths – Path keepers project c. Village Hall and Play Area – use of car park for flu vaccines, trees felled d. Sports Area – repairs to equipment, security gate, health and safety notices, HDC s106 funds (email) e. Village Green f. Repairs to the village clock 5. Planning applications. The following applications have been received by the Council. Full details of any responses are available on www.hambleton.gov.uk/homepage/16/planning a. Planning Application 20/01673/FUL Plot 1 Stokesley Rd. The Council recommended approval subject to changes. b. Planning applications Planning Application 20/01675/FUL & 20/01676/LBC. Construction of a greenhouse to the rear of existing house and outbuildings. Letter from resident. The Council recommended approval. c. Planning Application 20/01701/FUL Division of 28 North End into two semi-detached properties. The Council recommended approval subject to a condition on parking. d. Planning application 18/00165/FUL Construction of boarding kennels as amended by plans received by Hambleton District Council on 27 August 2020 (to include an external dog exercise area) at South Lund Farm, Tame Bridge, Stokesley. The Council recommended refusal. e. 20/01773/CAT work to trees in a conservation area Wynd House, The Wynd – the Council had no objection. f. Planning application 20/01933/CAT Hawthorne Cottage 14 South Side Hutton Rudby works to trees. The Council had no objection. g. 20/01979/MRC Application for the variation of Condition 3 (housing mix) relating to planning application 19/02068/OUT - Application for outline planning permission with access and scale to be considered (all other matters reserved) for a residential scheme of five dwellings. h. 19/02068/OUT OS Field 3100 Stokesley Road - Application for the variation of Condition 3 i. 20/01993/FUL 18-20 North End Hutton Rudby - proposed single storey rear extension with glazed timber pergola at side and detached timber car port within rear garden. The Council recommended approval. j. 20/02053/CAT 41 South Side, Hutton Rudby Proposed work to fell 1 no spruce and 1 no conifer tree in a conservation area. k. 20/00136/NEWDEL Land east of the Wickets, Hutton Rudby. 6. Reports from County and District Councillors. 7. Finance. Change of bank mandate. Report from the External Auditor. Clerk IT equipment. 8. Decisions of Hambleton District Planning a. Application 20/00058 MRC - application for modification of condition 2 relating to planning application 18/01638/FUL – change of use from agricultural land to domestic land for proposed home office and domestic garage at Hunter Hill, Skutterskelfe – granted 9. Accounts a. GGN Sportscare Ltd cutting village green etc invoice dated 30 September 2020 £1014.00 b. GGN Sportscare Ltd grass at burial ground invoice dated 30 September 2020 £ 156.00 c. GGN Sportscare Ltd burial invoice dated 30 September 2020 £ 200.00 d. TP Jones & Co payroll preparation July-September 2020 £ 58.50 e. KVA Planning meetings July and August 2020 invoice 20 August 2020 £ 375.00 f. KVA Planning consultancy fee 20 August 2020 £ 700.00 g. Northumbrian Water allotments water supply DD £ 2.31 h. Clerk salary + broadband for September £ 576.93 i. New Clerk salary for September £ 572.00 j. Quarterly payment to HMRC £ 803.94 k. SLCC annual membership £ 140.00 l. ESET licence m. Hire of Hutton Rudby Village Hall 10 September 2020 £tbc n. Care for Our Village £tbc o. PKF Littlejohn - External Audit fee £ 360.00 p. Stokesley Lawnmower Services £ 59.24 q. Care for Our Village Association flowers for tubs £ 15.00 Monies received Hambleton DC Precept 30 September 2020 £21,500 Dales of Thirsk – Application for erection of a headstone £186.00 10. Remembrance Day Parade and wreaths 11. Litter pick 12. Christmas Tree and Lighting 13. Correspondence a. YLCA NJC pay awards email 28 August 2020 – for a decision b. Planning report application Ref No20/01124/FUL 28 August 2020 - for noting c. YLCA branch meetings email dated 8 September 2020 for noting d. Environment Agency flood warden email 9 September – for a decision e. White Rose update 11 September 2020 and 25 September 2020 - for noting f. Letter form GNAAS 15 September 2020 for a decision g. Hambleton DC briefing 25 September 2020 and 2 October 2020 - for noting h. HMRC email 25 September 2020 - for noting i. Community First Yorkshire email 28 September 2020 - for noting j. Rural Bulletin 29 September 2020 – for noting k. Hambleton DC budget consultation 29 September 2020 – for a decision on participation l. YLCA email - Roles and Responsibilities of a Councillor Webinar Session - Tuesday, 6 October m. YLCA email 1 October 2020 – financial training n. HDC – Parish Precept – Arrangements for financial year 2021/22 o. YLCA – Training Bulletin – for noting p. Citizen’s Advice Bureau – Mid North Yorkshire Covid 19 Services update 2 October 2020– for noting .
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