![GTNERAL GEI\ERAL A/35/Too/Add.R - ^N '.'5 Scntemhcrvvl +/V Lqxf a S 5 E Fu{ B LY ENGLISH ORIG]NAL; ENGLISH/FRENCH](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
{JN'TTE NArfcfvs Distr. GTNERAL GEI\ERAL A/35/too/Add.r - ^n '.'5 ScntemhcrvvL +/vlqXf A S 5 E fu{ B LY ENGLISH ORIG]NAL; ENGLISH/FRENCH Thirl,v-si xth scssion ANNOTATED AGENDA OF THE THIRTY_S]XTH REGULAR SESS]ON OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLYT3 nn1Tm,,'nTmcvvl! f lft! tu r @t1s f. ]NTRODUCTION ......o.a..r.o...a.aL6 ANNOTATED II. AGENDA . , . r . , . r , . l_T -l I' - Onenino nf theUIIL eacqinn l^rrrUiY *h-UII! 'UJDJVTI Chairman of the deleeation of the Federel Rcnrrtrl i n nf f]armanrr u L f lrartJ aaaaaaaaaDta 17 Ifinute prayer 2, of silent or meditation !l1'7 3. Credentials of representatives to the th-irtw*sixth scs5jon of the General "Assembly: (a) Appcintnent of the members of the Credentials Cornrnittee; (l) Report of the Cred.entiafs Cornmittee . aaaaaa 17 )' Election of the Presid,ent of the General Assembly aaaaaa II1'7 q Election of the officers of the Main Committees 17 O. Election of the vice-Presidents of the General Assembly . LT T. i{oLification by the Secretary-Genera} under Article 12, paragraph '2,, af the Charter of the United" Nations rB A Ad"option of the agenda and organization of vork: (a) Report of the General- Committee; /, \ (b,) Subsrd_rary organs of the General Assembly . o . 1B (lan /.O err I rl olro f o a o a a | . a a a a I a a a a a a a a I a a t lo 'rr The purpose of this d.ocurnent is to bring up to the date the inforrnation contained in the annotated preliminary list of items to be includ-ed in the nrovi si ona.'l a.rrendn of thp thi n'f rr:sixth session of the General Assembly (A/35hOO). Br*e5rho A/35 /Loo /Ac1d.l English Proa I CONTENTS (continued) re. 10. Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization . 19 11. ReportoftheSecurityCouncil .... r..... .... L9 l-2. Report of the Economic and. social council . r . 19 13. Report of the fnternational court of Justice . ., . 25 frt. Report of the International Atonic Energy Agenc.r.i (a)ReportoftheAgency...r..,...,r.25 (l) United" I{ations Conference for the Prornotion of fnternational Co-operation in the Peaceful- Uses of itlucl-ear Energy: report of the Preparatory Comraittee for the United Nations Conference for the Promotion of International Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of lduclear Energy . o i Zj 1). El-ections to fill vacancies in principal organs: (") El-ection of five non-permanent members of the Security Council 25 (n) El-ection of eighteen members of the Economic and Social Council..............e....25 (c) Election of five members of the International Court of Justice 26 L5. Appointment of the secretary-General- of the united- Nations . 26 l-T. El-ections to fil-l vacancies in subsidiary t,rgans : (a) El-ection of fifteen members of the Ind-ustrial Development Board-..............o.26 (l) Election of twenty rnernbers of the Governing Councit of the united. Nations Environment Programme . o . 26 (c) Election of tr^relve members of the ldorld Food- Council . o 27 (A) Election of seven members of the Committee for Prosramme and. Co-ord.ination , . o , . r . .-. e c . ?T (e) trlection of the members of the Boarcl of Governors of the United lfations Special Fund. for Land-locked. Developing Countries..ro...,o....o..ZT (f) El-ection of the members of the fnternational Law Commission . 2T l-8. Appointments to fill vacancies in srrbsidinry organs and other appointments: (") Appointment of five mernbers of the Ad,visory Committee on Administrative and. Budgetary Questions . ., . zB (l) Appointment of six menbers of the Committee on Contributions . 29 (c) Appointment of a member of the Board. of Auditors r . 29 l I a.. A/ 36 l:'oo /Ad.d .l English Page 3 COIilTENTS ( continued.) Page (a) Confirmation of the appointment of three members of the Investments Committee . o . 29 /\ (e) Appointment of tvo members of the United l{ations Administrative Tribunal ...........r.. .. .... 29 (f) Appointinent of five members of the fnternationaf Civil- Service Commission . o . o. r . r . r . .. ., 29 (g) Appointment of six members of the Joint Inspec'bion Unit . 30 (tt) Appointrnent of the members of the Peace Observation Conmission 30 (i) Appointment of the United. ]{ations Commissioner for l{amibia o . 30 (:) Confirr,ration of the appointment of the Execubive Direetor of the United itTations Special Fund. for Land-*locked. Developing Coi.rntrigs . r o o . c . o . 3f l-9. fmplementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Ind.epend.ence to Colonial- Countries and. Peoples: (") Report of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard. to the fmplementation of the Declaration on the Granting of fnd.epend-ence to Col-onial Countries and Peoples; (t ) Report of the Seeretary--General . 31 20" Adrnission of ner+ l'{er;ibers to the United. Nations . o . 31 21. Return or restitution of cuJ-tural property to the countries of nrioin. ronnrf nf 'Fha Saar etary-General . 32 22. The situation in l(ainpuchea: report of the Secretary.-General . 32 it3. Draft ldorld Charter for ldature: report of the Secretary-General . o 32 2L'. Historical responsibility of States for the preservation of nature for present ancl- future generations: report of the Secretary-General 32 ?-5. Co-operation between the United" i{ations and the Organization of the Isl-amic Conference: report of the Seeretary-General . o . | . 32 25. The situation in Afghanistan and- its implications for international peace and security: report of the Secretary.-General- . o 32 27. Question of the Comorian isl-and of l.{ayotte: report of the Sonlofqrrr. -Conanq-l aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaJl ?2 28. Third. United. Nations Conferenee on the Lav of the Sea: renort of the Secretary.-General , . , . .. .*. 32 29, Co-operation between the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity: report of the Secretary*General- 33 30. International Year of Disabled- Persons: reporb of the Secretary- Gengral.......o......r..r....o.33 A/35/roo/Add.1 llnglish yage rlI COI{TEI'ITS ( continued- ) i:?ge 31. Question of Palestine: report of the Committee on the Exercise of bhe Inalienabfe Ri3hts of the Palestinian People . 33 32. Pol-icies of aqqrqhei4 of the Government of South Africa: (a) Report of the Special Committee against -l1pa{!ilgid; (l) Report of the Ad. Hoc Coinmittee on the Drafting cf an fnternational- Convention against Apar'cheili" in Sports; (") Reports of the Secretary-General . o . 33 33. The situation in the Middte East: report of the Seeretary-General . 3L 3lt. Question of peace, s'cability and. co*operation in South-East Asia . 3l+ 35. Question of Cyprus: report of -bhe Secretary.-General . 3h ^a3b. Ouestion of lrtamibia: (.-.) Report of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the fmplementation of the Decl-aration on the Granting of Ind.epencl-ence to Col-onial- Countries and Peoples; (n) Report of the United lrlations Council for irlarnibia . 3h 37. Launching of gl-obal- negotiations on international economic co"-operation for d-evelopnent o . o . o . 35 38. Question of equitable representation on and increase in the iiiembership of the Security Council . c o . ., . 35 39. Second. special session of the General- Assenrbly devoted to d.isarrnament: report of the Preparatory Courmittee for the Second. Special Session of the General Assembly Devotecl to Disarmament . 35 L0. Red.uction of military budgets: (a) Report of the Disarmament Comrnission; (t ) Report of the Secretary-General . i . ., 36 J+1. fnplementation of Generat Assembly resolution 35/l+3 concerning the signature and. ratification of Aclditional- Pro-bocol I of the Treaty for the Prohibition of i'Tuclear I',leapons in Latin America (Treaty of Tlatelolco) . r r . 35 l+2. Chemical and. bacteriologicat (fiotogical-) weapons: (a) Report of the Cornmittee on Disannamentl (l) Report of the Secretary-General . r o ., . 36 l+3. Cessation of al-1 test e:<plosions of nuc]ear weapons: report of the ComnritteeonDisarmarrrent.. o.. ...... 35 htl. Implernentation of General Assernbly resolution 35/fl+5 g: report of the Connittee on Disarmament . t . ., r . 35 I / ot' A/36haolAd"d.l English Page 5 CONTtrItlTS ( continued) "pElg )+5. fnplenentation of the Decl-aration on the Denucl-earization of Africa: report of the secretary-General . ., . o o . o . 3T 116. Establishment of a nuclear-r^reapon*free zone in the region of the ii{iddleEast . o. .. r . .. 37 Lr7. Estabtisirrnent of a nucl-ear-r,reapon--free zone in South Asia: report of the secretary'-Gene::a1 . r . , . r . o o 3T L8. Prohibition of the cleveloproent ancl nanufacture of ne'vr types of lreapons of rnass d-estruction and. ner,r systetris of such r.reapons: report of the committee on Disarmarirent . 3 . 3T Lv9. fmplenentation of the Declaration of the fnd.ian Ocean as a Zone of Peace: report of the Ad. lloc Cornmittee on the Ind.ian Ocean . , . 37 ilorl-d, 50" Disarmament conference: report of the _A_q_Egg_ committee on the trIorld.Disarmaraent Conference. .. o . 3T 5L. Reviei"r of the inpleitentation of the recoi,mrendations and. decisions a.clopted. by the General Assembly at i.ts tenth speciat session: (") Report of the Disarmanent Commission; (t ) lleport of the Committee on Disarmament; (") Prograrnne of research and. studies on ciisarrnament: re,oort of the Secretary-General ; (a) Study on the relationship betrreen disannanent and. d.evel-opment: report of the Secretary-General; (.) United llations prografirne of fellowships on disarmament: report of the Secre-i;ary*-General ; (f) Nucl-ear r,reapons in al-l aspects: report of the Committee on Disarrrranent I (g) I{on.-use of nuclear treapons and.
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