Archery GB 2017 January Challenge This year there were 2237 scores submitted, a large rise of over 230 on last year! Overall the proportions were once again virtually the same, with 70% of scores shot by men and 30% by women; this was again reflected in each bow style (though ladies shot a higher proportion in Barebow, and gentlemen in Compounds). The ratios by bow style were also virtually identical: 62% recurve, 14% compound, 13% in Barebow, 11% in Longbow. 153 clubs submitted scores, up 16 on last year. We have again this year shown the age of junior archers when provided (the numbers in red); there is no special category for them. I have also added notes in red for VI or AFB archers where I have been told. Archery GB January Challenge 2017 1 - Gents - Beginners - Recurve 1 586 Matthew Neve Perriswood Bowmen 60 46 2 570 George Miljanic Bowmen of Harrow 60 33 3 564 Martin Pinfold Blackpool Bowmen 60 32 4 551 Sathish Kannan South Bucks Archers 60 17 5 550 John Fryeason Bebington Archers 60 25 6 546 Gary Llewellyn Oxford Archers 60 19 7 541 Michael Sunderland White Rose Archers 60 20 = 541 Jason Frost Sevenoaks AC 60 20 9 540 Chris Shaw Bowmen of Pendle and Samlesbury 60 20 10 538 Richard Squire Kingston Archers 60 18 11 536 Alistair McGranaghan Durham City Archers 60 19 12 536 John Tizzard Bowmen Of Wadebridge 60 18 13 534 Jack Ezra Norton Archers 60 16 14 531 Russell Smith St Neots Bowmen 60 15 15 530 Lukas Bastow University of Southampton Archery Club 60 18 16 528 Callum Anderson University of Southampton Archery Club 60 17 17 528 Brian Lock Noak Hill Archers 60 13 18 527 Andy Blake St Neots Bowmen 60 13 19 526 David Davies The Jersey Archery Society 60 13 20 525 Nick Fenton Derbyshire Archery Club 60 25 21 525 Giles Adkin Chessington Bowmen 60 15 22 524 Arthur Dexter Rivernook 60 14 23 524 Tim Vine-Lott Elswood Bowmen 60 9 24 523 Martin Sacker St Neots Bowmen 60 16 25 523 Martin Shepperson Redhill Archers 60 14 26 522 Jon Green Gravesend Archers 60 16 27 520 Mark McGinniss Chessington Bowmen 60 15 28 519 Mark Heywood Pennine Archers 60 16 29 519 Chris Abbott Coastal Archers 60 13 30 516 Eric Poprawa Durham University Archery Club 60 17 31 515 Chris Jordan South Bucks Archers 60 17 32 514 Hari Kulendran University of Southampton Archery Club 60 18 33 513 Tony Thomas Woking Archery Club 60 13 34 513 Kevin Smith Soar Valley Archers 60 9 35 512 Jonathon Freeman Killingworth Archers 60 12 36 511 Phil Turner Elswood Bowmen 60 15 37 511 Rob Heyes White Rose Archers 60 10 38 510 Jason Applegate Bowmen of Adel 59 17 39 509 Ian Gristock St. Helens Archers 60 17 40 509 Andrew Lock 14 Noak Hill Archers 60 9 41 508 Barry Clark Elswood Bowmen 60 14 42 507 Ken Harrison Blackpool Bowmen 60 12 43 507 Adam James CMO Bowmen 60 10 = 507 Neville Kavaliunas Derbyshire Archery Club 60 10 1 Archery GB January Challenge 2017 45 506 Andy Harper Woking Archery Club 60 15 46 506 James Benson The Nonsuch Bowmen 60 10 47 505 Gareth Beard Allington Castle Archers 60 9 48 505 Brian Shore Laleham Archery Club 60 8 49 504 Matt Crockford Bowflights Archery Club 60 10 50 503 Robin Chebsey Telford Archers 60 30 51 503 Michael Fairley Bowmen of Backworth 60 5 52 502 Neil Smith Laleham Archery Club 60 15 53 502 David Corns Worcester Bowmen 60 13 54 502 Colin Beardsley Derbyshire Archery Club 60 7 55 501 Phil Armitage St Neots Bowmen 60 10 56 497 Karol Kobryk Bulwell Foresters Archery Club 60 12 57 497 Paul Nicholson Norton Archers 60 9 58 496 Mark Jones Llantarnam Archery Club 60 11 59 495 Leigh Mellor St. Helens Archers 60 11 60 494 Kurtis Dearne 13 Wyre Forest Company of Archers 60 11 61 493 Hamish Woodland University of Southampton Archery Club 60 5 62 492 Alexander Smirnis 9 Bowmen of Walker 60 13 63 491 Harry Tucker 12 Kyrton Archers 60 8 64 490 James Gardner University of Warwick Archery Club 60 8 65 490 Tom Grey Elswood Bowmen 60 5 66 490 Nick Shutler Exeter Company of Archers 60 4 67 489 Ajay Scott 13 Canterbury Archers 60 11 68 488 Andrew Burton Brixham Archers 60 12 69 488 Rob Gaze Phoenix Bowmen of Halifax 60 9 70 488 Tony Stacey St Neots Bowmen 60 6 71 487 William Pollock Kirby Muxloe Archery Club 60 12 72 487 James Walker Bulwell Foresters Archery Club 60 9 73 486 Stuart Kelly Bingham Leisure Centre Archery Club 59 8 74 485 Mark Crooks South Bucks Archers 60 10 75 485 Samuel Armstrong University of Warwick Archery Club 60 6 76 483 Ian Ferguson Threave Bowmen 60 9 77 483 Russel Pinfold Blackpool Bowmen 60 8 78 483 Roger Hookes Redhill Archers 60 5 79 482 Simon Tapley University of Warwick Archery Club 60 9 = 482 Steve Vaughan Redhill Archers 60 9 81 481 Phil Thompson Killingworth Archers 60 6 82 481 John Flynn Bowflights Archery Club 60 5 83 480 Andrew Cawte Guildford Archery Club 60 14 84 479 Oliver Stowe White Rose Archers 60 11 85 478 Chris Oxtoby Bowmen of Rutland 60 12 86 478 Steve Sheffield Sutton Bowmen Archery Club 60 7 87 477 Andrew Dobie St. Helens Archers 60 6 88 477 Pete Stockings Phoenix Bowmen of Halifax 59 9 89 476 Chris Clarke Redhill Archers 60 9 90 475 Joshua Wright University of Southampton Archery Club 60 5 91 474 Tom Gillard Redditch Company of Archers 60 19 92 473 Thavish Annal Durham University Archery Club 60 10 2 Archery GB January Challenge 2017 93 472 Anthony Trowers Overton Black Arrows 60 13 94 472 Ben Salmon Clacton Archers 60 11 95 472 Keith Allen Kirby Muxloe Archery Club 60 9 96 472 Liam Corns 15 Worcester Bowmen 60 2 97 470 Charles Collins Targetcraft Archers 60 4 98 470 Mark Wolstencroft Bowmen of Adel 60 2 99 465 Russ Miller Hillingdon 60 8 100 463 Ian Duffield Rochdale Company of Archers 60 6 101 463 Andy Cunningham Archers of the West 59 9 102 462 Luke Davis 12 Tenzone Bowmen 60 5 103 461 Daniel McEwen Southend and District Archery Club 60 5 104 460 Ian Brooks Aire Valley Archers 60 28 105 460 Tony Squire Sutton Bowmen Archery Club 60 6 106 460 Peter Newns Lizard Peninsula Bowmen 59 5 107 459 Julian Taylor Chessington Bowmen 60 5 = 459 Tony Vardon The Jersey Archery Society 60 5 109 457 Sunil Kaira St Neots Bowmen 60 6 110 456 Ian Cramer Norton Archers 60 7 111 455 Greg Jackson Allington Castle Archers 60 8 112 451 Paul Barton Bognor Regis Archery Club 60 8 113 451 Martin Clist St Neots Bowmen 60 7 114 450 Joseph Thompson University of Warwick Archery Club 60 6 115 449 Sam Philps The Nonsuch Bowmen 60 8 116 448 Tony Horrocks Bowmen of Pendle and Samlesbury 60 7 117 448 Andy Ryder Bowmen of the Peak 59 6 118 446 Kirran Church Tenzone Bowmen 60 8 119 446 Anthony Lynch CMO Bowmen 60 3 120 446 Bill Strafford Bowmen of St Marys 59 4 121 445 Kevin Dell Bowmen of Burleigh 60 9 122 445 Johnny Russell Wallingford Castle Archers 60 5 = 445 Richard Lay Southend and District Archery Club 60 5 124 445 Zander Weaver Worcester Bowmen 60 4 125 443 Garry Preece Pennine Archers 60 6 126 442 Mickey Seaman Laleham Archery Club 60 6 127 442 Malc Byrne Derbyshire Archery Club 60 4 128 442 Darren Hocking Archers of the West 60 3 129 440 Peter Sisson Deer Park Archers 60 6 130 438 Martin Schreiber Durham City Archers 60 3 131 437 Gavin Beckett Coastal Archers 60 8 132 433 Frederic Deetjen Bowmen of Burleigh 60 5 133 433 Ken Fisher Whiteleaf Bowmen 60 4 134 432 Gary Sinclair Royston Heath AC 60 7 135 429 Sean Wright White Rose Archers 60 6 136 429 Steve Chaplin Southend and District Archery Club 60 3 137 428 Tomer Hassan Clacton Archers 59 5 138 427 Oran Cashman Redhill Archers 60 4 139 426 Hermone Behane Elswood Bowmen 60 7 140 426 David Lee Elswood Bowmen 59 5 3 Archery GB January Challenge 2017 141 425 Abs Sohrabi St Neots Bowmen 59 4 142 424 Stephen Harsant Targetcraft Archers 60 3 143 423 Dominic Walker 17 Woking Archery Club 60 6 144 422 Frank Jolley White Rose Archers 57 7 145 421 Andrew Price Barnstaple Archery Club 60 16 146 417 Chris Pearce-Ramwell Avalon Archery Club Somerset 60 5 = 417 Steven Perrins Stourbridge Company of Archers 60 5 148 417 Jack Gibbons 14 Cleve Juniors 59 6 149 415 Tristan Young 13 Bowmen Of Wadebridge 60 3 150 415 Gary Reed Killingworth Archers 60 2 151 414 Marcus Gilvear Deer Park Archers 60 5 152 413 George Wood 15 Supermarine Bowmen 60 2 153 412 Dave Bates Whiteleaf Bowmen 58 5 154 410 Francis Pollock Bulwell Foresters Archery Club 60 2 155 410 Glenn Brown Supermarine Bowmen 59 2 156 407 Yad Alaadin Elswood Bowmen 59 0 157 406 Adam Johnson Clacton Archers 60 3 158 406 James Attfield Derbyshire Archery Club 59 3 159 405 Cameron Anderson 15 Nethermoss Archers 59 5 160 405 Kevin Beal Bowmen of the Peak 58 5 161 404 James Howells Tenzone Bowmen 60 3 162 403 Dave Robbins Clacton Archers 57 5 163 401 Darren Mansell 11 Long Mynd Archers 59 5 = 401 Zayn Fojdar University of Warwick Archery Club 59 5 165 401 Dave Quillin Overton Black Arrows 56 5 166 399 Phil Lock Bowmen of Adel 60 2 167 398 Matt Ashton Phoenix Bowmen of Halifax 60 6 168 398 Simon Williams Avalon Archery Club Somerset 60 1 169 397 Neil Barkley Derbyshire Archery Club 57 5 170 396 Shaun Mason Bowmen of Minchinhampton 58 2 171 395 Andrew Todd Clacton Archers 60 5 172 395 Mason Gladdish 15 Overton Black Arrows 60 1 173 394 Adam Clark 12 Burton Constable Company Of Bowmen 60 3 174 393 Tom Woodward Deer Park Archers 56 9 175 390 Josh Cooper 13 Cleve Juniors 59 4 176 390 Ben Woodcraft St Neots Bowmen 59 3 177 388 Tom Prout Bowmen Of Wadebridge 60 5 178 387 Chris Howkins 16 Aequus Archers 58 2 179 384 Derek Farr Rivernook 59 6 180 383 Wayne Barrass Stourbridge Company of Archers 57 4 181 381 Connor Miles Derbyshire Archery Club 57 3 182 378 Jared Blackford University of Southampton Archery Club 59 4 183 378 Alex Danylyuk 15 Old Basing Archers
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