SCI. MAR., 66 (Suppl. 2): 83-102 SCIENTIA MARINA 2002 MEDITERRANEAN MARINE DEMERSAL RESOURCES: THE MEDITS INTERNATIONAL TRAWL SURVEY (1994-1999). P. ABELLÓ, J.A. BERTRAND, L. GIL DE SOLA, C. PAPACONSTANTINOU, G. RELINI and A. SOUPLET (eds.) Distribution and abundance of Citharus linguatula, Lepidorhombus boscii, and Solea vulgaris (Osteichthyes: Pleuronectiformes) in the Mediterranean Sea* PAOLO SARTOR1, MARIO SBRANA2, NICOLA UNGARO3, CHIARA A. MARANO3, CORRADO PICCINETTI4 and GABRIELLA PICCINETTI MANFRIN4 1 Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Uomo e dell’Ambiente, Università di Pisa, via Volta 6, 56126 Pisa, Italy. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Centro Interuniversitario di Biologia Marina, Viale N. Sauro 4, 57128 Livorno, Italy. 3 Laboratorio di Biologia Marina, Molo Pizzoli (Porto), 70123 Bari, Italy. 4 Laboratorio Biologia Marina e Pesca, Viale Adriatico 1/N, 61032 Fano, Italy. SUMMARY: Information on distribution, relative abundance and size composition of the pleuronectiform species Citharus linguatula, Lepidorhombus boscii and Solea vulgaris was obtained during the “MEDITS” trawl surveys, carried out in a wide area of the Mediterranean Sea from 1994 to 1999. The three species showed a wide geographic distribution, as they were collected in all the macro-areas investigated, but with some differences in degree of presence among the 40 geographic sectors. Variations in abundance indices, analysed on a spatio-temporal basis with a Generalised Linear Model, were mostly related to the depth stratum and the macro-area. C. linguatula and S. vulgaris were especially found from 10 to 100 m depth, while L. boscii was most abundant on bottoms ranging from 100 to 500 m depth. The three species showed the highest abundance indices (kg/km2) in the Gulf of Lions, in the Greek Seas and along the Sardinian coasts. Especially for L. boscii and C. linguatula, the demographic structure showed that the sampled populations were mainly constituted by juveniles. The lowest biomass and abundance indices were obtained for S. vulgaris, whose catch was mainly composed of adult fish. Key words: Pleuronectiformes, distribution, abundance estimations, trawl surveys, Mediterranean Sea, Citharus linguatula, Lepidorhombus boscii, Solea vulgaris INTRODUCTION imens live and swim on the eyeless side. The upper side is pigmented and frequently highly mimetic, Pleuronectiformes constitutes a very distinctive whereas the lower side is usually non-pigmented. taxon: adults of the species belonging to this group Flatfish are typical marine benthic species, which show a marked asymmetry of the body, a unique live on soft, sandy or muddy bottoms. Most species phenomenon among all Vertebrates. The body is are littoral or sublittoral, although deep-water highly compressed (“flatfish”), somewhat rounded species are also present. on the eyed side and flat on the blind side. The spec- A total of 538 extant species of Pleuronecti- formes are reported in the world, belonging to 117 *Received November 7, 2000. Accepted February 4, 2002. genera and six families (Nelson, 1984). According PLEURONECTIFORMES IN THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA 83 to Fischer et al. (1987), 34 species belonging to six and Marano, 1995; Sartor and De Ranieri, 1996; Families (Bothidae, Citharidae, Cynoglossidae, Ungaro and Martino, 1998) and for C. linguatula Pleuronectidae, Scophtalmidae and Soleidae) are (Planas and Vives, 1956; Jardas, 1983, 1984; reported for the Mediterranean basin. Many Pleu- Sabatés, 1988; Redon et al., 1994; Vassilopoulou ronectiformes species are valued as food sources and Papaconstantinou, 1994; García-Rodríguez and and are intensely exploited in the world. Fishing Esteban, 2000). activity involving flatfish is mainly carried out with towed gears (i.e. otter and beam trawls), although passive gears (i.e. set nets) are also commonly MATERIAL AND METHODS employed to catch these species. In the Mediter- ranean basin, flatfish provide an important contribu- The “MEDITS” project (Bertrand et al., 2000, tion to commercial landings. Common sole, Solea 2002) was carried out in a wide area of the Mediter- vulgaris Quensel 1806 (common synonym Solea ranean Sea, concerning mainly European waters, solea Linnaeus 1758), is undoubtedly the most from the Alborán Sea to the South Aegean Sea. In important species of this group in the area, especial- the period 1994-1999, six late spring - early summer ly concerning its commercial value. According to experimental trawl surveys were carried out, per- FAO statistics (Stamatopoulos, 1993), annual land- forming a total of 6,336 hauls within the depth range ings of S. vulgaris in the Mediterranean increased 10-800 m. An experimental trawl net (GOC 73) with from about 4,500 tons in 1972 to about 10,000 tons 10 mm cod-end mesh size (knot to knot) was in 1992. Mediterranean trawl landings include Spot- employed for the sampling. ted Flounder Citharus linguatula (Linnaeus, 1758) The study area was subdivided into 40 geo- and Four-spotted Megrim Lepidorhombus boscii graphical sectors and five depth strata: A: 10-50 m, (Risso, 1810), which are regularly present at domes- B: 50-100 m, C: 100-200 m, D: 200-500 m, E: 500- tic markets and represent important by-catches 800 m. Selection of sampling stations was based on (Relini et al., 1999). a depth-stratified sampling scheme, taking into On account of their ecological, morphological account the surface area of each stratum. A detailed and behavioural peculiarities, Pleuronectiformes are map of the sampled area and further details of the currently the object of many studies. However, to sampling design, methodology and sampling gear date, there is still a lack of basic information for cor- are described in Bertrand et al. (2000, 2002). rect management of these resources, especially in For each haul, the specimens caught of C. lin- the Mediterranean area. The “MEDITS” research guatula, L. boscii and S. vulgaris were counted and project has made it possible for the first time to col- total weight of each species was recorded. Total lect a large dataset in a wide area of the Mediter- length (TL, to the next lower 0.5 cm) was then ranean Sea by means of experimental trawl surveys recorded for each individual caught. Raw catch data (Bertrand et al., 2000, 2002), thereby improving (biomass and number of specimens collected) were knowledge on demersal species on a large geo- converted to catch rates with a specifically devel- graphical scale. oped software (Souplet, 1996) in order to compute The aim of this paper is to provide information abundance (number of specimens/km2) and biomass on relative abundance and demographic structure of indices (kg/km2). Catch rates of the three species C. linguatula, L. boscii and S. vulgaris, which are were analysed as mean value per year of sampling, important not only for their commercial value but geographic sector and bathymetric stratum. also because of their abundance in trawl catches in Variation in biomass indices was investigated on the Mediterranean Sea. In this area, available infor- a spatio-temporal basis. For this analysis, in order to mation on S. vulgaris mostly derives from studies on obtain readable and effective information, the 40 ecology and biology, but only on a small geograph- geographical sectors were pooled in five geographic ical scale (Pagotto et al., 1979; Ramos, 1982a, macro-areas, according to the “old” GFCM (Gener- 1982b, 1983, 1985; Cau and Deiana, 1983; Pic- al Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean) indica- cinetti and Giovanardi, 1984; Froglia and Giannet- tions (Stamatopoulos, 1993; Relini et al., 1999): ti, 1985, 1986; Vianet and Quignard, 1986; Pagotto Morocco-Spain-France (ex GFCM 1.1 and 1.2), Sar- and Piccinetti, 1988; Paci et al., 1989). The same is dinian-Tyrrhenian Sea (ex GFCM 1.3), Adriatic Sea true for L. boscii (Bello and Rizzi, 1987; Mannini et (ex GFCM 2.1), Ionian Sea (ex GFCM 2.2), Aegean al., 1990; Sabatés, 1991; Sartor et al., 1993; Ungaro Sea (ex GFCM 3.1). Data concerning the two 84 P. SARTOR et al. Moroccan sectors were not included in this analysis, caught in some geographic sectors, such as north since sampling in these areas only started in 1999. and south-east Sardinia, north Ionian Sea and south- The variation of the biomass indices with macro- west Adriatic Sea (Tables 1 and 2). This species was area, depth stratum and year, was studied using Gen- mainly found in the first three depth strata, its pres- eralised Linear Models (GLMs) (McCullagh and ence being occasionally noted down to 200 m. For Nelder, 1989; Chambers and Hastie, 1992). The this reason further analyses were confined to the first analyses were performed by applying the routines three depth strata. contained in the S-Plus programming environment Results from the analysis of deviance for the (Becker et al., 1988). Following the approach of Sté- GLM model indicated that the differences in bio- fansson (1996) a gamma distribution was used in the mass indices observed among macro-areas as well analysis since the frequency distribution of the bio- as among depth strata and years were significant mass indices was skewed and the variance propor- (Table 3). In addition, the variations explained by tional to nearly the square of the mean. The follow- interactions between year and macro-area and ing generalised linear model was used: between stratum and macro-area were also signifi- cant. The model accounted for 91% of the deviance, Ln(Biomass Indexijk) = with most of the variation being due to differences ε = µ + Ai + Dj + Yk + interaction + ijk between macro-areas. Highest biomass indices were estimated in the where: Aegean Sea, followed by those of the Spain-France 2 Biomass Indexijk: expected value of g/km at the macro-area (Fig. 1; Table 4). The high values of this macro-area i, in the depth stratum j and in the year k; last macro-area were mostly due to the two sectors µ: overall mean; in the Gulf of Lions (Table 1).
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