www.vanderbilthustler.com WENESDAY THE VOICE OF APRIL 19, 2006 VANDERBILT 118th YEAR SINCE 1888 No. 39 TThehe VVanderbiltanderbilt HHustlerustler ATHLETICS ATHLETICS Rumors of athletic director untrue Williams refutes local media and as late as last night and he said that (report) is liams said. absolutely not true,” Williams said. “Th e current system is working, but there is still reports of department change. On Sunday, a Tennessean sports columnist work to be done,” Williams said. “We are pleased BY JARRED AMATO wrote that “Little bird tells me Vandy Chancellor with the direction we’re going.” HUSTLER SPORTS EDITOR Gordon Gee will hire an athletics director later this In an unprecedented move, Vanderbilt dis- Despite local media reports suggesting oth- year.” solved its athletic department September 9, 2003. erwise, Vanderbilt will not be bringing back the While the University does not foresee any other Todd Turner, the athletic director from 1996 to position of athletic director, said Vice Chancellor changes in Student Life, there are still ways to im- 2003, was removed from his duties since the posi- for Student Life and University Aff airs David Wil- prove the present structure such as limiting the tion was no longer required. liams. number of athletes attending summer school and Gee made the decision to move athletics under “I talked to (Chancellor Gordon Gee) last week increasing student-athlete graduation rates, Wil- Please see ATHLETICS, page 5 NATION TECHNOLOGY Two Duke lacrosse Classes to use players podcasts NEIL BRAKE / Vanderbilt Media Services arrested Vanderbilt power forward Demarre Carroll has annouced that he is going to transfer from the university. The starting power forward averaged 10.9 points and 6.4 rebounds this season. BY TIM WHITMIRE ASSOCIATED PRESS DURHAM, N.C. — Two Duke Univer- Basketball star sity lacrosse players were arrested on rape charges yesterday in a scandal that has rocked one of America’s elite campuses and raised explosive questions of race, class and Demarre Carroll the privileged status of college athletes. Th e two players — both graduates of Northern prep schools — were promptly booked and released on bail. District At- to leave Dores torney Mike Nifong said a third player could iTunes U also be arrested but has yet to be fi rmly iden- Power forward not happy with offensive role. tifi ed. “It is important that we not only bring BY JORDAN MAMORSKY transfer at this time,” Coach the assailants to justice, but also that we HUSTLER MANAGING EDITOR Kevin Stallings said. “Given lift the cloud of suspicion from those team While the 2005-2006 the makeup of our roster, he members who were not involved in the as- men’s basketball season was feels that signifi cant playing sault,” Nifong said. full of disappointments and time on the perimeter is not Lawyers for the two men bitterly assailed what-if’s, the biggest loss likely. the district attorney for bringing the charges. may have come a month aft er “We certainly wish De- Other attorneys for Duke’s lacrosse players the season has ended. Marre all the best.” said the two were not even present at the Sophomore starting Tuesday’s announcement time the rape is alleged to have occurred. power forward, Demarre ends weeks of speculation Reade Seligmann, 20, of Essex Fells, N.J., Carroll, has chosen to leave that Carroll would transfer and Collin Finnerty, 19, of Garden City, N.Y., Vanderbilt at the end of the from the squad. are accused of attacking a stripper at a team spring semester, breaking Carroll’s discontent party at an off -campus house on the night up the strong core nucleus of stemmed from the fact that of March 13. Th ey were charged with fi rst- players that were expected to he wished to play more min- degree rape, sexual off ense and kidnapping return to the team next sea- utes on the perimeter in Van- and were released on $400,000 bail each. son. derbilt’s off ense. Th e power Th e district attorney would not say what “DeMarre feels that to ac- forward hopes to play small evidence led to the charges. But Seligmann’s complish his goals in basket- forward in another uniform attorney, Kirk Osborn, said: “Apparently it ball it is in his best interest to Please see CARROLL, page 2 was a photographic identifi cation. And we all know how reliable that is.” Carroll’s statistics Seligmann is “absolutely innocent,” Os- Year MinPG FG-A FG Pct. FT-A FT Pct. RPG PPG born said. “He’s doing great.” Finnerty’s at- 2004-05 15.6 56-112 .500 18-42 .429 3.8 4.0 torney, Bill Cotter, said: “Th e next jury will hear the entire story, which includes our evi- 2005-06 28.8 131-257 .510 52-85 .612 6.4 10.9 dence, and we’re confi dent that these young men will be found to be innocent.” AWARDS Th e case has raised racial tensions and heightened the long-standing town-vs.- gown antagonism between Duke students and middle class, racially mixed Durham. Student receives Th e accuser is black, and all but one of the 47 lacrosse team members are white. Well before the scandal, the nationally two scholarships ranked team had a reputation for a swag- Campus embraces new technology gering sense of entitlement and boorish frat- BY MONIKA BLACKWELL Harry S. Truman Scholar as boy behavior that included public intoxica- BY EMMA COFER mat based on the iTunes digital music store. HUSTLER REPORTER well as a 2006 Morris K. Udall HUSTLER NEWS REPORTER tion and public urination. Aft er the scandal Th e program was launched last year in a Junior Jenny Ma- Scholarship. broke, the university announced an investi- this fall, students at Vanderbilt pilot run by six schools prior to its upcoming gill has joined the Although 598 gation into whether it put up with such be- may be strolling the campus listen- launch. Vanderbilt University was recently se- ranks of America’s candidates applied havior for too long. BByy ing to class lectures on their iPods lected by Apple to participate in the program, brightest and most for the Truman Th e case has led to the resignation of the rather than music. and an offi cial announcement from the school ambitious students Scholarship, only coach and the cancellation of the rest of the A new program called iTunes U was an- is forthcoming. aft er winning two 75 students won season. nounced in January by Apple. Th rough iTunes “It will be a great innovation for students, of the nation’s most for the 2006-2007 “Many lives have been touched by this U, the latest and most popular technology is faculty, and anybody interested in Vanderbilt,” prestigious scholar- school year. Ma- joining forces with universities to distribute said Michael Schoenfeld, vice chancellor for case,” said Duke President Richard Brod- ships. Hailing from Magill gill is one of them. head in a statement. “It has brought pain educational content over the Web using a for- Please see ITUNES, page 5 Atlanta, Magill Th e award, geared and suff ering to all involved, and it deeply learned last month that she at college juniors with “ex- Please see DUKE, page 3 had been named both a 2006 Please see SCHOLARSHIP, page 4 OUR VIEW QUOTABLE POLL WEATHER INSIDE Read why we feel “It had been my hope to charge all In the Bubble 2 THE Vanderbilt joining three of the assailants at the same Apple to sponsor The Life staff covers this weekend’s Rites of time, but the evidence available to 443%3% In History 2 the use of iPods in Spring music festival with previews of the me at this moment does not permit Crime Report 2 WALL the classroom is an headliners, as well as a full schedule with info that. Investigation into the identity Percentage of Opinion 8 important step in on each act, a map of the festival’s important of the third assailant will continue Americans who think keeping Vanderbilt features, tips for how to dress, the history of in the hope that he can also be at least some of their 82 64 Our View 8 on the cutting-edge. Rites through the years and some thoughts tax money is spent identifi ed with certainty.” HI LO Rites of Spring 10 See Page 8 from music writer George Kittos on how to on government » Extended forecast on page 2 build a better Rites. — District Attorney Mike Nifong after programs that they Life 12 See Page 10 two Duke lacrosse players were arrested personally support. Crossword 16 yesterday » Associated Press 2 NEWS The Vanderbilt Hustler | Wednesday, April 19, 2006 WORD OF THE DAY THIS DAY IN HISTORY FORECAST 1933 The United States went off the gold standard. THURSDAY Scattered Storms 1951 Gen. Douglas MacArthur, relieved of his Far East command by SARDONIC High: 79 PAGE 2 President Truman, bid farewell to Congress, quoting a line from a adj. 1. scornful, mocking; disdainfully humorous Low: 63 Today is Wednesday, April 19, 2006 ballad: “Old soldiers never die; they just fade away.” 1993 the 51-day siege at the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, FRIDAY Texas, ended as fi re destroyed the structure after federal agents Scattered Storms IT IS THE THERE ARE began smashing their way in; dozens of people, including David High: 76 th Koresh, were killed. Low: 62 65 5322 1995 A truck bomb destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building SATURDAY in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people and injuring hundreds. day of classes class days class days calendar Partly Cloudy (Timothy McVeigh was later convicted of federal murder charges until exams until Rites of days to com- High: 74 and executed.) Spring mencement Source: Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language Compiled by the Associated Press Low: 54 HEALTH TODAY IN THE BUBBLE Compiled by Katherine Foutch Earth Day celebration- “Buy Green Day” Join SPEAR to celebrate Earth Week! Visit Rand Wall tomorrow from 11 a.m.
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