. 16776. [ 1857 ] The London Gazette. 38, to , September 31, 1913. By His Royal Highness the PRINC£ of WALES, T -the Court at CarHon-House, the 20*U of REGENT of the United Kingdom of Great September 1813, ' "..',' Brkain and Ireland, in the Name and on the PRESENT, "'''" Behalf of His Majesty, : A; PROCLAMATION. His Royal Highness the PRINCE ia GEORGE, P. R. Council. HEREAS the Parliament stands prorogued His Majesty wa^s pleased/ by His W to Monday the first day of November general Order in Council of the fifth of .April next, We, in the name and em the behalf of His one thousand eight hundred ar$;j6V&/!«toc!M*#)1rtie r ' -' ' -""' ... .. ':> VutaiiJM'OQp Ip rail i Majesty, and by and \vath the advice of His Ma- performance of .quarantine, to. $&cj* tUat.,J$effc jesty's Privy Council/ do hereby publish and de- any ship ;or vessel shall attempt to enter into any clare, that the said Parliament shall be further port or place in Great Britain, or the islands oif prorogued on the said first day of November next, Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, or Man, tf'ljetjier to Tursday the fourth Day of said month; ami such port or place shall have been appointed for the We have given order to the Lord High Chan- performance of quarantine or not, the Superintend* cellor of that part of the United Kingdom of ant of Quarantine, or his Assistant, (if there shall .Great Britain and Ireland called Great Britain, be such Superintendent or Assistant at such' port to prepare a Commission for proroguing the same or place), or if not, the Principal Officer of His accordingly. And We do further hereby, in th.e Majesty's Customs at such port or place, or such name and on the behalf of His Majesty, and by Officer of the Guatorns as shall be authorised bf the and with th.e advice aforesaid, publish and declare, Commissioners of the Custom^, or any four or mbre that the said Parliament shall, on the fourth day of them, to act in that behalf, shall rgo pff to such of November next, be held and sit for the dis- ship or vessel, and shall, at a convenient distance patch of divers "urgent and important affairs : And: from such ship or vessel, keeping *0 windward, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal,'and the Knights, demand ,of the Commander, Master, or other per- Citizens, and Burgesses, and the •Commis.sjonjer.s son having charge of such ship or vessel; answers for Shires and Burghs of the House of Commons, to certain preliminary questions therein jset forth : are hereby required and commanded to give then* And whereas. His Royal' Highness the Prince Regent attendance accordingly, .at Westminster, on the was pleased, by His Orders in Council of the twenty- said fourth day of November next. .ejghth of JFebmary one thousand eight hundred and Given at the Court at Carltqn-House, the twen- eleven, andthe twenty-ninth of -September one thou- tieth day of September ,one thousand eigfyt sand eight hundred and twelve, and the thirty- hundred and thirteen/ in the fifty-third year first of July last, to djrctt, that certain qiiestiops, of His Majesty's Reign. in .addition to the preliininary questions directed GOD save ,the KING. by His Majesty's general Qrder in QQunc|l,of.
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