International Council for the C.M. 1994/N:3 Exploration of the Sea Publications of interest to the Marine Mammals Committee 1993 compiled by Arne Bjßrge DENlVlARK Amos, B., Bloch, D., Desportes, G., Majerus, T.M.O., Bancroft, D., Barrett, J., and Dover, G.A. 1993. A review of molecular evidence relating to social organisation and breeding system in the long-finned pilot whale. Rep. int. Whal. Commn (special issue 14): 209-218. Paper WP­ 20 presented to the ICES Study Group on Pilot Whales, Copenhagen, Denmark, August­ September 1993. Andersen, D., Kinze, C.C. and Skov, J. 1992. The use of pelvic bones in the harbour porpoise PllOcoella pllOcoella as an indication of sexual maturity. Lutra 35: 105-112. Andersen, L.\V. 1993. Further studies on the population structure ofthe 10ng-finned pilot whale, Globicephala melas, off the Faroe Islands. Rep. int. Whal. Commn. (special issue 14): 219­ 232. Paper WP-23 presented to the ICES Study Group on Pilot Whales, Copenhagen, Denmark, August-September 1993. Andersen, L.\V. 1993. The population structure of the harbour porpoise, PllOcoella pllOcoella, in Danish waters and part of the North Atlantic. Marine Biology 116: 1-7. Andersen, L.\V. 1993. The genetical population structure of the Western and Eastern North Atlantic 10ng-finned pilot whale, Globicephala me/as, analyzed by electrophoretie markers. Paper WP-29 presented to the ICES Study Group on Pilot Whales, Copenhagen, Denmark, • August-September 1993. Bloch, D. 1993. Frerpbankens hvaler. In: Gaard, E. und Poulsen, M. (Eds.). Frerpbanke Projektet. Fiskiranns6knarstovan, Heilsufrpiiliga Starvstovan, Natturuvfsindadeildin, Natturugripasavn, Biofar: 135-138. Bloch, D. 1993. Valar och valfilngst. In: Schröder, H. Färöerna, mer än filglar. Foreningen Norden Sverige: 184-201. Bloch, D. and Desportes, G. 1993. Studies ofmanne mammals in the Faroe Islunds. Presented to the 1st Symposium on Flora and Fauna ofthe Atluntic Islunds, Funchal, Madeira, October 1993. Bloch, D. and Desportes, G. 1993. Progress report on cetacean research 1992. Paper SC/21 ProgRep.Faroes 1992: 1-5. Presented to the 2nd NAMMCO Scientific Committee, Reykjavik, Iceland, November 1993. Bloch, D., and Desportes, G. 1993. The Northem Bottlenose Whale in the Faroe Islands, 1584­ 1993. Paper SCI\VG-NBKll: 1-23. Presented to the 2nd NAMMCO Scientific Committee, Reykjavik, Iceland, November 1993. Bloch, D., Desportes, G., Mouritsen, R., Skaaning, S. and Stefansson E. 1993. An introduction to studies of the ecology and status ofthe 10ng-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas) off the Faroe Islands, 1986-1988. Rep. int. Whal. Commn. (special issue 14): 1-32. Paper WP-, 25 presented to the ICES Study Group on Pilot Whales, Copenhagen, Denmark, August­ September 1993. Bloch, D. and Hanusard6ttir, M. 1993. Marine Mammals. Whales as Source of Food. Encyclopaedia of Food Science, Food Technology & Nutrition. AcPress. London: 2902­ 2907. Bloch, D. and Joensen, H.P. in prep. The influence of abiotic factors prior to whale drives upon the occurrence of a grind in the Faroe Islands, with some comments on techniques used to drive pilot whales. Paper WP-14 presented to the ICES Study Group on Pilot Whales, Copenhagen, Denmark, August-September 1993. Bloch, D. and Lastein, L. 1993. Morphometrie segregation ofpilot whales offeastern and western North Atlantic. Ophelia 38(1): 55-68. Paper WP-13 presented to the ICES Study Group on Pilot Whales, Copenhagen, Denmark, August-September 1993. Bloch, D., Lockyer, C. and Zachariassen, M. 1993. Age and growth parameters ofthe long-fin­ ned pilot whale offthe Faroe Islands. Rep. int. Whal. Commn. (Special Issue 14): 163.208. Paper WP-21 presented to the ICES Study Group on Pilot Whales, Copenhagen, Denmark, August-September 1993. Bloch, D., Zachariassen, M. and Zachariassen, P. 1993. Some external clmracters of the long-fin­ ned pilot whalc off thc Faroc Islands and a comparison with the short-finncd pilot whalc. Rep. inl. Whal. Commn. (special issuc 14): 117-136. Paper WP-18 presented to thc ICES Study Group on Pilot Whalcs, Copenhagen, Denmark, AugustSeptember 1993. Born, E.\V. 1993. Report on research and management (1990-1992) ofwalruses in Greenland. In: RE.A. Stewart, P.R. Richard and B.E. Stewart: Report of thc 2nd \Valrus International Technical and Scientific \Vorkshop (WITS), 11-15 January 1993, \Vinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Can. Techn. Rep. Fish. Aqual. Sci. 1940: 6-7. Born, E.\V. 1993. Research on polar bears in Greenland, ultimo 1988 to primo 1993. Paper pre­ sented to thc 11 th meeting of thc IUCN Polar Bcar Spccialist Group, Copcnhagcn 25-27 January 1993: 6 pp. Born, E.\V. 1993. Status of the polar bear in Greenland. Paper presented to the 11 th meeting of the IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group, Copenhagen 25-27 January 1993: 25 pp. Born, E.\V. and Gjertz, I. 1993. A link between walruses (Odobell11S rosmarus) in nortllCast Greenland and Svalbard. Polar Record 29(171): 329. Born, E.W. and Thomassen, J. 1993:Polar bear studies during thc ARK 9/2 cruise of "Polarstern" to NE Greenland: Report on field work. Unpublished report, Greenland Fisheries Research e Institute, Tagensvej 135, Copenhagen N: 4 pp. Born, E.W., Heide-J~rgensen, M.-P. and Davis, RA. 1993. Aerial surveys ofwalruses off Central \Vest Greenland. Anstract in: R.E.A. Stewart, P.R. Richard and B.E. Stewart: Report of the 2nd Walrus International Technical and Scientific \Vorkshop (WITS), 11-15 January 1993, \Vinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 1940: p. 63. Brault, S., Desportes, G. and Caswell, H. 1993. Estimates of foetal mortality rates in longfinned pilot whales. Paper WP-4 presented to the ICES Study Group on Pilot Whales, Copenhagen, Denmark, August-September 1993. Brault, S., Desportes, G. and Caswell, H. 1993. Estimates of foetal mortality rates in North Atlantic long-finned pilot whales (Globiceplzala melas). Poster presented to the 10th Biennial Conferenec on the Biology ofMarine Mammals, Galveston, Texas, November 1993. Buckland, S.T., Bloch, D., Cattanach, K.L., Gunnlaugsson, T., Hoydal, K., Lens, S. and Sigurj6nsson, J. 1993. Distribution and abundancc oflong-finned pilot whales in the North Atlantic, estimated from NASS-1987 and NASS-89 data. Rep. inl. Whal. Commn. (special issue 14): 33-50. Paper WP-24 presented to the ICES Study Group on Pilot Whales, A Copenhagen, Denmark, August-September 1993. ,., Desportes, G., Andersen, L.W., Aspholm, P.E., Bloch, D. and Mouritsen, R. 1994. A note about a male-only pilot whale school observed in thc Faroe Islands. Fr6iskaparrit 40 (1992): 31­ 37. Paper WP-12c presented to thc ICES Study Group on Pilot Whales, Copenhagen, Denmark, August-September 1993. Desportes, G., Bloch, D. and Andersen, L.\V. In press. 1994. Variation in foetal and neonatal sex ratio in long-finned pilot whales. Ophclia. Paper WP-34 presented to the ICES Study Group on Pilot Whales, Copenhagcn, Denmark, August-September 1993. Desportes, G., Bloch, D., Andersen, L.\V. and Mouritsen, R. 1994. The international research programme on the ecology and status of the long-finned pilot whale off the Faroe Islands: Presentation, results and reference. Fr6dskaparrit 40 (1992): 9-29. Paper WP-12a presented to the ICES Study Group on Pilot Whales, Copenhagen, Denmark, August-September 1993. Desportes, G. and Mouritsen, R 1993. Prcliminary results on the diet of long-finned pilot whales off the Faroe Islands. Rep. int. Whal. Commn. (special issue 14): 305-324. Paper WP-39 prcscntcd to thc ICES Study Group on Pilot Whalcs, Copenhagen, Denmark, August­ September 1993. Desportes, G. Sabourcau, M. and Lacroix, A. 1993. Rcproductivc maturity and scasonality of male long-finncd pilot whales, off the Faroc Islands. Rep. int. Whal. Commn. (special issuc 2 14): 233-262. PaperWP-26 presented to the 1CES Study Group on Pilot Whales, Copenhagen, Denmark, August-September 1993. Desportes, G. Saboureau, M. and Lacroix, A. 1993. Social maturity and seasonality in 10ngfin­ ned pilot whales. Presented to the 10th Biennial Conferenec on the Biology ofMarine Mamma1s, Galveston, Texas, November 1993. Dizon, A. Andersen, L.W. and Smith, S. 1993. MtDNA sequences of long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala 11lelaella) from the Faroe Islands and the Western Atlantic. Paper WP3 prc­ scnted to the ICES Study Group on Pilot Whalcs, Copenhagcn, Denmark, August­ September 1993. Fproya Skulab6kagrunnur og Fproya Nutturugripasavn. 1993. Nordatlantens Pattcdyr. 3 plakater med 1) hvaler, 2) s;:cler, 3) landpattedyr. T6rshavn. Heide-Jprgensen, M.-P., H. Lassen, J. Teilmann, R.A. Davis. 1993. An index ofthe relative abundance of wintcring belugas, Delphillaprerus lellcas, and narwhals, MOIlOdo/l11l01l0ce­ ros, off \Vest Greenland. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52: . Heidc-Jprgensen, M.P. and R.R. Recves. 1993. Description of an anomalous mondontid skull from west Greenland: A possible hybrid? Marine Mammal Science 258-268. Heide-Jprgensen, M.P., J. Teilmann, H. Benke, J. Wulf. 1993.Abundance and distribution ofhar­ bour porpoises Phocoella PllOcoella in selected areas of thc western Baltic and the North • Sea. Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen 47: 335-346. Henriksen, Sv.Aa., Born, E.W. and Eiersted, L. 1993. Infections with Trichillella in polar bears (Urslls 11laritillllls) in Greenland: Prevalence according to agc and sex. Paper to Conference on Trichinella, Rome, August 1993 (6 pp). Hoydal, K. and Lastein, L. 1993. Analysis of Faroese catches of pilot whales (1709-1992), in relation to environmental variations. Rep. int. Whal. Commn. (special issuc 14): 89-106. Paper WP-11 presented to the ICES Study Group on Pilot Whales, Copenhagen, Denmark, August-September 1993. Kapcl, EO. 1993. Additional data on variation in the feeding of harp seals (PllOca groelllalldica) in Southwest Greenland waters. Paper WP SEA-49 to the Joint ICESINAFO Working Group on Harp and Hooded Seals, September 1993 (6+9 pp). Kapcl, EO. 1993. A note on recaptures of tagged and bcanded hooded seals in Greenland, 1956­ 1993. Paper WP SEA-41 (updated) to the Joint ICESINAFO \Vorking Group on Harp and Hooded Seals, September 1993 (4 pp).
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