RCW Nurseries, Inc. 15809 Tomball Parkway Houston, TX 77086 281-440-5161 Roses for 2015 Our rose list will help you select roses for any desired characteristic: color, fragrance, cutting to enjoy in arrangements, as a hedge, or to grow in a large pot. We have also have roses that will grow in partial shade, and those that are nearly thornless so they can be planted near where children play, or entrances. Our roses are planted in 3 gallon biodegradable paper pots, containing rose soil, fertilizer and Root Activator. Their canes are pruned to their proper height, ensuring that each bush attains its maximum blooming potential. The biodegradable paper pots should be planted directly in the ground, where they will decompose. For complete growing information and pictures of the roses in this list, please visit our website: www.rcwnurseries.com. For up-to-date availability about any listed rose, please call us at 281-440-5161! Abbreviations AARS/AOE Year RIR Score Rose Classification B - Bourbon AARS is an acronym for ROSES IN REVIEW, an AMERICAN ROSE ALL AMERICA ROSE SELECTION. SOCIETY (ARS) rating program Ba - Banksiae Ch - China New rose introductions are grown in A rating reflecting ARS volunteers' Cl Min - Climbing Miniature AARS Test Gardens in 19 states, experience with growing the rose in Cl Pol - Climbing Polyantha representing all US climate zones, for 2 their home gardens for a minimum of 3 consecutive years by commercial rose consecutive years. Cl T - Climbing Tea growers F - Floribunda A (#.#) score means the rose is Gr - Grandiflora The roses are evaluated for color, relatively new to being grown in home HCh - Hybrid China flower production, fragrance, growth gardens and has an interim rating. habit, disease resistance, and overall HP - Hybrid Perpetual vigor. They receive average home A (-.-) score means not enough reports HR - Hybrid Rugosa garden care. have been received to establish a HT - Hybrid Tea rating for the rose. LCl - Large-flowered climber AOE (Award of Excellence) is for miniature roses. Min - Miniature Pol - Polyantha S - Shrub Patent Status T - Tea NP - Not Patented P - Patented PPAF - Plant Patent Applied For PP - Patent Pending www.rcwnurseries.com February 23, 2015 Prices & rose availability are subject to change Telephone: 281-440-5161 RCW Nurseries, Inc. 2015 Rose List Names in bold are new introductions. Name Price Name Price Abbaye De Cluny [S] 26.99 Easy Does It [S] 26.99 To find: About Face [S] 26.99 Easy Going [S] 26.99 All American Magic [S] 26.99 Ebb Tide [S] 26.99 By Color, page 4 America [C] 24.99 Eden Climber [C] 26.99 By Suggested Use, page 5 Angel Face [S] 24.99 Elle’ [S] 26.99 Rose Growing Tips, page 19 Anna’s Promise [S] 29.99 Europeana [S] 24.99 Apricot Candy [S] 26.99 Firefighter [S] 26.99 Archduke Charles [S] 19.99 First Prize [S] 24.99 Barbra Streisand [S] 26.99 Fourth of July [C] 26.99 Belinda’s Dream [S] 26.99 Fragrant Cloud [S] 24.99 Best Kept Secret [S] 29.99 Fragrant Plum [S] 24.99 We have the best Betty Boop [S] 26.99 Francis Meilland [S] 26.99 selection of Betty White [S] 26.99 Girls Night Out [S] 26.99 Black Baccara [S] 26.99 Golden Showers [C] 26.99 classic favorites, Blaze Improved [C] 24.99 Good As Gold [S] 26.99 new introductions, Blue Girl [S] 24.99 Grande Dame [S] 26.99 and Blushing Knockout [S] 26.99 Grandma's Yellow [S] 19.99 Earth Kind Roses. Bolero [S] 26.99 Grüss an Aachen [S] 24.99 Brandy [S] 26.99 Happy Go Lucky [S] 26.99 Brite Eyes [C] 26.99 Heart O’ Gold [S] 26.99 Earth Kind Rose means the Burgundy Iceberg [S] 26.99 Heirloom [S] 24.99 shrub has been thoroughly Candy Land [C] 26.99 Henry Fonda [S] 26.99 tested by Texas A&M’s Carefree Beauty [S] 19.99 Hot Cocoa [S] 26.99 AgriLIFE Extension service. Carefree Spirit [S] 26.99 Hotel California [S] 24.99 It is recognized as an Cécile Brünner [S] 19.99 Iceberg [S] 26.99 environmentally friendly Cécile Brünner, Climbing [C] 19.99 Ink Spots [S] 24.99 plant for Texas gardens with its outstanding landscape Centennial Star [S] 26.99 In The Mood [S] 26.99 performance and superior Ch-Ching! [S] 26.99 Janice Kellogg [S] 26.99 pest tolerance. Cherry Parfait [S] 26.99 John F. Kennedy [S] 24.99 For more info see: Chrysler Imperial [S] 24.99 Joseph’s Coat [C] 24.99 earthkindroses.tamu.edu Cinco de Mayo [S] 26.99 Julia Child [S] 26.99 Classic Woman [S] 26.99 Just Joey [S] 24.99 Coffee Bean [N] 19.99 Ketchup & Mustard [S] 26.99 Colette [C] 26.99 Knock Out [S] 24.99 Colorific [S] 26.99 Lady Banks White [C] 19.99 Coral Beauty [S] 24.99 Lady Banks Yellow [C] 19.99 Coral Drift [S] 26.99 Lasting Love [S] 26.99 Coretta Scott King [S] 26.99 Lava Flow [S] 24.99 Crimson Bouquet [S] 26.99 Legends [S] 26.99 Dark Night [S] 26.99 Let Freedom Ring [S] 26.99 Day Breaker [S] 26.99 Limoncello [S] 26.99 Dee-Lish [S] 29.99 Livin’ Easy [S] 26.99 Dick Clark [S] 26.99 Love [S] 24.99 Dolly Parton [S] 24.99 Love and Peace [S] 26.99 Don Juan [C] 26.99 Love Song [S] 26.99 Dortmund [C] 26.99 Love’s Promise [S] 26.99 Double Delight [S] 24.99 Maggie [S], [C] 19.99 Double Knock Out [S] 26.99 Marchessa Boccella [S] 19.99 Dream Come True [S] 26.99 Mardi Gras [S] 26.99 Location Key Drop Dead Red [S] 26.99 Margo Koster [S] 19.99 [C] Climbing Roses, Pg. 8 Dublin Bay [C] 26.99 Marilyn Monroe [S] 26.99 [S] Rose Shrubs, Pg. 10 Ducher [S] 26.99 Marmalade Skies [S] 26.99 [N] Miniature Roses, Pg. 18 www.rcwnurseries.com February 23, 2015 Prices & rose availability are subject to change Telephone: 281-440-5161 Page 2 of 19 RCW Nurseries, Inc. 2015 Rose List Names in bold are new introductions. Name Price Name Price Martha Gonzales [S] 26.99 Queen Mary II [S] 26.99 To find: Martha’s Vineyard [S] 26.99 Radiant Perfume [S] 26.99 By Color, page 4 Melody Parfumée [S] 26.99 Red Cascade [C] 26.99 By Suggested Use, page 5 Memorial Day [S] 26.99 Red Drift [S] 26.99 Rose Growing Tips, page 19 Michelangelo [S] 26.99 Red Eden [C] 26.99 Midas Touch [S] 26.99 Rouge Royale [S] 26.99 Midnight Blue [S] 26.99 Royal Amethyst [S] 24.99 We have the best Mister Lincoln [S] 24.99 Royal Gold [C] 24.99 selection of Moondance [S] 26.99 Scentimental [S] 26.99 classic favorites, Moonstone [S] 26.99 Sea Foam [C] 26.99 new introductions, Morning Magic [C] 26.99 Secret [S] 26.99 and Mother of Pearl [S] 26.99 Shockwave [S] 26.99 Earth Kind Roses Mutabilis [S] 19.99 Showbiz [S] 24.99 Nearly Wild [S] 26.99 Silver Star [S] 26.99 Earth Kind Rose means the Neptune [S] 26.99 Smoke Rings [N] 19.99 shrub has been thoroughly New Zealand [S] Sombreuil [C] 19.99 24.99 tested by Texas A&M’s Octoberfest [S] 26.99 Souvenir de la Malmaison [S] 19.99 AgriLIFE Extension service. Oklahoma [S] 24.99 Souvenir de la Malmaison, Climbing [C] 19.99 It is recognized as an Old Blush [S] 19.99 Sparkle & Shine [S] 26.99 environmentally friendly Old Blush, Climbing [C] 19.99 St. Patrick [S] 26.99 plant for Texas gardens with Orchid Romance [S] 26.99 Strike It Rich [S] 26.99 its outstanding landscape Oregold [S] 24.99 Sugar Moon [S] 26.99 performance and superior Over the Moon [S] 26.99 Tahitian Sunset [S] 26.99 pest tolerance. Pascali [S] 24.99 Tahitian Treasure [S] 26.99 For more info see: Passionate Kisses [S] 24.99 Take It Easy [S] 26.99 earthkindroses.tamu.edu. Peach Drift [S] 26.99 The Charlatan [S], [C] 26.99 Peachy Keen [S] 29.99 The Fairy [S] 24.99 Peggy Martin [C] 26.99 Thrive! [S] 26.99 Perfect Moment [S] 24.99 Tiffany [S] 24.99 Perfume Delight [S] 24.99 Traviata [S] 26.99 Peter Mayle [S] 26.99 Tropicana [S] 24.99 Pink Double Knock Out [S] 26.99 Trumpeter [S] 26.99 Pink Drift [S] 26.99 Twilight Zone [S] 26.99 Pink Knock Out [S] 26.99 Valentine [S] 19.99 Pink Traviata [S] 26.99 Voodoo [S] 24.99 Pinkie, Climbing [C] 26.99 Watercolors [S] 26.99 Playboy [S] 24.99 We Salute You [S] 26.99 Popcorn Drift [S] 26.99 White Eden [C] 26.99 Location Key Pope John Paul II [S] 26.99 White Licorice [S] 26.99 [C] Climbing Roses, Pg. 8 Preference [S] 26.99 White Majesty [S] 26.99 [S] Rose Shrubs, Pg. 10 Pretty In Pink Eden [C] 29.99 Zéphirine Drouhin [C] 26.99 [N] Miniature Roses, Pg. 18 Purple Tiger [S] 24.99 Assorted Tree Roses 49.99 www.rcwnurseries.com February 23, 2015 Prices & rose availability are subject to change Telephone: 281-440-5161 Page 3 of 19 RCW Nurseries, Inc. 2015 Roses by Color Names in bold are new introductions Apricot Pink Red/Russet Yellow/Gold Abbaye de Cluny [S] Anna’s Promise [S] All American Magic [S] Betty Boop [S] America [C] Belinda’s Dream [S] Archduke Charles [S] Centennial Star [S] Apricot Candy [S] Best Kept Secret [S] Black Baccara [S] Ch-Ching! [S] Brandy [S] Betty White [S] Blaze Improved [C] Day Breaker [S] Just Joey [S] Candy Land [C] Carefree Spirit [S] Dream Come True [S] Marilyn Monroe [S] Carefree Beauty [S] Cherry Parfait [S] Easy Going [S] Over the Moon [S] Cécile Brünner [S] Chrysler Imperial [S] Golden Showers [C] Peach Drift [S] Cécile Brünner, Climbing [C] Cinco de Mayo [S] Good As Gold [S] Tahitian Sunset [S] Colette [C] Coffee Bean [N] Grandma’s Yellow [S] Dee-Lish [S] Crimson Bouquet [S] Happy Go Lucky [S] Elle’ [S] Dark Night [S] Heart O’ Gold [S] Eden Climber [C] Dick Clark [S] Henry Fonda [S] First Prize [S] Don Juan [C] Julia Child [S] Mauve Francis Meilland [S] Dortmund [C] Lady Banks Yellow [C] Angel Face [S] Girls Night Out [S] Double Delight [S] Limoncello [S] Barbra Streisand [S] Grande Dame [S] Double Knock Out [S] Love and Peace [S] Blue Girl [S] Grüss an Aachen [S] Drop Dead Red [S] Mardi Gras [S] Burgundy Iceberg [S] Marchessa Boccella [S] Dublin Bay [C] Michelangelo [S] Ebb Tide [S] Margot Koster [S] Europeana [S] Midas Touch [S] Fragrant Plum [S] Martha’s Vineyard [S] Firefighter [S] Oregold [S] Heirloom [S] Memorial Day [S] Fourth of July [C] Popcorn Drift [S] Love Song [S] Morning Magic [C] Fragrant Cloud [S] Radiant Perfume [S] Melody Parfumée [S] Mother of Pearl [S] Hot Cocoa [S] Royal Gold [C] Midnight Blue [S] Mutabilis [S] In the Mood [S] Shockwave [S] Neptune [S] Nearly Wild [S] Ink Spots [S] Sparkle & Shine [S] Purple Tiger [S] New Zealand [S] Janice Kellogg [S] St.
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