20 Pages Thursday, October 8, 2020 ◆ Pacific Palisades, California $1.50 Creepy Crypts Annual Pumpkin Patch Opens at Simon Meadow By SARAH SHMERLING Editor-in-Chief he Palisades-Malibu YMCA annual pumpkin patch is of- Tficially open for business at Si- mon Meadow—selling two semi- trucks worth of pumpkins through October 31 or until the lot sells out. Executive Director Jim Kirt- ley explained that the patch would be following all Los An- geles County protocol in place for COVID-19, including social dis- tancing and requiring masks to be worn by patrons. Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer “It’s vital to the YMCA’s ex- istence—at a local branch level said. “We’re doing what we have “We are hoping and planning and at a Los Angeles metropolitan to do to survive and having events to have the Christmas tree lot as For those who are looking for a little bit of spooky inspiration this year, check out Page 9, where the level,” Kirtley said of the pump- like this will help the survival of well because we know it’s such Post spoke with past Creep Your Crypt winners for tips and tricks for how to have fun and take home kin patch. the YMCA.” a staple of the community, along a prize. Pictured here is one of the first entries for the 2020 contest. Photo courtesy of Heather Thomas The patch is one of the YM- The patch has been a tradition with the pumpkin patch,” Kirtley CA’s annual fundraisers, which within the community for many said. “The YMCA as a whole is Kirtley shared are more important years. Kirtley has been with Pal- such a staple of the community.” than ever following a very atypi- isades-Malibu YMCA since 2000, Kirtley concluded with a cal year for the branch. and he shared that it was going on message of how vital the pump- Local Organizations Coordinate “Funds raised go toward help- “well before” he arrived. kin patch fundraising is for the ing those who need financial assis- Though this year the annu- Y—but also how important it is tance to participate in YMCA pro- al glass sale, typically held in to have the patch available for the grams and YMCA memberships,” conjunction with Santa Monica community. Free Flu Shots in the Palisades Kirtley explained. “We give out College, will not be taking place, “We’re providing a safe, out- between $90,000 and $100,000 Kirtley explained, the Winding door social experience,” Kirtley Current Clinics worth of financial aid per year for Way art exhibit will be on display concluded. “I think that’s key, programs and memberships.” and feature upcycled cardboard. to be able to get out and enjoy Are Planned for That amount of assistance Kirtley also shared that the something that you’ve always en- October 10 and 17 is provided through the Pali- annual Christmas tree lot is on joyed—something that COVID sades-Malibu location alone. track to open this year as well—he isn’t taking away from you—the By LILY TINOCO “With the gyms being closed has talked to a couple of farmers YMCA pumpkin patch.” Reporter down, lots of folks have kept from Oregon, out of concern for This year’s patch hours are their memberships to support the their safety due to the fires and Monday through Friday from 3 to ith the arrival of flu season, YMCA, but some can’t and that’s also to ensure that trees would be 6 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays Los Angeles County Depart- totally understandable,” Kirtley available. from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wment of Public Health encouraged residents to be proactive about pro- tecting themselves by getting the flu immunization. Design Review Board Public Health suggested that everyone 6 months and older be Pacific Palisades Woman’s Club Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer immunized. Meets to Discuss Historic “Getting immunized is import- rooms—during severe flu seasons. tions,” Conner said to the Palisa- ant because it is safe and provides In hopes of easing that burden, dian-Post. “Seniors in particular protection against the harmful ef- Palisadians are teaming up to help should get both flu and pneumonia Palisades ‘Refresh’ fects of influenza; flu immuniza- provide free flu clinics throughout shots.” tions help keep people out of the the community. The Pacific Palisades Wom- By JENNIKA INGRAM hospital, which will conserve hos- The Pacific Palisades Resi- an’s Club is also partnering with Reporter pital resources that could become dents Association and the Edlen Los Angeles County to provide its strained with both influenza and Real Estate Team are partnering annual community flu clinic from he Pacific Palisades Design Re- COVID-19 circulating at the same with CVS on Saturday, October 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday, Oc- view Board met for the second time,” according to a statement 10, and Saturday, October 17, to tober 17, at the clubhouse, located Ttime in late September regarding from the department. “It is highly provide outdoor flu shot clinics at at 901 Haverford Ave. proposed changes to the outside likely that both flu and COVID-19 the top parking lot of the pharmacy For the first time, the clinic features of the historic Business will be present in LA County this from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. will be set up outdoors in the large Block Building—located on Sunset year.” “I heard from some Palisadi- parking lot. Boulevard and a centerpiece struc- The statement reports that in ans that they did not know where Flu shots distributed at the site ture in the Palisades since 1924. years past, LA County health care to get a flu shot where it felt safe,” will be available to all ages from 6 Gensler, a global design and Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer providers have had to implement PPRA President Sarah Conner ex- months and up, and the shots will architecture firm, was on hand to contingency plans to accommodate plained. “So I thought about how be administered by county regis- share the latest designs with mem- the building based on a cratering pressed with the awnings,” Young more patients—particularly at ur- we could create the ideal scenar- tered nurses. PPWC will provide bers of the board. sample done by historical resto- stated. “You have really done a gent care centers and emergency io … we contacted the pharmacy volunteers to assist guests. The span of the meeting lasted ration expert Olivia White, who good job of reacquiring the arches, manager at CVS and asked if we “This year it is more important close to two hours and served as found cream was one of the colors much better than the clam shell.” could partner and create an outdoor than ever for everyone to receive a follow up to a previous meeting previously used on the building. As far as the windows, Young flu clinic together.” a flu shot in an effort to remain in July where design elements for Historian Randy Young ex- explained, the tenant used to de- PPRA and the Edlen Team as healthy as possible during the white paint and black awnings were plained when they did cratering cide whether to have awnings or have been in charge of creating upcoming flu season,” said Nancy initially proposed. The cosmetic de- back in the day, the pink was there. not. The design company explained the flu clinic and spreading the Niles, president of PPWC, to the sign suggestions received pressback “I got absolute confirmation the same opportunity will remain word. CVS qualified professionals Post. “We hope to see many of our from the community, social media the original color was pink,” Young for the tenants now. will be providing the shots on site. Palisadian neighbors and friends and the board. continued, explaining that Mary “We’re all extremely pleased Available immunizations include participate in the flu clinic as we Mark Lagola, an architectural Walker, one of the early settlers how seriously you took the com- the flu shot, high-dose flu shot and prepare for the flu season.” designer for Gensler, led the pre- of the Palisades, told him how she munity comments, and you know pneumonia vaccine. The PPWC flu clinic will be sentation to discuss how the designs used to wash her husband’s cloth- the Design Review Board really is The clinic is appoint- first come, first served and no sign- have adapted to the feedback to the ing—he was one of the painters. here to work with the communi- ment-based to avoid large groups up beforehand is necessary. “refresh,” and that plans now in- Though there was not a con- ty and work with the applicants,” waiting or congregating, according clude a landscape update. sensus among board members what DRB Chair Donna Vaccarino said to Conner. To sign up for the PPRA flu Two of the main features dis- version of pink should remain, the at the meeting. “I personally have “Getting flu shots can de- clinic, visit palisadesresidents. cussed at length during the second discussion leaned toward accepting found this really rewarding and I crease the community spread for com/2020/10/02/pacific-pali- meeting were changes in the “dis- the cream, as long as it has a stron- think the board has, too.” COVID by reducing hospitaliza- sades-outdoor-flu-clinic. tinctive” pink color and the striped ger pink tint. Vaccarino touched on the fact awnings. Many community members on that “the building is the most im- “Our approach is to emphasize social media have campaigned for portant” in the Palisades,” and that and bring the property closer to its the building to keep its signature “it needs to be handled appropri- historical foundations,” Lagola pink.
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