W O R L D M A S O R T I M O V E M E N T – M A S O R T I E U R O P E EUROPEAN MASORTI CONFERENCE Paris, November 2-4, 2007 F R I D A Y N o v e m b e r 2 4:00-6:00 P M Registration of participants 6:30 P M K A B B A L A T S H A B B A T Led by Cantors Sol ZIM & Jaclyn CHERNETT, with Rabbis and Participants - Adath Shalom D V A R T O R A H R. Tzvi GRAETZ – Executive Director of Masorti Olami (World Masorti): “Chayé Sarah: Abraham as the first Zionist” 8:00 P M S H A B B A T D I N N E R * 9:15 P M T A L K Reflections on Masorti Movement: Views from Europe, Chicago, Jerusalem… R. Jonathan WITTENBERG, Rabbi of New North London Synagogue and President of the European Rabbinic Assembly; Alan SILBERMAN, President of Masorti Olami; Dr. David BREAKSTONE, Member of the executive of the World Zionist Organization S A T U R D A Y N o v e m b e r 3 9:45 A M S H A B B A T S E R V I C E Led by R. Rivon KRYGIER, Rabbi of Adath Shalom, and Eric ABOUDI, with the exceptional participation of Cantors Sol ZIM & Jaclyn CHERNETT. Dvar Torah by R. Rivon KRYGIER 12:45 A M K I D D U S H 2:00 P M G U I D E D T O U R Weather permitting, guided walking tour of Paris with historian Philippe BOUKARA, PhD (Champ de Mars, Eiffel Tower, Ecole Militaire, Wall of Peace, Vel d’Hiv velodrome…) 4:15 P M M I N C H A S E R V I C E Led by R. Yechaya DALSACE, Rabbi of Maayane Or Synagogue (Nice) S E U D A H S H L I S H I T Storytelling from around Europe. Dvar Torah by R. Chaim WEINER, Director of Masorti Europe and of the European Masorti Bet Din 5:30 P M M A ’ A R I V A N D H A V D A L A Led by R. Gesa EDERBERG, Rabbi of Oranienburger strasse Synagogue (Berlin) E V E N I N G Free time * Upon reservation only ADDRESS: 8 rue George Bernard Shaw Paris 15 - M E T R O DUPLEIX EUROPEAN MASORTI CONFERENCE PROGRAMME page 1/5 W O R L D M A S O R T I M O V E M E N T – M A S O R T I E U R O P E EUROPEAN MASORTI CONFERENCE Paris, November 2-4, 2007 “DEMOCRACY AND JEWISH HERITAGE IN MODERN SOCIETY” S U N D A Y N o v e m b e r 4 7:45 – 8:45 A M SHACHARIT Led by Rabbi Rivon KRYGIER, Dvar Torah by Rabbi Gesa EDERBERG 8:45 – 9:30 A M MORNING COFFEE 9:30 – 10:20 A M OPENING SESSION G R E E T I N G S Evelyne MONTSERRAT, Chair – Adath Shalom O P E N I N G R E M A R K S Claude MACHLINE, President – Masorti Europe Alan SILBERMAN, President – Masorti Olami Introduction of morning workshops by Rabbi Chaim WEINER, Director of Masorti Europe and of the European Masorti Bet Din 10:20 – 10:30 A M BREAK This Conference has been made possible with the support of the World Zionist Organization EUROPEAN MASORTI CONFERENCE PROGRAMME page 2/5 10:30 – 12:00 A M MORNING WORKSHOPS DEMOCRACY AND JEWISH HERITAGE IN MODERN SOCIETY: Integrating evolution and tradition G R O U P 1 (M A I N H A L L ) WHAT C H A Z A N U T I N T E R A C T I V E FUTURE FOR JUDAISM? THE RESPONSE G R O U P 2 ( F R E N C H W O R K S H O P SESSION 1: PRAYER FROM THE MASORTI MOVEMENT S P E A K I N G ) TRADITIONS AND Is there a future for Jews in Europe? G R O U P 3 HALAKHA LE-MA’ASE: THROUGH THE MUSIC MODERNITY: HOW TO ADAPT TO What is our relationship to Israel and FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE Hazzan Sol Zim takes the liturgy of SOCIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL what do we really mean when we talk Are ideologies and values Shabbat morning and explores its about the centrality of Israel in Jewish CHANGE immutable and permanent? varying moods through the music. He Gender equality and egalitarism. life? Practical dilemmas in the field. How do old traditions apply to helps you build confidence to explore Minyan: are men and women Developing small communities. The modern societies? your voice in ways you haven’t done interchangeable? examples of Hungary, Czech Republic The role of human before. What about Bat-Mitzva and Spain. interpretation and rabbinic This workshop is divided in two preparation and celebration? Is Jewish leadership in crisis? How to experience. sessions. Participants are invited to Are kippa and tallit male promote recruitment and vocation for The specific values of the register for both. Ability to read music attributes? rabbis, cantors and educators? How to Masorti movement. is preferred but not essential. Between tradition and train shelichei tzibur? Introduction to the Masorti Beit modernity, which way forward Din. Presentation the new version of B’kol for the Masorti Movement? Chair: R. Joe WERNIK (Israel) Echad: Piyutim, Zmirot and How to make the best use of Andres SPOKOINY, Joint Chair: R. Chaim WEINER benedictions in one book. information technology? Distribution Committee (Europe) Presentation of the Masorti (France/Argentina) – with Leaders of R. Jonathan WITTENBERG Cantors Sol ZIM (US) and Website. Demonstration of Masorti communities from across (UK) – Jaclyn CHERNETT (UK) software for learning Hebrew Europe R. Rivon KRYGIER (Mr Iceberg…) (Israel/France) Chair: R. Yeshaya DALSACE (Israel/France) R. Gesa EDERBERG (Germany) – Laurent ALHADEF (France) EUROPEAN MASORTI CONFERENCE PROGRAMME page 3/5 12:00 – 1:45 P M LUNCH Presentation of morning workshops reports by chairs Introduction to the afternoon workshops by Claude MACHLINE, President of Masorti Europe 1.45 – 2.00 P M MINCHA 2:00 – 3:30 P M AFTERNOON WORKSHOPS DEMOCRACY AND JEWISH HERITAGE IN MODERN SOCIETY: C H A Z A N U T I N T E R A C T I V E Group 1 (M A I N H A L L ) THE Promoting participation and involvement W O R K S H O P SESSION 2: THE PLACE CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT IN THE OF ZION IN THE LITURGY MIRROR OF ISRAEL: A LONGSTANDING G R O U P 3 THE LIMUD Choir shira and Shira betsibur as a G R O U P 2(F R E N C H S P E A K I N G ) SHARED HISTORY EXPERIENCE. LEARNING AT THE link to modern Israel. REACHING OUT TO THE NEXT Israel and Masorti Judaism: Where we HEART OF COMMUNITY Hazzan Zim takes a look at the age- GENERATION; GETTING CHILDREN AND are, where we want to be, and how we DEVELOPMENT. old traditions and melodic patterns YOUTH INVOLVED are going to get there. How to ensure Judaism over time and places. Do the Jews of Europe live in the Creating a Cheder/ Talmud Torah. sustainability by increasing Integrating traditions and modern lay “Mood and Mode”: Our prayers are Diaspora or Galut? The relations awareness, knowledge and contemplative, yearning, penitent, between the Zionist and the education in Jewish day school participation? curricula. pleading, thankful, joyous, majestic, Conservative movements. Should Aliya The conservative Yeshiva, Divrei ecstatic – all in one service. be an end for every Jew, or just a Is the Conservative movement an Torah and Summer Programme in attractive project for supporters? Short presentation of Adath dream for few? Israel. Shalom’s new Siddur. The place of Eretz Israel in our How to increase youth involvement Learning Hebrew to enhance our tradition. and secure a new generation of Judaism. activists. Cantors Sol ZIM (US) and The Law of Return and Who is a Jew? Adult education. Initiation to lay Jaclyn CHERNETT (UK) – Current state of affairs regarding leadership models and skills. Chair: Gabriela GOLBERG, head of With the participation of R. Rivon conversion in the Diaspora and Israel. KRYGIER (Israel/ France) MAROM youth programme and of Chair: Cheryl SKLAN (UK) Chair: Dr. David BREAKSTONE Adath Shalom Talmud Torah R. Tsvi GRAETZ (Israel) – Ron (Israel) (Argentina/France) HOFFBERG (CZ) – Chaim Dr Stephen WOLNEK, President of Barbara STERN, head of education WEINER (UK) Merkaz Olami (US) (NNLS, London) – Laurence ABOUDI (France) 3:30 – 3:45 P M Presentation of afternoon workshops reports by chairs 3:45 – 4:00 P M BREAK EUROPEAN MASORTI CONFERENCE PROGRAMME page 4/5 4:00 – 6:00 P M CLOSING SESSION Presented by Ivan LEVAI - Journalist, Director of Tribune Juive PART I “NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM” AN IDEOLOGICAL AND PRACTICAL CHALLENGE TO THE JEWISH COMMUNITIES OF EUROPE Guest Speaker: Zeev BIELSKI Chairman of the Jewish Agency and the World Zionist Organization Introduction to the panel – Dr. David BREAKSTONE, Member of the Executive of WZO Open debate with the audience, in the presence of French Jewish community leaders PART II “LAUNCHING MASORTI EUROPE” Presentation of the movement’s new status. By Claude MACHLINE and Gillian CAPLIN, President and Vice-President of Masorti Europe With Alan SILBERMAN, President of World Masorti PART III IF I FORGET THEE, O JERUSALEM “LAUNCHING THE EUROPEAN ACADEMY FOR JEWISH LITURGY” IN CELEBRATION OF 40 YEARS OF THE REUNIFICATION OF JERUSALEM AND 60 YEARS OF ISRAEL’S INDEPENDENCE Introduction to the new European Academy for Jewish Liturgy, to be launched in UK on Tuesday November 6th By Cantor Jaclyn CHERNETT (UK), founding President Recital Cantor Sol ZIM Cantorial School (New York) HATIKVAH performance Shira betsibur session The Adath Shalom Choir led by Sylvie SIVANN EUROPEAN MASORTI CONFERENCE PROGRAMME page 5/5.
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