~ '" :, ..... Published Weekly as the Organ of the Socialist Party of New York, Left Wing Branches. Vol. 1. - No. 11. ~ 401 Saturday, October 23, 1937 5 Cents per Copy, • • -~ nlon nl ove MoreS.P.~cals AfL-CIO To Confer in EndorseChlcagow he N W k Left Wing Meet as Ington ext ee The decision of the Denver conventi 011 of the American Federation of Labor ani " Growing responl'e in the Locals and branches of the Socialist of the Atlantic City meeting of the heads of the Committee for Industrial Organiza­ Party to the call f()l' an emergency convention on November 25th tion to have committees from the two bodies meet in Washington during the week of. in Chicago to deal with the Party crisis, indicates a widespread October 25 for the purpose of discussing the disputes that haw divided the two move­ interest which gual'antees complete national representation when ments, was the first important step taken since the split toward~ healing the two-year­ the convention "es~ions open. The announcement was made by James old breach in the ranks of American orga nized labor. P. Cannon, seCl"etary of the Convention Arrangements Committee ~ ----------------~---------------------------- in New York. The call for the~-------------­ 8,000,000 Involved of between seven and eight in the rank and file of both or­ convention was issued three weeks mil-I tentiary for "embezzlement" of Should the joint confer-Ilion members-more than have ganizations for unity, the ab~ence ago in the name of the State Ex­ party property which duly be­ ever been enrolled in American \ of which has had such painful ecutive Committees of the Social­ longed to the left wing. ence tak~ .further steps to- unions in all their history. and }lerniciolls results in recent ist Party of California, Minne­ In East Chicago, Indiana, the aota, Indiana, Ohio, the Executive ward umtmg t~e r~nks ~f Highly desirable and necessal'y Itimes. as a con"equ~~ce. o~. the Local of the Socialist Party has Committee of the Socialist Party the two orgamzabons, It toough such a unification is, it gl'O~mg ~umber of ~-a14s or­ just voted, according to Secre­ in Chicago and New York (Left would result in the establish- cannot yet be said that the Wash- gamzed l>y. th~ officialdom o~ tary Paul Brauer, to condemn ) and by the National Ex­ . ington meeting will bring it both orgamza~l~n" .up?n. e.acb the NEe for having "trampled ment of an. orga~lzed labor ~ about. It is indisputable that a othe~·. Demorahz;ng JunsdictlOD­ t. ... pti,u..Committee of the Young (Continued on page 3) movement m thIS country! great deal of sentiment exists al dIsputes, leavmg the workers C't &ple's Socialist League. _____________________________ ! . divided in face of the employ- Among the Party ()rganizations - ing class, can only imppde the which -have already taken action '" • to endorse ):he special convention and to pfovide for representa­ Veteran~ ()f future War~ Pl·~~:;:V::. ~~:e~::~i~;~~·con- tion at it, are the following: ference outcome may be, jt can- .... 4:t, not obliviate the tremendous con- T ~ ~ tribution made by the CIO move- lJocal Bucks Joins ~ ,~-.~!.--, ment.· Whereas hidebound craft Local Bucks County, Pennsyl­ organization, confined largely to 'IUlia, representing the three the skilled and betterpaid weik­ kanches of Quakertown, South ers, have t~me and again failed WDcbome and Perkesy, unani­ ,abysmally to organ'ze the mass -.oualy passed a resolution, sign­ 'production industries, the indus­ ed by Clara Gring, Acting Secre­ trial form of organization, des­ .., and by Howard Stump, pite the croaking admonitiQns of Chairman, declaring that the the Green bureaucracy, bas not "(lounty Committee of Local only proved its ability to organ­ Bucb, refusing to be a party to "DEMOCRATIC" ize such industries as auto, rub-, the expulsion of left wingers or bel' and steel, but has demon8- to the People's Front policy of trated that it facilitates the ef­ t;be National Executive Com­ CAPITALtSM fective mobilizaion of the work­ ers for aggressive struggle• .tttee and desiring that the dis­ • pated queations be throughly Trus has now been established Aind and settled, endorsed the beyond dispute in practise des­ pite the numerous shortcomings all". ~ At a meeting of Local Roches­ of the CIO, which are traeeab~e ter, N. Y., a resolution was una­ to the bureaucratic control ex­ .oualy adopted, s:gned by erclzed over its union by the self­ appointed leadership ami to the ()harlea V. Hess, chaiI'man and class collaboration policy which ~ V. "Brown, secretary, de­ 'elilring that by its·· flagrant vio­ it has imposed. lations of the party constitution aDd- those beu'ayal of the party Industrial Unions Vital .. "t, the NEC has forfeited its Any unification of the two authority and lost all right to movements which involved a re­ apeak in the name of the party treat from the right of the work­ __rship." The Local, in the ers, at the very least in the ba.ic, -.e re80lution, endorsed the mass producti,:)n industries, to call for the convention. organiZe in industrial unions, in­ Local East Bay, Calif., accord­ stead of being split up into IDe to information received here scores of craft organizations, from its secretary, Carl Wallace, would signify an abandonment ... also voted unanimollsly t·:) of all the gains made in the past" endorse the calling of the Chicago two years and would fling the eonvention. The local had pre­ labor movement back to the posi­ ~usly indicated its po"ition by tion it occupied years ago. "tJeeiding witoout a dissenting From the standpoint both of .. 'fote to expel as a ,;tool-pigeon the imnlediate and long-run in­ Wird Rodgers, who had gone to terests and needs of the labor San Francisco District Attor­ movement, however, recent events in an attempt to send revo­ have only served 00 stre"s the socialists to the peni- (Continued on page 3) IRVING PLAZA ~ Sunday Eve. Speakers: Rally \ .~ MAURICE SPECTOR .Irving Place and 15th Street October. 24th gainst War BEN HERMAN ~-~:,~,/.:<·~,5 ~ ) ~ • . ";~ ..•. A '" - .·~,,:r.;':~in ,-Hltii.'.V'nt', .:,f."~:~: ~/.. .'. .. .!--- ---------------------SOCIALIST APPEAL October 23, 1937 Browder's Complete IWhat's Going on in N". y] ~ .. ~ TurnAbout-FaceOn I Election Campaign 1 ea Electl·on _~I1l:d th~·~~a~'·i~~· ~·;~~;·i~~:i;I~'~-'wIH"n the ddl'gation w,'nl in to , Gua rdz za, the Fascl~t hymn, ~h(lut" or 1 H'l' til(' ~IayOl', hl' wa~n't in, La "Fascisti" and uprail;ed ann" in A new "Iant nn tIll' I hllu~ing @--IFascistsalute,LaGUardia,dlicf')JlrOhl"minXeWYork wa" given By James Casey ., ,Finally, as ,a, sort of ~umma- of t~e People's Front, :\l'W York, by :-:tanh·y Isna(',", ALP ,'andi- OppOJtunism, when put into practice, plagues a political OJ'gan- tlOn, the Stalm.tst ~eader;; arj!ue sectlO~, ~ddr~!'"ed a m:I';",. ~I"'-I datl' fOl' Ihl'ough PI'l'sillt'nt of _ ti I'k I' , , , that the campaIgn IS one for the monstlahon m Columbu" (11 de lIanhattan. After stud"in'" the 1ZA "0 t ~ po, , on I e a ma, Ignant cancel'OUS,- growth, Once It sets m , pl'ln·· "fUI 'ht elance . of democracy and on c 0 b e~. 12 . The mee t'mg, t<1" II,- que,:tlOn thoroghly he' canlt' til the ClpieS and theol'les are reVIsed, defiled and, finally, repudiated amid that the ~~me call!paigns . "for ed ostensibly to telebrate Co- I conclusion that, "I do not think a nunicane of wild rationalizatj.:ms. A process of ideolog:cal dege- democracy are bemg wag-ed by ~umbus Day, was, !'oon turned Ithat anything tan be mun· hal'm- ' d'! t ,t' d h Th ,the Communist Party in every mto a dem:mstratlOn for lIu,,~o-1 ful to real e"tate intere"ts than Il r t e a lon, Is,n egla IOn, an c aos'" ensues. e metamorphOSIS, , does eJty' and State m, the land. In thiS, r'Inl and I taI' Ian F aSClsm,' A f('w. thl' de\,elopmt'nt" of "hllll . ('ondi. not p~'esent a JJI'etty pwture, It IS m thiS stage that Stahmsm now last ar~u~e~t lies the key to the hours later, LaGuardia agai,n I ion!' nnd widesprea(i deray "pre- finds Itself, $~ whole Stahmst program, the ans- s~>oke at the same pla('e, thiS I uding' o\,er }'ro;,,1 un'as in this Every day pl'ov:des nl'W l'Vi-l.t, H ' "d t 'I ,th IweI' to the p,arty's political and time, however, at a "non-Fai"d,.:t" COIllI;lunit"." '.. s al ve. e pi oml:;e 0 c eal e' I ' t' ""'I'ta '1." ~ u~e of the steady decay and I ' b t fi" I I Id eo oglCal bankruptcy as a work- mee mg. nd 1 nt antl-..- a",'I"t I ••• __ •. sums, u les m coo< emne(, I " . k th t fi' ' d_IDe of Stalinhnn, the w:>r1<1 tenements reap' an ever richer mg c ass orgamzatlon, wor ers us go a, ne taste 01 ,. The 'I',h' f' k • ' Th C P '. fi g ht' "f' D the People's Front m action new 1I~ m Ian nt,,:;, O'ftr, harvest of w':>I'kers' lives. e " 's· ~ I m~ o~ em- ',.. " ',however, bl'longs to ~Juhonev, In · - "He promised to protect the o~racy. 0 e~ ares rower and • '. " u :;peech which movl'd the ,;ork- Decay 0 f 8ta IInlsm salaries of teachers and city em- hiS statement IS echoed by Amtel' The extent of the S,P.'s gTl'at 'rs of X~w YOl'k t t ' h "d , a d thei' ci 'I' Th ,t ,'d .
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