A ROUNDTABLE ON COUNTER-TERRORISM BETWEEN MYANMAR AND INDONESIA HELD P-6A (N TIONAL) PARLIAMENT PARLIAMENT NATIONAL NaTIONAL Pyithu Hluttaw Fisheries and Two Himalayan Village administrator discusses Rakhine’s roads discussed at black bears killed in state of affairs Amyotha Hluttaw freed Maungtaw PAGE-2 PAGE-2 P AGe-6 P AGe-6 Vol. IV, No. 129, 3rd Waxing of Tawthalin 1379 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Thursday, 24 August 2017 India’s policy change on pea imports impacts Myanmar Min Thit (MYANMAR NEWS AGENCY) SEVERE restrictions announced recently by India limiting the amount of pea products from My- anmar has quickly and adversely affected the local pulses market, officials said yesterday. On Monday, India capped im- ports of mung beans and green mung beans (pigeon peas) at only 300,000 tons, after the prices of the pulses plummeted due to record production. This was in addition to an earlier decision to import only 200,000 tons of toor whole (pesingone) — Myanmar’s major President U Htin Kyaw accepts the final report of the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State presented by Mr Kofi Annan. PHOTO: AUNG SHINE OO export — on 5 August, causing an immediate, negative impact on Myanmar’s pulses market. The restriction will help sup- port prices of the lentils in India, President receives Rakhine the world’s biggest importer of the pulses, but will put pressure on producers in Myanmar, which relies heavily on exports to India. Advisory Commission According to the Myanmar Pulses, Beans and Sesame Seeds Merchant Association, there were President U Htin Kyaw received in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. which has experienced renewed es and current situation being 100,000 tons of toor whole and members of the Rakhine Ad- The president said yester- conflict, disruption and violence faced by the government, re- 300,000 tons of mung beans left visory Commission led by its day that it was his belief that over the past year. questing help for the country in the hands of local merchants chairman, Dr. Kofi Annan, and the advice contained in the final President U Htin Kyaw also as it makes efforts to boost the due to the Indian government’s accepted the commission’s final report will be supportive to the expressed his hope that interna- trust between Myanmar and decision to restrict Myanmar’s report on Rakhine State at the peace, stability and develop- tional and regional communities international communities. three major pea exports. Hall of the Presidential Palace ment works in Rakhine State, would understand the challeng- SEE PAGE-6 SEE PAGE-3 24 AUGUST 2017 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Pyithu Hluttaw discusses Rakhine’s state of affairs Kyaw Thu Htet the first Pyithu Hluttaw but we (MYANMAR NEWS AGENCY) need to establish by-laws and put things into practice. The Govern- The 2nd Pyithu Hluttaw 5th Reg- ment should act in accord with ular Meeting 49th Day was held the 1982 Citizenship Law and yesterday and many discussions properly inspect Bengalis and on Rakhine State were made. administer Rakhine State with Daw Khin Saw Wai of the Tatmadaw,” he said. Speaker of Pyithu Hluttaw U Win Myint meets Vice Chairman Yathedaung Constituency U Hla Htun Kyaw of Maung- of International Affairs Committee of Chinese People’s Political passed a motion to strengthen taw Constituency said that the Consultative Conference. PHOTO: MNA administration and security total population of Maungtaw processes in Maungtaw, Buth- Township is about 529,661 people U Hla Htun Kyaw of Maungtaw idaung and Yathedaung in Ra- and ethnic people only make up Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker Constituency. PHOTO: MNA khine State. She said the various 6 per cent of the population mak- activities of radical extremist anmar. The reason they don’t ing it a geopolitical loss. U Win Myint receives groups in Rakhine are threat- enter neighboring India is be- Daw Mar Mar Khine of ening the national security, rule cause India has built a complete Thaton Constituency said that Mr Yuan Guiren of law and livelihoods of local border wall and has deployed in her view the government has residents. 300 border security regiments been dutifully fulfilling its role Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U Win China cooperation and relations U Maung Myint of Mingin to guard it with permission to in peacefully administering Ra- Myint received Vice Chairman and promoting bilateral interest Constituency said “Bangladesh shoot to kill anyone crossing the khine State. She concluded that of Internarional Affairs Com- were discussed exchanging the has a population of 163 million border illegally. Myanmar has there is no need to urge some- mittee of Chinese People’s views. people and an area that covers not completed its border walls one or an organisation that is Political Consultative Confer- Present at the meeting over 50,000 square miles where- yet nor does it have adequate doing its job. Nine other Hluttaw ence Mr Yuan Guiren and party were Pyithu Hluttaw Deputy as Myanmar has a population border security so it’s no sur- representatives discussed the at the Hall of Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat, Chair- of 53 million people and an area prise that many Bengalis flood motion and the discussion and building, Nay Pyi Taw yester- man of Pyithu Hluttaw’s Inter- that covers over 260,000 square into Myanmar.” decision of the Pyithu Hluttaw day 2pm. national Relations Committee miles so it’s no surprise that “Myanmar’s Interfaith will be made in the next session During the meeting, the U Zaw Thein and officials.—My- Bengalis emigrate into My- Marriage Law was passed in on 24 August. matters relating to Myanmar- anmar News Agency Fisheries and roads discussed at Amyotha Hluttaw Thura Zaw (MYANMAR NEWS AGENCY) saltwater fish, feed production and conservation strategies.” The Amyotha Hluttaw dis- Deputy Minister for Ag- cussed the development of riculture, Livestock and Irri- Myanmar’s fisheries industry gation U Hla Kyaw said that a and a new road project in Kayah Ks764 million fund is required State during yesterday’s regu- for a 3.7-mile Minelone-Myaung- lar meeting in Nay Pyi Taw. khwa road and Ks663 million Deputy Minister for Ag- is required for a 3.16-mile riculture, Livestock and Irri- Myaungkhwa-Seelin road and Speaker of Amyotha Hluttaw Mahn Win Khaing Than holds talks with gation U Hla Kyaw said that a quarter-mile Minelone-Seelin Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Ms. Johanna Kao, Senior Advisor of IRI in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA the Fisheries Department is road in 2018 and 2019. The funds Livestock and Irrigation U Hla inspecting fishing boats to regu- Kyaw. PHOTO: MNA will be provided by Union and late their activities. The depart- State budget, he said. Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker ment has also worked with the said that fisheries industry Colonel Aung Lwin, Colonel French Development Agency development in Myanmar re- Kyaw Kyaw, Colonel Naing Oo, meets separately with (AFD) to mandate foreign fish- quires more expertise. Colonel Myo Min Aung, Colonel ing vessels to use GPS devices “Without the development Htein Lin, Colonel Tin Aung Tun International Republican for monitoring and conservation of a fisheries university, the in- and Colonel Soe Moe Aung took purposes. dustry will not develop,” she oaths of office in the presence of Institute and Chinese official Amyotha Hluttaw member said. “We need better breeding Mahn Win Khaing Than, Speak- Daw Ma Ma Lay of Shan State techniques for freshwater and er of Amyotha Hluttaw. Mahn Win Khaing Than, Speak- Myanmar, the IRI’s activities er of Amyotha Hluttaw received and its contribution to Myan- Ms. Johanna Kao, Senior Ad- mar’s transition to democracy. More parts of visor of International Repub- The meeting with H.E Mr. Yuan lican Institute (IRI) and, sep- Guiren, Vice Chairman of Politi- Y-8 plane crash arately, H.E Mr. Yuan Guiren, cal Counselling Conference and discovered Vice-Chairman of international International Affairs Committee affair committee of Chinese Peo- of People’s Republic of China, More wreckage from a Y-8 Tat- ple’s Political Counselling Con- dealt with Sino-Myanmar rela- madaw military transport plane ference yesterday separately at tions, their respective legislative that crashed on 7 June and killed the special guest room of Amyo- processes and other matters. U 122 people surfaced yesterday. tha Hluttaw in Nay Pyi Taw. Aye Tha Aung, Deputy Speaker Myanmar’s navy and local fishing The meeting with Ms. of Amyotha Hluttaw was also boats continue to find pieces of the Kao, Senior Advisor of IRI, ad- present at the meetings. —My- Y-8 plane crash.—MNA dressed the peace process in anmar News Agency 24 AUGUST 2017 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 Rakhine State Peace, Stability and Development Central Committee meets Advisory Commission Central Committee for the Im- matters included in the final plementation of Peace, Stability report. and Development in Rakhine Vice-chairmen and mem- State and the Advisory Com- bers of the Central Committee mission on Rakhine held talks for the Implementation of Peace, over the final report of the Stability and Development in commission in Nay Pyi Taw, Rakhine State and the Adviso- yesterday. ry Commission led by Mr Kofi Committee on Implementation of Peace, Stability and Development of Rakhine State and Advisory At the meeting, the two Annan attended the meeting. Commission on Rakhine State being held a meeting in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA sides exchanged views on the —Myanmar News Agency India donates medicine and medical State Counsellor holds first equipments for Seasonal Influenza video conference with Magway Region Since seasonal influenza A(H1N1) medical equipments. medical equipment will be used pdm 09 virus infection has been As of 21st August 2017, the effectively in prevention, investi- Chief Minister occurring throughout the world Government of India has donat- gation and treatment of Seasonal including Myanmar in this year, ed (8,800) doses for Influenza Influenza A(H1N1)pdm 09 cases.
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