2021 North Carolina Public School Salary Schedules

2021 North Carolina Public School Salary Schedules

Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021 North Carolina Public School Salary Schedules Available online: www.dpi.nc.gov/districts-schools/district-operations/financial-and-business-services/compensation-public-school-employees Financial & Business Services NC Department of Public Instruction 2020-2021 BACHELOR'S DEGREE CERTIFIED TEACHER SALARY SCHEDULE Effective July 1, 2020 Years Bachelor's Teacher Bachelor's w/ NBPTS Certification of Monthly 12 Monthly Annual Salary Monthly 12 Monthly Annual Salary Exp Salary Installments (10 months) Salary Installments (10 months) 0 $3,500 $2,916.67 $35,000 N/A N/A N/A 1 $3,600 $3,000.00 $36,000 N/A N/A N/A 2 $3,700 $3,083.33 $37,000 N/A N/A N/A 3 $3,800 $3,166.67 $38,000 $4,256 $3,546.67 $42,560 4 $3,900 $3,250.00 $39,000 $4,368 $3,640.00 $43,680 5 $4,000 $3,333.33 $40,000 $4,480 $3,733.33 $44,800 6 $4,100 $3,416.67 $41,000 $4,592 $3,826.67 $45,920 7 $4,200 $3,500.00 $42,000 $4,704 $3,920.00 $47,040 8 $4,300 $3,583.33 $43,000 $4,816 $4,013.33 $48,160 9 $4,400 $3,666.67 $44,000 $4,928 $4,106.67 $49,280 10 $4,500 $3,750.00 $45,000 $5,040 $4,200.00 $50,400 11 $4,600 $3,833.33 $46,000 $5,152 $4,293.33 $51,520 12 $4,700 $3,916.67 $47,000 $5,264 $4,386.67 $52,640 13 $4,800 $4,000.00 $48,000 $5,376 $4,480.00 $53,760 14 $4,900 $4,083.33 $49,000 $5,488 $4,573.33 $54,880 15 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 16 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 17 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 18 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 19 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 20 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 21 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 22 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 23 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 24 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 25+ $5,200 $4,333.33 $52,000 $5,824 $4,853.33 $58,240 NOTE: "NBPTS" stands for National Board for Professional Teacher Standards. 2 2020-2021 MASTER'S DEGREE CERTIFIED TEACHER SALARY SCHEDULE Effective July 1, 2020 Years Master's Teacher Master's w/NBPTS Certification of Monthly 12 Monthly Annual Salary Monthly 12 Monthly Annual Salary Exp Salary Installments (10 months) Salary Installments (10 months) 0 $3,850 $3,208.33 $38,500 N/A N/A N/A 1 $3,960 $3,300.00 $39,600 N/A N/A N/A 2 $4,070 $3,391.67 $40,700 N/A N/A N/A 3 $4,180 $3,483.33 $41,800 $4,636 $3,863.33 $46,360 4 $4,290 $3,575.00 $42,900 $4,758 $3,965.00 $47,580 5 $4,400 $3,666.67 $44,000 $4,880 $4,066.67 $48,800 6 $4,510 $3,758.33 $45,100 $5,002 $4,168.33 $50,020 7 $4,620 $3,850.00 $46,200 $5,124 $4,270.00 $51,240 8 $4,730 $3,941.67 $47,300 $5,246 $4,371.67 $52,460 9 $4,840 $4,033.33 $48,400 $5,368 $4,473.33 $53,680 10 $4,950 $4,125.00 $49,500 $5,490 $4,575.00 $54,900 11 $5,060 $4,216.67 $50,600 $5,612 $4,676.67 $56,120 12 $5,170 $4,308.33 $51,700 $5,734 $4,778.33 $57,340 13 $5,280 $4,400.00 $52,800 $5,856 $4,880.00 $58,560 14 $5,390 $4,491.67 $53,900 $5,978 $4,981.67 $59,780 15 $5,500 $4,583.33 $55,000 $6,100 $5,083.33 $61,000 16 $5,500 $4,583.33 $55,000 $6,100 $5,083.33 $61,000 17 $5,500 $4,583.33 $55,000 $6,100 $5,083.33 $61,000 18 $5,500 $4,583.33 $55,000 $6,100 $5,083.33 $61,000 19 $5,500 $4,583.33 $55,000 $6,100 $5,083.33 $61,000 20 $5,500 $4,583.33 $55,000 $6,100 $5,083.33 $61,000 21 $5,500 $4,583.33 $55,000 $6,100 $5,083.33 $61,000 22 $5,500 $4,583.33 $55,000 $6,100 $5,083.33 $61,000 23 $5,500 $4,583.33 $55,000 $6,100 $5,083.33 $61,000 24 $5,500 $4,583.33 $55,000 $6,100 $5,083.33 $61,000 25+ $5,720 $4,766.67 $57,200 $6,344 $5,286.67 $63,440 NOTE: "NBPTS" stands for National Board for Professional Teacher Standards. 3 2020-2021 ADVANCED AND DOCTORAL DEGREE TEACHER SALARY SCHEDULE Effective July 1, 2020 ADVANCED (SIXTH YEAR) DOCTORATE Years Adv. Teacher Adv. w/ NBPTS Cert. PhD Teacher PhD w/ NBPTS Cert. of 10 12 Monthly 10 12 Monthly 10 12 Monthly 10 12 Monthly Exp Month Installments Month Installments Month Installments Month Installments 0 $3,976 $3,313.33 N/A N/A $4,103 $3,419.17 N/A N/A 1 $4,086 $3,405.00 N/A N/A $4,213 $3,510.83 N/A N/A 2 $4,196 $3,496.67 N/A N/A $4,323 $3,602.50 N/A N/A 3 $4,306 $3,588.33 $4,762 $3,968.33 $4,433 $3,694.17 $4,889 $4,074.17 4 $4,416 $3,680.00 $4,884 $4,070.00 $4,543 $3,785.83 $5,011 $4,175.83 5 $4,526 $3,771.67 $5,006 $4,171.67 $4,653 $3,877.50 $5,133 $4,277.50 6 $4,636 $3,863.33 $5,128 $4,273.33 $4,763 $3,969.17 $5,255 $4,379.17 7 $4,746 $3,955.00 $5,250 $4,375.00 $4,873 $4,060.83 $5,377 $4,480.83 8 $4,856 $4,046.67 $5,372 $4,476.67 $4,983 $4,152.50 $5,499 $4,582.50 9 $4,966 $4,138.33 $5,494 $4,578.33 $5,093 $4,244.17 $5,621 $4,684.17 10 $5,076 $4,230.00 $5,616 $4,680.00 $5,203 $4,335.83 $5,743 $4,785.83 11 $5,186 $4,321.67 $5,738 $4,781.67 $5,313 $4,427.50 $5,865 $4,887.50 12 $5,296 $4,413.33 $5,860 $4,883.33 $5,423 $4,519.17 $5,987 $4,989.17 13 $5,406 $4,505.00 $5,982 $4,985.00 $5,533 $4,610.83 $6,109 $5,090.83 14 $5,516 $4,596.67 $6,104 $5,086.67 $5,643 $4,702.50 $6,231 $5,192.50 15 $5,626 $4,688.33 $6,226 $5,188.33 $5,753 $4,794.17 $6,353 $5,294.17 16 $5,626 $4,688.33 $6,226 $5,188.33 $5,753 $4,794.17 $6,353 $5,294.17 17 $5,626 $4,688.33 $6,226 $5,188.33 $5,753 $4,794.17 $6,353 $5,294.17 18 $5,626 $4,688.33 $6,226 $5,188.33 $5,753 $4,794.17 $6,353 $5,294.17 19 $5,626 $4,688.33 $6,226 $5,188.33 $5,753 $4,794.17 $6,353 $5,294.17 20 $5,626 $4,688.33 $6,226 $5,188.33 $5,753 $4,794.17 $6,353 $5,294.17 21 $5,626 $4,688.33 $6,226 $5,188.33 $5,753 $4,794.17 $6,353 $5,294.17 22 $5,626 $4,688.33 $6,226 $5,188.33 $5,753 $4,794.17 $6,353 $5,294.17 23 $5,626 $4,688.33 $6,226 $5,188.33 $5,753 $4,794.17 $6,353 $5,294.17 24 $5,626 $4,688.33 $6,226 $5,188.33 $5,753 $4,794.17 $6,353 $5,294.17 25+ $5,846 $4,871.67 $6,470 $5,391.67 $5,973 $4,977.50 $6,597 $5,497.50 NOTE: "NBPTS" stands for National Board for Professional Teacher Standards. 4 2020-2021 BACHELOR'S DEGREE - INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT CERTIFIED SALARY SCHEDULE Effective July 1, 2020 Years Bachelor's Instructional Support Bachelor's w/ NBPTS Certification of Monthly 12 Monthly Annual Salary Monthly 12 Monthly Annual Salary Exp Salary Installments (10 months) Salary Installments (10 months) 0 $3,500 $2,916.67 $35,000 N/A N/A N/A 1 $3,600 $3,000.00 $36,000 N/A N/A N/A 2 $3,700 $3,083.33 $37,000 N/A N/A N/A 3 $3,800 $3,166.67 $38,000 $4,256 $3,546.67 $42,560 4 $3,900 $3,250.00 $39,000 $4,368 $3,640.00 $43,680 5 $4,000 $3,333.33 $40,000 $4,480 $3,733.33 $44,800 6 $4,100 $3,416.67 $41,000 $4,592 $3,826.67 $45,920 7 $4,200 $3,500.00 $42,000 $4,704 $3,920.00 $47,040 8 $4,300 $3,583.33 $43,000 $4,816 $4,013.33 $48,160 9 $4,400 $3,666.67 $44,000 $4,928 $4,106.67 $49,280 10 $4,500 $3,750.00 $45,000 $5,040 $4,200.00 $50,400 11 $4,600 $3,833.33 $46,000 $5,152 $4,293.33 $51,520 12 $4,700 $3,916.67 $47,000 $5,264 $4,386.67 $52,640 13 $4,800 $4,000.00 $48,000 $5,376 $4,480.00 $53,760 14 $4,900 $4,083.33 $49,000 $5,488 $4,573.33 $54,880 15 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 16 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 17 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 18 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 19 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 20 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 21 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 22 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 23 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 24 $5,000 $4,166.67 $50,000 $5,600 $4,666.67 $56,000 25+ $5,200 $4,333.33 $52,000 $5,824 $4,853.33 $58,240 NOTE: "NBPTS" stands for National Board for Professional Teacher Standards.

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