ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Herpetozoa Jahr/Year: 2018 Band/Volume: 30_3_4 Autor(en)/Author(s): Frank Krisztian, Dudas György Artikel/Article: Body size and seasonal condition of Caspian Whip Snakes, Dolichophis caspius (GMELIN, 1789), in southwestern hungary (Squamata: Serpentes: Colubridae) 131-138 HG_Frank_Dudas_Dolichophis_body_size_condition_Hungary_revised:HERPETOZOA.qxd 02.03.2018 16:42 Seite 1 herPeToZoA 30 (3/4): 131 - 138 131 Wien, 28. Februar 2018 Body size and seasonal condition of Caspian Whip Snakes, Dolichophis caspius (Gmelin , 1789), in southwestern hungary (Squamata: Serpentes: Colubridae) Körpergröße und saisonale Körperkondition der Kaspischen Pfeilnatter Dolichophis caspius (Gmelin , 1789) in Südwestungarn (Squamata: Serpentes: Colubridae) KriSZTián FrAnK & G yörGy dudáS KurZFASSunG die ermittlung von Zusammenhängen zwischen phänotypischen merkmalen und Fitness ist ein vorrangiges Ziel der reproduktionsökologie. da jahreszeitliche Veränderungen der Körperkondition von Dolichophis caspius (Gmelin , 1789) bisher nicht untersucht waren, analysierten die Autoren über einen Zeitraum von sechs Jahren Körpermaße der Kaspischen Pfeilnattern des hügels Szársomlyó im südlichen Transdanubien, Südwestungarn. die Körperkondition wurde mit hilfe einer mathematischen Beziehung zwischen normalisierter Körpermasse und Kopf-rumpflänge (“scaled mass index”) quantifiziert, einem guten indikator für Körperfettreserven. der größte unterschied zwischen den Geschlechtern zeigte sich während der Paarungszeit, in welcher der Körperkonditionsindex (“scaled mass index“, BCi) der Weibchen (BCi = 384.4 ± 25.72 Se) wesentlich größer war als bei den männlichen Schlangen (BCi = 324.0 ± 19.26 Se). dieser unterschied bestand zur Zeit der einwinterung nicht mehr (Weibchen: BCi = 397.4 ± 16.96 Se; männchen: BCi = 403.4 ± 46.31 Se). die erhobe - nen daten tragen zu einem besseren Verständnis der ökologie der Kaspischen Pfeilnatter in der nähe ihrer nord - westlichen Verbreitungsgrenze bei. ABSTrACT identifying links between phenotypic attributes and fitness is a primary goal of reproductive ecology. Since seasonal patterns of body condition in Caspian Whip Snakes, Dolichophis caspius (Gmelin , 1789), have not been studied before, the authors analyzed body size measurements of those collected during a six year period on Szársomlyó hill in southern Transdanubia, southwestern part of hungary. To quantify the body condition, the “scaled mass index” was used. This measure, which correlates normalized values of body mass and snout-vent- length, is a good indicator of fatbody reserves. The largest difference between sexes occurred during the mating period when the female body condition expressed as “scaled mass index” was substantially higher (BCi = 384.4 ± 25.72 Se) than that of males (BCi = 324.0 ± 19.26 Se). This difference largely declined until the onset of hibernation, when the body condition index of females (BCi = 397.4 ± 16.96 Se) was similar to that of males (BCi = 403.4 ± 46.31 Se). These findings con - tribute to better understand the ecology of the Caspian Whip Snake near the northwestern limit of its range. Key WordS reptilia: Squamata: Serpentes: Colubridae; Dolichophis caspius , reproductive ecology, physiology, phenol - ogy, body size, seasonal variation of body condition, Szársomlyó hill, hungary inTroduCTion An important aspect of physiological (Shine et al. 1998; BonneT et al. 2000; ecology is to understand the relationship CoATeS et al. 2009). in snakes, snout-vent between phenotypic and life-history traits. length is commonly used as a measure of The body size of an organism is its most body size ( Shine et al. 1998; Green 2001; obvious characteristic, and has enormous FeldmAn & m eiri 2013), as it is less affect - implications. Body size plays a central role ed by season, reproductive status and diet, in a variety of life-history traits of snakes and thus a more reliable measure of size HG_Frank_Dudas_Dolichophis_body_size_condition_Hungary_revised:HERPETOZOA.qxd 02.03.2018 16:42 Seite 2 132 K. F rAnK & G. d udáS than body mass ( BonneT et al. 2000; The Caspian Whip Snake, Dolich - BroWn et al. 2002). ophis caspius (Gmelin , 1789), is a large- The body condition index has been sized colubrid species, distributed in the related to reproductive potential and, conse - Balkans and adjacent west Asia. hungarian quently, fitness of the animal ( nAulleAu & individuals are the northernmost specimens BonneT 1996; BonneT et al. 2000; SChul Te - in the western portion of the species’ range, hoSTedde et al. 2005; WAye & m ASon 2008; isolated from their nearest neighbors in CoATeS et al. 2009). Generally, the body southeastern europe ( TóTh 2002; P uKy et condition is determined by the relation of al. 2005; BellAAGh et al. 2007; nAGy et al. body mass to linear measures of body size, in 2010) and restricted to small habitat patches reptiles usually snout-vent length. Condition isolated from each other ( dely 1997; T óTh indices are used to quantify individual health 2002; P uKy et al. 2005). or well-being. A number of methods have The species received some protection been used to calculate body condition in ani - in hungary since 1974, and is strictly pro - mals ( WeATherheAd & B roWn 1996; tected since 1996 ( BellAAGh & B AKó 2004; SChulTe -h oSTedde et al. 2005; STeVenSon PuKy et al. 2005). it is one of hungary’s & W oodS 2006; P eiG & G reen 2009), and rarest and most endangered snake species there is much controversy as to which with the largest and only stable population method is the most suitable ( Green 2001; in hungary inhabiting the Szársomlyó hill SChulTe -h oSTedde et al. 2005; STeVenSon (TóTh 2002; P uKy et al. 2005; FrAnK 2011). & W oodS 2006; W Aye & m ASon 2008; P eiG unfortunately, also this population shows & G reen 2009). in snakes, body condition is signs of decline ( mAJer 2000; B ellAAGh et commonly estimated from the residuals of al. 2007; FrAnK et al. 2012), probably due the ordinary least squares (olS) regression to vegetation changes and anthropogenic of mass on snout-vent length ( BroWn et al. disturbance and habitat alterations ( mAJer 2002; STeVenSon & W oodS 2006; WAye & 2000; B ellAAGh et al. 2007; erdőS et al. mASon 2008). The “scaled mass index” is 2013). based on the reduced major axis (rmA) Studying peripheral populations is method and allows errors in both variables important for conservation concerns, espe - which are not affected by scale transforma - cially in isolated populations. Thus, the tions ( PeiG & G reen 2009). This index is authors present body size and condition data independent of growth, sex and age of the of the Caspian Whip Snake from near the animal. it standardizes all individuals to the northernmost portion of the species’ geo - same body size, and has been shown to be a graphical range, their seasonal variation in better indicator of fat and protein reserves particular. than other methods ( PeiG & G reen 2009). mATeriAlS And meThodS Study site.- Szársomlyó hill is (mean: 23.5 °C); mean annual precipitation situated in southern Transdanubia, south - is 670-690 mm ( erdőS et al. 2013). western hungary. it is a strictly protected Snake capture and measure - nature reserve, harboring the largest D. ments.- Between 1998 and 2003, mem - caspius population in hungary ( mAJer bers of the Baranya county section of 2000; B ellAAGh et al. 2007; FrAnK et al. Birdlife hungary monitored D. caspius in 2012). The bedrock consists of limestone the area under the supervision of one of the and dolomite, which is partly covered by authors (G. d.). occasional road surveys loess. The vegetation is quite diverse, with were carried out from April to September. a mosaic of xeric shrub forests and grass - Snakes were captured by hand during visu - lands ( déneS 2000; B ellAAGh et al. 2007; al encounter surveys of the study areas, date erdőS et al. 2013). mean annual tempera - and time of captures were recorded. each ture is 10-10.5 °C, the coldest month is snake was weighed to the nearest 1 g by a January (mean: -0.9 °C), the hottest July digital balance and measured for snout-vent HG_Frank_Dudas_Dolichophis_body_size_condition_Hungary_revised:HERPETOZOA.qxd 02.03.2018 16:42 Seite 3 Body size and seasonal condition of SW hungarian Dolichophis caspius (Gmelin , 1789) 133 length (SVl) to the nearest 1 mm by stretch - Statistical analyses.- Sex-spe - ing the animal out along a tape measure. cific analyses of variance (AnoVA) of the The determination of sex was made by prob - BCi values from April and may, when ing to detect hemipenes. Snakes were pal - sample sizes were largest, did not reveal pated for the presence or absence of food, significant differences (all p > 0.5) eggs or faeces, and visually searched for ab - between years; therefore, both male and normalities. After processing, snakes were female data each was pooled over years for released at the location of capture. comparisons, which were made among Sexual size dimorphism (SSd) was monthly as well as seasonally pooled BCi calculated as (SVl of the larger sex / SVl data. in this latter case BCi values were of the smaller sex) -1 following Shine assigned to three time periods, a mating (1994) and SiVAn et al. (2015) (not loViCh period in spring (April and may), a gesta - & G iBBonS 1990, 1992) . This index is neg - tion/parturition period (June and July) and ative, by convention, when males are the a post-parturition/pre-hibernation period larger sex and positive when females are the (August and September). This comparison larger sex. is simpler and more powerful than compar - Body condition.- The body con - ing among months ( BroWn et al. 2002). dition was quantified using a body mass Although some individuals’ BCi values (Bm) to SVl relationship, the “scaled mass appear more than once in the sample, each index”, which is a reliable indicator of body observation was treated as independent, reserves for snakes. This index is independ - thus artificially increasing the degrees of ent of growth, sex and age of the animal, it freedom in statistical tests .
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