MONTHLY SUMMARY DECEMBER 2020 Sign-up Type Contracts Farms Acres Annual Rental Payments a/ ($Million) ($/Acre) General 149,276 109,802 11,342,723 $615 $54.25 Continuous Non-CREP 341,669 202,875 6,343,231 $870 $137.13 CREP 52,160 35,659 862,383 $155 $179.87 Farmable Wetland 14,108 10,950 373,852 $60 $160.66 Total Continuous 407,863 b/ 236,710 b/ 7,579,466 $1,085 $143.12 Grasslands 6,251 3,709 1,868,352 $24 $12.71 Total CRP 563,390 b/ 319,020 b/ 20,790,541 $1,724 $82.92 a/ Approximates October 2021 payments, before adjustments for haying/grazing, non-compliance, terminations, part-year contracts, and contracts not yet recorded. b/ Number of contracts and farms not additive across signup types. CLEAN LAKES, ESTUARIES, AND RIVERS (CLEAR) PRACTICES ENROLLEDAS OF DECEMBER 2020 Practice Acres Added Acres as of Practice Code in FY 2021 /2 December Grass Waterways CP-8 10,169 111,953 Contour Grass Strips CP-15A 10,189 49,795 Contour Grass Strips in Terraces CP-15B 436 2,102 Filter Strips (Grass) CP-21 48,391 663,838 Filter Strips with Bioreactor CP-21B 41 43 Filter Strips with Saturated Buffer CP-21S 21 48 Riparian Buffers (Trees) CP-22 32,436 561,801 Riparian Buffers with Bioreactor CP-22B 0 71 Riparian Buffers with Saturated Buffer CP-22S 0 0 Wetland Restoration 1/ CP-23 95,944 1,316,529 Wildlife Habitat Buffer on Marginal Pasture CP-29 5,400 82,480 Wetland Buffer on Marginal Pasture CP-30 2,819 29,945 Bottomland Timber Establishment CP-31 18,267 157,023 Prairie Pothole Duck Nesting Habitat CP-37 27,713 438,617 Prairie Strips CP-43 7,345 9,251 SAFE Buffers CP-38 0 1,219 SAFE Wetland CP-38 637 21,245 Total CLEAR 259,808 3,445,958 Total Continuous 7,579,466 Percent CLEAR 45% 1/ Includes both floodplain and non-floodplain wetland restorations. 2/ Includes land approved in FY 2020 signup with contracts that began in FY 2021 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender General Signup. Producers with eligible lands compete nationally for acceptance based on an environmental benefits index (EBI) during specified enrollment periods. Producers may submit offers below soil-specific maximum rental rates and select wildlife-enhancing vegetative covers to increase EBI ranking. Continuous (Non-CREP) Sign-up. Producers with eligible lands may enroll certain high priority conservation practices, such as filter strips, riparian buffers, and wetlands at any time during the year without competition. In addition to annual soil rental payment and cost-share assistance, many practices are eligible for additional annual and one-time up-front financial incentives. Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). Under CREP agreements, Federal/State partnerships, implement projects designed to address specific environmental objectives through targeted CRP enrollments. Sign-up is held on a continuous basis, general sign-up practices may be included, and additional financial incentives are generally provided. State partners provide 20 percent of the costs. Farmable Wetland Program (FWP). Producers enroll small non-flood plain wetlands, and new practices added by the 2008 Farm Bill, under modified continuous sign-up provisions. Grasslands. Enrollments are to support grazing operations and to preserve and restore grasslands. No cropping history is required. The accompanying tables are based on contract data developed and maintained in CRP data files by USDA Service Centers through the end of December and are based on the physical location of the CRP contracted land. CLEAR Enrollment by State and Practice ................................................................................................. 3 Performance Measures…………………………………………………………………………………….5 Continuous Signup Enrollment Since Inception………………………………………………………….6 Expirations, 2021-2023…………………………………………………………………………………...6 Enrollment Activity and News……………………………………………………………………………7 Wetland Restorations by State…………………………………………………………………………….8 Current Enrollment by Sign-up and Initial Contract Year Acres ............................................................................................................................................... 9 Number of Contracts ..................................................................................................................... 10 Current Enrollment by State and Sign-up Type Total CRP ..................................................................................................................................... 11 General Sign-up ............................................................................................................................ 12 Total Continuous ......................................................................................................................... 13 CREP (Continuous) ...................................................................................................................... 14 CREP by Agreement……………………………………………………………………………..15 Non-CREP (Continuous) .............................................................................................................. 16 Farmable Wetland (Continuous) ................................................................................................... 17 Grasslands ..................................................................................................................................... 18 State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement (SAFE) Enrolled by State ........................................................ 19 Contract Expirations by Year .................................................................................................................... 20 Conservation Practices Currently Installed by State ................................................................................. 21 Conservation Practices Currently Installed, National ............................................................................ 27 -2- USDA/FPAC-BC/EPAD CLEAR ENROLLMENT BY STATE AND PRACTICE – AS OF DECEMBER 2020 (Part 1) Grass Contour Contour Filter- Riparian Wetland Wildlife State Waterways Grass Grass strips Buffers Restorations Habitat Strips Strips on (Grass) (Trees) Buffers on terraces Marg.Past. CP8 CP15A CP15B CP21 CP22 CP23,23A CP29 ALABAMA 8 0 0 247 20,507 0 232 ALASKA 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 ARKANSAS 5 0 0 4,193 46,899 74,861 268 CALIFORNIA 0 0 0 0 223 572 0 COLORADO 273 9 0 42 367 1,550 0 CONNECTICUT 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 DELAWARE 1 0 0 399 57 186 0 GEORGIA 13 0 0 358 604 403 26 HAWAII 0 0 0 0 1,267 0 0 IDAHO 0 37 0 668 2,417 401 107 ILLINOIS 28,956 542 160 94,858 93,399 51,266 137 INDIANA 16,666 18 0 40,274 4,486 13,710 44 IOWA 33,249 8,427 177 174,077 38,661 126,258 4,419 KANSAS 5,765 451 1,390 16,261 2,025 7,662 0 KENTUCKY 4,898 0 0 13,941 12,646 224 46,257 LOUISIANA 2 0 0 263 3,159 149,876 0 MAINE 38 0 0 16 28 0 4 MARYLAND 195 1 0 20,581 10,023 2,186 935 MASSACHUSETTS 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 MICHIGAN 344 0 0 18,640 1,238 16,617 24 MINNESOTA 3,001 560 16 104,749 21,829 398,012 292 MISSISSIPPI 20 17 0 4,019 150,020 22,685 33 MISSOURI 1,573 425 46 19,389 17,809 20,734 611 MONTANA 46 0 0 165 1,743 1,927 0 NEBRASKA 1,040 68 165 11,394 1,268 15,019 352 NEW JERSEY 157 1 0 259 271 0 0 NEW MEXICO 0 0 0 0 421 0 0 NEW YORK 25 0 0 208 4,733 59 1,000 NORTH CAROLINA 180 0 0 527 1,621 313 21 NORTH DAKOTA 73 1 0 6,627 206 194,936 35 OHIO 11,176 13 0 63,141 6,330 13,038 2,715 OKLAHOMA 110 0 0 439 735 1,544 0 OREGON 16 0 0 1,339 28,775 268 16,485 PENNSYLVANIA 166 28 0 644 15,897 494 900 PUERTO RICO 0 60 0 0 94 0 341 RHODE ISLAND 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 SOUTH CAROLINA 14 0 0 744 7,857 172 1 SOUTH DAKOTA 1,318 25 0 9,181 3,623 187,101 3,248 TENNESSEE 168 0 20 3,491 4,256 682 71 TEXAS 945 15 97 331 9,129 8,805 664 UTAH 6 0 18 0 13 0 0 VERMONT 15 0 0 115 2,136 0 0 VIRGINIA 58 0 0 2,052 16,549 141 675 WASHINGTON 265 38,752 7 30,241 16,891 62 649 WEST VIRGINIA 0 0 0 351 4,569 0 0 WISCONSIN 1,164 347 5 19,604 5,707 4,763 629 WYOMING 0 0 0 0 1,238 0 1,306 ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= 111,953 49,796 2,102 663,838 561,801 1,316,529 82,480 -3- USDA/FPAC-BC/EPAD CLEAR ENROLLMENT BY STATE AND PRACTICE – AS OF DECEMBER 2020 (PART 2) Wetland Bottomland Duck Prairie SAFE SAFE State Buffers on Hardwood Nesting Strips Buffers Wetland Total Marg.Past. Trees Habitat CP30 CP31 CP37 CP43 CP38 CP38 ALABAMA 0 1,051 0 0 0 0 22,045 ALASKA 134 0 0 0 0 0 184 ARKANSAS 2,565 16,887 0 0 0 4,132 149,816 CALIFORNIA 0 0 0 0 0 0 794 COLORADO 32 0 0 0 0 0 2,273 CONNECTICUT 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 DELAWARE 0 0 0 0 0 0 644 GEORGIA 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,404 HAWAII 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,267 IDAHO 44 0 0 0 428 0 4,101 ILLINOIS 9 6,445 0 4,389 0 264 280,436 INDIANA 28 9,998 0 279 0 638 86,150 IOWA 974 3,824 2,804 3,130 0 814 396,828 KANSAS 0 215 0 253 0 9,049 43,082 KENTUCKY 0 686 0 0 0 113 78,764 LOUISIANA 176 51,237 0 0 0 261 204,993 MAINE 11 0 0 0 0 0 98 MARYLAND 161 0 0 3 0 0 34,086 MASSACHUSETTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 MICHIGAN 90 0 0 12 185 375 37,525 MINNESOTA 5,022 832 24,921 692 0 0 559,937 MISSISSIPPI 28 60,651 0 3 0 110 237,585 MISSOURI 776 2,035 0 0 4 0 63,401 MONTANA 1 0 2,871 0 0 421 7,175 NEBRASKA 236 9 0 240 0 1,172 30,963 NEW JERSEY 0 0 0 0 0 2 690 NEW MEXICO 0 0 0 0 0 0 421 NEW YORK 974 2 0 0 0 0 7,002 NORTH CAROLINA 0 55 0 0 0 0 2,717 NORTH DAKOTA 0 0 171,440 3 0 3,228 376,549 OHIO 106 79 0 54 0 77 96,730 OKLAHOMA 0 442 0 0 0 0 3,270 OREGON 535 0 0 0 0 0 47,417 PENNSYLVANIA 371 0 0 0 0 0 18,500 PUERTO RICO 0 0 0 0 0 0 495 RHODE ISLAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 SOUTH CAROLINA 70 0 0 0 0 0 8,857 SOUTH DAKOTA 17,036 0 236,580 114 0 433 458,694 TENNESSEE 0 2,243 0 0 0 86 11,018 TEXAS 0 330 0 0 0 0 20,316 UTAH 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 VERMONT 1 0 0 0 0 0 2,267 VIRGINIA 0 0 0 0 0 0 19,474 WASHINGTON 545 0 0 0 601 0 88,061 WEST VIRGINIA 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,921 WISCONSIN 18 0 0 81 0 70 32,388 WYOMING 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,544 ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= 29,945 157,023 438,617 9,251 1,219 21,245 3,445,958 -4- USDA/FPAC-BC/EPAD PERFORMANCE MEASURES DECEMBER 30, 2020 * CUMULATIVE THROUGH FY 2021 ENROLLED IN FY 2021 STATE BUFFERS WETLAND BUFFERS WETLAND ALABAMA 20,994 1,172 1,217 546 ALASKA 50 134 0 0 ARKANSAS 51,366 100,917 5,229 8,322 CALIFORNIA 223 572 0 0 COLORADO 682 1,754 17 0 CONNECTICUT 1 0 .
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