Spring 2017 VOLUME 20 ISSUE 3 EYE2EYE 2the magazine of the leaders in collaborative eye care IN THIS RANZCO Code Introducing RANZCO’s Social Media for RANZCO 49th Annual of Conduct first Dean of Education, doctors keeping it Scientific Congress ISSUE: page 10 Dr Catherine Green professional page 32 page18 page 30 When freedom becomes reality For more information contact your Bausch + Lomb Territory Manager or Customer Service on 1800 251 150 © 2017 Bausch & Lomb Incorporated. ®/TM denote trademarks of Bausch & Lomb Incorporated and its affiliates. Other product names/ brand names are trademarks of their respective owners. iNova Pharmaceuticals (Australia) Pty Limited. ABN 88 000 222 408. Level 10, 12 Help Street, Chatswood NSW 2067 Australia. (Ph 1800 251 150) LOTJ 2017-02-000 3 EYE2EYE 2the magazine of the leaders in collaborative eye care 32 43 Contents Message from the President 4 Censor-in-Chief’s Update 6 CEO’s Corner 8 RANZCO Code of Conduct 10 Membership Spotlight 18 Annual Scientific Congress 32 RANZCO Museum 47 Policy and Advocacy Matters 48 International Development 52 60 67 Branch Musings 55 Special Interest Groups 58 RANZCO Affiliates 59 Ophthal News 63 Obituaries 68 Classifieds 70 Calendar of Events 71 Front cover: Photos courtesy of Tourism Western Australia, full details of images on page 32 Eye2Eye is published by The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists as information for its members. The views expressed in the publication are those of the authors and not necessarily of the College. The inclusion of advertising in this publication does not constitute College endorsement of the products or services advertised. Editor: Maheen Imam Design and layout: Francine Dutton The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists A.C.N 000 644 404 94-98 Chalmers Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia Ph: +61 2 9690 1001 Fax: +61 2 9690 1321 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ranzco.edu 4 Message from the President Message from the President Professionalism and the Code of Conduct At last year’s Council the interest of others. It is inherent meeting, the Council in the definition of a profession The College Oath that a code of ethics governs discussed a particularly the activities of each profession. In acknowledging the privilege severe and flagrant breach These codes require behaviour of practising medicine and of the Code of Conduct. It and practice beyond the personal ophthalmology, and in accepting became readily apparent that moral obligations of an individual. Fellowship of this College, I make this declaration sincerely in the the wording of the Code and They define and demand high standards of behaviour in respect to presence of my family, friends, our complaints procedures the services provided to the public colleagues and teachers. were inadequate if the and in dealing with professional Patients are my first concern and Council wished to sanction colleagues. Furthermore, these codes in caring for them I undertake to are enforced by the profession and use my knowledge and skill to the a Fellow. best of my ability. Calls were made to deal with are acknowledged and accepted by these types of breaches that display the community (Professions Australia, I will seek actively to maintain my skills and abilities throughout behaviour that is unacceptable to 1997). my professional life, to practise patients and other Fellows and fails to Professionalism is not only a skill within those abilities and to live up to our professional standards. set in a given occupation, it is an contribute wherever possible to To do this, we needed to change the ineffable something that the person the science of ophthalmology. wording of the Code and formalise the exudes in manner, dress, speech process for dealing with complaints to and standards of practice that is I will seek to enhance the quality ensure procedural fairness and natural palpably powerful. Standards such as of patients’ lives, maintain their justice and to allow the College to honesty, due diligence, perseverance, dignity, support their carers, and impose sanctions in severe cases. willingness to listen and learn, treat all people equitably. We are fortunate to work within a creative thinking within a framework I will strive at all times to be self-regulating profession. With that of training, and other qualities are worthy of my patients’ respect privilege comes some responsibilities. things that most people would be and never to abuse their trust or We must reassure the public that hard put to describe but they are confidence. My clinical decisions proper training has been given, that things that people expect in the will not be influenced by personal sufficient knowledge and skills have professionals with whom they engage. gain. I extend these commitments been attained, that standards have Another word for these standards beyond individuals to the health been met and that we will wield our is virtues and the hard-to-describe and wellbeing of the community. power in a fair and benevolent manner. something exuded is trustworthiness: I will treat with courtesy my A profession is a disciplined group the sum of these virtues. colleagues and all who contribute of individuals who adhere to ethical The College has articulated its to the wellbeing of my patients. standards and possess special professional responsibility through May these affirmations guide knowledge and skills derived from the College Oath. This is a condition and inspire me in practising the research, education and training at a of College membership that we all art and science of medicine as an high level, and who are prepared to accepted at the time of our graduation ophthalmologist. apply these knowledge and skills in as a Fellow. Eye2Eye Spring 2017 5 Dr Di Semmonds presents at the Council meeting held in June 2017 While this is a requirement • The Standard of Clinical the process. The complaints process of membership, it remains an Competence is now fair, transparent and robust. It aspirational statement, not a formal • The Standard of Collegiality fulfills our requirements of procedural set of standards that can be enforced. • The Standard of Commercial fairness and natural justice. The initial statement of the Code of Professionalism The updated Code of Conduct has Conduct produced by Richard Stawell • The Standard of Social been extensively edited, vetted and and the Board used the College Oath Responsibility now approved by the Board and the as its basis and expanded each of the • The Standard of Training and Council, as well as by numerous other sections in language that was more Research Fellows interested in this area. I urge specific. This became a requirement of These are not new standards; they you to read the new Code and provide fellowship of the College. However, reflect the expectations of the feedback on any issues that you feel this version was not sufficiently robust community and peers concerning should be addressed. (The new Code for the Council to sanction a Fellow the conduct of ophthalmology in of Conduct is printed in full on who had flagrantly and severely Australia and New Zealand. The Code pages 10 to 16.) breached the Code. We needed to complements the Medical Board Professional behaviour is important change the wording of the Code Code of Good Medical Practice. It for our patients, and for the regulatory and formalise the process for dealing also complements the criminal legal bodies in medicine including the with complaints to ensure procedural system in both countries. government. It is in our rational fairness and natural justice. The Board has also approved an self-interest to act ethically. Poor RANZCO Vice President, improved process for the handling of behaviour reflects on us all, creates Dr Di Semmonds, and the complaints complaints. The CEO will assess any unwelcome damage to our reputation committee have re-examined and complaint to RANZCO initially. If the and hence puts our profession at risk. re-written the code with the assistance complaint relates to an incident of By accepting the Code of Conduct of Brett Saunders, our in-house legal a criminal nature or a breach of the Fellows recognise and accept that counsel. They have retained the Medical Board Code, it will be referred membership of the College imposes structure based on the College’s Oath to the appropriate authorities. If additional obligations over and above and used the governing principle the complaint relates to a possible personal values to act honourably that the patient’s interests are always breach of the Code of Conduct, it and decently. An enforceable Code of paramount. This principle is supported will be referred to the committee Conduct helps to protect us all from by a series of guiding standards: and a fair and transparent process unacceptable behaviour. • The Standard of Patient Care will commence. Information will be • The Standard of Patient gathered with rights of appeal and A/Prof Mark Daniell Relations re-examination required as parts of President, RANZCO 6 Censor-in-Chief’s Update Censor-in- Chief’s Update Working towards RANZCO’s 2017-2020 Strategic Plan Much of this issue of Eye2Eye been proposed in RANZCO’s 2017 – We have planned the Train the Trainer focusses on the work that has 2020 Strategic Plan. Some of the notable session for Multi-Source Feedback developments we have embarked on been done over the last 12 (MSF) to allow our mentors to guide are: trainees in the reflective practices months to update RANZCO’s • revising the selection processes they need to interpret and act on their governance framework to (this has been reported in detail in feedback. This will be implemented in meet the new AMC standards. previous issues); 2018 for those completing basic and • aligning the Training Post advanced training.
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