RAYMOND V. SCHODER, S.J. (1916-1987) Classical Studies Department SLIDE COLLECTION OF THE HOLY LAND AND EASTERN ORTHODOX SITES Prepared by: Laszlo Sulyok Ace. No. 89-15 Computer Name: HL YLEORT.SCH 1 Metal Box Location: 209 I The following slides of the Holy Land and Eastern Orthodox sites are from the collection of Raymond V. Schader, S.J. Originally the slide collections had been kept in small indivudual cardboard boxes and later rearranged into a large metal box in the university archives. The new arrangement is based on the authentic topical and numerical order of Fr. Schader. For further available material on the topic, see "Palestine Slides" (PALESTIN.SCH). CAUTION: This collection may include commercially produced slides which may only be reproduced with the owner's permission. PALESTINE I. MAP: PALESTINE TOPOGRAPHICAL 2. JORDAN RIVER, from air # 3. RIVER JORDAN: dunes n. Dead Sea outlet 4. NABI MUSA: Arab 'tomb of Moses'n. Dead Sea 5. Dead Sea surge cliffs (Isaias MSS) 6. QUMRAN: Essene Cave 4, wh. Scrolls found 7. DEAD SEA SCROLL 'Manual of Discipline.' I cent.; fr. Cave I # . 8. JERICHO: O.T. mound fr. S; women w. water jugs 9. JERICHO: O.T. mouind top, looking North I 0. JERICHO: looking East twd. Dead Sea fr. OT mound; oasis; Eliseus' II. JERICHO: 7000 BC tower in wall 12. JERICHO: steps inside 7000 BC wall tower 13. MEGIDDO: Tell across Esdraelon plain 14. MEGIDDO: city walls, 15-12 c. K 15. ESDRAELON plain to Megiddo/ Armegeddon 16. GIRL W. WATER JAR # 17. Camel loaded w. grain, Samaria K 18. HATTIN 'HORNS' valley (Crusades end) Saladin victory site 19. DAN: Nahr Leddan fr. Fount. Dan K 20. MT. CARMEL: Elias cave, in Monastery 21. SAMARIA: Valley gen. fr. South 22. SAMARITAN w. Pentateuch parchment; Nablous Synagog 23. SEBASTE/SAMARIA Temple of Augustus 24. RACHEL'S TOMB on road to Bethlehem 25. NAZARETH: gen. view of mod. village 26. NAZARETH: Camel caravan 27. NAZARETH: Grotto of Annunciation 28. NAZARETH: Dames' House Jos., 2c vault 29. NAZARETH: Virgin's Well 30. AIN KARIM: Visitation Ch. at city well 31. BETHLEHEM: Shepherds' Fields 32. BETHLEHEM: Basilica Nativity int. 33. BETHLEHEM: Nativity crypt in Basilica 34. BETHLEHEM: fr. Nativ. bell tower, twd. Hebron: houses 35. RIVER JORDAN: Baptist's site 36. JUDEA: desert mountains, on way to Dead Sea 37. Mount of Temptations, peak 38. CANA: gen. view 39. CANA: Church of Miracle of Water-wine 40. SEA GALILEE, Mt. Hermon; Bethsaida, Magdala(!), Caphrn.(r) 41. SEA GALILEE sunrise, n. Tiber, K 42. GALILEE: flowers K 43. SEA GALILEE: pulling in net K 44. SEA GALILEE: the catch K 45. GALILEE: MOunt of Beatitudes 46. SEA OF GALILEE from Church Beatitudes 47. GALILEE: Tabgha n. Caphernaum: 4 c. mosaic Loaves & Fishes, Basilica 48. SAFED: city seated on hill K 49. CAPHARNAUM: Synagog gen.; I cent. AD 50. CAPHARNAUM: Synagog frieze: Star David 51. Anc. mills (cupfits over point, as behind) Capharnaum 52. JACOB'S WELL, Jacob's Tomb (dome byd. church); Sichar/Sechem 53. JACOB'S WELL: int (Gk. Orthodox shrine) 54. Good Samaritan Inn, Jericho road twd. Jers 55. CAESAREA: harbor, from ancient jetty 56. MT. TABOR: Gen. view 57. BETHANY: Lazarus' House (bhd. 2 trees) 58. BETHANY: Lazarus Tomb 59. JERUSALEM: plan 60. JERUSALEM: gen. view fr. Olivet; T. area 61. JERUSALEM: 'Pinnacle of Temple' wall corner, Kindron, Jehosaphat 62. JERUS: Gillon spring under Sian (David's entry) 63. JERUSALEM: Temple Court, minaret on Antonia tower foundations 64. JERUSALEM: Minaret on Antonia tower 65. JERUSALEM: Herod's Stables under Temple area: Solomon's site 66. JERUSALEM; Wailing Wall (Herod T. ruins) 67. JERUSALEM: Damascus Gate fr. inside 68. JERUSALEM: Probatic Pool 69. JERUS: Cenacle interior 70. JERUSALEM: Mt. of Olives fr. Temple; Ch. Gethsemani; Rus. Ch. St. Mary Magdalene 71. JERUSALEM: Gethsemani garden, olives 72. JERUS: Kidron, BVM tomb, path to Geths Pinnacle of Temple, Jehosaphat 73. JERUSALEM: Lithostratos: Roman graffitoin pavement (King-Crowning game?) 74. JERUS: Way of Cross, 5-8 Station 75. JERUSALEM: Church Holy Sep. fr. above .C 76. JERUSALEM: Calvary Gk. altar (Flash) 77. JERUSALEM: Ch. H. Sep.: Sepulchre int. 78. JERUS: 'Tomb of Kings' entry, w. rolling stone 79. JERUSALEM: Ch. of Ascension on Olivet 80. JERUS: Ascension stone 2 R.V. Schader. S.J./Holy Land & Eastern Orthodox Sites 81. ARABIA, SUEZ, DEAD SEA, PALESTINE: Skylab II, space # BYZANTINE AND EASTERN ORTHODOX SITES 1. BYZ: Squinch (!) and pendentive design 2. BYZ. MS: 14 c. Gospel (Sinai) 3. PHILIPPI: Basilica nave wall, cap. 4. ST. CATHERINE'S SINAI: Interior of main church 5. ST. CATHERINE, Sinai int. of main church 6. S. CATHERINE: apse mosaic gen. 7. JERUS: Dome Rock, where Moham ascend. * 8. JERUS: Temple, Antonia area, air * 9. JERUSALEM: Temple Model: inner court **(Antonia Fort left) 10. JERUS: Ch, BVM Dormition on Zion, fr. air * II. JERUS: Air fr. NW w. Lower City at I.* 12. JERUS: Air fr. NE Kidron (!), Hinnon at top, Tyrop. thru city * 13. MADABA MOSAIC large frag., 6 c * (Jerus., Bethlehem) 14. S.PRAXEDES: gen. apse mosaics, 9 c. mos.: Christ, Jerus. 15. PALESTINE: NT map 16. ISTANBUL: Golden Horn, w. Suleimanye Mosque 17. ISTANBUL: Golden Horn, w. Suleimaniye Mosque 18. ISTANBUL: Hippodrome, w. Obelisk, Blue Mosque byd. 19. ISTANBUL: Blue Mosque close 20. ISTANBUL: Byz. Walls at Top-Kapu 21. ISTANBUL: Karihye Djami fresco: Xt Raises Adam & Eve 22. ISTANBUL: Karihye Djami: Samaritan, Cure of Paralitic 23. ISTANBUL Karihye Djami: Death of Mary 24. ISTANBUL: Karihye Djami: 14 fresco: Xt. raises Adam & Eve from Limbo 25. ISTANBUL: Karihye Djami: fresco: Judgment, Weighing of Souls 26. ISTANBUL: Karihye Djami mosaic: Death of Mary 27. KAHRIYE DJAMI: Census mosaic 28. ISTB: Karihye mos., narthex: Samaritan Woman, Cure of Paralytic 29. ISTANBUL fr Tower: Seraglio, Hg. Sophia, Blue Mosque, Bazaar 30. ISTANBUL: Haghia Sophia 12c mas: Deesis Christ 31. HG. SOPHIA: S Narthex Justinian w. H. Sophia, Constantine w. city presenting to Mary: 10/11 cent. 32. HAGHIA SOPHIA: Mas in narthex: Justinian w. model of Ch. 33. HAGHIA SOPHIA: Xt. w. Mary, Jn Bapt., in S. Gallery 34. HAGHIA SOPHIA: Xt. in S. Gallery 35. H. SOPHIA: S. Narthex: Justinian w. H. Sophia, Constantine w. city presenting to Mary; 10/11 cent. 36. HAGHIA SOPHIA, lstb: int. cols fr. pagan TT 37. HAG HIA SOPHIA, Istanbul: dome int, Tk. paintings 38. HAGHIA SOPHIA, lstb: interior general 39. HAGHIA SOPHIA, Istanbul: interior general 40. ISTB: Sophia Deesi Xt. S. balcony 12c 41. H. SOPHIA: Deesis mos. in S. Gallery, 12 c. 42. ISTANBUL: Sophia interior fr. balcony 43. S. SOPHIA: 10 c. Chrysostom, in nave *G 44. S. SOPHIA: Xt btw. Canst. IXMonomachos & Zoe, II c., S. gallery *G 3 R.V. Schader. S.J./Holy Land & Eastern Orthodox Sites 45. S. SOPHIA: Empress Irene, 12 c., S. gallery * 46. S. SOPHIA: Canst. Great, S. gallery *G 47. S. SOPHIA: int. fr. balcony 48. S. SOPHIA: gen 49. ARAKOS, Cypr: Panayia 12 c. fresco: Pantocrator in dome 50. ARTA: Paregoritissa (S.M. Consolatrix) ext., late 13 c. relief on her cenotaph 51. AR TA: S. Theodora 13 c. relief on her cenotaph 52. BYZ. GOSPEL COVER late 18c. (Benaki) # 53. BYZ: 14 c(?) Icon Abraham entertaining angels (Benaki; *G192) 54. BYZ. EMBROIDERY: Chalice cover, 14 c: Xt. Cherubim (Benaki) # 55. BYZ: woven epitaphios, 14 c. (Good Friday altarcloth), fr. Thessalonica (Ath, Byz) 56. BYZ: MS: S. Luke c. 960 (A tit; Nat!. Libr) 57. BYZ: chapel on Thebes-Athens road 58. BYZ: Athens Little Cathd. (old Metropolis): 9 c., next to new cathd. 59. BYZ: Iconost. det: Lazarus; 13 C, Athens (priv.) # 60. BYZ: Cross w. doves enamel, wood (1654) (Atl1. Byz.) # 61. BYZ: Gospel cover, 1755: gold, prec. stones (Ath. Byz.) # 62. A THOS: Dionysious fr. below 63. BYZANTYNE ILLUMINATED Gospel case, 12 c: St. John (Mt. Athas, Dyonysiou) 64. BYZ: 12 c. Gospel illium: St. Jn, dictating, Xt (Athas, Dionysos) 65. BYZ: 12 c. Gospel gold-enamel cover, of Andron. Palaeologus (Athas, Vatopedi) 66. ATHOS: Koutlamousiou: Paradise (1744) 67. BYZ: Good Shepherd plaque (Chios) 68. DAFNI: Nativity II c 69. DAFNI: Batrayal by Judas in Garde 70. DAFNI: Crucifixion mosaic II c 71. DAFNI: Angel of BVM Death & Assumption * 72. HOSIOS LUKAS: gen., twd. Helicon 73. HOSIOS LOUKAS: int. gen. 74. HOSIOS LOUKAS: inner front-dome SS 75. HOSIOS LOUKAS: Xt. of narthex entry 76. HOSIOS LOUKAS: Baptism of Christ 77. HOSIOS LOUKAS: Resurrection 78. BYZ: Hosios Loukas, Greece: SS in dome 79. JANINA ISLE: Philanhropicon/Hg. Nikolaos: 16 c. Xt ptg 80. METEORA: Barlaam monastery 81. MISTRA: Afentiko ext., SE from above 82. MISTRA: Afentiko: Saint in procession 83. MISTRA: Afentiko: Nativity, c. 1305 84. MISTRA: Afentiko: SS Gregory, Leo 85. MISTRA: Afentiko: Cana 86. MISTRA: Pantanassa porch 87. MISTRA: Pantanassa: Lazarus raised 88. MISTRA: Peribleptos: Xt. Says Mass 89. MISTRA: Peribleptos: Transfiguration 90. SALONIKA: S. Demetrius: D. w. Govn. Leonitios & Bishop, det. 7 c. 91. SALONIKA: Hg. Sophia: bema BVM, 9 c. 92. SALONIKA: Hg. Sophia: Dome det, 9c. 93. SALONIKA: S. Demetrios: 7 c. D & boys 94. BYZ: Gold, jewelled necklaces (A: Stathatos) 4 R.V. Schoder. S.J./Holy Land & Eastern Orthodox Sites 95. BYZ: late Byz. jewelled brooch or pendant (A:Stathatos) 96. BYZ: Thessaloniki, S. Demetrios: St. D. w. Governor, Bishop 97. BYZ: Silver plate: Marriage David & Michael; 7c. (Cyprus) # 98. BYZ. IVORY: Death BVM c.!))) (Wore) 99. BYZ. MOSAIC: Xt. c. 1100 (Bert. Dahlem) # 100. BYZ: Gold-enamel plaque: Crucifixion, ll-12c. (Munich) # 101. BYZ. ENAMEL: St. Peter, I 1/2", 12c. (Fian) 102. DECANI: Iconostasis, side aisle 14c I 03. DECANI, Jugoslavia: Iconastasis, 14c 104. BYZ: Iconostasis, in Decani ch, Yugoslavia 105.
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