CHRONOLOGY FOR 1965 (January—June) January 1— An estimated 25,694,000 sity.) persons were reported to have visited the J a n . 13—The Lower Court of Tsu City shrines and temples during the first dismissed the complaint of a communist three clays of January. The figure for city councillor that it is unconstitutional 1964 was 21,440,000. for the city to hold a ground breaking —World Messianity (Sekai Kyusei- ceremony according to Shinto rites as kyG 世界救世教) celebrated its 30th an­ is the custom in japan. niversary. 15,000 attended. Jan. 16—Mutsumi Gakuen 睦学園 of the Jan. 4—The governor of Kanagawa Jodo Sect, Kobe, celebrated its 40th an­ prefecture announced that National niversary. Foundation Day, or Kigensetsu, would J a n . 17—Shirayuri Junior College (Shi- be celebrated on t e b . 11 in his prefec­ rayuri Tanki D aigaku白百合短期大学), ture. and Kobe Kaisei Women’s school (Kai- Jan. 5—The projected Religions Center sei Joshi G a k u in 神戸海星女子学院), became incorporated. (M r. JfijirO Furu- both Catholic institutions, were autho­ ta 古田重ニ良,president of Nihon Uni­ rized to become 4-year colleges from versity, is chairman of the board of April. directors.) J a n . 18_176 delegates of the S0t6 Zen Jan. 7—Tsukushi Women’s School(Tsu- Sect departed on a 5-day visit to Oki­ kushi Joshi Gakuen 筑紫女子学園)of the nawa to pray for the souls of those who Nishi Ilonganji. Sect in Fukuoka, was died there in World W ar II. established as a junior college. Jan. 20—Atsuta Shrine announced that Jan. 9—Higashiyama Gakuen, junior the students of its training school for high school and high school of Jodo priests will not be charged tuition. Buddhism in Kyoto became affiliated with Jan. 21—The Shrine Association (Jinja the newly established Kyoto Industrial IlonchO 神社本庁)protested to the High University (jtvyoto Sangyo Daigaku 京都 School Principals Association of Kagawa 産業大学) which starts in April. (The prefecture that its decision to prohibit affiliation gives the graduates of the high the students of member schools to par­ school a priority in entering the univer­ ticipate in shrine festivals was uncon. — 80 — CHRONOLOGY FOR 1965 stitutional. 照護 of Shin Sect to accompany the Rev. Jan. 23—Ferris Girls School (Ferris Yoshio Otani 大谷よし雄,Buddhist mem­ Joshi G a k u in フヱリス女子学院) ,in Yo- ber of the House ot Councillor and konama (Protestant) was authorized to leader of the Liberal Democratic Party’s become a 4 year college in April. Commission, to investigate the situation Jan. 25—The Shimo Kamo Shrine in South Vietnam. (Kyoto) re-joined tne Shrine Associa­ Feburuary 2—A peace mission consist­ tion after having seceded in April, 1960. ing of nineteen representatives of vari­ Jan. 26—The Religionists Peace Council ous religious bodies started on a 20-day (Nihon Shukyosha Heiwa Kyogikai 日 tour of Afro-Asian countries. 本宗教者平和協議会) , a small leftist- Feb. 3—The government presented a oriented group, sent telegrams to Pre­ new National Holidays Bill to Diet. sident Johnson and the government of (Prime Minister Sato stated that he South Vietnam protesting against their would welcome the revival of Kigense­ alleged persecution of the Vietnamese tsu. Subsequently protests against tms Buddhists. proposal were made by the NCC, Jan. 27—Gedatsu-kai 解脱会,a postwar scholars, and the Christian Association Buddhist sect,established a parish in for the Protection of the Constitution Okinawa. (Kenpo o mamoru Kirisutosha no Kai Jan. 30—The National Christian Council 憲法を守るキリスト者の会). of Japan qJNCC) held a panel discussion Feb. 4—The Omoto Sect with drew on the Image of an Ideal Member of fiom the Religionist Peace Council. Society, the draft of which the Central Feb. 6—The NCC sent a telegram to Education Council (Chuo Kyoiku Shin- Prime Minister Sato protesting his g ik a i中央教育審議会)released on Janu­ endorsement of Kigensetsu. ary 11. —A National Foundation Day ceremony —Soka Gakkai announced plans to was observed by the Association for the rebuild the main sanctuary oi i'aisekiji, Celebration of Kigensetsu (Kigensetsu head temple of Nichiren Sho-shu, at a Hoshuku Kai 紀元節奉祝会)at Hibiya cost or ¥400 million. Public H a ll,800 attended. Jan. 31—The Buddhist Federation (Zen F e b .14—The iNippon Christian Acade­ Nihon Bukkyo Kai 全日本仏教会) sent my sponsored a 2-day conference at its the Rev. Sogen Omori 大森曹玄 of Rin- Oiso House between Rissho Kosei Kai zai Zen and the Rev. Shogo Hino 曰野 and Christianity on the theme: Modern 一 8 1 — CHRONOLOGY FOR 1965 Society and Religion. 1,526 ministers and laymen attended. F e b .18-一The Standing Committee of —The Buddhist Federation sponsored the United Church of Christ (Nihon a Buddhist-Christian meeting for the ex­ Kirisuto Kvodan 日本基督教団) sent a change of opinions between the two letter to President Johnson asking that religions. Dr. Heinricn Dumoulin, Pro­ the Vietnamese problem be brought to fessor of Sophia Univ., Dr. Joseph Spae a peaceful solution. It also recommended Director of Oriens Institute, and the that National Foundation Day should be Most Rev. Lawrence Satoshi Nagae, observed on May 3. Bishop of Urawa and six Buddhist leaders —Rissho Kosei-Kai announced plans including the Rev. Riri Nakayama 中山 to establish a women's junior college in 理々,Director of the International office 1966. of the Buddhist Federation, participated. Feb. 20--The Religionists Peace Council Feb. 28—The Matsubara Catholic Chuch, held a memorial service for the South formerly the Meidaimae Church, was Vietnam Buddhist monks who burned consecrated, (The Oriens Institute for themselves in protest against the alleged the Study of Religions occupies an ad­ persecution of Buddhism by their govern­ jacent site.) ment. March 1—The Religionists Peace Council Feb. 21—The Japan Catholic Medical sponsored a service commemorating the Facilities Association (Nihon Katorikku 11th anniversary of the Lucky Dragon's Iryo Shisetsu Kyokai 日本力 トリック医 unfortunate encounter with atomic fall­ 療施設協会)was inaugurated with Bishop out at Bikini, 5,000 people from all over Arai of Yokohama as director. the country attended. The Oura Catholic Church, the March 2—The Shrine Association pre­ oldest Catholic church in Japan, cele­ sented a petition to the government brated its 4th centennial. protesting an investigation by the Special Feb. 22—Tokyo Union Theological Semi­ Promotional Committee for Athletics of nary (Tokyo Shingaku Daigaku 東京神 the House of Councilors of the Meiji 学大学),after 2 years of discussion, Shrine s permission to a professional decided to move to the campus of Inter­ baseball team to use its grounds. (On national Christian University (Kokusai June 4 the Religious League passed a Kirisuto-kyo D aigaku国際基督教大学). similar resolution). Feb. 26—The 4th Japan Keswich Con­ March 3—Soka Gakkai followers in vention was held for 4 days in Hakone, Korea won their appeal to the Seoul — 82 — CHRONOLOGY FOR 1965 Higher Court, against the order of the sored by the United Church of Christ. Korean Government banning meetings Mr. Masaaki Kosaka 高坂正顕,president and publications of the organization. oi Tokyo Gakugei University and auther March 5—The World Prayer Day was of the draft was guest speaker, and Mr. observed by 50 Protestant and Catholic Tsuyoshi Takasaki 高崎毅,Professor of women under the auspices of the NCC. Tokyo Union Theological Seminary and March 11—Father Paul Yachita Tsuchi- Mr. Hideo Oki 大木英夫 Instructor of hashi 土撟八千太 honorary president of Tokyo Union Theological Seminary par­ Sophia University died at the age of 98. ticipated in the discussion. Some 250 —The 2nd Religious Youth Conference pastors and laymen attended. was held at Meiji Shrine under the March 17—The centenary of the emer­ theme “Ivly faith and Modern Society.” gence of “ Hidden Christians was cele­ About 90 youth of Shintoism, Chris­ brated for 3 days in Nagasaki. The tianity, and New Religions attended. papal legate, Paul Cardinal Marella and (The conference is sponsored by Union about 4,000 attended. of the New Religious Organizations of March 20—The NCC announced that Japan, the Shinto Youth National the total number of Protestant church Council, the Youth Association of the members was 433,772,an increase of Buddhist Federation, and the Chrtstian 25,463 over the previous year. (The Youth Association.) statistics are made up as of December —The former residence of Dr. and 31,1964). Mrs. Karl A Reichauer at Meiji Gakuin March 21一The 350th anniversary of the Tokyo was rebuilt in the campus of death of the Christian daimyo, Ukon Meiji Gakuin Higashi Murayama High Takayama 高山右近 was celabrated in School, Higashi Murayama, as the Rei­ Osaka, 3,000 attended. chauer Memorial Hall. March 23—The Soka Gakkai in the March 16—The Kyoto Kyoo Gokokuji, Philippines was incorporated. head temple of the Toji Sect of Shingon —The Rev. Chitose Kishi 岸千年 was Buddhism,seceded in order to avoid re-elected president of NCC at the 18th interference from minor temples and the General Assembly of the Council. sect headquarters. (On the 18th nine —The National Christian Peace other temples seceded.) Council held a 2-days meeting on the —A panel discussion on the Image of theme “ Peace — the Responsibility of an Ideal Member of Society was spon­ Japanese Christians.” 200 attended. — 83 — CHRONOLOGY FOR 1965 March 24—The 18th NCC General As­ Work in Japan opened at Hakone. Am­ sembly issued a statemest on Vietnam bassador Reichauer was one of the calling for an immediate cessation of speakers. military action. —Tend University announced that —A delegation of 10 people led by the entrance is restricted to the believers of Rev. Nobuhiko Inoue 井上信彦,priest of Tenri-kyo. Nagoya Gokoku Shrine left for Guam April 2—The Buddhist Council for and the Philippines to pray for the re­ World Federation (Sekai Rempo Nihon pose of those Japanese soldiers who died Bukkyoto K y o g ik a i世界連邦日本仏教徒 there in World War II.
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