MacIvory User’sGuide Preface MacIvory provides the benefits of symbolic processing along with the features of a Macintosh personal computer. Before using your MacIvory, read "Introduction to MacIvory Machines" (this will familiarize you with the system). Then, read the user documentation supplied by Apple, and the disk drive and monitor manufactur ers, so that you will feel confident about using the Macintosh computer, and the MacIvorysystem’scomponents. Once you are familiar with your MacIvory, its components, and the Macintosh user interface, return to this manual. Begin by reading and following the steps in "Get tingStartedwithMacIvory"topositionandpowerupyourMacIvorySystem. This book is divided into two main sections: a user’s manual and a programmer’s reference. The user’s manual can help you to get started using MacIvory, and pro vides information on some common Macivory operations. The programmer’s refer ence provides information on how to use features of the Macintosh operating sys tem from Genera and other topics for programmers who are developing MacIvory applications. Youmayalsowanttorefertothisadditionaldocumentation: • For information about adapting programs written on Symbolics 3600series ma chines to MacIvory, see the section "Porting Genera Applications to Ivory Ma chines". • For information about the Genera 8.0 software and how it differs from Genera 7.4 Ivory, see Genera 8.0 Release Notes. For information about Symbolics ma chines and the Genera software development environment, refer to the books contained within the Genera documentation set. New Symbolics users should refertothesetitlesfirst: ° Genera Workbook ° Site Operations ° Genera User’s Guide OverviewofMacIvory The MacIvory system makes Symbolics’ Genera software environment, which en ables the comprehensive development, prototyping, and delivery of applications, availabletoAppleMacintoshIIusers. Whenever possible, MacIvory maintains the Macintosh user interface paradigm for video, I/O processing and communications. The MacIvory board set plugs directly into the Macintosh II with no other system modifications required. Genera applica tionscanbe"opened"underMacOSjustlikeanyotherMacintoshwindow. Page 892 MacIvory software basically consists of two parts: Code that runs on the Ivory pro cessor and code that runs on the Macintosh. The two processors communicate with each other through a special region of memory that they both access. MacIvory has exclusive use of a memory region allocated to it by the Macintosh when the Macintosh is powered on or restarted, and the Macintosh uses the rest of memory. Allinput/output ishandledthroughtheMacintosh. OntheIvoryside,thecodeprovided(writteninLisp)consistsof: • ARemoteProcedureCall(RPC)interface. • Genera modified as necessary to use the MacOS for all input/output, including keyboard,mouse,disk,Ethernet,andconsolescreenaccesses. • IFEP code modified similarly.(The IFEP is the part of Generasoftware involved with booting and initializing a world. Historically, this code resided in readonly memory on theFront End Processor of a Symbolics machine; therefore the name IFEP,withIstandingforIvory.) OntheMacintoshside,thecodeprovided(writteninC)consistsof: • CodetoinitializetheMacIvoryandtheIFEP. • LifeSupportcoderequiredtosupportMacIvory. • A Macintosh application that allows users to access applications running on Ivory. Macintosh/IvoryCommunication Communication is based on a shared memory, readable and writable by both the guest (Ivory) and the host (Macintosh) processors. Outside of shared memory, each processor has its own memory space. This memory space is allocated to each pro cessorwhentheMacintoshIIisbooted. There is no shared disk space: The disk is partitioned into Ivory space and Macin tosh space. (Ivory disk space is further partitioned into FEP file space and Lisp Machine File Space just as it would be on a 3600 or XL400, but this is transpar enttoapplicationusers.) TherearetwolevelsofcommunicationbetweentheMacintoshandIvory: • In shared memory, a buffered channel exists between drivers on the Macintosh and on Ivory for those operations requiring maximum performance, such as disk I/Oandnetworkcommunication. • Aremoteprocedurecall(RPC)interfaceforgeneralpurposeinput/output. The host (Macintosh running MacOS) is primary in the sense that it is booted Page 893 first and the guest (Ivory), looks like just one of the several application programs that the user can run. A Macintosh application program runs when the user wants to make use of Ivory. This program boots Ivory, and gives Ivory control over the keyboard, mouse and all or part of the screen. After that, the Ivory runs continu ously, staying up between visits by the user, unless the user explicitly reboots the IvoryorrebootstheMacintosh. Communication between guest and host applications is managed by the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol. The same protocol also allows Ivory to access the MacOS,andviceversa. SoftwareComponentsofMacIvory InadditiontostandardGenera,softwarecomponentsforMacIvoryinclude: • RPC,theRemoteProcedureCallfacility • The remote window facility built on RPC that allows the Genera window system to use the screen, keyboard, and mouse of the host Macintosh instead of directly manipulatinga3600seriesmachine’sownlocalscreen,keyboard,andmouse • AuserinterfacesystemthatisadaptabletoGenerastyleorMacintoshstyle • InterfacetotheMacintoshtoolbox • SupportforaccessingMacintoshfiles • SupportforMacintoshperipherals,suchasEthernet,tapeandseriallines • SupportforsomeMacintoshdataandfileformats User’sManualforMacIvory IntroductiontoMacIvoryMachines MacIvory machines integrate the Genera software environment with the Apple MacintoshII(includingitsoperatingsystemandtheToolbox)thisway: • The Genera software environment accelerates programmer productivity and pro videstheabilitytodocomplex,realworldproblemsolving. • The Macintosh offers a stylish and easytolearn user interface, along with ac cesstoawidevarietyofthirdpartyapplications. MacIvory provides full integration of these two systems; it is designed to combine theadvantagesofeach,whiledeliveringthebenefitsofboth. Page 894 MacIvory relies on the Macintosh processor for I/O services such as keyboard, dis play, and disk access. All of Macintosh’s system and toolbox entry points can be called from Lisp using Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). Additionally, Genera facili ties (Dynamic Windows, for example) use Macintosh facilities, and MacIvory makes full use of the Macintosh for graphics. This kind of integration means that exist ing Genera applications developed on the Symbolics 3600 series of machines canreadilytakeadvantageofMacintoshfeatures. MacIvory enables you to design applications that employ either the Macintosh user interface (UI), the Genera user interface, or both. Furthermore, without changing your program, you can allow end users to make their own UI choices. MacIvory doesn’t mandate a user interface style for your applications; you are free to create yourown. MacIvorySoftwareDescription MacIvorysoftwareconsistsof: Genera8.1 The Genera environment adapted to run on the Ivory proces sor; both a development and a delivery version are available. This software is contained within the Symbolics Distribution WorldandisdistributedondiskandQIC100tapes. MacIvorySupportSoftware To provide MacIvory with the basic I/O services it needs to run Genera, and to facilitate highlevel communication between the two processors by using a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism.Thissoftwareisdistributedonfloppydiskettes. GettingStartedwithMacIvory Symbolics Service Personnel will configure and install yourMacIvory System.After itisinstalled,performthesetasks: 1. Following each manufacturer’s directions to ensure that you leave appropriate clearance for cooling, position the Macintosh computer and the external disk drive(ifyoursystemisequippedwithone)convenientlyinyourworkspace. Position the 19" monitor on either side of the Macintosh II or on a stand over theMacintoshII,asthemanufacturerrecommends. Warning: Be sure to position the 19" monitor so thatthere is at least an inch between the monitor and the Macintosh II to ensure adequate ventilation and avoid overheating. Do not place the 19" monitor near heat sources such as ra diatorsorinanareasubjecttodirectsunlight. 2. Make sure that the Symbolics keyboard template has been placed over the keys. Page 895 3. Power up (plug in and turn on) the external disk drive (if your system is equipped with one) and the Macintosh computer according to each manufac- turer’s instructions. Note: At power up, you will momentarily see the Apple "Happy Mac" on your Mac intosh screen, indicating that the Macintosh is starting up from the disk drive. You will also see a symbol in the lower lefthand corner of your screen that indi catesthe presenceofpreinstalledIvory"lifesupport"softwareonthediskdrive. ControllingtheIvoryCoprocessoronaMacIvory When you first power on the Macintosh and start up an Ivory application (by dou bleclicking on the Genera icon, for example), the Ivory coprocessor is initialized, andGeneraiscoldbooted.Thismaytakeafewminutes. Once the Ivory coprocessor has been initialized and Genera has been cold booted (by the first Ivory application that needs it), you can open and quit that applica tion and other Ivory applications as quickly and easily as you do ordinary (nonIvorydependent)Macintoshapplications. When you restart the Macintosh by choosing Restart from the Special menu (avail able from the Finder), this initializes the Macintosh processor, but preserves
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