Q:ongrcssional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 88th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION that the Senate had passed, with an Mr. BOGGS. Mr. Speaker and Mem­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES amendment in which the concurrence bers of the House, it is my sad duty today of the House is requested, a bill of the to announce, to the Members of the MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1963 House of the following title: House, the death of the brother of our The House met at 12 o'clock noon and H.R. 7885. An act to amend further the beloved Speaker, Mr. Edward J. Mc­ was called ta order by the Speaker pro Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, Cormack. tempore, Mr. ALBERT. and for other purposes. Mr. Speaker, all of us know how close The message also announced that the the Speaker and -his brother were. As Senate insists upon its amendment to the members of a close-knit, mutmtlly DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO foregoingbill, requests a conference with devoted family, they shared a common TEMPORE the House on the disagreeing votes of the passion for service to others-to human­ The Speaker pro tempore laid before two Houses thereon, and apPoints Mr. ity as separate individuals and to hu­ the House the following communication FuLBRIGHT, Mr. SPARKMAN, Mr. HUM­ manity generally. Throughout his life, from the Speaker: PHREY, Mr. HICKENLOOPER, and Mr. Edward McCormack served his fellow man with devotion and with passion, and THE SPEAKER'S ROOM, AIKEN to be the conferees on the part November 18, 1963. of the Senate. of him it may be said in the poet's words, I hereby designate the Honorable CARL AL­ The message also announced that the "To live in hearts we leave behind is not BERT to act as Speaker pro tempore today. Senate had passed a bill of the following to die at all." JOHN w. McCORMACK, title, in which the concurrence of the As a part of this desire to do for Speaker of the House of Representatives. House is requested: others, he imbued his son, Edward, the former attorney general of Massachu­ Rev. Adolfs Klaupiks, director of the s. 1561. An act to amend the Federar Em­ Relief Department of the Baptist World ployees Health Benefits Act of 1959. setts, with that same love of public serv­ Alliance, offered the following prayer: ice-a public service that this son has rendered in many capacities with great Almighty and gracious God, our Fa­ ELECTION OF SPEAKER distinction and great honor. ther in Heaven, .we come to Thee with PROTEMPORE So, Mr. Speaker, to his widow and to gratitude and thanksgiving for the won­ his sons, and to our own beloved Speaker derful gift of life which we receive from Mr. BOGGS assumed the chair. and his surviving brother, I extend my Thee day by day. · Mr. VINSON. Mr. Speaker, I send to deepest sympathy and my prayer that We are ever grateful to Thee for the the desk a privileged resolution and ask for its immediate consideration. God will grant to them consolation and freedom to dedicate our lives in service a healing balm~ in the sad hour for which to our country, to our Nation, and to our The Clerk read the resolution as fol­ none of us is ever prepared. fellow human beings everywhere. Iows: H.REs. 567 Mr. BURKE. Mr. Speaker, will the Lord of the great and of the small na­ gentleman yield? tions; Lord of the free and of the captive Resolved, That Honorable CARL ALBERT, a Representative from the State of Oklahoma, Mr. BOGGS. I would . be happy to peoples, we humbly pray: Grant us cour­ be, and he is hereby elected Speaker pro yield to the gentleman from Massachu­ age and wisdom so to use our strength, tempore during the absence of the Speaker. setts. __ our resources, and our influenc.e that peo­ Resolved, That the President and the Sen­ Mr. BURKE. Mr. Speaker, I wish to ple who are still under the yoke of oppres­ ate be notified by the Clerk of the election of join with the distinguished Member from sion and in bondage of fear and frus­ Honorable CARL ALBERT as Speaker pro tem­ the State of Louisiana, the acting ma­ tration might enjoy liberty and freedom pore during the absence of the Speaker. jority leader, in expressing my deepest to serve Thee joyfully and to choose their The resolution was agreed to. sympathy to the Honorable JOHN W. own way of life under Thy guidance. A motion to reconsider was laid on the McCORMACK, Speaker of the House, on Most merciful God, as we commemo­ table. the passing .of his brother, Edward J. rate today the anniversary of independ­ Mr. ALBERT resumed the chair. McCormack. Edward J. McCormack was ence of Latvia, we humbly beseech Thee, a native of South Boston and it was my bless Latvia, O God. Bless the people privilege to know him. He was a man of Latvia. May all human malice dis­ OATH OF OFFICE AS SPEAKER appear. May right and justice triumph. PROTEMPORE of strong character, his word was his bond, he had a heart as big as his body, God of our fathers, we pray that Thy Mr. ALBERT. The Chair requests light and grace might be shed on Amer­ he was never known to turn his· back on the gentleman from Georgia, dean of a friend in need. Raised in a section of ica, on the President of the United States, the House, to administer the oath. and on the Congress and on all the peo­ Boston that has · great civic pride, Ed­ Mr. ALBERT took the oath of omce as ward J. McCormack, like his illustrious ple. Speaker pro tempore administered by In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, Mr. VINSON. brother, Speaker McCORMACK, was self­ we pray. Amen. made. He was a successful business­ man. He served in· the local precincts THE I.i.ATE HONORABLE EDWARD J. in the successful campaigns of the THE JOURNAL McCORMACK Honorable JOHN W. McCORMACK. He The Journal of the proceedings of Mr. BOGGS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ gave of his time unstintingly in behalf Thursday, November 14, 1963, was read imous consent to address the House for of the Democratic Party, locally, state­ and approved.- · 1 minute and to revise and extend my wide and also in the national elections. remarks. Edward J. McCormack was a family man, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the husband of Mary C. McCormack, his MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE objection to the request of the gentleman beloved wife, father of two sons, one the A message from the Senate by Mr. from Louisiana? former Attorney General of the Com­ McGown, one of its clerks, announced There was no objection. monwealth of Massachusetts, Edward J. CIX--1386 22015 22016 CONGRESSIONAL ·RECORD - HOUSE November 18 McCormack, Jr., and John W. McCor­ McCormack of Boston, who was named Edward J. McCormack was affection­ mack. Sadness visited his home several after the Speaker, and of the late May ately known as "Knocko" McCormack to years ago when he lost hiS beautiful McCormack, a daughter who lost her life his many friends, and lie would hasten daughter Mary Ellen McCormack in the in the Coconut Grove fire in Boston sev­ to correct and admonish me by pointing Cocoanut Grove fire in Boston. ... eral years ago. out that he was from South Boston, or Edward J. McCormack served his Na­ In this moment of great sorrow for the "southie" as he used to call that section tion on two occasions in our country's Speaker and all the members of his fine of the Massachusetts capital city. He time of need, once with the 9th Massa­ and distinguished family, I know that was rated as the No. 1 South Boston chusetts Volunteer Militia during the the House's fervent wish is for a way of booster, and he devoted his energy and Mexican Border incident and again he transferring to itself a part of their sor­ every effort to the people of the area served brilliantly with the famous lOlst row and grief. They have our deepest and their needs. A distinguished vet­ Infantry, Company B in France during commiserations. Our prayers go with eran of Massachusetts' own Yankee World War I. them. May they have God's fullest Division in World War I, Mr. McCormack His World War I buddies honored him comforts. - was a very charitable man who devoted on two different occasions. He served Mr. EDMONDSON. Mr. Speaker, the much of his time working on behalf of as former Commander of the lOlst In­ loss of a beloved brother is a cruel blow the unfortunate, the afflicted and the fantry Association and also as National under any circumstances. When such a deserving in his section of the city, South Commander of the Y.D. Veterans Asso­ . blow falls upon one already heavily bur­ Boston. An ardent Democrat, he was ciation. dened with the responsibility of na­ an outspoken advocate of his party and Edward J. McCormack was a gre~t tional leadership, it must certainly com­ he demonstrated his leadership in many public benefactor, his works of charity mand the deepest sympathy. Our warm­ party conventions and political cam­ knew no bounds. He loved life. He took est, · deepest sympathy goes today to paigns. great joy in helping underprivileged Speaker McCORMACK and his entire fam­ Edward J. "Knocko" McCormack was children. The people of South Boston ily. a unique individual and a public-spirited loved him.
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