The Weather Serving the State P It r t I y eloutl1 aad University af Iowa warmer &oday aDd to­ ni&'hi. Low to4a" SI &0 Campus and 65 durees. 1Il&'b &ocIay. Iowa City 85 to 89 derreH. P_lble owan thu.ndtrshowers and tool· Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, Wirephoto - f ive Cents Iowa City, Iowa , Tuesday, August 9, 1955 er WednHlillY. ~---------------------------------~-------------------- -------------------~--------~------~------~--~------------------~-----------------~~ Anli-eMA They Won't Need These Any More Group To Captute~. Form Tonighl The first political opposition to the council-manager form <<If IOvernment will formally gath t tonl,bt. Rap'id Edward L. O'Connor, former attorney general of Iowa, said flonday a group of citizens wiU meet at 7:30 p.m. today at CSA Ends 1.9-Day Hail to form a political action (Toup. 'T O'Connor, who is temporary chairman of the group, said it EVIsion of had two objectives. They are: Objectives By Governors \. To elect three city council- men in the November elections CHICAGO (JP)-A Republican Aulhorities who would vole to tire City lind a Ccmocrntic governor listed By STU JlOPKlNS Manager Peter F. Roan, Gov. vercH Harriman f New CEDAR RAPIDS - The 19- To campaign for the oust- 'York Monday n In n strong stra- 2. day manhunt [or Wayne F. Lum­ In, ot the c i ~y-manager form of IT'S RIP-DAY, annual artalr at the State UniverSi ty of Iowa Coller e or • ' urslnf, and J ane! on- tegic po ilion to bid next year pa e nded noar here Monday government In 1957. nolly, N4, Cresco, tries to escape Into Wel tlawn dornlltory (rom Karen J . Krat7. , N4. R o~ k tord, III.. [or the 0 'morr, tic pre.ld ntial night when the IS- year-old T-m~ ...... - r.r- I S-cr-'-r"~ ~-, I e (t,an d Pt·a riC I a T . I I arms, '4 , A t I ant I Co lIavlnr no need Il'Ir their stu d ent unlror,n'l a ( ler fonday, nomin1t\:ln. Johl\.!on COlln ty J ail eseapee was Mrs. Nate Whiting, who wns the rraduatlng seniors don't objed too stronrly \Vh f 0 cia. mah's belln rl!lplng whl'll the clr'" fi nl,h Cov. Goorlwln Knight, Coll- wOlll1dt'd Dnd clipt\lred otter II a lea~er in a group that sought work at tbe University Jlospltals. Complfte rlppln:r u h a the t lrl In the bathlnc s uil hll. C' oft l _ tornJa R('publlran, nld h(' be- • ch . ' by poll • to prevent the Burllngton Street enced, takes plate within WesUawn. MI!l ~ Krahl ~orjo the batblnl suit under hr r uniform a ll dal' Iil'V s "n'sitlt'llt F:1. enhower willi Lumpa was shot by n arlan widening project, is temporary Monday In anUl'iJlaUon of Rip-OILY. Hili ag:lin anti win in 19~G . But Snyder, Linn County depu!'y secretary 01 the group. hi:' .<aid he thlnk~ Halrimln ,Sh rift. acter he resisted arrest The Burlington Street project \ fluid glVC' ELenhowcr the on Highway 30 bout tour mtl ~ was approved , by the City coun- ~ rong 5t OPPJsilLm oC any De- CDst of H ighway 21S . cil by a 3-2 vote June 30. Coun- SUI T Add H · mocrat be .. ou. he ho "demon- He was reported In fair con~ cilmen Walter Daykin and Clar- 0 OU strat d he i II vole & \ler in thc sin g dltion at Mercy ~os plta1 here ence Parizek voted against the bigg· ~t sin! in t 1(, lInion." project, which was bal'ked by Gov. Abrnhnm Riblcofr. Con- with II bullet lodged in bls right shoulder. Roan. nU'lirut Dl'moc:rnt. said that on F' .. -I-t- f 750 Will Opera&e Today .l I Mrs. William Boiler, 618 the basis of Harclman's stale- I or Of Murder Hospital outhorlties r~ort M Brookland Park Drive, is chair- ac- lies mt'nts on public I .-uC's ond th man of a committee to select a netion of his polltiC'al f1~~o('l[lles that surgery w ill be pt'fi ormed name for the group. By FLOYD FLIGER NEW YORK (AI) _ Silt. .Iam. "J would s.. y tha t Harriman is this mornIng til remov t he Mrs. William Chenne ll, who Housing facilities will be in-I (lOd Dining St'I'vice for SUI. C. Galluglll'r wn.~ POItlU:!I out c(1I1diliat '." bullet. Lump is under pol~ ~e was a member of the group that creased approx Ima tely 750 units I '"More closets were added in Monday a the torturer-slayer ThC' two j{overnors from op- gunrd. tlluiht using College Hill Par k this fall tor students attending some dormitories. Each studer:t of a sick f !low AOIC'ril'on In II po..~lte side: of the counlry spoke Cedar Rapids police got d Icod as the site tor a new City Hall, h S UI I f I h Id h d k d k I' 't Reel Chinesc prlson ... r of war up in news c:onfC'renees as gov- on Lumpa when AI Rjech, a Is ab;o a member of the name t e tate n vers ty 0 owa. ,au ave a es. es 19,1, rommittee. Increased use of dormitories Inner!ptin g mattress, and d rawer camp. ernors bl'gan arriving here for former Iowa City resioenl n pw living in Cedar Rapids spotted In 8 statement, O'Connor 4.aid: will account [or most of the add- space." Rehder added. His accus r, Silt. Q. C. Lloyd their 47th a'lnual conference. • "This meeting is being called ed accommodations. Two new buildings have been W . PIlle, pointed at the 23-ycu- P relimlnar lt's Today the youth on F irs t Avenue (Highway 150 ). by II volunteer group who object Quadrangle and Hillcrest, men's added to the gIrls' dormitory old Brooklyn defendant and t llel Preliminari s g ... t under wily to the dictatorial manner in dormitories, and Currier Hall, ~ystem. The Dye House at 507 a court-martial board: today and bu iness sessions be- Willy Iowan rho'. by J.r., ",,'rl Riech will receive a ,60 rewll ....d which the affairs of Iowa City women's dormitory, will ha\e N. Clinton St., will accommodate "That's the man." gin Wednesday. WAYNE LUl\IPA, 18, eel a blood lransfu Ion ILL Mercy lIos )')llal offered by J ohnson COlll\ty Shl'r­ are being administered by the extra, beds added to rooms which 26 girls and the Iowa Center [or The unidentified murder vie- Here In the home state of Ad- In eClar R. pld Monday nl cht after h e \Va shot and captured irf Albert J . (Pat) Mur phy' for preaent city-manager form of ar e large enough. Continuation Study will house lim wa. reportedly b at n. t o#(lg Ini Slcvt'nson, the 1952 D mo- by l inn Count official . Lumpa t' ('ailed from the Jolm!ton oun- information leading to the call­ ' gov,rnment under the domina- This fall Quadrangle will house 15 3 coedR. on a hook and fin:llly ra t into I etlltlc pr('~itl ntisl Candid:lte., t y jail July 20. lit' wall woundpd In the houlder. ture ot the escapee. tlon of Peler F . Eoan. 954 students, an (lddilion of 288 N~ inerellse WDR mode In thl below zero w('nLh r to dil' Mo-cit Knight pn'dicted that if Sleven- - Here a rQ the details or the "Those who are interested in men. number housed in South Quad- 7. 1951. Hl' i~ onl' or three pris- son repeats O~ 0 nomin c he will Z2 copture a~ re ported by Cedar better government for Iowa City Hillcrest capacities wi ll be In- rongle, 11 will house 151. oners Gulloght.:J" Is !lCtust'd of lo'e CJJi(ornl by ns lar~e a Rapids poUce. are urged to attend." oreased by 144 to house 679 men. Dorm Converkd slaying. margin or billgc~ Olle than Milled PI.&f. Intormal ' MeeUn. Currier Hall will house 923 The post year. cvcl'al build in,. Madf rroml. e thl' C' yen, O. • j Ri cb. w pa' sinl(, Hogan '. The group la Id plans July 26 coeds this ra il: an increase of 251. were taken ou, of use as donni- "J made a promlr'(' ttl that Kid Wi th ('viti'nt rcfcHI\C'e ~o th -v>.. ,....-om, .... ,~ Tr!lil~ Rental $e rvice li e,ar Fif:<;t. at an illtorm;ll meeting by 12 Add Facilities tories, lind mys II," . aid Pute. 23, 0/ po~ition oC Gov. J\lIan Shivers Avenue and 1th Street In a t!IIr persons. "Wher ever more beds were E as~ L awn will be converted flit Augusta, Gu., "that it God wo.ulcl of Texas, Knight said Stevenson about 7:30 p.m. He !illW f"ulJ'tpa Attoqley Jack C. White, John- added, we have tried to add com- use by the Music Departmel't. permit me to come home alive. "doesn't have the rapacity to at­ hitching a rOUr~whe tll' s)ij t-lIi4Ie son County Democratic chalr- parable facilities," said T. 1\1. Currier Annex, C urrier cottages, I would see thllt thot man was tract the South('rn bloc as Gov. trailer to the bac t{ .of i 1!S19 man and former county attor- Rehder, director of Dormitory McChesney and Hu tchinson paid for.
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