WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1968 PAGE PORTy-EIGHT Manrl;«0t0r Ewfttittg Average Daily Net Press Run For 'Tile Week Ended The Weather Clear tonight. Low five to 16. The Fellowcraft Club of Man­ The Mountain Laurel Chapter J February 17, 19C8 About Town chester Lodge of Masons will Chorus of Sweet Adelines will DellaFera Pledges Efforts Tomorrow mostly sunny, windy. have a spaghetti and meatb^l iheet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the High near SO. The Entered Apprentice de­ dinner for Its members March Russian American National Cen­ 15,534 gree will be conferred at a 4 at 6:30 p.m. at the Masonic ter, 211 Wethersfield Ave., Hart­ For ^Yes^ Vote on Busing Pick a few . Manchester— A City of Village Charm meeting of Friendship Lodge Temple. Members are remind­ ford. nounced that he will step down of Masons In the Masonic ed to Call John O. Nelson, 40 GOP Town CSralrman Fran­ VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 121 (OlaMifled AdverCtoIng <m Fage IT) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1968 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Temple at 7:30 tomorrow night. Harlan Rd., for reservations. Kathleen Fitzgerald, daughter cis DellaFen. today came out in May from bis chairmanship post. He baid that Ms decision or a bunch Senior Warden Harold E. Turk- of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fitz­ In support of Project Ooncem Ington will preside. After the had nothing to do with the ad­ The Mr. and Mrs. Club of gerald of Lakewood Circle, has and pledged his efforts toward degree, an original skit about Temple Beth Sholom will hold a recently been chosen by Mercy- visory vote action. He said that George Washington, the Mason, square dance at the temple hurst College, Erie. Pa., to be a ’’yes’’ vote on April 30, when he had been considering R for These perfect reproductions will be presented by Irving Saturday after a brief business listed In the 1967-68^‘Who’s Who Manchester electors face an ad­ months in order to devote more Washington’s Teeth Hurt Mann. Refreshments will be meeting at 8:30 p.m. Dancing Among Students In American visory .referendum on the bus­ time to his family, his business, will make you think it's served. will be from 9 to midnight. Call­ and his golf. Radio Station Colleges and Universities.” ing question. spring . right in the mid­ CHICAGO (AP)— George Washington wasn’t exactly the er will be Bill Squier. Refresh­ Shea, when he announced hla Plane with 109 Aboard The six Republicans on the grinning type, his portraits demonstrate, and it may be be­ World War I Barracks and ments will be served. Mr. and Margaret Duffy of 21 Preston formal opinion yesterday on the dle of winter. A visit to cause of his false teeth. Mrs. Alan Hartsteln and Mr. Board o f Directors have au- advisory vote, issued a separate Auxiliary will meet Sunday at Dr., Nancy Solomon of 19 Rob^ For years he had to wear uncomfortable teeth made of hip­ and Mrs. Jack Ostrom are In thorixed the April 30 advisory statement In whldi be teoked 2 p.m. at the VFW Home. There ert Rd., and Susan Goodrich of fabulous Flowerland just to popotamus or elephant ivory, according to Minnie Orfanos, charge of the affair. the continuation of Project Oon­ will be a food .sale after the Vernon will be among those vote on the question: “ Should Hit in Hanoi director of the Northwestern Xlnlverslty dental schooi library. cem. see its exquisite beauty will meeting. participating In \the UConn. Manchester continue to partici­ The library has an original letter by Washington's New Thomas M. MUtney, son of Mr. DellaFera’s statement fol­ modem dance troupe, "Orche- pate In Project Ooncem?’’ be worth your while. SAIGON (AP) — U.S. planes closed that a new Communist York dentist, John Greenwood, and copies of letters Washing­ Is Hijacked to Havana Miss Jaen C. Traygls, daugh­ and Mrs. George Mltney of 35 sls,” which will present its mid­ Town Counsel John Shea lows: for the first time in the war at­ rocket, designed and manufac­ ton wrote to him. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. S. Alton St., has made the "It^ls now apparent that the winter concert Feb. 28-29 at the ruled yesterday that the ques- tacked the Hanoi radio station tured by the Chinese without Dentures containing human teeth, probably from cadavers, Traygls of 17 Green Rd.; and dean’ s list for the fall 1967 Bryan Alan i>hoto advisory question regarding the Harriet Jorgensen Theater, ddn may legally be placed on that beams out all (Jommunlst any foreign help, has been used were fitted In 1789. Greenwood made Washington false teeth MIAMI Fla. (AP) —A gun­ Miss Audrey A. Willard, daugh­ semester at Saint Francis Col­ continuation of Project Ooncem Storrs. Engaged the April 30 voting machines, propaganda from North Viet­ In the war for the first time. In 1791 and 1796 that were carved Individually of Ivory. man wearing a white cowboy ter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. lege, Blddeford, Maine. provided It does not require will remain as one of the ques- nam, the U.S. Command an­ —^The same sources said ele­ On Jan. 20, 1797 Washington sent his favorite dentures with hat and tennis shoes pu.shcd a Willard Jr., of 75 Steep Hollow Lance Cpl. A. E. Archibald The engagement of Miss Betty the expenditure of town funds. tlcns to be voted upon at the FLOWERLAND nounced today. But monitors ments of two Communist divi­ Lane, are among students who April SO referendum. two carved Ivory teeth that had worked loose from the gold stewardess Into the cockpit of a Peter Pantaluk, son of Mr. and Cpl. R. E. Dzladus, both of Questions pertaining to bond­ (between Ctddor A Popular said Radio Hanoi was still on sions are still menacing Saigon, have been named to the dean's Sue Norton of Clearwater, E3a., base. He requested a speedy repair job saying the substitute and Mrs. Peter Pantaluk of 40 Manchester, members of Rifle ing issues and to charter re- "There are times. In my Judg­ the air. and some enemy forces are DCS jet over Florida Wednesday list at Bay Path Junior College to Richard F. Greene Jr. of set was "uneasy" in his mouth and made his lips bulge and Foster St., recently performed Team of Co. B 1st Bn 26th visions will appear the same ment, when the town’s Interests Mkt.) The strike Wednesday against poised within six miles of the and held a pistol under her ear Longmeadow, Mass. Manchester has been announced the station, which military appear swollen. at the third annual Boston Globe Marines USMCR, Hartford, day on the same machines. transcend all others. Burr’s Comer Shopping Plaza capital city of nearly three mil­ until the pilot detoured his craft Jazz Festival at the War Me­ "Therefore, I will support the spokesmen said has the most lion people. The sources also competed in the 1st Marine by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 2 The dlreotoni’ action, in Miss Mary Elizabeth Ham­ morial Auditorium In Boston. continuation of Project Concern MANCHESTER, CONN. powerful transmitter In South­ disclosed that Intelligence had and 109 persons to a landing in Corps District 8 statewide an­ Elbert Norton of Clearwater. scheduling the advisory vote, mond, daughter of Mr. and as the program now exists in east Asia, coincided with these detected heavy shipments of Cuba. nual Rifle Marksmanship Cham­ Her fiance is the son of Mr. took place Feb. 6. On F ^ . 8, Manchester. other developments indicating a Communist arms coming In About five hours after the hi­ Mrs. Joseph F. Hammond of Spec. 5 Ronald H. Llnscott, pionships, Feb. 12 In Cambridge, and Mrs. Richard Greene of 360 DeUaiFera said that he was 62 Oakwood Rd., Is a member sharp escalation in both the from Cambodia. Embassy Link? jacking, Delta Air Line Flight whose wife lives at 26 Cottage N^ass. HUllard St. surprised at the action, that he "It will be my intention during of the Focus staff, the newspa­ OPEN DAILY 10-6, FRI. TILL 9, SUN. 12:80-6 ground and air wars: 843 returned to Miami, leaving St., was recently promoted to Miss Norton attended Clear­ hadn’t been consulted, ana that the next two months to direct —With U.S. Marine Jets bomb­ per of Emmanuel College In —Air Force F105 Thunder- behind In Havana a young man his present rank near Mimlch, The VFW AuxUiairy will spon­ water High School. Mr. Greene he knew nothing about It until my efforts and my energies to ing In front of them in a priority 2 Boston where she Is a fresh­ chiefs attooked another target who gave his name to the air­ Germany, where he Is a tank sor a kitchen social tomorrow attended East Catholic High he read of it in the Feb. 7 a ‘yes’ vote in favor of Man­ effort to end the 23-day battle man. for the first time, a sprawling for Hue, Marine infantrymen Dynamite Theft line as ’’S. Wilson.’ ’ gunner with the 32nd Annor. at 7:45 p.m. at the post home. School for three years', and the Herald. chester’s continued parUclpa- military storage area 41 miles pushed 150 yards through the Tliree Connecticut residents Members are reminded to bring Eymard Seminary, Hyde Park, Last week, DellaFera an­ Uon.” Read Herald Advertisements southwest of Hanoi. fortressed Citadel and seized all were on a list of passenger.s Reservations for the Manches­ Sgt.
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