MICHIGAN W e a t h e r I n s i d e Partly cloudy turning Music review, p. 3. STATE fair tonight. High in Ike on White House years, p. 10. UNIVERSITY STATE the mid 50’s Price lOtf East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 7, 1963 Vol. 55, Number 51 Students OK 4 Of 7 AUSG Amendments; Vote Heavy W w ' Kill Tax Oakland Colleges To Get Federal Aid ? Increase America's colleges and uni­ and loans for all institutions par­ bonds which are paid off through thrust to the development of pub­ Ì May Build versities will get $1.2 billion ticipating. their revenues. lic community junic . colleges by Proposal Coed Nabs Morning 'Taxi* aid if the Senate approves a mea­ Commenting on MSU’s rela­ Another official indicated that requiring that each state set sure to help the nation’s bulg­ tionship to the proposal, Philip the bill, when divided between aside 22 per cent of its share Dorms of the $690. million for such institutions across the country, By OYARS BALCERS The house of representatives ing colleges expand. J. May, vice president for bus­ might not be enough to do any construction. Each state's allot­ Wednesday passed a resolution iness and finance, said: State News Staff Writer The House gave overwhelming “If theSenatepassesthe money good. Any money that MSU would ments would be based on its high authorizing Oakland University, T h u m b s U p approval Wednesday to the bill for the bill, then MSU will pro­ get, he said, would be welcomed, school and college enrollment. affiliated with MSU, to construct Only four of the seven AUSG in a 258 to 92 roll call vote. bably share in the program.” however. The Administration and the two new dormitories at a cost constitutional amendments were A fight is expected when the "To what extent we will re­ At the college and graduate colleges have been pressing for not to exceed $2 million. approved by students in the two- bill goes to the Senate next week. school level, the grants could the bill for three years as the ad­ The resolution has been sent ceive aid, I do not know at this day referendum vote. On Thumbing \n amendment is expected to be total only one-third of the con­ vance guard of the big World to the senate for final approval. time.” Voting was one of the heaviest made making federal grants a- struction cost of a project. For War II baby crop neared col­ The 38-2 vote came following May indicated the money is for on record with about 4,100 ballots “ You’ve got to hitch­ noons. Students who live vailable to private and church junior colleges, the federal share lege age. Enrollment in the na­ debate concerning the need for academic classrooms and labor­ cast, Bill Buckhulz, elections hike to cla ss,” say the in apartments, professors, operated colleges. atories. f Dormitories here are could be 40 per cent. tion's 2,100 colleges is expected such a resolution. chairman, said. This is only sorority sisters on Harri­ and people going to work financed through self-liquidating The bill would give a strong to double between 1960 and 1970. Representative Richard Specifically the bill would au­ 100 less than the total returns son Road. pick up the girls. If the thorize $690 million in build­ for th e past spring election, Girls at sorority houses girls get out in time they Guzowski, D. Wayne, made ref­ erence to a project for which ing grants for junior colleges spring being a time of heavy distant from campus find are rarely late for class. Wayne State University sought and colleges $145 million for voting due to the election of hitchhiking the only work­ “They realize we are graduate schools and $360 mil­ class and AUSG officers. able way to get to class. trying to get to clas s and funds recently. lion in long-term, low-interest "Usually only those girls are generous about giving "They had already completed K Defends Road Blockade The controversial ’Proposal the project before they asked building loans for all institutions who are pinned get rides us a lift,” Miss Pinkerman 2 the legislature about it," he said. of higher learning. * received the plurality of votes with their boyfriends,” continued. She said usually C3Ft but failed since the AUSG Guzowski’s dissention was said Laureen Pinkerman, a boys rather than girl stu­ The bill would launch the fed­ constitution requires that a ma­ overcome when house rules were As US Note Protests Halt Gamma Phi Beta junior dents gave hitchhiking girls eral government into a major new suspended and a final vote taken. jority of the undergraduate stu­ from Bloomfield. "F o r the rides. role in education. It calls for MOSCOW If) — Premier simply one of meeting force with without justification," the note dent body vote. most of us hitchhiking is "1 felt awkward when I The new dorms at Oakland a three-year program of grants Khrushchev told visiting Amer­ force should the Americans try said. Students reflected a general a necessity." first started hitchhiking, would help to house some 500 ican businessmen Wednesday that to break through a Soviet block­ "It is not for theSoviet author­ distrust in vesting the powers The girls line up along but unless you get up at 6 students seeking university hous­ ade. ities to impose restrictions” of veto to the president in the to start walking at 7:30, if the U.S. convoy dispute on the Harrison at 10 of the hour ing next year. The project is "We could not have yielded,” upon how the Western three ex­ matter of nominations to student there is just no other way.” Berlin Autobahn had continued, in the mornings and after­ expected to be completed by next the Premier said, “ and they ercise their rights on the Auto­ Judiciary and student congress. September if the senate approves “ It is possible that you and 1 would not be here today.” would have had to move over bahn, the note declared. "We interpret the results of the request. While this carried the impli­ our dead bodies.” Identical notes from Britain ’Proposal 2,’ despite the in­ cation of a nuclear war, Khrush­ Despite the grave concern the and France were delivered at sufficient number of votes, as JFK Sees Fight In *64 chev did not mention such a dread latest Autobahn incident h as the same time, the State Depart­ meaning that the students are prospect directly. created in world capitals, Khru­ ment said. willing to pay an increased AUSG He insisted the question was shchev warned that more Western The U.S. note, made public tax in return for increased bene­ convoys will be held up unless here, said the recent incidents fits ," Bob Kerr, AUSG president, they bow to what he called es­ on the Autobahn are considered and Bob Hencken, speaker of congress, said. Returns Hearten GOP tablished procedure. (continued on page 3) The United States, in a note conflicting opinions a bout, the WASHINGTON If) — President t Philadelphia added up to evidence P r o j e c t s handed to theSoviet Foreign Min­ However, Kerr said that the Kennedy got clear notice 'nTues- that the President’s party faces program’s effect on the voting. istry Wednesday accused the So­ defeat of the veto clauses did not day's scattered elections that the strong opposition in key areas. Although White House Press viet Union of a “ deliberate- in­ Students Get change things substantially.They 1964 Presidential contest is like­ The election of Lt. Gov. Paul Secretary Pierre Salinger quoted tent” to interfere with the move­ would have increased the powers ly to be as tough a battle as Johnson as governor of M issis­ the President as being “ very F o r C h e st ment of its convoys. of the check and balances sys­ he has predicted. satisfied” with the results, New D irectories sippi elevated an old foe in a Soviet demands that American tem, he said. (Republican resurgence in New state where the Administration Jersey furnished some testimony D e l a y O K troops dismount from Army ve­ The amendment on opening all Jersey, a barely quelled GOP that seemed to support Kennedy’s has encountered vigorous oppo­ hicles to be counted are "totally W ithin W eek student judiciary hearings to the uprising in Kentucky and a de­ sition to its civil rights pro­ Oct. 9 news conference state­ The Campus Chest Board All student directories have public, unless the defendent spec­ cline in Democratic margins in gram. But otherwise there were ment that "we are going to have approved a moratorium on all arrived on campus and will be ifies a preference to have them a hard, close fight in 1964.” campus fund-raising projects for closed, was passed overwhelm­ ALFRED EDWARDS distributed within the week, Reg­ The President carried by only fall term, said BenTaylor, Cam­ istrar Horace C. King said. ingly, 3352-662.. 22,000 out of 2,773,000 New Jer­ pus Chest coordinator. They were scheduled to be dis­ Scots Vote Today sey votes in 1960. Democratic The moratorium was enacted tributed last week and some stud­ "1 think that the results of the by the Campus Chest Board to Veterans referendum show that the stu­ Gov. Richard J . Hughes took a P r o f G e ts ents in Univerity housing did get prestige shellacking when New codify rules governing fundrais­ them.
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