Notes and References 2 1933: THE LEGALITY OF HITLER'S ASSUMPTION OF POWER I. Purely Marxist interpretations apart see K. D. Bracher, Die AujfOsung der Weimarer Republik (Villingen, 1960), Chapter XI; K. D. Bracher, W. Sauer and G. Schulz, Die nationalso::;ialistische Machtergreifung (Cologne, 1960), Chapter I; A. Bullock, Hitler: a study in ryramry (London, 1962), p. 253 and, though devoid of scholarly value but still widely read, W. L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (London, 1960), pp. 181ff. 2. See for example the 1928 SPD election film Was wiihlst Dul or Der Deutschen Volke held by Bundesarchiv Koblenz. 3. Protokoll. So::;ialdemokratischer Parteitag Magdeburg 1929 (Berlin, 1929), p. 67. 4. Ibid., p. 170. 5. See the call by Schulrat Runkel (DVP) and his call to put the nation before party political interests in Kolnische Zeitung, II March 1930. 6. See Heinrich Briining, Memoiren (Munich, 1972), p. 170; E. Forsthoff, Deutsche Veifassungsgeschichte der Neu::;eit (Stuttgart, 1961), p. 189; Reichtagsprotokolle, 16 July 1930, p.6407; H. Heiber, Die Republik von Weimar (Munich, 1966), p.225; W. Hubatsch, Hindenburg und der Staat (Gottingen, 1966), passim., see also Times Literary Supplement review of this work, 12 May 1966. 7. H. W. Koch, A Constitutional History of Germany in the 19th and 20th Centuries (London, 1984), p. 269. 8. Bundesarchiv Koblenz (BAKO) R4$/I No. 1870 Veifassungsrechtliches Gutachten von Prof Dr. Carl Schmitt uber die Frage, ob der Reichspriisident befugt ist, auf Grund von Art. 48, Abs. 2, RV finanzgeset::;vertretende Verordnungen ::;u erlassen, July 1930; Carl Schmitt, Die Diktatur des Reichspriisidenten nach Art. 48 der Reichsveifassung. Veroffentlichung der Vereinigung Deutscher Staatsrechtslehrer, (Berlin, 1924), pp.72f.; ibid., 'Legalitat und Legitimitat', first published in 1932 and now contained in Veifassungsrechtliche Aufsiit::;e aus den Jahren 1924-1954. Materalien ::;u einer Veifassungslehre (Berlin, 1958), pp. 263f. See also p. 345 and his warnings about the potential misuse of Article 76 of the Weimar Constitution. 9. Briining, Memoiren, p. 192. 10. See E. Eyck, Geschichte der Weimarer Republik (Ziirich, 1956), vol. II, p. 350; see also the leading article of the liberal Frankforter Zeitung, 15 September 1930. 11. See G. Stoltenberg, Politische Stromungen im schleswig-holsteinischem Landvolk 191fj-1933 (Diisseldorf, 1962), passim. 12. D. Orlow, The History of the Na::;i Parry 1919-1933 (Newton Abott, 1969), pp. 177ff. 13. Ibid., Chapters 4 and 5. 14. P. H. Merkl, Political Violence under the Swastika (Princeton, 1975), pp.33, 469. 15. H. H. Hofmann, Der Hitlerputsch. Krise,yahre deutscher Geschichte 1920-1924 (Munich, 1961), passim; Bullock, Hitler, pp. 130, 166ff., 222ff. 510 ASPECTS OF THE THIRD REICH 16. P. Bucher, Der Reichswehrprozess. Der Hochverrat der Ulmer ReichswehrojJi.ziere 1929/30 (Boppard/Rgein, 1967', pp. 24ff. 17. Ibid., pp. 237ff. 18. Volkischer Beobachter, Munich, II September 1930. 19. BAKO Film Archive, Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler spricht! 20. That is to say, Carl Schmitt clearly recognised this danger: 'As soon as the presupposition of a mutually accepted legal basis is no longer accepted, there is no longer any WI!)' out: ... The opposition party, once it gains power by legal means, will use everything in its power to entrench itself within this power, to close the door behind it in order to remove the principle of legality by legal means.' (Schmitt's italics) in Legalitiit und Legitimitiit, cited in n. 8 above. 21. See W. J. Helbich, Die Reparationen in der Ara BrUning. Zur Bedeuting des Young-Planes for die deutsche Politik 1930-1932 (Berlin, 1962), passim. 22. Bruning in Vossische Zeitung, Berlin, 8 December 1931. 23. In Zentrum, April 1931, pp. 64ff.; see also Konjunkturstatistisches Handbuch 1933 (Berlin, 1933), p. 116. 24. Konjunkturstatistisches Handbuch, op. cit., pp. 76-9; BAKO R43 1/1446 Drucksache des vorliiujigen Reichswirtschriflsrates, 12 August 1930. 25. Schulthess' Europiiischer Geschtskalender, ed. U. Thuerauf (Munich, 1932), p. 10; Richtlinien der Reichszentralefor Heimatdienst, No. 217, 'Das Weltwirtschaftsmoratorium und seine Bedeutung', Berlin, July 1931, also No. 219, 'Wirtschaftskrise und iiffentliche Finanzen', Berlin, Sept. 1931; No. 220, 'Die dritte Notverordnung vom 6. Oktober 1931', Berlin, Oct. 1931; 'Die iiffentlichen Ausgaben und ihre Sekung', Berlin, Nov. 1931; C. Goerdeler, 'Preisuberwachung' in Heimatdienst, I Jan. 1932. 26. See n. 24 above, pp. 497f. 27. See Jacques Doriot on 13 Nov. 1930 in the Chamber of Deputies in Journal de la Republique Fran[aise, Debates Parlementaires, Chambre des Deputes, (Paris, 1930), p. 3362; Documents on British Foreign Policy 1919-1939, 2nd Series, vol. II, Wiggin Report, Appendix II, pp. 492f. 28. In winter 1930/31 reaching almost 5 million: Wirtschaft und Statistik (Berlin, 1933), p. 19. 29. That Hindenburg, true to his military ethos, tried to stand above parties and politics is confirmed by such different historians as J. Wheeler-Bennet, The Wooden Titan (London, 1936), W. Hubatsch, Hindenburg und der Staat, and H. Heiber, Die Republik von Weimar. It is also the message he conveys clearly in the re-election film made in 1932 for the presidential elections (held in BAKO Film Archive). He was all the more bitter when as a result of his victory he was drawn in to the cauldron of centre-to-moderate left party politics, for which he blamed Bruning, in addition to which came the fact that even after two years Bruning was unable to govern constitutionally. 30. For new background on Bruning's resignation see F.-K. v. Plehwe, Reichskanzler Kurt von Schleicher (Esslingen, 1983), pp. I 84ff. 31. Ibid.; also F. v. Papen, Memoirs (London, 1952), pp. 153, 161. 32. Letter by Legationsrat Kurt v. Lersner, 20 May 1932 to Schleicher, cited in Ch. Barber, Wehrmachtsabteilung and Ministeramt, PhD thesis, University of Wisconsin, 1971, p.372. 33. On Papen's constitutional schemes see his Memoirs, pp. 152, 163, 166-9, 253. 34. O. Meissner, Staatssekretiir unter Ebert, Hindenburg und Hitler (Hamburg, 1950), pp. 245ff.; Th. Vogelsang, 'Zur Politik Schleichers gegenuber der NSDAP 1932' in Vierteljahrshefte fur Zeitgeschichte 'VjZg' (Munich, 1958), pp. 105f. 35. See Bracher, AujlOsung, pp. 647f.; more recently V. Hentschel, Weimars letzte Monate (Dusseldorf, 1978), p. 17. NOTES TO CHAPTER 2 511 36. So Bracher in Aujfosung, also his Die nationalso<.ialistische Machtergreifung and Die Deutsche Diktatur (Cologne, 1969), passim. 37. See C. L. Mowatt, Britain between the Wars (London, 1961), passim, and W. E. Leuchtenburg, F.D.R. and the New Deal (New York, 1963), passim. 38. Plehwe, Reichskan<./er Kurt von Schleicher, p. 258; E. Matthias and E. Morseu (eds), Das Ende der Parteien (Diisseldorf, 1960), p. 176. 39. A. Werner, SA und NSDAP. Studien <.ur Geschichte der SA und der NSDAP 1920- 1933, PhD Dissertation, University Belangen-Niirnberg 1954, pp. 548f. 40. Apart from Bracher, AuflOsung, see Orlow, History of the Na<.i Parry, pp. 286ff. and W. Horn, Fuhrerideologic und Parteiorganisation in der NSDAP (Dusseldorf, 1972), pp.369f. 41. On the Tat-Kreis see K. V. Klemperer, Germany's New Conservatism (Princeton, 1957), pp. 117ff.; J. Petzold, Wegbereiter des deutschen Faschismus: Die Jungkonservativen in der Weimarer Republik (Berlin, 1978), pp. 273ff. 42. A. Mohler, Von Rechts gesehen (Stuttgart, 1975), p. 25. 43. Already, during the last phase of Briining's government, the Centre Party had issued a communique rejecting 'the temporary solution provided by the present cabinet, and demands that the situation should be clarified by placing the responsibility for forming a government into the hands of the National Socialist Party', quoted by Papen, Memoirs, p. 161. As late as 26 January 1933 Prelate Kaas addressed a letter to Hindenburg demanding a return to a constitutionally legal majority government, which, of course, could only be formed with but not against the National Socialists, quoted in Forsthoff, Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte, p. 192. 44. For this conversation see F. L. Carsten, The Reichswehr and Politics 1918-1933 (Oxford, 1966), pp. 39lf. 45. Bracher, Auflosung, p. 713. 46. Institut fUr Zeitgeschichte, Munich, ZS No. 279, p. 18, Aufzeichnungen von E. Ott.; Plehwe, Reichskan<.ler Kurt von Schleicher, p. 282; Dr H. Picker, Hitler's Tischgespriiche im Fuherhauptquartier (Stuttgart, 1976), entry 21 May 1942, p. 326. 47. Hugenberg to the leader of the ex-servicemen's organisation Stahlhelm in Th. Duesterberg, Der Stahlhelm und Hitler (Wolfbiittel, 1949), p. 38; to the conservative Ewald v. Kleist-Schmenzim (later to be executed because of his participation in the 1944 July bomb plot against Hitler) Papen said, 'I have got Hindenburg's confidence. In two months' time we will have squeezed Hitler into a corner till he squeaks', cited in E. v. Kleist Schmenzin, 'Die letzte Miiglichkeit', Politische Studien (1959), 89f. 48. See H. Bennecke, Hitler und die SA (Munich, 1963), p. 211; see also n. 39 above. 49. J. Goebbels, Vom Kaiserhof <.ur Reichskan<./ei (Munich, 1938), pp. 190ff. 50. See the following by Henry Ashby Turner, Jr, 'Big Business and the Rise of Hitler', American Historical Review (1969), 56f., 'Hitler's Secret Pamphlet for Industrialists', Journal of Modem History (1968), 348ff., 'Emil Kirdorf and the Nazi Party', Central European History (1968), 324f., 'The Ruhrlande. Secret Cabinet of Heavy Industry in the Weimar Republic', Central European History (1970), 195f., 'Fritz Thussen und das Buch 'I paid Hitler', VjZg (1971), 275f., 'Grossunternehmertum und Nationalsozialismus 1930-1933', Historische Zeitschrift (1975), 19f. For a restatement of the Marxist 'agent theory' see E. Czichon, Wer verhalf Hitler <.ur Macht? Zum Anteil der 1ndustrie an der Zerstorung der Weimarer Republik (Cologne, 1967). 51. See H. Mommsen's contribution to this volume. F. Tobias, Der Reichstagsbrand (Rastatt, 1962). 52. Apart from being periodically prohibited from speaking in various parts of Germany, Hitler and the NSDAP had no access to the new medium of 512 ASPECTS OF THE THIRD REICH broadcasting, as had the other established Weimar parties.
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